mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:32:09 +00:00
1190 lines
22 KiB
1190 lines
22 KiB
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "QF/hash.h"
#include "QF/quakeio.h"
#include "QF/script.h"
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "TexturePalette.h"
#include "SetBrush.h"
#include "XYView.h"
#include "CameraView.h"
#include "QuakeEd.h"
#include "Things.h"
#include "InspectorControl.h"
#include "Project.h"
#define THING Map
#include "THING+NSArray.m"
id map_i;
@implementation Map
static const char *
map_targets_getkey (void *_e, void *unused)
Entity *e = (Entity *) _e;
return [e valueForQKey: "targetname"];
static uintptr_t
map_targets_gethash (void *_e, void *unused)
return Hash_String (map_targets_getkey (_e, unused));
static int
map_targets_compare (void *_e1, void *_e2, void *unused)
return _e1 == _e2;
- (id) init
self = [super init];
array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
targets = Hash_NewTable (1021, map_targets_getkey, 0, 0);
Hash_SetHashCompare (targets, map_targets_gethash, map_targets_compare);
map_i = self;
minz = 0;
maxz = 80;
oldselection = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (oneway void) dealloc
Hash_DelTable (targets);
[array release];
[super dealloc];
- (id) saveSelected
int i, c;
id o, w;
[oldselection removeAllObjects];
w = [self objectAtIndex: 0];
c = [w count];
sb_newowner = oldselection;
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o = [w objectAtIndex: 0];
if ([o selected])
[o moveToEntity];
[w removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
c = [self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o = [self objectAtIndex: 0];
[self removeEntityAtIndex: 0];
[o removeAllObjects];
return self;
- (id) addSelected
int i, c;
id n, w;
c = [oldselection count];
w = [self objectAtIndex: 0]; // world object
sb_newowner = w;
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
n = [oldselection objectAtIndex: i];
[n moveToEntity];
[oldselection removeAllObjects];
return self;
- (id) newMap
id ent;
[self saveSelected];
ent = [[Entity alloc] initClass: "worldspawn"];
[self addEntity: ent];
currentEntity = NULL;
[self setCurrentEntity: ent];
[self addSelected];
return self;
- (id) currentEntity
return currentEntity;
- (id) setCurrentEntity: ent
id old;
old = currentEntity;
currentEntity = ent;
if (old != ent) {
[things_i newCurrentEntity]; // update inspector
[inspcontrol_i setCurrentInspector: i_things];
return self;
- (float) currentMinZ
float grid;
grid = [xyview_i gridsize];
minz = grid * rint (minz / grid);
return minz;
- (id) setCurrentMinZ: (float)m
if (m > -2048)
minz = m;
return self;
- (float) currentMaxZ
float grid;
[self currentMinZ];
// grid align
grid = [xyview_i gridsize];
maxz = grid * rint (maxz / grid);
if (maxz <= minz)
maxz = minz + grid;
return maxz;
- (id) setCurrentMaxZ: (float)m
if (m < 2048)
maxz = m;
return self;
- (void) addEntity: o
const char *t = [o valueForQKey: "targetname"];
if (t && t[0])
[self addTarget: o];
[self addObject: o];
- (void) removeEntity: o
const char *t = [o valueForQKey: "targetname"];
if (t && t[0])
[self removeTarget: o];
[array removeObject: o];
if (o == currentEntity) // select the world
[self setCurrentEntity: [self objectAtIndex: 0]];
- (void) removeEntityAtIndex: (NSUInteger) index
id o = [self objectAtIndex: index];
const char *t = [o valueForQKey: "targetname"];
if (t && t[0])
[self removeTarget: o];
[self removeObjectAtIndex: index];
- (id) addTarget: (id) targ
if (Hash_FindElement (targets, targ))
