/* pr_debug.c progs debugging Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2001/7/13 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/mathlib.h" #include "QF/pr_debug.h" #include "QF/pr_type.h" #include "QF/progs.h" #include "QF/qendian.h" #include "QF/quakefs.h" #include "QF/script.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/zone.h" #include "compat.h" typedef struct { char *text; size_t len; } line_t; typedef struct { char *name; char *text; off_t size; line_t *lines; pr_uint_t num_lines; progs_t *pr; } file_t; typedef struct prdeb_resources_s { progs_t *pr; dstring_t *string; dstring_t *dva; dstring_t *line; dstring_t *dstr; const char *debugfile; struct pr_debug_header_s *debug; struct pr_auxfunction_s *auxfunctions; struct pr_auxfunction_s **auxfunction_map; struct pr_lineno_s *linenos; pr_def_t *local_defs; pr_def_t *type_encodings_def; } prdeb_resources_t; typedef struct { progs_t *pr; dstring_t *dstr; } pr_debug_data_t; cvar_t *pr_debug; cvar_t *pr_source_path; static hashtab_t *file_hash; static char *source_path_string; static char **source_paths; static void pr_debug_void_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_string_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_float_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_vector_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_entity_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_field_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_func_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_pointer_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_quat_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_integer_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_uinteger_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_short_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_double_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_struct_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_union_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_enum_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_array_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static void pr_debug_class_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data); static type_view_t raw_type_view = { pr_debug_void_view, pr_debug_string_view, pr_debug_float_view, pr_debug_vector_view, pr_debug_entity_view, pr_debug_field_view, pr_debug_func_view, pr_debug_pointer_view, pr_debug_quat_view, pr_debug_integer_view, pr_debug_uinteger_view, pr_debug_short_view, pr_debug_double_view, pr_debug_struct_view, pr_debug_union_view, pr_debug_enum_view, pr_debug_array_view, pr_debug_class_view, }; static const char * file_get_key (const void *_f, void *unused) { return ((file_t*)_f)->name; } static void file_free (void *_f, void *unused) { file_t *f = (file_t*)_f; progs_t *pr = f->pr; free (f->lines); ((progs_t *) pr)->free_progs_mem (pr, f->text); free (f->name); free (f); } static void source_path_f (cvar_t *var) { int i; char *s; if (source_path_string) free (source_path_string); source_path_string = strdup (var->string); if (source_paths) free (source_paths); for (i = 2, s = source_path_string; *s; s++) if (*s == ';') i++; source_paths = malloc (i * sizeof (char *)); source_paths[0] = source_path_string; for (i = 1, s = source_path_string; *s; s++) if (*s == ';') { *s++ = 0; source_paths[i++] = s; } source_paths[i] = 0; } #define RUP(x,a) (((x) + ((a) - 1)) & ~((a) - 1)) static pr_short_t __attribute__((pure)) pr_debug_type_size (const progs_t *pr, const qfot_type_t *type) { pr_short_t size; qfot_type_t *aux_type; switch (type->meta) { case ty_basic: return pr_type_size[type->t.type]; case ty_struct: case ty_union: size = 0; for (pr_int_t i = 0; i < type->t.strct.num_fields; i++) { const qfot_var_t *field = &type->t.strct.fields[i]; aux_type = &G_STRUCT (pr, qfot_type_t, field->type); size = max (size, field->offset + pr_debug_type_size (pr, aux_type)); } return size; case ty_enum: return pr_type_size[ev_integer]; case ty_array: aux_type = &G_STRUCT (pr, qfot_type_t, type->t.array.type); size = pr_debug_type_size (pr, aux_type); return type->t.array.size * size; case