/* #FILENAME# #DESCRIPTION# Copyright (C) 2004 #AUTHOR# Author: #AUTHOR# Date: #DATE# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((unused)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include "QF/cbuf.h" #include "QF/cmd.h" #include "QF/console.h" #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/idparse.h" #include "QF/info.h" #include "qw/msg_ucmd.h" #include "qw/protocol.h" #include "client.h" #include "connection.h" #include "qtv.h" typedef struct ucmd_s { const char *name; void (*func) (client_t *cl, void *userdata); unsigned no_redirect:1; unsigned overridable:1; unsigned freeable:1; void *userdata; void (*on_free) (void *userdata); } ucmd_t; static void client_drop (client_t *cl) { MSG_WriteByte (&cl->netchan.message, svc_disconnect); Con_Printf ("Client %s removed\n", Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name")); cl->drop = 1; } static void cl_new_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { qtv_printf ("\"cmd list\" for a list of servers\n"); qtv_printf ("\"cmd connect \" to connect to a server\n"); } static void cl_modellist_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_soundlist_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_prespawn_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_spawn_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_begin_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_drop_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { client_drop (cl); } static void cl_pings_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_rate_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_say_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_setinfo_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_serverinfo_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_download_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_nextdl_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static void cl_ptrack_f (client_t *cl, void *unused) { } static ucmd_t ucmds[] = { {"new", cl_new_f, 0, 0}, {"modellist", cl_modellist_f, 0, 0}, {"soundlist", cl_soundlist_f, 0, 0}, {"prespawn", cl_prespawn_f, 0, 0}, {"spawn", cl_spawn_f, 0, 0}, {"begin", cl_begin_f, 1, 0}, {"drop", cl_drop_f, 0, 0}, {"pings", cl_pings_f, 0, 0}, // issued by hand at client consoles {"rate", cl_rate_f, 0, 0}, {"kill", 0, 1, 1}, {"pause", 0, 1, 0}, {"msg", 0, 0, 0}, {"say", cl_say_f, 1, 1}, {"say_team", cl_say_f, 1, 1}, {"setinfo", cl_setinfo_f, 1, 0}, {"serverinfo", cl_serverinfo_f, 0, 0}, {"download", cl_download_f, 1, 0}, {"nextdl", cl_nextdl_f, 0, 0}, {"ptrack", cl_ptrack_f, 0, 1}, // ZOID - used with autocam {"snap", 0, 0, 0}, }; static hashtab_t *ucmd_table; int (*ucmd_unknown)(void); static void client_exec_command (client_t *cl, const char *s) { ucmd_t *u; COM_TokenizeString (s, qtv_args); cmd_args = qtv_args; u = (ucmd_t*) Hash_Find (ucmd_table, qtv_args->argv[0]->str); if (!u) { if (ucmd_unknown && !ucmd_unknown ()) { qtv_begin_redirect (RD_CLIENT, cl); qtv_printf ("Bad user command: %s\n", qtv_args->argv[0]->str); qtv_end_redirect (); } } else { if (u->func) { if (!u->no_redirect) qtv_begin_redirect (RD_CLIENT, cl); u->func (cl, u->userdata); if (!u->no_redirect) qtv_end_redirect (); } } } static void client_parse_message (client_t *cl) { int c, size; vec3_t o; const char *s; usercmd_t oldest, oldcmd, newcmd; while (1) { if (net_message->badread) { Con_Printf ("SV_ReadClientMessage: badread\n"); client_drop (cl); return; } c = MSG_ReadByte (net_message); if (c == -1) return; switch (c) { default: Con_Printf ("SV_ReadClientMessage: unknown command char\n"); client_drop (cl); return; case clc_nop: break; case clc_delta: /*cl->delta_sequence = */MSG_ReadByte (net_message); break; case clc_move: /*if (move_issued) return; // someone is trying to cheat... move_issued = true;*/ /*checksumIndex = */MSG_GetReadCount (net_message); /*checksum = (byte) */MSG_ReadByte (net_message); // read loss percentage /*cl->lossage = */MSG_ReadByte (net_message); MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd (&nullcmd, &oldest); MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd (&oldest, &oldcmd); MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd (&oldcmd, &newcmd); #if 0 if (cl->state != cs_spawned) break; // if the checksum fails, ignore the rest of the packet calculatedChecksum = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte (net_message->message->data + checksumIndex + 1, MSG_GetReadCount (net_message) - checksumIndex - 1, seq_hash); if (calculatedChecksum != checksum) { Con_DPrintf ("Failed command checksum for %s(%d) (%d != %d)\n", cl->name, cl->netchan.incoming_sequence, checksum, calculatedChecksum); return; } if (!sv.paused) { SV_PreRunCmd (); if (net_drop < 20) { while (net_drop > 2) { SV_RunCmd (&cl->lastcmd, 0); net_drop--; } if (net_drop > 1) SV_RunCmd (&oldest, 0); if (net_drop > 0) SV_RunCmd (&oldcmd, 0); } SV_RunCmd (&newcmd, 0); SV_PostRunCmd (); } cl->lastcmd = newcmd; cl->lastcmd.buttons = 0; // avoid multiple fires on lag #endif break; case clc_stringcmd: s = MSG_ReadString (net_message); client_exec_command (cl, s); break; case clc_tmove: MSG_ReadCoordV (net_message, o); #if 0 // only allowed by spectators if (host_client->spectator) { VectorCopy (o, SVvector (sv_player, origin)); SV_LinkEdict (sv_player, false); } #endif break; case clc_upload: size = MSG_ReadShort (net_message); MSG_ReadByte (net_message); net_message->readcount += size; break; } } } static void client_handler (connection_t *con, void *object) { client_t *cl = (client_t *) object; if (net_message->message->cursize < 11) { Con_Printf ("%s: Runt packet\n", NET_AdrToString (net_from)); return; } #if 0 // read the qport out of the message so we can fix up // stupid address translating routers MSG_ReadLong (net_message); // sequence number MSG_ReadLong (net_message); // sequence number qport = MSG_ReadShort (net_message) & 0xffff; if (cl->netchan.qport != qport) return; #endif if (Netchan_Process (&cl->netchan)) { // this is a valid, sequenced packet, so process it //svs.stats.packets++; //cl->send_message = true; //if (cl->state != cs_zombie) client_parse_message (cl); if (cl->backbuf.num_backbuf) MSG_Reliable_Send (&cl->backbuf); Netchan_Transmit (&cl->netchan, 0, NULL); if (cl->drop) { Connection_Del (cl->con); Info_Destroy (cl->userinfo); free (cl); } } } static void client_connect (connection_t *con, void *object) { challenge_t *ch = (challenge_t *) object; client_t *cl; const char *str; info_t *userinfo; int version, qport, challenge, seq; MSG_BeginReading (net_message); seq = MSG_ReadLong (net_message); if (seq != -1) { Con_Printf ("unexpected connected packet\n"); return; } str = MSG_ReadString (net_message); COM_TokenizeString (str, qtv_args); cmd_args = qtv_args; if (strcmp (Cmd_Argv (0), "connect")) { Con_Printf ("unexpected connected packet\n"); return; } version = atoi (Cmd_Argv (1)); if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION) { Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (net_from, "%c\nServer is version %s.\n", A2C_PRINT, QW_VERSION); Con_Printf ("* rejected connect from version %i\n", version); return; } qport = atoi (Cmd_Argv (2)); challenge = atoi (Cmd_Argv (3)); if (!(con = Connection_Find (&net_from)) || (ch = con->object)->challenge != challenge) { Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (net_from, "%c\nBad challenge.\n", A2C_PRINT); return; } free (con->object); userinfo = Info_ParseString (Cmd_Argv (4), 0, 0); if (!userinfo) { Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (net_from, "%c\nInvalid userinfo string.\n", A2C_PRINT); return; } cl = calloc (1, sizeof (client_t)); Netchan_Setup (&cl->netchan, con->address, qport, NC_READ_QPORT); cl->backbuf.netchan = &cl->netchan; cl->backbuf.name = "FIXME"; cl->userinfo = userinfo; cl->con = con; con->object = cl; con->handler = client_handler; Con_Printf ("client %s (%s) connected\n", Info_ValueForKey (userinfo, "name"), NET_AdrToString (con->address)); Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (net_from, "%c", S2C_CONNECTION); } void Client_NewConnection (void) { challenge_t *ch; connection_t *con; if ((con = Connection_Find (&net_from))) { if (con->handler == client_handler) return; ch = con->object; } else { ch = malloc (sizeof (challenge_t)); } ch->challenge = (rand () << 16) ^ rand (); ch->time = realtime; if (!con) con = Connection_Add (&net_from, ch, 0); Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (net_from, "%c%i QF", S2C_CHALLENGE, ch->challenge); con->handler = client_connect; } static const char * ucmds_getkey (void *_a, void *unused) { ucmd_t *a = (ucmd_t*)_a; return a->name; } void Client_Init (void) { int i; ucmd_table = Hash_NewTable (251, ucmds_getkey, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (ucmds) / sizeof (ucmds[0]); i++) Hash_Add (ucmd_table, &ucmds[i]); }