return self;
Hash_Add (targets, targ);
return self;
- (id) removeTarget: (id) targ
Hash_DelElement (targets, targ);
return self;
- (NSArray *) targetsForTargetName: (const char *) targetname
NSArray *target_list;
void **list;
int count;
list = Hash_FindList (targets, targetname);
if (!list)
return nil;
for (count = 0; list[count]; count++)
target_list = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: (id *) list count: count];
free (list);
return target_list;
#define FN_DEVLOG "/qcache/devlog"
- (id) writeStats
FILE *f;
extern int c_updateall;
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;
gettimeofday (&tp, &tzp);
f = fopen (FN_DEVLOG, "a");
fprintf (f, "%i %i\n", (int) tp.tv_sec, c_updateall);
c_updateall = 0;
fclose (f);
return self;
- (int) numSelected
int i, c;
int num;
num = 0;
c = [currentEntity count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
if ([[currentEntity objectAtIndex: i] selected])
return num;
- (id) selectedBrush
int i, c;
int num;
num = 0;
c = [currentEntity count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
if ([[currentEntity objectAtIndex: i] selected])
return [currentEntity objectAtIndex: i];
return nil;
- (id) readMapFile: (NSString *)fname
char *dat;
const char *wad, *cl;
id new;
id ent;
int i, c;
vec3_t org;
float angle;
script_t *script;
size_t size;
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSData *contents;
[self saveSelected];
NSLog (@"loading %@\n", fname);
contents = [fm contentsAtPath: fname];
if (!contents)
return self;
size = [contents length];
dat = malloc (size + 1);
[contents getBytes: dat];
dat[size] = 0;
script = Script_New ();
Script_Start (script, [fname fileSystemRepresentation], dat);
do {
new = [[Entity alloc] initFromScript: script];
if (!new)
[self addEntity: new];
} while (1);
free (dat);
[self addSelected];
ent = [self objectAtIndex: 0];
// load the apropriate texture wad
wad = [ent valueForQKey: "wad"];
if (wad && wad[0]) {
// remove old style fullpaths
if (wad[0] == '/')
[ent removeKeyPair: "wad"];
else if (strcmp ([texturepalette_i currentWad], wad))
[project_i setTextureWad: wad];
[self setCurrentEntity: ent];
// center the camera and XY view on the playerstart
c = [self count];
for (i = 1; i < c; i++) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
cl = [ent valueForQKey: "classname"];
if (cl && !strcasecmp (cl, "info_player_start")) {
angle = atof ([ent valueForQKey: "angle"]);
angle = angle / 180 * M_PI;
[ent getVector: org forKey: "origin"];
[cameraview_i setOrigin: org angle: angle];
[xyview_i centerOn: org];
NSLog (@"%@ loaded\n", fname);
return self;
- (id) writeMapFile: (NSString *)fname
useRegion: (BOOL)reg
unsigned int i;
QFile *file = 0;
NSLog (@"writeMapFile: %@\n", fname);
file = Qopen ([fname fileSystemRepresentation], "wb");
if (!file) {
NSLog (@"couldn't write %@, %s", fname, strerror (errno));
return self;
for (i = 0; i < [self count]; i++)
[[self objectAtIndex: i] writeToFile: file region: reg];
Qclose (file);
return self;
- (void) ZDrawSelf
int i, count;
count = [self count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
[[self objectAtIndex: i] ZDrawSelf];
- (void) RenderSelf: (void (*)(face_t *))callback
int i, count;
count = [self count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
[[self objectAtIndex: i] RenderSelf: callback];
// ============================================================================
A command-shift-click on an entity while an entity is selected will
make a target connection from the original entity.