ty_class: return 1; //FIXME or should it return sizeof class struct? } return 0; } static qfot_type_t * get_def_type (progs_t *pr, pr_def_t *def, qfot_type_t *type) { if (!def->type_encoding) { // no type encoding, so use basic type data to fill in and return // the dummy encoding memset (type, 0, sizeof (*type)); type->t.type = def->type; } else { type = &G_STRUCT (pr, qfot_type_t, def->type_encoding); if (!def->size) { def->size = pr_debug_type_size (pr, type); } } return type; } static pr_def_t parse_expression (progs_t *pr, const char *expr, int conditional) { script_t *es; char *e; pr_type_t *expr_ptr; pr_def_t d; d.ofs = 0; d.type = ev_invalid; d.name = 0; es = Script_New (); Script_Start (es, "", expr); expr_ptr = 0; es->single = "{}()':[]."; if (Script_GetToken (es, 1)) { if (strequal (es->token->str, "[")) { edict_t *ent; pr_def_t *field; if (!Script_GetToken (es, 1)) goto error; ent = EDICT_NUM (pr, strtol (es->token->str, &e, 0)); if (e == es->token->str) goto error; if (!Script_GetToken (es, 1) && !strequal (es->token->str, "]" )) goto error; if (!Script_GetToken (es, 1) && !strequal (es->token->str, "." )) goto error; if (!Script_GetToken (es, 1)) goto error; field = PR_FindField (pr, es->token->str); if (!field) goto error; d = *field; expr_ptr = &ent->v[field->ofs]; d.ofs = PR_SetPointer (pr, expr_ptr); } else if (isdigit ((byte) es->token->str[0])) { expr_ptr = PR_GetPointer (pr, strtol (es->token->str, 0, 0)); d.type = ev_void; d.ofs = PR_SetPointer (pr, expr_ptr); } else { pr_def_t *global = PR_FindGlobal (pr, es->token->str); if (!global) goto error; d = *global; } if (conditional) { es->single = "{}()':[]"; pr->wp_conditional = 0; if (Script_TokenAvailable (es, 1)) { if (!Script_GetToken (es, 1) && !strequal (es->token->str, "==" )) goto error; if (!Script_GetToken (es, 1)) goto error; pr->wp_val.integer_var = strtol (es->token->str, &e, 0); if (e == es->token->str) goto error; if (*e == '.' || *e == 'e' || *e == 'E') pr->wp_val.float_var = strtod (es->token->str, &e); pr->wp_conditional = 1; } } if (Script_TokenAvailable (es, 1)) Sys_Printf ("ignoring tail\n"); } error: if (es->error) { Sys_Printf (es->error); } Script_Delete (es); return d; } static void pr_debug_clear (progs_t *pr, void *data) { __auto_type res = (prdeb_resources_t *) data; dstring_clearstr (res->string); dstring_clearstr (res->dva); dstring_clearstr (res->line); dstring_clearstr (res->dstr); if (res->debug) pr->free_progs_mem (pr, res->debug); res->debug = 0; res->auxfunctions = 0; if (res->auxfunction_map) pr->free_progs_mem (pr, res->auxfunction_map); res->auxfunction_map = 0; res->linenos = 0; res->local_defs = 0; pr->pr_debug_resources = res; pr->watch = 0; pr->wp_conditional = 0; pr->wp_val.integer_var = 0; } static file_t * PR_Load_Source_File (progs_t *pr, const char *fname) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; char *l, *p, **dir; file_t *f = Hash_Find (file_hash, fname); if (f) return f; f = calloc (1, sizeof (file_t)); if (!f) return 0; for (dir = source_paths; *dir && !f->text; dir++) { f->text = pr->load_file (pr, dsprintf (res->dva, "%s%s%s", *dir, **dir ? "/" : "", fname), &f->size); } if (!f->text) { pr->file_error (pr, fname); } else { for (f->num_lines = 1, l = f->text; *l; l++) if (*l == '\n') f->num_lines++; } f->name = strdup (fname); if (!f->name) { pr->free_progs_mem (pr, f->text); free (f); return 0; } if (f->num_lines) { f->lines = malloc (f->num_lines * sizeof (line_t)); if (!f->lines) { free (f->name); pr->free_progs_mem (pr, f->text); free (f); return 0; } f->lines[0].text = f->text; for (f->num_lines = 0, l = f->text; *l; l++) { if (*l == '\n') { for (p = l; p > f->lines[f->num_lines].text && isspace((byte) p[-1]); p--) ; f->lines[f->num_lines].len = p - f->lines[f->num_lines].text; f->lines[++f->num_lines].text = l + 1; } } f->lines[f->num_lines].len = l - f->lines[f->num_lines].text; f->num_lines++; } f->pr = pr; Hash_Add (file_hash, f); return f; } VISIBLE int PR_LoadDebug (progs_t *pr) { prdeb_resources_t *res = PR_Resources_Find (pr, "PR_Debug"); char *sym_path; const char *path_end, *sym_file; off_t debug_size; pr_uint_t i; pr_def_t *def; pr_type_t *str = 0; pointer_t type_encodings = 0; if (!pr_debug->int_val) return 1; def = PR_FindGlobal (pr, ".debug_file"); if (def) str = &pr->pr_globals[def->ofs]; Hash_FlushTable (file_hash); if (!str) return 1; res->debugfile = PR_GetString (pr, str->string_var); sym_file = QFS_SkipPath (res->debugfile); path_end = QFS_SkipPath (pr->progs_name); sym_path = malloc (strlen (sym_file) + (path_end - pr->progs_name) + 1); strncpy (sym_path, pr->progs_name, path_end - pr->progs_name); strcpy (sym_path + (path_end - pr->progs_name), sym_file); res->debug = pr->load_file (pr, sym_path, &debug_size); if (!res->debug) { Sys_Printf ("can't load %s for debug info\n", sym_path); free (sym_path); return 1; } res->debug->version = LittleLong (res->debug->version); if (res->debug->version != PROG_DEBUG_VERSION) { Sys_Printf ("ignoring %s with unsupported version %x.%03x.%03x\n", sym_path, (res->debug->version >> 24) & 0xff, (res->debug->version >> 12) & 0xfff, res->debug->version & 0xfff); res->debug = 0; free (sym_path); return 1; } res->debug->crc = LittleShort (res->debug->crc); if (res->debug->crc != pr->crc) { Sys_Printf ("ignoring %s that doesn't match %s. (CRCs: " "sym:%d dat:%d)\n", sym_path, pr->progs_name, res->debug->crc, pr->crc); res->debug = 0; free (sym_path); return 1; } free (sym_path); res->debug->you_tell_me_and_we_will_both_know = LittleShort (res->debug->you_tell_me_and_we_will_both_know); res->debug->auxfunctions = LittleLong (res->debug->auxfunctions); res->debug->num_auxfunctions = LittleLong (res->debug->num_auxfunctions); res->debug->linenos = LittleLong (res->debug->linenos); res->debug->num_linenos = LittleLong (res->debug->num_linenos); res->debug->locals = LittleLong (res->debug->locals); res->debug->num_locals = LittleLong (res->debug->num_locals); res->auxfunctions = (pr_auxfunction_t*)((char*)res->debug + res->debug->auxfunctions); res->linenos = (pr_lineno_t*)((char*)res->debug + res->debug->linenos); res->local_defs = (pr_def_t*)((char*)res->debug + res->debug->locals); i = pr->progs->numfunctions * sizeof (pr_auxfunction_t *); res->auxfunction_map = pr->allocate_progs_mem (pr, i); for (i = 0; i < pr->progs->numfunctions; i++) res->auxfunction_map[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < res->debug->num_auxfunctions; i++) { res->auxfunctions[i].function = LittleLong (res->auxfunctions[i].function); res->auxfunctions[i].source_line = LittleLong (res->auxfunctions[i].source_line); res->auxfunctions[i].line_info = LittleLong (res->auxfunctions[i].line_info); res->auxfunctions[i].local_defs = LittleLong (res->auxfunctions[i].local_defs); res->auxfunctions[i].num_locals = LittleLong (res->auxfunctions[i].num_locals); res->auxfunction_map[res->auxfunctions[i].function] = &res->auxfunctions[i]; } for (i = 0; i < res->debug->num_linenos; i++) { res->linenos[i].fa.func = LittleLong (res->linenos[i].fa.func); res->linenos[i].line = LittleLong (res->linenos[i].line); } res->type_encodings_def = PR_FindGlobal (pr, ".type_encodings"); if (res->type_encodings_def) { __auto_type encodings = &G_STRUCT (pr, qfot_type_encodings_t, res->type_encodings_def->ofs); type_encodings = encodings->types; } for (i = 0; i < res->debug->num_locals; i++) { res->local_defs[i].type = LittleShort (res->local_defs[i].type); res->local_defs[i].size = LittleShort (res->local_defs[i].size); res->local_defs[i].ofs = LittleLong (res->local_defs[i].ofs); res->local_defs[i].name = LittleLong (res->local_defs[i].name); res->local_defs[i].type_encoding = LittleLong (res->local_defs[i].type_encoding); if (type_encodings) { res->local_defs[i].type_encoding += type_encodings; } } return 1; } VISIBLE pr_auxfunction_t * PR_Debug_AuxFunction (progs_t *pr, pr_uint_t func) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; if (!res->debug || func >= res->debug->num_auxfunctions) { return 0; } return &res->auxfunctions[func]; } VISIBLE pr_auxfunction_t * PR_Debug_MappedAuxFunction (progs_t *pr, pr_uint_t func) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; if (!res->debug || func >= pr->progs->numfunctions) { return 0; } return res->auxfunction_map[func]; } VISIBLE pr_def_t * PR_Debug_LocalDefs (progs_t *pr, pr_auxfunction_t *aux_function) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; if (!res->debug || !aux_function) { return 0; } if (aux_function->local_defs > res->debug->num_locals) { return 0; } return res->local_defs + aux_function->local_defs; } VISIBLE pr_lineno_t * PR_Debug_Linenos (progs_t *pr, pr_auxfunction_t *aux_function, pr_uint_t *num_linenos) { pr_uint_t i, count; prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; if (!res->debug) { return 0; } if (!aux_function) { *num_linenos = res->debug->num_linenos; return res->linenos; } if (aux_function->line_info > res->debug->num_linenos) { return 0; } //FIXME put lineno count in sym file for (count = 1, i = aux_function->line_info + 1; i < res->debug->num_linenos; i++, count++) { if (!res->linenos[i].line) { break; } } *num_linenos = count; return res->linenos + aux_function->line_info; } pr_auxfunction_t * PR_Get_Lineno_Func (progs_t *pr, pr_lineno_t *lineno) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; while (lineno > res->linenos && lineno->line) lineno--; if (lineno->line) return 0; return &res->auxfunctions[lineno->fa.func]; } pr_uint_t PR_Get_Lineno_Addr (progs_t *pr, pr_lineno_t *lineno) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; pr_auxfunction_t *f; if (lineno->line) return lineno->fa.addr; if (lineno->fa.func < res->debug->num_auxfunctions) { f = &res->auxfunctions[lineno->fa.func]; return pr->pr_functions[f->function].first_statement; } // take a wild guess that only the line number is bogus and return // the address anyway return lineno->fa.addr; } pr_uint_t PR_Get_Lineno_Line (progs_t *pr, pr_lineno_t *lineno) { if (lineno->line) return lineno->line; return 0; } pr_lineno_t * PR_Find_Lineno (progs_t *pr, pr_uint_t addr) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; pr_uint_t i; pr_lineno_t *lineno = 0; if (!res->debug) return 0; if (!res->debug->num_linenos) return 0; for (i = res->debug->num_linenos; i > 0; i--) { if (PR_Get_Lineno_Addr (pr, &res->linenos[i - 1]) <= addr) { lineno = &res->linenos[i - 1]; break; } } return lineno; } const char * PR_Get_Source_File (progs_t *pr, pr_lineno_t *lineno) { pr_auxfunction_t *f; f = PR_Get_Lineno_Func (pr, lineno); if (f->function >= (unsigned) pr->progs->numfunctions) return 0; return PR_GetString(pr, pr->pr_functions[f->function].s_file); } const char * PR_Get_Source_Line (progs_t *pr, pr_uint_t addr) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; const char *fname; pr_uint_t line; file_t *file; pr_auxfunction_t *func; pr_lineno_t *lineno; lineno = PR_Find_Lineno (pr, addr); if (!lineno || PR_Get_Lineno_Addr (pr, lineno) != addr) return 0; func = PR_Get_Lineno_Func (pr, lineno); fname = PR_Get_Source_File (pr, lineno); if (!func || !fname) return 0; line = PR_Get_Lineno_Line (pr, lineno); line += func->source_line; file = PR_Load_Source_File (pr, fname); if (!file || !file->lines || !line || line > file->num_lines) return dsprintf (res->dva, "%s:%u", fname, line); return dsprintf (res->dva, "%s:%u:%.*s", fname, line, (int)file->lines[line - 1].len, file->lines[line - 1].text); } pr_def_t * PR_Get_Param_Def (progs_t *pr, dfunction_t *func, unsigned parm) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; pr_uint_t i; pr_auxfunction_t *aux_func; pr_def_t *ddef = 0; int num_params; int param_offs = 0; if (!res->debug) return 0; if (!func) return 0; num_params = func->numparms; if (num_params < 0) { num_params = ~num_params; // one's compliment param_offs = 1; // skip over @args def } if (parm >= (unsigned) num_params) return 0; aux_func = res->auxfunction_map[func - pr->pr_functions]; if (!aux_func) return 0; for (i = 0; i < aux_func->num_locals; i++) { ddef = &res->local_defs[aux_func->local_defs + param_offs + i]; if (!parm--) break; } return ddef; } static pr_auxfunction_t * get_aux_function (progs_t *pr) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; dfunction_t *func; if (!pr->pr_xfunction || !res->auxfunction_map) return 0; func = pr->pr_xfunction->descriptor; return res->auxfunction_map[func - pr->pr_functions]; } static etype_t get_etype (progs_t *pr, int typeptr) { qfot_type_t *type; if (!typeptr) { return ev_void; } type = &G_STRUCT (pr, qfot_type_t, typeptr); if (type->meta == ty_basic) { return type->t.type; } return ev_void; } pr_def_t * PR_Get_Local_Def (progs_t *pr, pointer_t offs) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; pr_uint_t i; dfunction_t *func; pr_auxfunction_t *aux_func; if (!pr->pr_xfunction) return 0; func = pr->pr_xfunction->descriptor; if (!func) return 0; aux_func = res->auxfunction_map[func - pr->pr_functions]; if (!aux_func) return 0; offs -= func->parm_start; if (offs >= func->locals) return 0; for (i = 0; i < aux_func->num_locals; i++) if (res->local_defs[aux_func->local_defs + i].ofs == offs) return &res->local_defs[aux_func->local_defs + i]; return 0; } VISIBLE void PR_DumpState (progs_t *pr) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; if (pr->pr_xfunction) { if (pr_debug->int_val && res->debug) { pr_lineno_t *lineno; pr_auxfunction_t *func = 0; dfunction_t *descriptor = pr->pr_xfunction->descriptor; pr_int_t addr = pr->pr_xstatement; lineno = PR_Find_Lineno (pr, addr); if (lineno) func = PR_Get_Lineno_Func (pr, lineno); if (func && descriptor == pr->pr_functions + func->function) addr = PR_Get_Lineno_Addr (pr, lineno); else addr = max (descriptor->first_statement, addr - 5); while (addr != pr->pr_xstatement) PR_PrintStatement (pr, pr->pr_statements + addr++, 3); } PR_PrintStatement (pr, pr->pr_statements + pr->pr_xstatement, 3); } PR_StackTrace (pr); } #define ISDENORM(x) ((x) && !((x) & 0x7f800000)) static const char * value_string (pr_debug_data_t *data, qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value) { switch (type->meta) { case ty_basic: switch (type->t.type) { case ev_void: raw_type_view.void_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_string: raw_type_view.string_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_float: raw_type_view.float_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_vector: raw_type_view.vector_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_entity: raw_type_view.entity_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_field: raw_type_view.field_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_func: raw_type_view.func_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_pointer: raw_type_view.pointer_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_quat: raw_type_view.quat_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_integer: raw_type_view.integer_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_uinteger: raw_type_view.uinteger_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_short: raw_type_view.short_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_double: raw_type_view.double_view (type, value, data); break; case ev_invalid: case ev_type_count: dstring_appendstr (data->dstr, ""); } break; case ty_struct: raw_type_view.struct_view (type, value, data); break; case ty_union: raw_type_view.union_view (type, value, data); break; case ty_enum: raw_type_view.enum_view (type, value, data); break; case ty_array: raw_type_view.array_view (type, value, data); break; case ty_class: raw_type_view.class_view (type, value, data); break; } return data->dstr->str; } static pr_def_t * pr_debug_find_def (progs_t *pr, pr_int_t ofs) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; pr_def_t *def = 0; if (pr_debug->int_val && res->debug) def = PR_Get_Local_Def (pr, ofs); if (!def) def = PR_GlobalAtOfs (pr, ofs); return def; } static const char * global_string (pr_debug_data_t *data, pointer_t ofs, etype_t etype, int contents) { progs_t *pr = data->pr; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; pr_def_t *def = NULL; qfot_type_t dummy_type = { }; qfot_type_t *type; const char *name = 0; dstring_clearstr (dstr); if (etype == ev_short) { dsprintf (dstr, "%04x", (short) ofs); return dstr->str; } if (ofs > pr->globals_size) { dsprintf (dstr, "%08x out of bounds", ofs); return dstr->str; } def = pr_debug_find_def (pr, ofs); if (!def || !PR_StringValid (pr, def->name) || !