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synced 2025-03-09 02:40:52 +00:00
There's still some cleanup to do, but everything seems to be working nicely: `make -j` works, `make distcheck` passes. There is probably plenty of bitrot in the package directories (RPM, debian), though. The vc project files have been removed since those versions are way out of date and quakeforge is pretty much dependent on gcc now anyway. Most of the old Makefile.am files are now Makemodule.am. This should allow for new Makefile.am files that allow local building (to be added on an as-needed bases). The current remaining Makefile.am files are for standalone sub-projects.a The installable bins are currently built in the top-level build directory. This may change if the clutter gets to be too much. While this does make a noticeable difference in build times, the main reason for the switch was to take care of the growing dependency issues: now it's possible to build tools for code generation (eg, using qfcc and ruamoko programs for code-gen).
269 lines
6.6 KiB
269 lines
6.6 KiB
#include <QF/keys.h>
#include <Array.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <types.h>
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/curses.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/listener.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/proxyview.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/scrollbar.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/tableview.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/window.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/debugger/debugger.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/debugger/typeencodings.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/editor/editor.h"
#include "ruamoko/qwaq/qwaq-app.h"
@implementation Debugger
+(Debugger *)withTarget:(qdb_target_t)target
return [[[self alloc] initWithTarget:target] autorelease];
return target;
-initWithTarget:(qdb_target_t) target
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
self.target = target;
Extent s = [application size];
files = [[Array array] retain];
source_window = [Window withRect: {nil, s}];
[application addView:source_window];
source_scrollbar = [ScrollBar vertical:s.height - 2 at:{s.width - 1, 1}];
[source_window insert:source_scrollbar];
return self;
[files release];
[locals_data release];
[super dealloc];
-(Editor *) find_file:(string) filename
Editor *file;
for (int i = [files count]; i-- > 0; ) {
file = [files objectAtIndex: i];
if ([file filename] == filename) {
return file;
Rect rect = {{1, 1}, [source_window size]};
rect.extent.width -= 2;
rect.extent.height -= 2;
string filepath = qdb_get_file_path (target, filename);
file = [Editor withRect:rect file:filepath];
[files addObject: file];
return file;
-(void) setup
qdb_state_t state = qdb_get_state (target);
current_file = [self find_file: state.file];
file_proxy = [ProxyView withView: current_file];
[[current_file gotoLine:state.line - 1] highlightLine];
[[current_file onEvent] addListener: self :@selector(proxy_event::)];
[current_file setVerticalScrollBar:source_scrollbar];
//FIXME id<View>?
[source_window insertSelected: (View *) file_proxy];
[source_window setTitle:[current_file filename]];
[source_window redraw];
locals_window = [Window withRect:{{0, 0}, {40, 10}}];
[locals_window setBackground: color_palette[064]];
[locals_window setTitle: "Locals"];
locals_data = [[LocalsData withTarget:target] retain];
locals_view = [TableView withRect:{{1, 1}, {38, 8}}];
[locals_view addColumn:[TableViewColumn named:"name" width:12]];
[locals_view addColumn:[[TableViewColumn named:"value" width:26]
ScrollBar *sb = [ScrollBar vertical:8 at:{39, 1}];
[locals_view setVerticalScrollBar:sb];
[locals_view setDataSource:locals_data];
[locals_window insertSelected: locals_view];
[locals_window insert: sb];
[application addView: locals_window];
[[locals_view onEvent] addListener:self :@selector(proxy_event::)];
-(void) show_line
qdb_state_t state = qdb_get_state (target);
Editor *file = [self find_file: state.file];
if (current_file != file) {
[current_file setVerticalScrollBar:nil];
[[current_file onEvent] removeListener:self :@selector(proxy_event::)];
[file_proxy setView:file];
[[file onEvent] addListener:self :@selector(proxy_event::)];
[file setVerticalScrollBar:source_scrollbar];
[source_window setTitle:[file filename]];
current_file = file;
[[current_file gotoLine:state.line - 1] highlightLine];
[source_window redraw];
qdb_state_t state = qdb_get_state (target);
[locals_data setFunction:state.func];
[locals_data fetchData];
[locals_view redraw];
static int
proxy_event (Debugger *self, id proxy, qwaq_event_t *event)
if (event.what == qe_mouseclick && !(event.mouse.buttons & 0x78)) {
if (proxy == self.current_file) {
printf ("%s\n", [proxy getWordAt: {event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y}]);
[self.source_window redraw];
return 1;
} else if (event.what == qe_keydown) {
switch (event.key.code) {
case QFK_F7:
case 's':
self.traceHandler = @selector(traceStep);
qdb_set_trace (self.target, 1);
self.trace_cond.state = qdb_get_state (self.target);
qdb_continue (self.target);
return 1;
case QFK_F8:
case 'n':
self.traceHandler = @selector(traceNext);
qdb_set_trace (self.target, 1);
self.trace_cond.state = qdb_get_state (self.target);
self.trace_cond.depth = qdb_get_stack_depth (self.target);
qdb_continue (self.target);
return 1;
return 0;
-(void)proxy_event:(id)proxy :(qwaq_event_t *)event
if (proxy_event (self, proxy, event)) {
event.what = qe_none;
if (!file_proxy) {
[self setup];
[self show_line];
[self update_watchvars];
return self;
// stop only if the progs have not advanced (may be a broken jump)
// or the progs have advanced to a different source line
static int
is_new_line (qdb_state_t last_state, qdb_state_t state)
return !(last_state.staddr != state.staddr
&& last_state.func == state.func
&& last_state.file == state.file
&& last_state.line == state.line);
qdb_state_t state = qdb_get_state (target);
if (trace_cond.until_function && trace_cond.until_function == state.func) {
trace_cond.until_function = 0;
[self stop:prd_trace];
return self;
if (is_new_line(trace_cond.state, state)) {
[self stop:prd_trace];
return self;
trace_cond.state = state;
qdb_continue (self.target);
return self;
qdb_state_t state = qdb_get_state (target);
if (trace_cond.until_function && trace_cond.until_function == state.func) {
trace_cond.until_function = 0;
[self stop:prd_trace];
return self;
if (is_new_line(trace_cond.state, state)
&& qdb_get_stack_depth (target) <= trace_cond.depth) {
[self stop:prd_trace];
return self;
trace_cond.state = state;
qdb_continue (self.target);
return self;
if (qdb_get_event (target, &event)) {
switch (event.what) {
case prd_none:
break; // shouldn't happen
case prd_trace:
[self performSelector:traceHandler];
case prd_breakpoint:
case prd_watchpoint:
[self stop:event.what];
case prd_subenter:
if (sub_cond.onEnter) {
[self stop:event.what];
} else {
qdb_continue (self.target);
case prd_subexit:
if (sub_cond.onExit) {
[self stop:event.what];
} else {
qdb_continue (self.target);
case prd_begin:
trace_cond.until_function = event.function;
[self stop:event.what];
case prd_terminate:
wprintf(stdscr, "Program ended: %d\n", event.exit_code);
[self stop:event.what];
case prd_runerror:
case prd_error:
wprintf(stdscr, "%s\n", event.message);
[self stop:event.what];
return self;