- (id) entityConnect: (vec3_t)p1
: (vec3_t)p2
id oldent, ent;
oldent = [self currentEntity];
if (oldent == [self objectAtIndex: 0]) {
Sys_Printf ("Must have a non-world entity selected to connect\n");
return self;
[self selectRay: p1: p2: YES];
ent = [self currentEntity];
if (ent == oldent) {
Sys_Printf ("Must click on a different entity to connect\n");
return self;
if (ent == [self objectAtIndex: 0]) {
Sys_Printf ("Must click on a non-world entity to connect\n");
return self;
[oldent setKey: "target" toValue: [ent targetname]];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
If ef is true, any entity brush along the ray will be selected in preference
to intervening world brushes
- (id) selectRay: (vec3_t)p1
: (vec3_t)p2
: (BOOL)ef
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, bestent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face, bestface;
float time, besttime;
texturedef_t *td;
bestent = nil;
bestface = -1;
bestbrush = nil;
besttime = 99999;
c = [self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
[brush hitByRay: p1 : p2 : &time : &face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
bestent = ent;
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
bestface = face;
if (i == 1 && ef && bestbrush) // found an entity, don't check the
// world
if (besttime == 99999) {
Sys_Printf ("trace missed\n");
return self;
if ([bestbrush regioned]) {
Sys_Printf ("WARNING: clicked on regioned brush\n");
return self;
if (bestent != currentEntity) {
[self makeSelectedPerform: @selector (deselect)];
[self setCurrentEntity: bestent];
[quakeed_i disableFlushWindow];
if (![bestbrush selected]) {
// don't grab texture if others are selected
if ([map_i numSelected] == 0) {
td = [bestbrush texturedefForFace: bestface];
[texturepalette_i setTextureDef: td];
[bestbrush setSelected: YES];
Sys_Printf ("selected entity %i brush %i face %i\n",
(int) [self indexOfObject: bestent],
(int) [bestent indexOfObject: bestbrush], bestface);
} else {
[bestbrush setSelected: NO];
Sys_Printf ("deselected entity %i brush %i face %i\n",
(int) [self indexOfObject: bestent],
(int) [bestent indexOfObject: bestbrush], bestface);
[quakeed_i enableFlushWindow];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
checks only the selected brushes
Returns the brush hit, or nil if missed.
- (id) grabRay: (vec3_t)p1
: (vec3_t)p2
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face;
float time, besttime;
bestbrush = nil;
besttime = 99999;
c = [self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
if (![brush selected])
[brush hitByRay: p1 : p2 : &time : &face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
if (besttime == 99999)
return nil;
return bestbrush;
- (id) getTextureRay: (vec3_t)p1
: (vec3_t)p2
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, bestent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face, bestface;
float time, besttime;
texturedef_t *td;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
bestbrush = nil;
bestent = nil;
besttime = 99999;
bestface = -1;
c = [self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
[brush hitByRay: p1 : p2 : &time : &face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
bestent = ent;
bestface = face;
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
if (besttime == 99999)
return nil;
if (![bestent modifiable]) {
Sys_Printf ("can't modify spawned entities\n");
return self;
td = [bestbrush texturedefForFace: bestface];
[texturepalette_i setTextureDef: td];
Sys_Printf ("grabbed texturedef and sizes\n");
[bestbrush getMins: mins maxs: maxs];
minz = mins[2];
maxz = maxs[2];
return bestbrush;
- (id) setTextureRay: (vec3_t)p1
: (vec3_t)p2
: (BOOL)allsides;
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, bestent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face, bestface;
float time, besttime;
texturedef_t td;
bestent = nil;
bestface = -1;
bestbrush = nil;
besttime = 99999;
c = [self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
[brush hitByRay: p1 : p2 : &time : &face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
bestent = ent;
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
bestface = face;
if (besttime == 99999) {
Sys_Printf ("trace missed\n");
return self;
if (![bestent modifiable]) {
Sys_Printf ("can't modify spawned entities\n");
