mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:22:27 +00:00
-Wall still isn't used yet due to a missing method in Array, and overzealous warnings in qfcc, but this covers the necessary fixes.
356 lines
11 KiB
356 lines
11 KiB
#include "Void.h"
#include "Nil.h"
#include "Number.h"
#include "builtins.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "Cons.h"
#include "Continuation.h"
#include "BaseContinuation.h"
#include "Boolean.h"
#include "Error.h"
BOOL num_args (SchemeObject list, integer num)
for (; [list isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]; list = [(Cons) list cdr]) {
return num == 0;
SchemeObject bi_display (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "display"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
print([[(Cons) args car] printForm]);
return [Void voidConstant];
SchemeObject bi_newline (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 0)) {
return [Error type: "newline"
message: "expected no arguments"
by: m];
return [Void voidConstant];
SchemeObject bi_add (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
local integer sum = 0;
local SchemeObject cur;
for (cur = args; cur != [Nil nil]; cur = [(Cons) cur cdr]) {
if (![[(Cons) cur car] isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "+"
message: sprintf("non-number argument: %s\n",
[[(Cons) cur car] printForm])
by: m];
sum += [(Number) [(Cons) cur car] intValue];
return [Number newFromInt: sum];
SchemeObject bi_sub (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
local integer diff = 0;
local SchemeObject cur;
if (args == [Nil nil]) {
return [Error type: "-"
message: sprintf("expected at least 1 argument")
by: m];
cur = [(Cons) args car];
if (![cur isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "-"
message: sprintf("non-number argument: %s\n",
[cur printForm])
by: m];
diff = [(Number) cur intValue];
if ([(Cons) args cdr] == [Nil nil]) {
return [Number newFromInt: -diff];
for (cur = [(Cons) args cdr]; cur != [Nil nil]; cur = [(Cons) cur cdr]) {
if (![[(Cons) cur car] isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "-"
message: sprintf("non-number argument: %s\n",
[[(Cons) cur car] printForm])
by: m];
diff -= [(Number) [(Cons) cur car] intValue];
return [Number newFromInt: diff];
SchemeObject bi_mult (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
local integer prod = 1;
local SchemeObject cur;
for (cur = args; cur != [Nil nil]; cur = [(Cons) cur cdr]) {
if (![[(Cons) cur car] isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "*"
message: sprintf("non-number argument: %s\n",
[[(Cons) cur car] printForm])
by: m];
prod *= [(Number) [(Cons) cur car] intValue];
return [Number newFromInt: prod];
SchemeObject bi_div (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
local integer frac = 0;
local SchemeObject cur;
if (args == [Nil nil]) {
return [Error type: "/"
message: sprintf("expected at least 1 argument")
by: m];
cur = [(Cons) args car];
if (![cur isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "/"
message: sprintf("non-number argument: %s\n",
[cur printForm])
by: m];
frac = [(Number) cur intValue];
if ([(Cons) args cdr] == [Nil nil]) {
return [Number newFromInt: 1/frac];
for (cur = [(Cons) args cdr]; cur != [Nil nil]; cur = [(Cons) cur cdr]) {
if (![[(Cons) cur car] isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "/"
message: sprintf("non-number argument: %s\n",
[[(Cons) cur car] printForm])
by: m];
frac /= [(Number) [(Cons) cur car] intValue];
return [Number newFromInt: frac];
SchemeObject bi_cons (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 2)) {
return [Error type: "cons"
message: "expected 2 arguments"
by: m];
[(Cons) args cdr: [(Cons) [(Cons) args cdr] car]];
return args;
SchemeObject bi_null (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "null?"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
return [(Cons) args car] == [Nil nil]
[Boolean trueConstant] :
[Boolean falseConstant];
SchemeObject bi_car (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "car"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
if (![[(Cons) args car] isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]) {
return [Error type: "car"
message: sprintf("expected pair, got: %s",
[[(Cons) args car] printForm])
by: m];
return [(Cons) [(Cons) args car] car];
SchemeObject bi_cdr (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "cdr"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
if (![[(Cons) args car] isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]) {
return [Error type: "cdr"
message: sprintf("expected pair, got: %s",
[[(Cons) args car] printForm])
by: m];
return [(Cons) [(Cons) args car] cdr];
SchemeObject bi_apply (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
local SchemeObject cur, prev;
if (args == [Nil nil]) {
return [Error type: "apply"
message: "expected at least 1 argument"
by: m];
} else if (![[(Cons) args car] isKindOfClass: [Procedure class]]) {
return [Error type: "apply"
sprintf("expected procedure as 1st argument, got: %s",
[[(Cons) args car] printForm])
by: m];
prev = NIL;
for (cur = args; [(Cons) cur cdr] != [Nil nil]; cur = [(Cons) cur cdr]) {
prev = cur;
if (prev) {
[(Cons) prev cdr: [(Cons) cur car]];
[m stack: [(Cons) args cdr]];
[(Procedure) [(Cons) args car] invokeOnMachine: m];
return NIL;
SchemeObject bi_callcc (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (args == [Nil nil]) {
return [Error type: "call-with-current-continuation"
message: "expected at least 1 argument"
by: m];
} else if (![[(Cons) args car] isKindOfClass: [Procedure class]]) {
return [Error type: "call-with-current-continuation"
sprintf("expected procedure as 1st argument, got: %s",
[[(Cons) args car] printForm])
by: m];
if ([m continuation]) {
[m stack: cons([m continuation], [Nil nil])];
} else {
[m stack: cons([BaseContinuation baseContinuation],
[Nil nil])];
[(Procedure) [(Cons) args car] invokeOnMachine: m];
return NIL;
SchemeObject bi_eq (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 2)) {
return [Error type: "eq?"
message: "expected 2 arguments"
by: m];
[(Cons) args car] == [(Cons) [(Cons) args cdr] car] ?
[Boolean trueConstant] :
[Boolean falseConstant];
SchemeObject bi_numeq (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
local SchemeObject num1, num2;
if (!num_args(args, 2)) {
return [Error type: "="
message: "expected 2 arguments"
by: m];
num1 = [(Cons) args car];
num2 = [(Cons) [(Cons) args cdr] car];
if (![num1 isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "="
message: sprintf("expected number argument, got: %s",
[num1 printForm])
by: m];
} else if (![num2 isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "="
message: sprintf("expected number argument, got: %s",
[num2 printForm])
by: m];
[(Number) num1 intValue] == [(Number) num2 intValue] ?
[Boolean trueConstant] :
[Boolean falseConstant];
SchemeObject bi_islist (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "list?"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
isList (args) ?
[Boolean trueConstant] :
[Boolean falseConstant];
SchemeObject bi_ispair (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "pair?"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
[[(Cons) args car] isKindOfClass: [Cons class]] ?
[Boolean trueConstant] :
[Boolean falseConstant];
#define builtin(name, func) [m addGlobal: symbol(#name) value: [Primitive newFromFunc: (func)]]
void builtin_addtomachine (Machine m)
builtin(display, bi_display);
builtin(newline, bi_newline);
builtin(+, bi_add);
builtin(-, bi_sub);
builtin(*, bi_mult);
builtin(/, bi_div);
builtin(cons, bi_cons);
builtin(null?, bi_null);
builtin(car, bi_car);
builtin(cdr, bi_cdr);
builtin(apply, bi_apply);
builtin(call-with-current-continuation, bi_callcc);
builtin(eq?, bi_eq);
builtin(=, bi_numeq);
builtin(list?, bi_islist);
builtin(pair?, bi_ispair);