*(name = PR_GetString (pr, def->name))) { dsprintf (dstr, "[$%x]", ofs); } if (name) { if (strequal (name, "IMMEDIATE") || strequal (name, ".imm")) { contents = 1; } else { dsprintf (dstr, "%s", name); } } if (contents) { if (name) { dstring_appendstr (dstr, "("); } if (def) { if (!def->type_encoding) { dummy_type.t.type = def->type; type = &dummy_type; } else { type = &G_STRUCT (pr, qfot_type_t, def->type_encoding); } } else { dummy_type.t.type = etype; type = &dummy_type; } value_string (data, type, pr->pr_globals + ofs); if (name) { dstring_appendstr (dstr, ")"); } } return dstr->str; } static void pr_debug_void_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dasprintf (data->dstr, ""); } static void pr_debug_string_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; string_t string = value->string_var; if (PR_StringValid (data->pr, string)) { const char *str = PR_GetString (data->pr, string); dstring_appendstr (dstr, "\""); while (*str) { const char *s; for (s = str; *s && !strchr ("\"\n\t", *s); s++) { } if (s != str) { dstring_appendsubstr (dstr, str, s - str); } if (*s) { switch (*s) { case '\"': dstring_appendstr (dstr, "\\\""); break; case '\n': dstring_appendstr (dstr, "\\n"); break; case '\t': dstring_appendstr (dstr, "\\t"); break; default: dasprintf (dstr, "\\x%02x", *s & 0xff); } s++; } str = s; } dstring_appendstr (dstr, "\""); } else { dstring_appendstr (dstr, "*** invalid string offset ***"); } } static void pr_debug_float_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; if (data->pr->progs->version == PROG_ID_VERSION && ISDENORM (value->integer_var) && value->uinteger_var != 0x80000000) { dasprintf (dstr, "<%08x>", value->integer_var); } else { dasprintf (dstr, "%g", value->float_var); } } static void pr_debug_vector_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dasprintf (dstr, "'%g %g %g'", value->vector_var[0], value->vector_var[1], value->vector_var[2]); } static void pr_debug_entity_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; progs_t *pr = data->pr; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; edict_t *edict = PROG_TO_EDICT (pr, value->entity_var); dasprintf (dstr, "entity %d", NUM_FOR_BAD_EDICT (pr, edict)); } static void pr_debug_field_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; progs_t *pr = data->pr; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; pr_def_t *def = PR_FieldAtOfs (pr, value->integer_var); if (def) { dasprintf (dstr, ".%s", PR_GetString (pr, def->name)); } else { dasprintf (dstr, ".<$%04x>", value->integer_var); } } static void pr_debug_func_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; progs_t *pr = data->pr; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; if (value->func_var >= pr->progs->numfunctions) { dasprintf (dstr, "INVALID:%d", value->func_var); } else if (!value->func_var) { dstring_appendstr (dstr, "NULL"); } else { dfunction_t *f = pr->pr_functions + value->func_var; dasprintf (dstr, "%s()", PR_GetString (pr, f->s_name)); } } static void pr_debug_pointer_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; progs_t *pr = data->pr; prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; //FIXME dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; pointer_t ofs = value->integer_var; pr_def_t *def = 0; if (pr_debug->int_val && res->debug) { def = PR_Get_Local_Def (pr, ofs); } if (!def) { def = PR_GlobalAtOfs (pr, ofs); } if (def && def->name) { dasprintf (dstr, "&%s", PR_GetString (pr, def->name)); } else { dasprintf (dstr, "[$%x]", ofs); } } static void pr_debug_quat_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dasprintf (dstr, "'%g %g %g %g'", value->vector_var[0], value->vector_var[1], value->vector_var[2], value->vector_var[3]); } static void pr_debug_integer_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dasprintf (dstr, "%d", value->integer_var); } static void pr_debug_uinteger_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dasprintf (dstr, "$%08x", value->uinteger_var); } static void pr_debug_short_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dasprintf (dstr, "%d", (short)value->integer_var); } static void pr_debug_double_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dasprintf (dstr, "%g", *(double *)value); } static void