#ifndef __QF_Vulkan_image_h #define __QF_Vulkan_image_h #ifndef VK_NO_PROTOTYPES #define VK_NO_PROTOTYPES #endif #include <vulkan/vulkan.h> #include "QF/darray.h" #include "QF/image.h" typedef struct qfv_imageset_s DARRAY_TYPE (VkImage) qfv_imageset_t; #define QFV_AllocImages(num, allocator) \ DARRAY_ALLOCFIXED (qfv_imageset_t, num, allocator) typedef struct qfv_imageviewset_s DARRAY_TYPE (VkImageView) qfv_imageviewset_t; #define QFV_AllocImageViews(num, allocator) \ DARRAY_ALLOCFIXED (qfv_imageviewset_t, num, allocator) typedef struct qfv_imageresource_s { struct qfv_device_s *device; VkImage image; VkDeviceMemory object; VkImageView view; } qfv_imageresource_t; typedef struct qfv_imagetransition_s { VkImage image; VkAccessFlags srcAccess; VkAccessFlags dstAccess; VkImageLayout oldLayout; VkImageLayout newLayout; uint32_t srcQueueFamily; uint32_t dstQueueFamily; VkImageAspectFlags aspect; } qfv_imagetransition_t; typedef struct qfv_imagetransitionset_s DARRAY_TYPE (qfv_imagetransition_t) qfv_imagetransitionset_t; typedef struct qfv_imagebarrierset_s DARRAY_TYPE (VkImageMemoryBarrier) qfv_imagebarrierset_t; #define QFV_AllocImageBarrierSet(num, allocator) \ DARRAY_ALLOCFIXED (qfv_imagebarrierset_t, num, allocator) struct qfv_device_s; VkImage QFV_CreateImage (struct qfv_device_s *device, int cubemap, VkImageType type, VkFormat format, VkExtent3D size, uint32_t num_mipmaps, uint32_t num_layers, VkSampleCountFlags samples, VkImageUsageFlags usage_scenarios); VkDeviceMemory QFV_AllocImageMemory (struct qfv_device_s *device, VkImage image, VkMemoryPropertyFlags properties, VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize offset); int QFV_BindImageMemory (struct qfv_device_s *device, VkImage image, VkDeviceMemory object, VkDeviceSize offset); qfv_imagebarrierset_t * QFV_CreateImageTransitionSet (qfv_imagetransition_t *transitions, int numTransitions); VkImageView QFV_CreateImageView (struct qfv_device_s *device, VkImage image, VkImageViewType type, VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspect); size_t QFV_GetImageSize (struct qfv_device_s *device, VkImage image); /** Generate all mipmaps for a given texture down to a 1x1 pixel. * * Uses the GPU blit command from one mip level to the next, thus the base mip * level data must have already been transfered to the image and the image is * expected to be in VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL. This includes any * array levels. * * \param device The device owning the command buffer. * \param cmd The command buffer to which the barrier and blit commands * will be written. * \param image The image to be processed. All array layers of the base mip * level must be initialized and in "transfer dst optimal" * layout. All remaining mip levels must be in "undefined" * oayout. * \param mips The total number of mip levels of the processed image. * \param width The pixel width of the base image. * \param height The pixel height of the base image. * \param layers The number of array layers in the base image. * * \note The processed image will be in "shader read only optimal" layout on * completion. */ void QFV_GenerateMipMaps (struct qfv_device_s *device, VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage image, unsigned mips, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned layers); int QFV_MipLevels (int width, int height) __attribute__((const)); /** Convert QFFormat to VkFormat * * \param format The format to convert. * \param srgb Select SRGB formats (non-zero) or UNORM (0). * \return The corresponding VkFormat. * * \note For tex_palette, VK_FORMAT_R8_UINT is returned. If \a format is * not a valid QFFormat, then VK_FORMAT_R8_SRGB is returned. */ VkFormat QFV_ImageFormat (QFFormat format, int srgb) __attribute__((const)); #endif//__QF_Vulkan_image_h