/* sv_progs.h server specific progs definitions Copyright (C) 2000 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 28 Feb 2001 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifndef __sv_progs_h #define __sv_progs_h #include "QF/link.h" #include "QF/progs.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "sv_pr_cmds.h" typedef struct { pr_uint_t *self; pr_uint_t *other; pr_uint_t *world; float *time; float *frametime; float *force_retouch; pr_string_t *mapname; pr_string_t *startspot; float *deathmatch; float *coop; float *teamplay; float *serverflags; float *total_secrets; float *total_monsters; float *found_secrets; float *killed_monsters; float *parms; vec3_t *v_forward; vec3_t *v_up; vec3_t *v_right; float *trace_allsolid; float *trace_startsolid; float *trace_fraction; vec3_t *trace_endpos; vec3_t *trace_plane_normal; float *trace_plane_dist; pr_uint_t *trace_ent; float *trace_inopen; float *trace_inwater; pr_uint_t *msg_entity; pr_string_t *null; pr_uint_t *newmis; } sv_globals_t; extern sv_globals_t sv_globals; typedef struct { pr_func_t main; pr_func_t StartFrame; pr_func_t PlayerPreThink; pr_func_t PlayerPostThink; pr_func_t ClientKill; pr_func_t ClientConnect; pr_func_t PutClientInServer; pr_func_t ClientDisconnect; pr_func_t SetNewParms; pr_func_t SetChangeParms; pr_func_t EndFrame; } sv_funcs_t; extern sv_funcs_t sv_funcs; typedef struct { pr_int_t modelindex; //float pr_int_t absmin; //vec3_t pr_int_t absmax; //vec3_t pr_int_t ltime; //float pr_int_t movetype; //float pr_int_t solid; //float pr_int_t origin; //vec3_t pr_int_t oldorigin; //vec3_t pr_int_t velocity; //vec3_t pr_int_t angles; //vec3_t pr_int_t avelocity; //vec3_t pr_int_t punchangle; //vec3_t pr_int_t classname; //pr_string_t pr_int_t model; //pr_string_t pr_int_t frame; //float pr_int_t skin; //float pr_int_t effects; //float pr_int_t gravity; //float pr_int_t mins; //vec3_t pr_int_t maxs; //vec3_t pr_int_t size; //vec3_t pr_int_t touch; //pr_func_t pr_int_t think; //pr_func_t pr_int_t blocked; //pr_func_t pr_int_t nextthink; //float pr_int_t groundentity; //int pr_int_t health; //float pr_int_t frags; //float pr_int_t weapon; //float pr_int_t weaponmodel; //pr_string_t pr_int_t weaponframe; //float pr_int_t currentammo; //float pr_int_t ammo_shells; //float pr_int_t ammo_nails; //float pr_int_t ammo_rockets; //float pr_int_t ammo_cells; //float pr_int_t items; //float pr_int_t items2; //float pr_int_t takedamage; //float pr_int_t chain; //int pr_int_t view_ofs; //vec3_t pr_int_t button0; //float pr_int_t button1; //float pr_int_t button2; //float pr_int_t impulse; //float pr_int_t fixangle; //float pr_int_t v_angle; //vec3_t pr_int_t idealpitch; //float pr_int_t netname; //pr_string_t pr_int_t enemy; //int pr_int_t flags; //float pr_int_t colormap; //float pr_int_t team; //float pr_int_t teleport_time; //float pr_int_t armorvalue; //float pr_int_t waterlevel; //float pr_int_t watertype; //float pr_int_t ideal_yaw; //float pr_int_t yaw_speed; //float pr_int_t goalentity; //int pr_int_t spawnflags; //float pr_int_t dmg_take; //float pr_int_t dmg_save; //float pr_int_t dmg_inflictor; //int pr_int_t owner; //int pr_int_t movedir; //vec3_t pr_int_t message; //pr_string_t pr_int_t sounds; //float pr_int_t rotated_bbox; //int pr_int_t alpha; //float pr_int_t lastruntime; //float } sv_fields_t; extern sv_fields_t sv_fields; extern progs_t sv_pr_state; #define PR_RANGE_ID 0x0000 #define PR_RANGE_ID_MAX 82 #if TYPECHECK_PROGS #define SVFIELD(e,f,t) E_var (e, PR_AccessField (&sv_pr_state, #f, ev_##t, __FILE__, __LINE__), t) #else #define SVFIELD(e,f,t) E_var (e, sv_fields.f, t) #endif #define SVfloat(e,f) SVFIELD (e, f, float) #define SVstring(e,f) SVFIELD (e, f, string) #define SVfunc(e,f) SVFIELD (e, f, func) #define SVentity(e,f) SVFIELD (e, f, entity) #define SVvector(e,f) (&SVFIELD (e, f, vector)) #define SVint(e,f) SVFIELD (e, f, int) #if TYPECHECK_PROGS #define SVdouble(e,f) E_DOUBLE (e, PR_AccessField (&sv_pr_state, #f, ev_##t, __FILE__, __LINE__)) #else #define SVdouble(e,f) E_DOUBLE (e, sv_fields.f) #endif typedef struct edict_leaf_s { struct edict_leaf_s *next; unsigned leafnum; } edict_leaf_t; typedef struct sv_data_s { edict_t *edict; link_t area; ///< linked to a division node or leaf edict_leaf_t *leafs; entity_state_t state; byte alpha; qboolean sendinterval; qboolean add_grav; } sv_data_t; #define SVdata(e) ((sv_data_t *) ((e)->edata)) #define EDICT_FROM_AREA(l) (STRUCT_FROM_LINK(l,sv_data_t,area)->edict) static inline void sv_pr_touch (edict_t *self, edict_t *other) { pr_int_t this; *sv_globals.self = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, self); *sv_globals.other = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, other); if ((this = sv_pr_state.fields.this) != -1) { PR_RESET_PARAMS (&sv_pr_state); P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 0) = E_POINTER (self, this); P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 1) = 0; P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 2) = E_POINTER (other, this); } PR_ExecuteProgram (&sv_pr_state, SVfunc (self, touch)); } static inline void sv_pr_use (edict_t *self, edict_t *other) { } static inline void sv_pr_think (edict_t *self) { pr_int_t this; *sv_globals.self = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, self); *sv_globals.other = 0; if ((this = sv_pr_state.fields.this) != -1) { PR_RESET_PARAMS (&sv_pr_state); P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 0) = E_POINTER (self, this); P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 1) = 0; P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 2) = 0; } PR_ExecuteProgram (&sv_pr_state, SVfunc (self, think)); } static inline void sv_pr_blocked (edict_t *self, edict_t *other) { pr_int_t this; *sv_globals.self = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, self); *sv_globals.other = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, other); if ((this = sv_pr_state.fields.this) != -1) { PR_RESET_PARAMS (&sv_pr_state); P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 0) = E_POINTER (self, this); P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 1) = 0; P_INT (&sv_pr_state, 2) = E_POINTER (other, this); } PR_ExecuteProgram (&sv_pr_state, SVfunc (self, blocked)); } #endif // __sv_progs_h