return self;
if ([bestbrush regioned]) {
Sys_Printf ("WANRING: clicked on regioned brush\n");
return self;
[texturepalette_i getTextureDef: &td];
[quakeed_i disableFlushWindow];
if (allsides) {
[bestbrush setTexturedef: &td];
Sys_Printf ("textured entity %i brush %i\n",
(int) [self indexOfObject: bestent],
(int) [bestent indexOfObject: bestbrush]);
} else {
[bestbrush setTexturedef: &td forFace: bestface];
Sys_Printf ("deselected entity %i brush %i face %i\n",
(int) [self indexOfObject: bestent],
(int) [bestent indexOfObject: bestbrush],
[quakeed_i enableFlushWindow];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (id) makeSelectedPerform: (SEL)sel
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
int total;
total = 0;
c = [self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
if (![brush selected])
if ([brush regioned])
[brush performSelector: sel];
// if (!total)
// Sys_Printf ("nothing selected\n");
return self;
- (id) makeUnselectedPerform: (SEL)sel
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
c = [self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
if ([brush selected])
if ([brush regioned])
[brush performSelector: sel];
return self;
- (id) makeAllPerform: (SEL)sel
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
c = [self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
if ([brush regioned])
[brush performSelector: sel];
return self;
- (id) makeGlobalPerform: (SEL)sel // in and out of region
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
c = [self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent = [self objectAtIndex: i];
c2 = [ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j];
[brush performSelector: sel];
return self;
sel_identity (void)
sel_x[0] = 1;
sel_x[1] = 0;
sel_x[2] = 0;
sel_y[0] = 0;
sel_y[1] = 1;
sel_y[2] = 0;
sel_z[0] = 0;
sel_z[1] = 0;
sel_z[2] = 1;
- (id) transformSelection
if (![currentEntity modifiable]) {
Sys_Printf ("can't modify spawned entities\n");
return self;
// find an origin to apply the transformation to
sb_mins[0] = sb_mins[1] = sb_mins[2] = 99999;
sb_maxs[0] = sb_maxs[1] = sb_maxs[2] = -99999;
[self makeSelectedPerform: @selector (addToBBox)];
sel_org[0] = [xyview_i snapToGrid: (sb_mins[0] + sb_maxs[0]) / 2];
sel_org[1] = [xyview_i snapToGrid: (sb_mins[1] + sb_maxs[1]) / 2];
sel_org[2] = [xyview_i snapToGrid: (sb_mins[2] + sb_maxs[2]) / 2];
// do it!
[self makeSelectedPerform: @selector (transform)];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
swapvectors (vec3_t a, vec3_t b)
vec3_t temp;
VectorCopy (a, temp);
VectorCopy (b, a);
VectorSubtract (vec3_origin, temp, b);
UI operations
- (id) rotate_x: sender
sel_identity ();
swapvectors (sel_y, sel_z);
[self transformSelection];
return self;
- (id) rotate_y: sender
sel_identity ();
swapvectors (sel_x, sel_z);
[self transformSelection];
return self;
- (id) rotate_z: sender
sel_identity ();
swapvectors (sel_x, sel_y);
[self transformSelection];
return self;
- (id) flip_x: sender
sel_identity ();
sel_x[0] = -1;
[self transformSelection];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform: @selector (flipNormals)];
return self;
- (id) flip_y: sender
sel_identity ();
sel_y[1] = -1;
[self transformSelection];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform: @selector (flipNormals)];
return self;
- (id) flip_z: sender
sel_identity ();
sel_z[2] = -1;
[self transformSelection];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform: @selector (flipNormals)];
return self;
- (id) cloneSelection: sender
int i, j, c, originalElements;
id o, b;
id new;
sb_translate[0] = sb_translate[1] = [xyview_i gridsize];
sb_translate[2] = 0;
// copy individual brushes in the world entity
o = [self objectAtIndex: 0];
c = [o count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
b = [o objectAtIndex: i];
if (![b selected])
// copy the brush, then translate the original
new = [b copy];
[new setSelected: YES];
[new translate];
[b setSelected: NO];
[o addObject: new];
// copy entire entities otherwise
originalElements = [self count]; // don't copy the new ones
for (i = 1; i < originalElements; i++) {
o = [self objectAtIndex: i];
if (![[o objectAtIndex: 0] selected])
new = [o copy];
[self addEntity: new];
c = [o count];
for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
