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synced 2025-03-09 02:40:52 +00:00
There's still some cleanup to do, but everything seems to be working nicely: `make -j` works, `make distcheck` passes. There is probably plenty of bitrot in the package directories (RPM, debian), though. The vc project files have been removed since those versions are way out of date and quakeforge is pretty much dependent on gcc now anyway. Most of the old Makefile.am files are now Makemodule.am. This should allow for new Makefile.am files that allow local building (to be added on an as-needed bases). The current remaining Makefile.am files are for standalone sub-projects.a The installable bins are currently built in the top-level build directory. This may change if the clutter gets to be too much. While this does make a noticeable difference in build times, the main reason for the switch was to take care of the growing dependency issues: now it's possible to build tools for code generation (eg, using qfcc and ruamoko programs for code-gen).
225 lines
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225 lines
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#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/draw.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/textcontext.h"
@implementation TextContext
+ (int) is_initialized = #0;
+ (void) initialize
if (![self is_initialized]) {
initialize ();
+ (int) max_colors = #0;
+ (int) max_color_pairs = #0;
+ (void) init_pair: (int) pair, int fg, int bg = #0;
+ (int) acs_char: (int) acs = #0;
+ (void) move: (Point) pos = #0;
+ (void) curs_set: (int) visibility = #0;
+ (void) doupdate = #0;
static TextContext *screen;
+ (TextContext *) screen
if (!screen) {
screen = [[TextContext textContext] retain];
return screen;
+(TextContext *)textContext
return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
+(TextContext *)withRect:(Rect)rect
return [[[self alloc] initWithRect:rect] autorelease];
+(TextContext *)withWindow:(window_t)window
return [[[self alloc] initWithWindow:window] autorelease];
- init
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
window = stdscr;
rect = getwrect (window);
return self;
- initWithRect: (Rect) rect
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
window = create_window (rect.offset.x, rect.offset.y,
rect.extent.width, rect.extent.height);
offset = {};
size = rect.extent;
return self;
- initWithWindow: (window_t) window
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
self.window = window;
return self;
-(window_t) window
return window;
-(Extent) size
return size;
- blitFromBuffer: (DrawBuffer *) srcBuffer to: (Point) pos from: (Rect) rect
Extent srcSize = [srcBuffer size];
Rect r = { {}, size };
Rect t = { pos, rect.extent };
t = clipRect (r, t);
if (t.extent.width < 0 || t.extent.height < 0) {
return self;
rect.offset.x += t.offset.x - pos.x;
rect.offset.y += t.offset.y - pos.y;
rect.extent = t.extent;
pos = t.offset;
r.offset = nil;
r.extent = size;
rect = clipRect (r, rect);
if (rect.extent.width < 0 || rect.extent.height < 0) {
return self;
int *src = [srcBuffer buffer]
+ rect.offset.y * srcSize.width + rect.offset.x;
for (int y = 0; y < rect.extent.height; y++) {
mvwblit_line (window, pos.x, y + pos.y, src, rect.extent.width);
src += srcSize.width;
return self;
-clearReact: (Rect) rect
Point pos = rect.offset;
int len = rect.extent.width;
int count = rect.extent.height;
if (pos.x + len > xlen) {
len = xlen - pos.x;
if (pos.x < 0) {
len += pos.x;
pos.x = 0;
if (len < 1) {
return self;
if (pos.y + count > ylen) {
count = ylen - pos.y;
if (pos.y < 0) {
count += pos.y;
pos.y = 0;
if (count < 1) {
return self;
int ch = background;
if (!(ch & 0xff)) {
ch |= ' ';
while (count-- > 0) {
[self mvhline:pos, ch, len];
return self;
- (void) printf: (string) fmt, ... = #0;
- (void) vprintf: (string) mft, @va_list args = #0;
- (void) addch: (int) ch = #0;
- (void) addstr: (string) str = #0;
- (void) mvprintf: (Point) pos, string fmt, ... = #0;
- (void) mvvprintf: (Point) pos, string mft, @va_list args = #0;
- (void) mvaddch: (Point) pos, int ch = #0;
- (void) mvaddstr: (Point) pos, string str = #0;
- (void) mvhline: (Point) pos, int ch, int n = #0;
- (void) mvvline: (Point) pos, int ch, int n = #0;
- (void) resizeTo: (Extent) newSize = #0; // absolute size
- (void) refresh = #0;
+ (void) refresh = #0;
- (void) bkgd: (int) ch = #0;
- (void) clear = #0;
- (void) scrollok: (int) flag = #0;
- (void) border: (box_sides_t) sides, box_corners_t corners = #0;
window_t stdscr = (window_t) 1;
void initialize (void) = #0;
void syncprintf (string fnt, ...) = #0;
window_t create_window (int xpos, int ypos, int xlen, int ylen) = #0;
void destroy_window (window_t win) = #0;
void mvwprintf (window_t win, int x, int y, string fmt, ...) = #0;
void wprintf (window_t win, string fmt, ...) = #0;
void wvprintf (window_t win, string fmt, @va_list args) = #0;
void mvwvprintf (window_t win, int x, int y, string fmt, @va_list args) = #0;
void wrefresh (window_t win) = #0;
void mvwaddch (window_t win, int x, int y, int ch) = #0;
void waddch (window_t win, int ch) = #0;
void mvwaddstr (window_t win, int x, int y, string str) = #0;
void waddstr (window_t win, string str) = #0;
int get_event (qwaq_event_t *event) = #0;
int max_colors (void) = #0;
int max_color_pairs (void) = #0;
int init_pair (int pair, int f, int b) = #0;
void wbkgd (window_t win, int ch) = #0;
void werase (window_t win) = #0;
void scrollok (window_t win, int flag) = #0;
int acs_char (int acs) = #0;
panel_t create_panel (window_t window) = #0;
void destroy_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void hide_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void show_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void top_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void bottom_panel (panel_t panel) = #0;
void move_panel (panel_t panel, int x, int y) = #0;
window_t panel_window (panel_t panel) = #0;
void replace_panel (panel_t panel, window_t window) = #0;
void update_panels (void) = #0;
void doupdate (void) = #0;
int curs_set (int visibility) = #0;
int move (int x, int y) = #0;
void wborder (window_t window, box_sides_t sides, box_corners_t corners) = #0;
void mvwblit_line (window_t window, int x, int y, int *wch, int len) = #0;
void wresize (window_t window, int width, int height) = #0;
void resizeterm (int width, int height) = #0;
Rect getwrect (window_t window) = #0;
void mvwhline (window_t win, int x, int y, int ch, int n) = #0;
void mvwvline (window_t win, int x, int y, int ch, int n) = #0;
void printf(string fmt, ...) = #0;