Bill Currie 6ff5b5c101 [qwaq] Clean up the qwaq directory
Things were getting rather cluttered with everything being qwaq-* and
all in one directory. Now most have lost the qwaq- prefix and have been
moved into subdirectories (non-recursive make).
2020-03-30 02:34:08 +09:00

207 lines
4.9 KiB

#include "ui/draw.h"
#include "ui/textcontext.h"
@implementation TextContext
+ (int) is_initialized = #0;
+ (void) initialize
if (![self is_initialized]) {
initialize ();
+ (int) max_colors = #0;
+ (int) max_color_pairs = #0;
+ (void) init_pair: (int) pair, int fg, int bg = #0;
+ (int) acs_char: (int) acs = #0;
+ (void) move: (Point) pos = #0;
+ (void) curs_set: (int) visibility = #0;
+ (void) doupdate = #0;
static TextContext *screen;
+ (TextContext *) screen
if (!screen) {
screen = [[TextContext alloc] init];
return screen;
- init
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
window = stdscr;
rect = getwrect (window);
return self;
- initWithRect: (Rect) rect
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
window = create_window (rect.offset.x, rect.offset.y,
rect.extent.width, rect.extent.height);
offset = {};
size = rect.extent;
return self;
- initWithWindow: (window_t) window
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
self.window = window;
return self;
-(window_t) window
return window;
-(Extent) size
return size;
- blitFromBuffer: (DrawBuffer *) srcBuffer to: (Point) pos from: (Rect) rect
Extent srcSize = [srcBuffer size];
Rect r = { {}, size };
Rect t = { pos, rect.extent };
t = clipRect (r, t);
if (t.extent.width < 0 || t.extent.height < 0) {
return self;
rect.offset.x += t.offset.x - pos.x;
rect.offset.y += t.offset.y - pos.y;
rect.extent = t.extent;
pos = t.offset;
r.offset = nil;
r.extent = size;
rect = clipRect (r, rect);
if (rect.extent.width < 0 || rect.extent.height < 0) {
return self;
int *src = [srcBuffer buffer]
+ rect.offset.y * srcSize.width + rect.offset.x;
for (int y = 0; y < rect.extent.height; y++) {
mvwblit_line (window, pos.x, y + pos.y, src, rect.extent.width);
src += srcSize.width;
return self;
-clearReact: (Rect) rect
Point pos = rect.offset;
int len = rect.extent.width;
int count = rect.extent.height;
if (pos.x + len > xlen) {
len = xlen - pos.x;
if (pos.x < 0) {
len += pos.x;
pos.x = 0;
if (len < 1) {
return self;
if (pos.y + count > ylen) {
count = ylen - pos.y;
if (pos.y < 0) {
count += pos.y;
pos.y = 0;
if (count < 1) {
return self;
int ch = background;
if (!(ch & 0xff)) {
ch |= ' ';
while (count-- > 0) {
[self mvhline:pos, ch, len];
return self;
- (void) printf: (string) fmt, ... = #0;
- (void) vprintf: (string) mft, @va_list args = #0;
- (void) addch: (int) ch = #0;
- (void) addstr: (string) str = #0;
- (void) mvprintf: (Point) pos, string fmt, ... = #0;
- (void) mvvprintf: (Point) pos, string mft, @va_list args = #0;
- (void) mvaddch: (Point) pos, int ch = #0;
- (void) mvaddstr: (Point) pos, string str = #0;
- (void) mvhline: (Point) pos, int ch, int n = #0;
- (void) resizeTo: (Extent) newSize = #0; // absolute size
- (void) refresh = #0;
+ (void) refresh = #0;
- (void) bkgd: (int) ch = #0;
- (void) clear = #0;
- (void) scrollok: (int) flag = #0;
- (void) border: (box_sides_t) sides, box_corners_t corners = #0;
window_t stdscr = (window_t) 1;
void initialize (void) = #0;
window_t create_window (int xpos, int ypos, int xlen, int ylen) = #0;
void destroy_window (window_t win) = #0;
void mvwprintf (window_t win, int x, int y, string fmt, ...) = #0;
void wprintf (window_t win, string fmt, ...) = #0;
void wvprintf (window_t win, string fmt, @va_list args) = #0;
void mvwvprintf (window_t win, int x, int y, string fmt, @va_list args) = #0;
void wrefresh (window_t win) = #0;
void mvwaddch (window_t win, int x, int y, int ch) = #0;
void waddch (window_t win, int ch) = #0;
void mvwaddstr (window_t win, int x, int y, string str) = #0;
void waddstr (window_t win, string str) = #0;
int get_event (qwaq_event_t *event) = #0;
int max_colors (void) = #0;
int max_color_pairs (void) = #0;
int init_pair (int pair, int f, int b) = #0;
void wbkgd (window_t win, int ch) = #0;
void werase (window_t win) = #0;
void scrollok (window_t win, int flag) = #0;
int acs_char (int acs) = #0;
panel_t create_panel (window_t window) = #0;
void destroy_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void hide_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void show_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void top_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void bottom_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void move_panel (panel_t panel, int x, int y) = #0;
window_t panel_window (panel_t panel) = #0;
void replace_panel (panel_t panel, window_t window) = #0;
void update_panels (void) = #0;
void doupdate (void) = #0;
int curs_set (int visibility) = #0;
int move (int x, int y) = #0;
void wborder (window_t window, box_sides_t sides, box_corners_t corners) = #0;
void mvwblit_line (window_t window, int x, int y, int *wch, int len) = #0;
void wresize (window_t window, int width, int height) = #0;
void resizeterm (int width, int height) = #0;
Rect getwrect (window_t window) = #0;
void mvwhline (window_t win, int x, int y, int ch, int n) = #0;
void printf(string fmt, ...) = #0;