#include #include "qwaq-curses.h" #include "qwaq-draw.h" @implementation DrawBuffer + (DrawBuffer *) buffer: (Extent) size { return [[self alloc] initWithSize: size]; } - initWithSize: (Extent) size { if (!(self = [super init])) { return nil; } buffer = obj_malloc (size.width * size.height); self.size = size; return self; } - (Extent) size { return size; } - (int *) buffer { return buffer; } - (Rect) rect { Rect rect = { nil, size }; return rect; } - blitFromBuffer: (DrawBuffer *) srcBuffer to: (Point) pos from: (Rect) rect { Extent srcSize = srcBuffer.size; Rect r = { {}, size }; Rect t = { pos, rect.extent }; wprintf (stdscr, "src: %p\n", srcBuffer); wprintf (stdscr, "srcSize: %d %d\n", srcSize.width, srcSize.height); t = clipRect (r, t); if (t.extent.width < 0 || t.extent.height < 0) { return self; } rect.offset.x += t.offset.x - pos.x; rect.offset.y += t.offset.y - pos.y; rect.extent = t.extent; pos = t.offset; r.offset = nil; r.extent = size; rect = clipRect (r, rect); if (rect.extent.width < 0 || rect.extent.height < 0) { return self; } int *dst = buffer + pos.y * size.width + pos.x; int *src = srcBuffer.buffer + rect.offset.y * srcSize.width + rect.offset.x; for (int y = 0; y < rect.extent.height; y++) { int *d = dst; int *s = src; dst += size.width; src += srcSize.width; for (int x = 0; x < rect.extent.width; x++) { // FIXME 1) need memcpy/memmove // 2) the generated code could be better // github issue #3 *d++ = *s++; } } return self; } - (void) bkgd: (int) ch { background = ch; } - (void) clear { int ch = background; int *dst = buffer; int *end = buffer + size.width * size.height; if (ch && !(ch & 0xff)) { ch |= ' '; } while (dst < end) { *dst++ = ch; } cursor = {0, 0}; } - (void) printf: (string) fmt, ... { string str = vsprintf (fmt, @args); [self addstr: str]; } - (void) vprintf: (string) fmt, @va_list args { string str = vsprintf (fmt, args); [self addstr: str]; } - (void) addch: (int) ch { if (cursor.x < 0) { cursor.x = 0; } if (cursor.y < 0) { cursor.y = 0; } if (cursor.x >= size.width && cursor.y < size.height) { cursor.x = 0; cursor.y++; } if (cursor.y >= size.height) { return; } if (ch == '\n') { cursor.x = 0; cursor.y++; } else if (ch == '\r') { cursor.x = 0; } else { if (!(ch & ~0xff)) { ch |= background & ~0xff; } buffer[cursor.y * size.width + cursor.x++] = ch; } } - (void) addstr: (string) str { int ind = 0; int ch; if (cursor.y >= size.height) { return; } while (cursor.x < size.width && (ch = str_char (str, ind++))) { [self addch: ch]; } } - (void) mvprintf: (Point) pos, string fmt, ... { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= size.width || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= size.height) { return; } cursor = pos; string str = vsprintf (fmt, @args); [self addstr: str]; } - (void) mvvprintf: (Point) pos, string fmt, @va_list args { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= size.width || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= size.height) { return; } cursor = pos; string str = vsprintf (fmt, args); [self addstr: str]; } - (void) mvaddch: (Point) pos, int ch { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= size.width || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= size.height) { return; } cursor = pos; [self addch: ch]; } - (void) mvaddstr: (Point) pos, string str { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= size.width || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= size.height) { return; } cursor = pos; [self addstr: str]; } @end