allow_download       : Toggle if clients can download game data from the server
     allow_download_maps  : Toggle if clients can download maps from the server
     allow_download_models : Toggle if clients can download models from the server
     allow_download_skins : Toggle if clients can download skins from the server
     allow_download_sounds : Toggle if clients can download sounds from the server
     cl_rollangle         : How much a player's screen tilts when strafing
     cl_rollspeed         : How quickly a player straightens out after strafing
     cl_warncmd           : Toggles the display of error messages for unknown commands
   s deathmatch           : Sets the rules for weapon and item respawning. 1 Does not leave weapons on the map. You can pickup weapons and items and they will respawn,2 Leaves weapons on the map. You can only pick up a weapon once. Picked up items will not respawn,3 Leaves weapons on the map. You can only pick up a weapon once. Picked up items will respawn.
     developer            : Toggle verbose output of server information. Useful for diagnosing problems and learning more about the server
     filterban            : Determines the rules for the IP list 0 Only IP addresses on the Ban list will be allowed onto the server, 1 Only IP addresses NOT on the Ban list will be allowed onto the server
   s fraglimit            : Amount of frags a player must attain in order to exit the level
r    fs_basegame          : game to use by default
r    fs_globalcfg         : global configuration file
r    fs_sharepath         : location of shared (read only) game directories
r    fs_skinbase          : location of skins dir for downloads
r    fs_userpath          : location of your game directories
 *   gl_subdivide_size    : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
   s hostname             : Report or sets the server name
   s maxclients           : Sets how many clients can connect to your server, this includes spectators and players
   s maxspectators        : Sets how many spectators can connect to your server. The maxclients value takes precidence over this value so this value should always be equal-to or less-then the maxclients value
   s no_pogo_stick        : disable the ability to pogo stick
     password             : Set the server password for players
     pausable             : Toggle if server can be paused 1 is on, 0 is off
     pr_boundscheck       : Server progs bounds checking
     qport                : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
   s r_skyname            : name of skybox
     rcon_password        : Set the password for rcon commands
     registered           : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
   s samelevel            : Determines the rules for level changing and exiting. 0 Allows advancing to the next level,1 The same level will be played until someone exits,2 The same level will be played and the exit will kill anybody that tries to exit,3 The same level will be played and the exit will kill anybody that tries to exit, except on the Start map.
     showdrop             : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
     showpackets          : Show all network packets
   s spawn                : Spawn the player entity
     spectator_password   : Set the spectator password
     sv_accelerate        : Sets the acceleration value for the players
     sv_aim               : Sets the value for auto-aiming leniency
     sv_airaccelerate     : Sets how quickly the players accelerate in air
     sv_allow_log         : Allow remote logging
     sv_allow_pings       : Allow remote pings (qstat etc)
     sv_allow_status      : Allow remote status queries (qstat etc)
     sv_friction          : Sets the friction value for the players
     sv_gravity           : Sets the global value for the amount of gravity
     sv_highchars         : Toggle the use of high character color names for players
     sv_mapcheck          : Toggle the use of map checksumming to check for players who edit maps to cheat
   s sv_maxrate           : Maximum allowable rate
     sv_maxspeed          : Sets the maximum speed a player can move
     sv_maxtic            : The maximum amount of time in seconds before a client a receives an update from the server
     sv_maxvelocity       : Sets the maximum velocity an object can travel
   s sv_minqfversion      : Minimum QF version on client
     sv_mintic            : The minimum amount of time the server will wait before sending packets to a client. Set to .5 to make modem users happy
     sv_netdosprotect     : DoS flood attack protection
     sv_phs               : Possibly Hearable Set. If set to zero, the server calculates sound hearability in realtime
r    sv_progs             : Allows selectable game progs if you have several of them in the gamedir
     sv_spectalk          : Toggles the ability of spectators to talk to players
     sv_spectatormaxspeed : Sets the maximum speed a spectator can move
     sv_stopspeed         : Sets the value that determines how fast the player should come to a complete stop
     sv_timefmt           : Time/date format to use
   s sv_timekick          : Time cheat protection
     sv_timekick_fuzz     : Time cheat "fuzz factor"
     sv_timekick_interval : Time cheat check interval
     sv_timestamps        : Time/date stamps in log entries
     sv_wateraccelerate   : Sets the water acceleration value
     sv_waterfriction     : Sets the water friction value
     sys_dead_sleep       : When set, the server gets NO cpu if no clients are connectedand there's no other activity. *MIGHT* cause problems withsome mods.
     sys_extrasleep       : Set to cause whatever amount delay in microseconds you want. Mostly useful to generate simulated bad connections.
     sys_nostdout         : Toggles console screen output
   s teamplay             : Determines teamplay rules. 0 off, 1 You cannot hurt yourself nor your teammates, 2 You can hurt yourself, your teammates, and you will lose one frag for killing a teammate3 You can hurt yourself but you cannot hurt your teammates
   s timelimit            : Sets the amount of time in minutes that is needed before advancing to the next level
     timeout              : Sets the amount of time in seconds before a client is considered disconnected if the server does not receive a packet
     vid_height           : User-created cvar
     vid_width            : User-created cvar
   s watervis             : Toggle the use of r_watervis by OpenGL clients
     zombietime           : The number of seconds that the server will keep the character of a player on the map who seems to have disconnected