/* glsl_alias.c GLSL Alias model rendering Copyright (C) 2012 Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Date: 2012/1/1 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/render.h" #include "QF/skin.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/scene/entity.h" #include "QF/GLSL/defines.h" #include "QF/GLSL/funcs.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_alias.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_textures.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_vid.h" #include "r_internal.h" static const char *alias_vert_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Vertex.mdl", 0 }; static const char *alias_frag_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Fragment.fog", "QuakeForge.Fragment.colormap", "QuakeForge.Fragment.mdl", 0 }; static struct { int program; shaderparam_t mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t norm_matrix; shaderparam_t skin_size; shaderparam_t blend; shaderparam_t colora; shaderparam_t colorb; shaderparam_t sta; shaderparam_t stb; shaderparam_t normala; shaderparam_t normalb; shaderparam_t vertexa; shaderparam_t vertexb; shaderparam_t colormap; shaderparam_t skin; shaderparam_t ambient; shaderparam_t shadelight; shaderparam_t lightvec; shaderparam_t fog; } quake_mdl = { 0, {"mvp_mat", 1}, {"norm_mat", 1}, {"skin_size", 1}, {"blend", 1}, {"vcolora", 0}, {"vcolorb", 0}, {"vsta", 0}, {"vstb", 0}, {"vnormala", 0}, {"vnormalb", 0}, {"vertexa", 0}, {"vertexb", 0}, {"colormap", 1}, {"skin", 1}, {"ambient", 1}, {"shadelight", 1}, {"lightvec", 1}, {"fog", 1}, }; static mat4f_t alias_vp; void glsl_R_InitAlias (void) { shader_t *vert_shader, *frag_shader; int vert; int frag; vert_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (alias_vert_effects); frag_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (alias_frag_effects); vert = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakemdl.vert", vert_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); frag = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakemdl.frag", frag_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); quake_mdl.program = GLSL_LinkProgram ("quakemdl", vert, frag); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.mvp_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.norm_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.skin_size); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.blend); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.colora); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.colorb); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.sta); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.stb); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.normala); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.normalb); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.vertexa); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.vertexb); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.colormap); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.skin); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.ambient); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.shadelight); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.lightvec); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_mdl.program, &quake_mdl.fog); GLSL_FreeShader (vert_shader); GLSL_FreeShader (frag_shader); } static void calc_lighting (entity_t ent, float *ambient, float *shadelight, vec3_t lightvec) { unsigned i; float add; vec3_t dist; int light; transform_t transform = Entity_Transform (ent); vec4f_t entorigin = Transform_GetWorldPosition (transform); VectorSet ( -1, 0, 0, lightvec); //FIXME light = R_LightPoint (&r_refdef.worldmodel->brush, entorigin); renderer_t *renderer = Ent_GetComponent (ent.id, scene_renderer, ent.reg); *ambient = max (light, max (renderer->model->min_light, renderer->min_light) * 128); *shadelight = *ambient; for (i = 0; i < r_maxdlights; i++) { if (r_dlights[i].die >= vr_data.realtime) { VectorSubtract (entorigin, r_dlights[i].origin, dist); add = r_dlights[i].radius - VectorLength (dist); if (add > 0) *ambient += add; } } if (*ambient >= 128) *ambient = 128; if (*shadelight > 192 - *ambient) *shadelight = 192 - *ambient; } static void set_arrays (const shaderparam_t *vert, const shaderparam_t *norm, const shaderparam_t *st, aliasvrt_t *pose) { byte *pose_offs = (byte *) pose; if (developer & SYS_glsl) { GLint size; qfeglGetBufferParameteriv (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &size); if (size <= (intptr_t)pose_offs) { Sys_Printf ("Invalid pose"); pose = 0; } } qfeglVertexAttribPointer (vert->location, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0, sizeof (aliasvrt_t), pose_offs + field_offset (aliasvrt_t, vertex)); qfeglVertexAttribPointer (norm->location, 3, GL_SHORT, 1, sizeof (aliasvrt_t), pose_offs + field_offset (aliasvrt_t, normal)); qfeglVertexAttribPointer (st->location, 2, GL_SHORT, 0, sizeof (aliasvrt_t), pose_offs + field_offset (aliasvrt_t, st)); } //#define TETRAHEDRON void glsl_R_DrawAlias (entity_t ent) { #ifdef TETRAHEDRON static aliasvrt_t debug_verts[] = { {{ 0, 0}, {-18918,-18918,-18918}, { 0, 0, 0}}, {{ 0,300}, { 18918, 18918,-18918}, {255,255, 0}}, {{300,300}, {-18918, 18918, 18918}, { 0,255,255}}, {{300, 0}, { 18918,-18918, 18918}, {255, 0,255}}, }; static GLushort debug_indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 0, 2, 3, }; #endif static quat_t color = { 1, 1, 1, 1}; static vec3_t lightvec; float ambient; float shadelight; float skin_size[2]; float blend; aliashdr_t *hdr; vec_t norm_mat[9]; int skin_tex; int colormap; aliasvrt_t *pose1 = 0; // VBO's are null based aliasvrt_t *pose2 = 0; // VBO's are null based mat4f_t worldMatrix; calc_lighting (ent, &ambient, &shadelight, lightvec); renderer_t *renderer = Ent_GetComponent (ent.id, scene_renderer, ent.reg); model_t *model = renderer->model; if (!