#include #include "event.h" #include "qwaq-draw.h" #include "qwaq-garray.h" #include "qwaq-group.h" #include "qwaq-view.h" @implementation Group -initWithContext: (id) context owner: (View *) owner { if (!(self = [super init])) { return nil; } self.owner = owner; self.context = context; focused = -1; views = [[Array array] retain]; return self; } -(void)dealloc { [views release]; } -insert: (View *) view { [views addObject: view]; [view setOwner: self]; [view setContext: context]; return self; } -insertDrawn: (View *) view { [self insert: view]; [view draw]; return self; } -insertSelected: (View *) view { [self insertDrawn: view]; [self selectView: view]; return self; } -remove: (View *) view { int index = [views indexOfObject: view]; if (index != NotFound) { if (focused == index) { [self selectPrev]; if (focused == index) { focused = -1; } } else if (focused > index) { focused--; } [views removeObjectAtIndex: index]; if (mouse_within == view) { mouse_within = nil; } if (mouse_grabbed == view) { [self releaseMouse]; } } return self; } static int makeFirst (Group *self, int viewIndex) { View *view = [self.views objectAtIndex: viewIndex]; [self.views addObject: view]; [self.views removeObjectAtIndex: viewIndex]; return [self.views count] - 1; } static int trySetFocus (Group *self, int viewIndex) { View *view = [self.views objectAtIndex:viewIndex]; if (([view state] & (sfDrawn | sfDisabled)) == sfDrawn && [view options] & ofCanFocus) { if (!self.owner || [self.owner state] & sfInFocus) { if (self.focused >= 0) { [[self.views objectAtIndex: self.focused] loseFocus]; } self.focused = viewIndex; if ([view options] & ofMakeFirst) { self.focused = makeFirst (self, viewIndex); } [view takeFocus]; } return 1; } return 0; } -takeFocus { if (focused >= 0) { [[views objectAtIndex:focused] takeFocus]; } return self; } -loseFocus { if (focused >= 0) { [[views objectAtIndex:focused] loseFocus]; } return self; } -selectNext { for (int i = focused + 1; i < [views count]; i++) { if (trySetFocus (self, i)) { return self; } } // hit end, start again at the beginning for (int i = 0; i < focused; i++) { if (trySetFocus (self, i)) { return self; } } // did not find another view that can be focused return self; } -selectPrev { for (int i = focused - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (trySetFocus (self, i)) { return self; } } // hit end, start again at the beginning for (int i = [views count] - 1; i > focused; i++) { if (trySetFocus (self, i)) { return self; } } // did not find another view that can be focused return self; } -selectView:(View *)view { int index = [views indexOfObject: view]; if (index != NotFound) { trySetFocus (self, index); } return self; } -(Rect) rect { if (owner) { return [owner rect]; } return {[self origin], [self size]}; } -(Point) origin { if (owner) { return [owner origin]; } return {0, 0}; } -(Extent) size { if (owner) { return [owner size]; } return [context size]; } static BOOL not_dont_draw (id aView, void *aGroup) { View *view = aView; Group *group = (Group *) aGroup; return !([view options] & ofDontDraw); } -draw { [views makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(draw) if: not_dont_draw with: self]; return self; } -redraw { if (owner) { [owner redraw]; } else { [self draw]; if (__obj_responds_to (context, @selector(refresh))) { [(id)context refresh]; } } return self; } -resize: (Extent) delta { for (int i = [views count]; i-- > 0; ) { [[views objectAtIndex: i] grow: delta]; } return self; } static View * find_mouse_view(Group *group, Point pos) { for (int i = [group.views count]; i--; ) { View *v = [group.views objectAtIndex: i]; if ([v containsPoint: pos]) { return v; } } return nil; } -handleEvent: (qwaq_event_t *) event { if (event.what & qe_focused) { if (focused >= 0) { [[views objectAtIndex:focused] handleEvent: event]; } } else if (event.what & qe_positional) { if (mouse_grabbed) { [mouse_grabbed handleEvent: event]; } else { Point pos = {event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y}; View *mouse_view = find_mouse_view (self, pos); if (mouse_within != mouse_view) { [mouse_within onMouseLeave: pos]; [mouse_view onMouseEnter: pos]; mouse_within = mouse_view; } if (mouse_within) { [mouse_within handleEvent: event]; } } } else { // broadcast [views makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(draw) withObject: event]; } return self; } -(void) grabMouse { mouse_grabbed = mouse_within; [owner grabMouse]; } -(void) releaseMouse { mouse_grabbed = nil; [owner releaseMouse]; } @end