/* texuture.c Vulkan texuture manager Copyright (C) 2021 Bill Currie This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MATH_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include "QF/alloc.h" #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/qfplist.h" #include "QF/quakefs.h" #include "QF/render.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/qf_vid.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/barrier.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/buffer.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/command.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/device.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/image.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/instance.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/staging.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/texture.h" #include "r_scrap.h" #include "vid_vulkan.h" struct scrap_s { rscrap_t rscrap; VkImage image; VkDeviceMemory memory; VkImageView view; size_t bpp; vrect_t *batch; vrect_t **batch_tail; vrect_t *batch_free; size_t batch_count; subpic_t *subpics; qfv_device_t *device; }; scrap_t * QFV_CreateScrap (qfv_device_t *device, int size, QFVFormat format) { int bpp = 0; VkFormat fmt = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED; switch (format) { case QFV_LUMINANCE: bpp = 1; fmt = VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM; break; case QFV_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: bpp = 2; fmt = VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM; break; case QFV_RGB: bpp = 3; fmt = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM; break; case QFV_RGBA: bpp = 4; fmt = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; break; } scrap_t *scrap = malloc (sizeof (scrap_t)); R_ScrapInit (&scrap->rscrap, size, size); // R_ScrapInit rounds sizes up to next power of 2 size = scrap->rscrap.width; VkExtent3D extent = { size, size, 1 }; scrap->image = QFV_CreateImage (device, 0, VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, fmt, extent, 1, 1, VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT); scrap->memory = QFV_AllocImageMemory (device, scrap->image, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT, 0, 0); QFV_BindImageMemory (device, scrap->image, scrap->memory, 0); scrap->view = QFV_CreateImageView (device, scrap->image, VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D, fmt, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT); scrap->bpp = bpp; scrap->subpics = 0; scrap->device = device; scrap->batch = 0; scrap->batch_tail = &scrap->batch; scrap->batch_free = 0; scrap->batch_count = 0; return scrap; } void QFV_ScrapClear (scrap_t *scrap) { subpic_t *sp; while (scrap->subpics) { sp = scrap->subpics; scrap->subpics = (subpic_t *) sp->next; free (sp); } R_ScrapClear (&scrap->rscrap); } void QFV_DestroyScrap (scrap_t *scrap) { qfv_device_t *device = scrap->device; qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs; QFV_ScrapClear (scrap); R_ScrapDelete (&scrap->rscrap); dfunc->vkDestroyImageView (device->dev, scrap->view, 0); dfunc->vkDestroyImage (device->dev, scrap->image, 0); dfunc->vkFreeMemory (device->dev, scrap->memory, 0); while (scrap->batch_free) { vrect_t *b = scrap->batch_free; scrap->batch_free = b->next; VRect_Delete (b); } free (scrap); } VkImageView QFV_ScrapImageView (scrap_t *scrap) { return scrap->view; } subpic_t * QFV_ScrapSubpic (scrap_t *scrap, int width, int height) { vrect_t *rect; subpic_t *subpic; rect = R_ScrapAlloc (&scrap->rscrap, width, height); if (!rect) { return 0; } subpic = malloc (sizeof (subpic_t)); *((subpic_t **) &subpic->next) = scrap->subpics; scrap->subpics = subpic; *((scrap_t **) &subpic->scrap) = scrap; *((vrect_t **) &subpic->rect) = rect; *((int *) &subpic->width) = width; *((int *) &subpic->height) = height; *((float *) &subpic->size) = 1.0 / scrap->rscrap.width; return subpic; } void QFV_SubpicDelete (subpic_t *subpic) { scrap_t *scrap = (scrap_t *) subpic->scrap; vrect_t *rect = (vrect_t *) subpic->rect; subpic_t **sp; for (sp = &scrap->subpics; *sp; sp = (subpic_t **) &(*sp)->next) { if (*sp == subpic) { break; } } if (*sp != subpic) { Sys_Error ("QFV_SubpicDelete: broken subpic"); } *sp = (subpic_t *) subpic->next; free (subpic); R_ScrapFree (&scrap->rscrap, rect); } void * QFV_SubpicBatch (subpic_t *subpic, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage) { scrap_t *scrap = (scrap_t *) subpic->scrap; vrect_t *rect = (vrect_t *) subpic->rect; vrect_t *batch; byte *dest; size_t size; size = subpic->width * subpic->height * scrap->bpp; if (!(dest = QFV_ClaimStagingBuffer (stage, size))) { return 0; } if (scrap->batch_free) { batch = scrap->batch_free; scrap->batch_free = batch->next; } else { batch = VRect_New (rect->x, rect->y, subpic->width, subpic->height); } *scrap->batch_tail = batch; scrap->batch_tail = &batch->next; batch->next = 0; scrap->batch_count++; return dest; } void QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, VkCommandBuffer cmd) { qfv_device_t *device = scrap->device; qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs; if (!scrap->batch_count) { return; } size_t i; __auto_type copy = QFV_AllocBufferImageCopy (128, alloca); memset (copy->a, 0, 128 * sizeof (copy->a[0])); for (i = 0; i < scrap->batch_count && i < 128; i++) { copy->a[i].imageSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT; copy->a[i].imageSubresource.layerCount = 1; copy->a[i].imageExtent.depth = 1; } QFV_FlushStagingBuffer (stage, 0, stage->offset); VkImageMemoryBarrier barrier; qfv_pipelinestagepair_t stages; stages = imageLayoutTransitionStages[qfv_LT_Undefined_to_TransferDst]; barrier = imageLayoutTransitionBarriers[qfv_LT_Undefined_to_TransferDst]; barrier.image = scrap->image; dfunc->vkCmdPipelineBarrier (cmd, stages.src, stages.dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, &barrier); size_t offset = 0, size; vrect_t *batch = scrap->batch; while (scrap->batch_count) { for (i = 0; i < scrap->batch_count && i < 128; i++) { size = batch->width * batch->height * scrap->bpp; copy->a[i].bufferOffset = offset; copy->a[i].imageOffset.x = batch->x; copy->a[i].imageOffset.y = batch->y; copy->a[i].imageExtent.width = batch->width; copy->a[i].imageExtent.height = batch->height; offset += (size + 3) & ~3; batch = batch->next; } dfunc->vkCmdCopyBufferToImage (cmd, stage->buffer, scrap->image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, i, copy->a); scrap->batch_count -= i; } stages = imageLayoutTransitionStages[qfv_LT_TransferDst_to_ShaderReadOnly]; barrier=imageLayoutTransitionBarriers[qfv_LT_TransferDst_to_ShaderReadOnly]; barrier.image = scrap->image; dfunc->vkCmdPipelineBarrier (cmd, stages.src, stages.dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, &barrier); *scrap->batch_tail = scrap->batch_free; scrap->batch_free = scrap->batch; scrap->batch = 0; scrap->batch_tail = &scrap->batch; stage->offset = 0; }