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synced 2025-03-14 06:35:42 +00:00
Switching to native ruamoko bool for vkgen resulted in bool getting incorrectly parsed as a string (which mean getting the string's address written to the value). Fixes the randomly enabled debug pipelines (and probably a few randomly disabled normal pipelines, though less likely as they're usually implicitly initialized). The one bit of actual legit UB (ie, that which wasn't immediately mitigated one way or another) found by ubsan, and it was a data error.
231 lines
5.8 KiB
231 lines
5.8 KiB
#include <string.h>
#include "vkenum.h"
#include "vkgen.h"
typedef enum VkBool32 {
} VkBool32;
@implementation Enum
string end = "_MAX_ENUM";
int len;
string prefix = nil;
if (str_mid([self name], -8) == "FlagBits") {
} else if (str_mid([self name], -11) == "FlagBitsEXT") {
} else if (str_mid([self name], -3) == "KHR") {
end = "_MAX_ENUM_KHR";
} else if (str_mid([self name], 0, 4) == "qfv_") {
prefix = "qfv_";
len = -strlen (end);
if (!prefix) {
for (int i = 0; i < type.strct.num_fields; i++) {
qfot_var_t *var = &type.strct.fields[i];
if (str_mid (var.name, len) == end) {
// len is negative so +1 consumes 1 more char (_)
prefix = str_hold (str_mid (var.name, 0, len + 1));
if (prefix) {
prefix_length = strlen (prefix);
-initWithType: (qfot_type_t *) type
if (!(self = [super initWithType: type])) {
return nil;
[self process];
return self;
-(string) name
return str_mid(type.strct.tag, 4);
-(void) addToQueue
string name = [self name];
if (!Hash_Find (processed_types, name)) {
//printf (" +%s\n", name);
Hash_Add (processed_types, (void *) name);
[queue addObject: self];
static int
skip_value(string name)
return (str_str (name, "_MAX_ENUM") >= 0
|| str_str (name, "_BEGIN_RANGE") >= 0
|| str_str (name, "_END_RANGE") >= 0
|| str_str (name, "_RANGE_SIZE") >= 0);
-(int) isEmpty
int num_values = 0;
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < type.strct.num_fields; i++) {
qfot_var_t *var = &type.strct.fields[i];
if (skip_value (var.name)) {
return !num_values;
-(void) writeForward
fprintf (output_file, "static exprenum_t %s_enum;\n", [self name]);
-(void) writeTable
int strip_bit = 0;
int strip_khr = 0;
if (str_mid([self name], -8) == "FlagBits"
|| str_mid([self name], -11) == "FlagBitsEXT") {
strip_bit = 1;
if (str_mid([self name], -3) == "KHR") {
strip_khr = 1;
fprintf (output_file, "exprtype_t %s_type = {\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.name = \"%s\",\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.size = sizeof (int),\n");
if (strip_bit) {
fprintf (output_file, "\t.binops = flag_binops,\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\t.unops = flag_unops,\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\t.get_string = cexpr_flags_get_string,\n");
} else {
fprintf (output_file, "\t.binops = enum_binops,\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\t.unops = 0,\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\t.get_string = cexpr_enum_get_string,\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\t.data = &%s_enum,\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
if (![self isEmpty]) {
fprintf (output_file, "static %s %s_values[] = {\n", [self name], [self name]);
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < type.strct.num_fields; i++) {
qfot_var_t *var = &type.strct.fields[i];
if (skip_value (var.name)) {
fprintf (output_file, "\t%s, // %d 0x%x\n",
var.name, var.offset, var.offset);
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
fprintf (output_file, "static exprsym_t %s_symbols[] = {\n", [self name]);
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < type.strct.num_fields; i++) {
qfot_var_t *var = &type.strct.fields[i];
if (skip_value (var.name)) {
fprintf (output_file, "\t{\"%s\", &%s_type, %s_values + %d},\n",
var.name, [self name], [self name], index);
if (prefix_length) {
string shortname = str_mid (var.name, prefix_length);
if (strip_bit) {
int bit_pos = str_str (shortname, "_BIT");
if (bit_pos >= 0) {
shortname = str_mid (shortname, 0, bit_pos);
} else if (strip_khr) {
int khr_pos = str_str (shortname, "_KHR");
if (khr_pos >= 0) {
shortname = str_mid (shortname, 0, khr_pos);
fprintf (output_file, "\t{\"%s\", &%s_type, %s_values + %d},\n",
str_lower(shortname), [self name], [self name], index);
fprintf (output_file, "\t{ }\n");
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
fprintf (output_file, "static exprtab_t %s_symtab = {\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t%s_symbols,\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
fprintf (output_file, "static exprenum_t %s_enum = {\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t&%s_type,\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t&%s_symtab,\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
fprintf (output_file, "static plfield_t %s_field = { 0, 0, QFString,"
" parse_enum, &%s_enum};\n",
[self name], [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "int parse_%s (const plfield_t *field,"
" const plitem_t *item, void *data, plitem_t *messages,"
" void *context)\n",
[self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "{\n");
fprintf (output_file,
"\treturn parse_enum (&%s_field, item, data, messages,"
" context);\n",
[self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "}\n");
fprintf (header_file, "int parse_%s (const plfield_t *field,"
" const plitem_t *item, void *data, plitem_t *messages,"
" void *context);\n",
[self name]);
fprintf (header_file, "extern exprtype_t %s_type;\n", [self name]);
-(void) writeSymtabInit
fprintf (output_file, "\tqfMessageL (\"%s_symtab\");\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\tcexpr_init_symtab (&%s_symtab, context);\n",
[self name]);
-(void) writeSymtabShutdown
fprintf (output_file, "\tHash_DelTable (%s_symtab.tab);\n",
[self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t%s_symtab.tab = nullptr;\n", [self name]);
-(void) writeSymtabEntry
fprintf (output_file, "\tHash_Add (enum_symtab, &%s_enum);\n",
[self name]);
-(string) cexprType
return [self name] + "_type";
-(string) parseType
return "QFString";
-(string) parseFunc
return "parse_enum";
-(string) parseData
return "&" + [self name] + "_enum";