Fork 0
mirror of https://git.code.sf.net/p/quake/quakeforge synced 2025-03-09 02:40:52 +00:00
Bill Currie e8e49e8e42 3dfx :)
2001-01-10 04:22:17 +00:00

173 lines
12 KiB

* _snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : Volume of CD music
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* brightness : Brightness level
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player with the highest frags while in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : disable player delta compression.set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get a lot of U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_predict_players : If this and cl_predict_players2 is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_predict_players2 : If this and cl_predict_players is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_warncmd : inform when execing a command
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* contrast : Contrast level
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old without color, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
developer : show info interesting to developers
fov : Your point of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
r gl_colorlights : Whether to use RGB lightmaps or not
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : whether slide the console or stretch it
* gl_cull : If set to 1, does not render things that do not need to be
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_flashblend : Set to 1 to use a type of lighting faster on GL
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
* gl_lightmode : Lighting mode (0 = GLQuake style, 1 = new style)
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_multitexture : Use multitexture when available
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player colors
* gl_particles : whether or not to draw particles
gl_picmip : Dimensions of displayed textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 4 worst.
* gl_sky_clip : controls whether sky is drawn first (0) or later (1)
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_smooth : Smooth lighting on models
* gl_smoothdlights : Smooth dynamic lights
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_sensitivity : Joystick sensitivity
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
loadas8bit : Toggles if sounds are loaded as 8-bit samples
localid : FIXME: nobody knows what this does.
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles drawing of view models (your weapons)
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
* r_netgraph : Graph network stats
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_wateralpha : Determine opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, a good setting is 5
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
scr_conspeed : How quickly console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
* sensitivity : mouse sensitivity multiplier
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is slower than 10
*u skin : Players skin
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
snd_show : Toggles the display of sounds currently being played
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation in ms. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_nostdout : set to disable std out
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
r vid_height : screen height
r vid_use8bit : Use 8-bit shared palettes.
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Set the volume for sound playback