[[o objectAtIndex: j] setSelected: NO];
c = [new count];
for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
b = [new objectAtIndex: j];
[b translate];
[b setSelected: YES];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (id) selectCompleteEntity: sender
id o;
int i, c;
o = [self selectedBrush];
if (!o) {
Sys_Printf ("nothing selected\n");
return self;
o = [o parent];
c = [o count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
[[o objectAtIndex: i] setSelected: YES];
Sys_Printf ("%i brushes selected\n", c);
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (id) makeEntity: sender
if (currentEntity != [self objectAtIndex: 0]) {
Sys_Printf ("ERROR: can't makeEntity inside an entity\n");
NSBeep ();
return self;
if ([self numSelected] == 0) {
Sys_Printf ("ERROR: must have a seed brush to make an entity\n");
NSBeep ();
return self;
sb_newowner = [[Entity alloc] initClass: [things_i spawnName]];
if ([sb_newowner modifiable]) {
[self makeSelectedPerform: @selector (moveToEntity)];
} else { // throw out seed brush and select entity fixed brush
[self makeSelectedPerform: @selector (remove)];
[[sb_newowner objectAtIndex: 0] setSelected: YES];
[self addEntity: sb_newowner];
[self setCurrentEntity: sb_newowner];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (id) selbox: (SEL)selector
id b;
if ([self numSelected] != 1) {
Sys_Printf ("must have a single brush selected\n");
return self;
b = [self selectedBrush];
[b getMins: select_min maxs: select_max];
[b remove];
[self makeUnselectedPerform: selector];
Sys_Printf ("identified contents\n");
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (id) selectCompletelyInside: sender
return [self selbox: @selector (selectComplete)];
- (id) selectPartiallyInside: sender
return [self selbox: @selector (selectPartial)];
- (id) tallBrush: sender
id b;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
texturedef_t td;
if ([self numSelected] != 1) {
Sys_Printf ("must have a single brush selected\n");
return self;
b = [self selectedBrush];
td = *[b texturedef];
[b getMins: mins maxs: maxs];
[b remove];
mins[2] = -2048;
maxs[2] = 2048;
b = [[SetBrush alloc] initOwner: [map_i objectAtIndex: 0]
mins: mins
maxs: maxs
texture: &td];
[[map_i objectAtIndex: 0] addObject: b];
[b setSelected: YES];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (id) shortBrush: sender
id b;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
texturedef_t td;
if ([self numSelected] != 1) {
Sys_Printf ("must have a single brush selected\n");
return self;
b = [self selectedBrush];
td = *[b texturedef];
[b getMins: mins maxs: maxs];
[b remove];
mins[2] = 0;
maxs[2] = 16;
b = [[SetBrush alloc] initOwner: [map_i objectAtIndex: 0]
mins: mins
maxs: maxs
texture: &td];
[[map_i objectAtIndex: 0] addObject: b];
[b setSelected: YES];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (id) subtractSelection: semder
int i, j, c, c2;
id o, o2;
id sellist, sourcelist;
Sys_Printf ("performing brush subtraction...\n");
sourcelist = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
sellist = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
carve_in = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
carve_out = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
c = [currentEntity count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o = [currentEntity objectAtIndex: i];
if ([o selected])
[sellist addObject: o];
[sourcelist addObject: o];
c = [sellist count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o = [sellist objectAtIndex: i];
[o setCarveVars];
c2 = [sourcelist count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
o2 = [sourcelist objectAtIndex: j];
[o2 carve];
[carve_in removeAllObjects];
[sourcelist release]; // the individual have been moved/freed
sourcelist = carve_out;
carve_out = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// add the selection back to the remnants
[currentEntity removeAllObjects];
[currentEntity addObjectsFromArray: sourcelist];
[currentEntity addObjectsFromArray: sellist];
[sourcelist release];
[sellist release];
[carve_in release];
[carve_out release];
if (![currentEntity count]) {
o = currentEntity;
[self removeEntity: o];
Sys_Printf ("subtracted selection\n");
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;