pr_debug_struct_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dstring_appendstr (dstr, ""); } static void pr_debug_union_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dstring_appendstr (dstr, ""); } static void pr_debug_enum_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dstring_appendstr (dstr, ""); } static void pr_debug_array_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dstring_appendstr (dstr, ""); } static void pr_debug_class_view (qfot_type_t *type, pr_type_t *value, void *_data) { __auto_type data = (pr_debug_data_t *) _data; dstring_t *dstr = data->dstr; dstring_appendstr (dstr, ""); } VISIBLE void PR_Debug_Watch (progs_t *pr, const char *expr) { pr_def_t watch; if (!expr) { Sys_Printf ("watch \n"); if (pr->watch) { Sys_Printf (" watching [%d]\n", (int) (intptr_t) (pr->watch - pr->pr_globals)); if (pr->wp_conditional) Sys_Printf (" if new val == %d\n", pr->wp_val.integer_var); } else { Sys_Printf (" none active\n"); } return; } pr->watch = 0; watch = parse_expression (pr, expr, 1); if (watch.type != ev_invalid) pr->watch = &pr->pr_globals[watch.ofs]; if (pr->watch) { Sys_Printf ("watchpoint set to [%d]\n", PR_SetPointer (pr, pr->watch)); if (pr->wp_conditional) Sys_Printf (" if new val == %d\n", pr->wp_val.integer_var); } else { Sys_Printf ("watchpoint cleared\n"); } } VISIBLE void PR_Debug_Print (progs_t *pr, const char *expr) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; pr_def_t print; pr_debug_data_t data = {pr, res->dstr}; if (!expr) { Sys_Printf ("print \n"); return; } print = parse_expression (pr, expr, 0); if (print.type != ev_invalid) { const char *s = global_string (&data, print.ofs, print.type, 1); Sys_Printf ("[%d] = %s\n", print.ofs, s); } } VISIBLE void PR_PrintStatement (progs_t *pr, dstatement_t *s, int contents) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; int addr = s - pr->pr_statements; int dump_code = contents & 2; const char *fmt; opcode_t *op; dfunction_t *call_func = 0; pr_def_t *parm_def = 0; pr_auxfunction_t *aux_func = 0; pr_debug_data_t data; dstring_clearstr (res->line); data.pr = pr; data.dstr = res->dstr; if (pr_debug->int_val > 1) dump_code = 1; if (pr_debug->int_val && res->debug) { const char *source_line = PR_Get_Source_Line (pr, addr); if (source_line) { dasprintf (res->line, "%s%s", source_line, dump_code ? "\n" : ""); if (!dump_code) goto do_print; } if (!dump_code) return; } op = PR_Opcode (s->op); if (!op) { Sys_Printf ("%sUnknown instruction %d\n", res->line->str, s->op); return; } if (!(fmt = op->fmt)) fmt = "%Ga, %Gb, %gc"; dasprintf (res->line, "%04x ", addr); if (pr_debug->int_val > 2) dasprintf (res->line, "%02x %04x(%8s) %04x(%8s) %04x(%8s)\t", s->op, s->a, pr_type_name[op->type_a], s->b, pr_type_name[op->type_b], s->c, pr_type_name[op->type_c]); dasprintf (res->line, "%s ", op->opname); while (*fmt) { if (*fmt == '%') { if (fmt[1] == '%') { dstring_appendsubstr (res->line, fmt + 1, 1); fmt += 2; } else { const char *str; char mode = fmt[1], opchar = fmt[2]; unsigned parm_ind = 0; pr_int_t opval; etype_t optype = ev_void; func_t func; if (mode == 'P') { opchar = fmt[3]; parm_ind = fmt[2] - '0'; fmt++; // P has one extra item if (parm_ind >= MAX_PARMS) goto err; } switch (opchar) { case 'a': opval = s->a; optype = op->type_a; break; case 'b': opval = s->b; optype = op->type_b; break; case 'c': opval = s->c; optype = op->type_c; break; case 'x': if (mode == 'P') { opval = pr->pr_real_params[parm_ind] - pr->pr_globals; break; } default: goto err; } switch (mode) { case 'R': optype = ev_void; aux_func = get_aux_function (pr); if (aux_func) optype = get_etype (pr, aux_func->return_type); str = global_string (&data, opval, optype, contents & 1); break; case 'F': str = global_string (&data, opval, optype, contents & 1); func = G_FUNCTION (pr, opval); if (func < pr->progs->numfunctions) { call_func = pr->pr_functions + func; } break; case 'P': parm_def = PR_Get_Param_Def (pr, call_func, parm_ind); optype = ev_void; if (parm_def) optype = parm_def->type; str = global_string (&data, opval, optype, contents & 1); break; case 'V': str = global_string (&data, opval, ev_void, contents & 1); break; case 'G': str = global_string (&data, opval, optype, contents & 1); break; case 'g': str = global_string (&data, opval, optype, 0); break; case 's': str = dsprintf (res->dva, "%d", (short) opval); break; case 'O': str = dsprintf (res->dva, "%04x", addr + (short) opval); break; case 'E': { edict_t *ed = 0; opval = pr->pr_globals[s->a].entity_var; parm_ind = pr->pr_globals[s->b].uinteger_var; if (parm_ind < pr->progs->entityfields && opval >= 0 && opval < pr->pr_edictareasize) { ed = PROG_TO_EDICT (pr, opval); opval = &ed->v[parm_ind] - pr->pr_globals; } if (!ed) { str = "bad entity.field"; break; } str = global_string (&data, opval, optype, contents & 1); str = dsprintf (res->dva, "$%x $%x %s", s->a, s->b, str); } break; default: goto err; } dstring_appendstr (res->line, str); fmt += 3; continue; err: dstring_appendstr (res->line, fmt); break; } } else { dstring_appendsubstr (res->line, fmt++, 1); } } do_print: Sys_Printf ("%s\n", res->line->str); } static void dump_frame (progs_t *pr, prstack_t *frame) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; dfunction_t *f = frame->f ? frame->f->descriptor : 0; if (!f) { Sys_Printf ("\n"); return; } if (pr_debug->int_val && res->debug) { pr_lineno_t *lineno = PR_Find_Lineno (pr, frame->s); pr_auxfunction_t *func = PR_Get_Lineno_Func (pr, lineno); pr_uint_t line = PR_Get_Lineno_Line (pr, lineno); pr_int_t addr = PR_Get_Lineno_Addr (pr, lineno); line += func->source_line; if (addr == frame->s) { Sys_Printf ("%12s:%u : %s: %x\n", PR_GetString (pr, f->s_file), line, PR_GetString (pr, f->s_name), frame->s); } else { Sys_Printf ("%12s:%u+%d : %s: %x\n", PR_GetString (pr, f->s_file), line, frame->s - addr, PR_GetString (pr, f->s_name), frame->s); } } else { Sys_Printf ("%12s : %s: %x\n", PR_GetString (pr, f->s_file), PR_GetString (pr, f->s_name), frame->s); } } VISIBLE void PR_StackTrace (progs_t *pr) { int i; prstack_t top; if (pr->pr_depth == 0) { Sys_Printf ("\n"); return; } top.s = pr->pr_xstatement; top.f = pr->pr_xfunction; dump_frame (pr, &top); for (i = pr->pr_depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) dump_frame (pr, pr->pr_stack + i); } VISIBLE void PR_Profile (progs_t * pr) { pr_uint_t max, num, i; dfunction_t *best, *f; num = 0; do { max = 0; best = NULL; for (i = 0; i < pr->progs->numfunctions; i++) { f = &pr->pr_functions[i]; if (f->profile > max) { max = f->profile; best = f; } } if (best) { if (num < 10) Sys_Printf ("%7i %s\n", best->profile, PR_GetString (pr, best->s_name)); num++; best->profile = 0; } } while (best); } /* ED_Print For debugging */ VISIBLE void ED_Print (progs_t *pr, edict_t *ed) { prdeb_resources_t *res = pr->pr_debug_resources; int l; pr_uint_t i, j; const char *name; pr_def_t *d; pr_type_t *v; qfot_type_t dummy_type = { }; qfot_type_t *type; pr_debug_data_t data = {pr, res->dstr}; if (ed->free) { Sys_Printf ("FREE\n"); return; } Sys_Printf ("\nEDICT %d:\n", NUM_FOR_BAD_EDICT (pr, ed)); for (i = 0; i < pr->progs->numfielddefs; i++) { d = &pr->pr_fielddefs[i]; if (!d->name) // null field def (probably 1st) continue; type = get_def_type (pr, d, &dummy_type); name = PR_GetString (pr, d->name); if (name[strlen (name) - 2] == '_' && strchr ("xyz", name[strlen (name) -1])) continue; // skip _x, _y, _z vars for (j = 0; j < d->size; j++) { if (E_INT (ed, d->ofs + j)) { break; } } if (j == d->size) { continue; } v = ed->v + d->ofs; l = 15 - strlen (name); if (l < 1) l = 1; dstring_clearstr (res->dstr); value_string (&data, type, v); Sys_Printf ("%s%*s%s\n", name, l, "", res->dstr->str); } } void PR_Debug_Init (progs_t *pr) { prdeb_resources_t *res = calloc (1, sizeof (*res)); res->pr = pr; res->string = dstring_newstr (); res->dva = dstring_newstr (); res->line = dstring_newstr (); res->dstr = dstring_newstr (); PR_Resources_Register (pr, "PR_Debug", res, pr_debug_clear); if (!file_hash) { file_hash = Hash_NewTable (1024, file_get_key, file_free, 0); } PR_AddLoadFunc (pr, PR_LoadDebug); } void PR_Debug_Init_Cvars (void) { pr_debug = Cvar_Get ("pr_debug", "0", CVAR_NONE, NULL, "enable progs debugging"); pr_source_path = Cvar_Get ("pr_source_path", ".", CVAR_NONE, source_path_f, "where to look (within gamedir) for source " "files"); }