(hdr = model->aliashdr)) hdr = Cache_Get (&model->cache); transform_t transform = Entity_Transform (ent); Transform_GetWorldMatrix (transform, worldMatrix); // we need only the rotation for normals. VectorCopy (worldMatrix[0], norm_mat + 0); VectorCopy (worldMatrix[1], norm_mat + 3); VectorCopy (worldMatrix[2], norm_mat + 6); // ent model scaling and offset mat4f_t mvp_mat = { { hdr->mdl.scale[0], 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, hdr->mdl.scale[1], 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, hdr->mdl.scale[2], 0 }, { hdr->mdl.scale_origin[0], hdr->mdl.scale_origin[1], hdr->mdl.scale_origin[2], 1 }, }; mmulf (mvp_mat, worldMatrix, mvp_mat); mmulf (mvp_mat, alias_vp, mvp_mat); animation_t *animation = Ent_GetComponent (ent.id, scene_animation, ent.reg); colormap = glsl_colormap; if (renderer->skin && renderer->skin->auxtex) colormap = renderer->skin->auxtex; if (renderer->skin && renderer->skin->texnum) { skin_t *skin = renderer->skin; skin_tex = skin->texnum; } else { maliasskindesc_t *skindesc; skindesc = R_AliasGetSkindesc (animation, renderer->skinnum, hdr); skin_tex = skindesc->texnum; } blend = R_AliasGetLerpedFrames (animation, hdr); pose1 += animation->pose1 * hdr->poseverts; pose2 += animation->pose2 * hdr->poseverts; skin_size[0] = hdr->mdl.skinwidth; skin_size[1] = hdr->mdl.skinheight; qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, colormap); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, skin_tex); #ifndef TETRAHEDRON qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, hdr->posedata); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, hdr->commands); #endif qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_mdl.colora.location, color); qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_mdl.colorb.location, color); qfeglUniform1f (quake_mdl.blend.location, blend); qfeglUniform1f (quake_mdl.ambient.location, ambient); qfeglUniform1f (quake_mdl.shadelight.location, shadelight); qfeglUniform3fv (quake_mdl.lightvec.location, 1, lightvec); qfeglUniform2fv (quake_mdl.skin_size.location, 1, skin_size); qfeglUniformMatrix4fv (quake_mdl.mvp_matrix.location, 1, false, (vec_t*)&mvp_mat[0]);//FIXME qfeglUniformMatrix3fv (quake_mdl.norm_matrix.location, 1, false, norm_mat); #ifndef TETRAHEDRON set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexa, &quake_mdl.normala, &quake_mdl.sta, pose1); set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexb, &quake_mdl.normalb, &quake_mdl.stb, pose2); qfeglDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, 3 * hdr->mdl.numtris, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); #else set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexa, &quake_mdl.normala, &quake_mdl.sta, debug_verts); set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexb, &quake_mdl.normalb, &quake_mdl.stb, debug_verts); qfeglDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, sizeof (debug_indices) / sizeof (debug_indices[0]), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, debug_indices); #endif if (!model->aliashdr) Cache_Release (&model->cache); } // All alias models are drawn in a batch, so avoid thrashing the gl state void glsl_R_AliasBegin (void) { quat_t fog; // pre-multiply the view and projection matricies mmulf (alias_vp, glsl_projection, glsl_view); qfeglUseProgram (quake_mdl.program); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.vertexa.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.vertexb.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.normala.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.normalb.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.sta.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.stb.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.colora.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.colorb.location); Fog_GetColor (fog); fog[3] = Fog_GetDensity () / 64.0; qfeglUniform4fv (quake_mdl.fog.location, 1, fog); qfeglUniform1i (quake_mdl.colormap.location, 1); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglUniform1i (quake_mdl.skin.location, 0); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); } void glsl_R_AliasEnd (void) { qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.vertexa.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.vertexb.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.normala.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.normalb.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.sta.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_mdl.stb.location); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); }