struct _qfile_t {}; typedef struct _qfile_t *QFile; @extern void Qclose (QFile file); void (QFile file) Qclose = #0; struct plitem_s {integer dummy;}; typedef struct plitem_s plitem_t; @extern plitem_t PL_GetFromFile (QFile file); @extern plitem_t PL_GetPropertyList (string str); plitem_t PL_GetFromFile (QFile file) = #0; typedef enum { NO = 0, ///< the false value YES ///< a true value } BOOL; @class Protocol; @protocol Object - (BOOL) conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)aProtocol; @end @interface Object // { Class isa; integer referenceCount; } - (BOOL) conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)aProtocol; @end @class Array; @interface AutoreleasePool: Object { Array *array; ///< a list of objects awaiting release } + (void) addObject: (id)anObject; @end @interface Protocol : Object { @private string protocol_name; struct obj_protocol_list *protocol_list; struct obj_method_description_list *instance_methods, *class_methods; } @end void test_plist (void) { plitem_t pl; pl = PL_GetPropertyList ("{}"); }