Quakeforge HOWTO **************** Author: elmex Last Update: 11.01.2001 ====================================== 0. Introduction 0.1 ChangeLog 1 Getting Quakeforge 1.1 Get QF by CVS 2 Requirements 3 Compiling Quakeforge 3.1 Configure 3.2 Build 3.3 Quake1 datafiles 3.4 Start quake 4 Configure/Use Quakeforge Hints 4.1 Video 4.2 Audio 4.3 Input 4.4 Misc 5. FAQ ====================================== 0. Introduction --------------- This document describes howto install quakeforge and configure it. The configuration is organized in a FAQ. 0.1 ChangeLog ------------- 11.01.2001 - Some rearrange of the Text, Added cmdlist notes, FAQ-Section rearranged to Hints-Section, added a extra FAQ-Section and added some new hints 1. Getting Quakeforge --------------------- First you should get Quakeforge source-code. You can get the source on the Website or from the CVS. For CVS see section 1.1 (below). Save the source in a good location, untar it (tar -xvzf ) and proceed to section 3. 1.1 Get QF by CVS ----------------- Here are the two commands for getting the CVS: $ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.quakeforge.net:/project/cvs login login: (hit enter) $ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.quakeforge.net:/project/cvs co quakeforge 2. Requirements --------------- You will need XFree86 to build Quakeforge clients. Quakeforge has many targets, and the configure-script should detect the possible targets. I recommend to install SDL, but its optional. NOTE: fbdev clients aren't ready for use yet (due to poor input code) The most important requirement are quake1-data-files. If you are not a owner of quake1, you should run like hell to the next computer-game-shop and get quake1. You will need the pak-files in id1/. 3. Compiling Quakeforge ----------------------- 3.1 Configure ------------- First we will have to make the configure-script: $ ./bootstrap The script maybe alerts some warnings, ignore them. For a documentation of the configure options, type: ./configure --help Most options are self-explaining, but i will list the important options here: --with-clients= You can specify a list with clients you want to build. This option is autodetected normally. If you specify a client, which isn't avaible on your system, the build will maybe fail. --with-servers= Specifys the servers to build. This option is autodetected normally. --disable-debug Compile Quakeforge without debugging. You will not need this, until you are going to develop Quakeforge. In CVS-checkouts or development-releases debugging is enabled by default, disable it with --disable-debug. After you got all the necessary options for your system run the script: $ ./configure --disable-debug That will be enough for a normal linux-system. As i use a special prefix and special library-location i use this command to configure Quakeforge (this will not work on your system, thread it as an example): $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/quakeforge ----with-sdl-prefix=/opt/SDL-1.2.3/ \ --with-sdl-exec-prefix=/opt/SDL-1.2.3/ \ --disable-debug --with-amd --with-clients=glx,sdl,sdl32,svga,x11 \ --with-servers=master,nq,qw --disable-xmms Now the makefiles have been build and we can proceed to the next step. 3.2 Build --------- This step should be the easiest of all: $ make After a long time everything should have been build fine. If not, and make exited with an error, you should check library-paths and the configure-script options. If you fetched the source from CVS it's maybe broken. Contact the developers and make a bugreport. Now install the binarys: $ make install (You maybe have to be root, if you want to install quakeforge to a public location (eg. /usr/local/) ) 3.3 Quake1 datafiles -------------------- The Quake1 datafiles are packed into an lha archive on the CD, which you will need to extract for use with Quakeforge. If you have the lha file extractor, you can use it to extract the Quake1 datafiles directly from the CD's resource archive: $ lha e resource.1 Alternately, you can use DOS or a DOS-emulator to install Quake1 to your harddisk normally, and then mount the partition with the installed Quake1. Now there are two locations to install the quake1-gamedata to: Public/Shared location: This is the most common location for the original quake1 gamedata, because it can be used by every use on the system, who wants to play quake. Make the directory /share/games/quakeforge/id1/ and copy id1/*.pak to it. ( will be /usr/local/ by default) Example: $ cd $ mkdir -p share/games/quakeforge/id1/ (Note: the -p option is only avaible on systems with GNU-fileutils, make the missing parent-directorys manually if -p switch fails) $ cp /id1/*.pak /share/games/quakeforge/id1/ Per-User location: You can install the gamedata to your local user-directory ~/.quakeforge/id1/ too. This is good for customized gamedata or if you dont have access to the global location. Make the directory ~/.quakeforge/id1, if it doesn't exist and copy id1/*.pak to it. Example: $ cd $HOME $ mkdir .quakeforge && mkdir .quakeforge/id1/ $ cp /id1/*.pak .quakeforge/id1/ 3.4 Start quake --------------- Now everything should be setup and the clients should start. To list all the clients which were build do: ls /bin/nq-* or for quakeworld-clients: ls /bin/qw-* There should be a nq-x11, if not, use another. Test it: $ nq-x11 (or whatever client you want to use) 4. Configure Quakeforge FAQ ----------------------------------- This section sums up the most important options for different stuff in quakeforge in a list of Hints. There are a lot more options you can change, to get a list of all with documentation do: $ nq-x11 +cvarlist doc +quit > cvar.list or $ qw-client-x11 +cvarlist doc +quit > fe You can do that with any client. (If you want the list of cvars avaible for server start the server and use '/cvarlist doc' to get a documentation, but this may not output a good list) There is too a cmd-list: $ nq-x11 +cmdlist doc +quit > cmd.list For most cvars (options) you can set in config.cfg (in the gamedata-dir of quakeforge (eg. ~/.quakeforge/id1/config.cfg)) or in ~/.quakeforgerc Where i recommend ~/.quakeforgerc But you can too set the cvars on commandline: +set Example: $ nq-x11 +set vid_width 640 +set vid_height 480 If your question isn't answered anywhere in this document you should look at the documentation which comes with quakeforge or ask the developers. If you have a common question and an answere please mail me, to keep this document uptodate and to make it complete. 4.1 Video --------- o Set resolution of quake in X - Set vid_width and vid_height to the appropriate values. o View Frames per second - Set the cvar 'show_fps' to 1: /set show_fps 1 4.2 Audio --------- o Quake hangs on "Sound Initialization" - Another programm is using the sound-device. Try the -nosound option. Try to figure out the sound-driver you need and their values for the cvars snd_output. 4.3 Input --------- o Enable mouselook - Put '+mlook' into ~/.quakeforgerc or autoexec.cfg o Make the mouse stay in the window - Set in_grab to 1, that will grab the mouse. (I recommend to make a bind to "toggle in_grab" for make the options toggleable) o Invert mouse (reverse mouse control over pitch) - Set m_pitch to -0.022. Default is 0.022. 4.4 Misc -------- o Change map - Use the 'map' command. To get a list of possible maps use: /maplist and then /map (eg. /map e1m6) 5. FAQ ------ Q: HELP! Where is the menu? Everytime i press ESC the console comes. A: Make sure that cs-code/menu.dat.gz (or menu.dat if you didn't compile with gzip support. Why didn't you compile with gzip support!?) is being installed in your quakeforge/id1 directory, or wherever you have your quake 1 pak0.pak.