%{ /* qc-parse.y parser for quakec Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2001/06/12 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "class.h" #include "debug.h" #include "def.h" #include "emit.h" #include "expr.h" #include "function.h" #include "immediate.h" #include "method.h" #include "options.h" #include "qfcc.h" #include "reloc.h" #include "struct.h" #include "switch.h" #include "type.h" #define YYDEBUG 1 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 #undef YYERROR_VERBOSE extern char *yytext; static void yyerror (const char *s) { #ifdef YYERROR_VERBOSE error (0, "%s %s\n", yytext, s); #else error (0, "%s before %s", s, yytext); #endif } static void parse_error (void) { error (0, "parse error before %s", yytext); } #define PARSE_ERROR do { parse_error (); YYERROR; } while (0) int yylex (void); hashtab_t *save_local_inits (scope_t *scope); hashtab_t *merge_local_inits (hashtab_t *dl_1, hashtab_t *dl_2); void restore_local_inits (hashtab_t *def_list); void free_local_inits (hashtab_t *def_list); static def_t *create_def (type_t *type, const char *name, scope_t *scope, storage_class_t storage); expr_t *argc_expr (void); expr_t *argv_expr (void); %} %union { int op; struct def_s *def; struct hashtab_s *def_list; struct type_s *type; struct typedef_s *typename; struct expr_s *expr; int integer_val; float float_val; const char *string_val; float vector_val[3]; float quaternion_val[4]; struct function_s *function; struct switch_block_s *switch_block; struct param_s *param; struct method_s *method; struct class_s *class; struct category_s *category; struct class_type_s *class_type; struct protocol_s *protocol; struct protocollist_s *protocol_list; struct keywordarg_s *keywordarg; struct methodlist_s *methodlist; struct struct_s *strct; } %nonassoc IFX %nonassoc ELSE %nonassoc BREAK_PRIMARY %nonassoc ';' %nonassoc CLASS_NOT_CATEGORY %nonassoc STORAGEX %right '=' ASX PAS /* pointer assign */ %right '?' ':' %left OR %left AND %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left EQ NE %left LE GE LT GT %left SHL SHR %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right UNARY INCOP %left HYPERUNARY %left '.' '(' '[' %token CLASS_NAME NAME STRING_VAL %token INT_VAL %token FLOAT_VAL %token VECTOR_VAL %token QUATERNION_VAL %token LOCAL RETURN WHILE DO IF ELSE FOR BREAK CONTINUE ELLIPSIS NIL %token IFBE IFB IFAE IFA %token SWITCH CASE DEFAULT STRUCT UNION ENUM TYPEDEF SUPER SELF THIS %token ARGS ARGC ARGV EXTERN STATIC SYSTEM SIZEOF OVERLOAD %token TYPE %token TYPE_NAME %token CLASS DEFS ENCODE END IMPLEMENTATION INTERFACE PRIVATE PROTECTED %token PROTOCOL PUBLIC SELECTOR %type type non_field_type type_name def simple_def struct_def %type struct_def_item ivar_decl ivar_declarator def_item def_list %type struct_def_list ivars func_type non_func_type %type non_code_func code_func func_init func_defs func_def_list %type fdef_name cfunction_def func_def %type function_decl %type param param_list %type opt_initializer methoddef var_initializer %type const opt_expr fexpr expr element_list element_list1 element %type string_val opt_state_expr think opt_step array_decl texpr %type statement statements statement_block %type label break_label continue_label enum_list enum %type unary_expr primary cast_expr opt_arg_list arg_list %type begin_function builtin_function %type save_inits %type switch_block %type def_name identifier %type selector reserved_word %type optparmlist unaryselector keyworddecl keywordselector %type methodproto methoddecl %type obj_expr identifier_list obj_messageexpr obj_string receiver %type protocolrefs protocol_list %type messageargs keywordarg keywordarglist selectorarg %type keywordnamelist keywordname %type class_name new_class_name class_with_super new_class_with_super %type classdef %type category_name new_category_name %type protocol_name %type methodprotolist methodprotolist2 %type ivar_decl_list %type ci %{ function_t *current_func; param_t *current_params; expr_t *current_init; class_type_t *current_class; expr_t *local_expr; expr_t *break_label; expr_t *continue_label; switch_block_t *switch_block; struct_t *current_struct; visibility_type current_visibility; struct_t *current_ivars; scope_t *current_scope; storage_class_t current_storage = st_global; %} %expect 2 %% defs : /* empty */ | defs {if (current_class) PARSE_ERROR;} def | defs obj_def ; def : simple_def { } | storage_class simple_def { current_storage = st_global; } | storage_class '{' simple_defs '}' ';' { current_storage = st_global; } | STRUCT identifier { current_struct = new_struct ($2); } '{' struct_defs '}' ';' { if (!current_struct->struct_head) new_struct_field (current_struct, &type_void, 0, vis_private); } | UNION identifier { current_struct = new_union ($2); } '{' struct_defs '}' ';' { if (!current_struct->struct_head) new_struct_field (current_struct, &type_void, 0, vis_private); } | STRUCT identifier ';' { decl_struct ($2); } | UNION identifier ';' { decl_union ($2); } | ENUM '{' enum_list opt_comma '}' ';' { process_enum ($3); } | TYPEDEF type identifier ';' { new_typedef ($3, $2); } | TYPEDEF ENUM '{' enum_list opt_comma '}' identifier ';' { process_enum ($4); new_typedef ($7, &type_integer); } ; opt_semi : /* empty */ | ';' ; simple_defs : /* empty */ | simple_defs simple_def ; simple_def : non_func_type def_list ';' { } | func_type func_defs { } | cfunction { } ; cfunction : cfunction_def ';' { } | cfunction_def '=' '#' fexpr { $$ = $1; } { $$ = constant_expr ($4); } builtin_function ';' { (void) ($5); (void) ($6); } | cfunction_def opt_state_expr { $$ = current_storage; } { $$ = $1; } begin_function statement_block { $$ = $3; } end_function { build_code_function ($5, $2, $6); current_func = 0; (void) ($4); (void) ($7); } ; cfunction_def : OVERLOAD non_func_type identifier function_decl { type_t *type = parse_params ($2, current_params = $4); $$ = get_function_def ($3, type, current_scope, current_storage, 1, 1); } | non_func_type identifier function_decl { type_t *type = parse_params ($1, current_params = $3); $$ = get_function_def ($2, type, current_scope, current_storage, 0, 1); } ; storage_class : EXTERN { current_storage = st_extern; } | STATIC { current_storage = st_static; } | SYSTEM { current_storage = st_system; } ; local_storage_class : LOCAL { current_storage = st_local; } | %prec STORAGEX { current_storage = st_local; } | STATIC { current_storage = st_static; } ; struct_defs : /* empty */ | struct_defs struct_def ';' | DEFS '(' identifier ')' { class_t *class = get_class ($3, 0); if (class) { class_to_struct (class, current_struct); } else { error (0, "undefined symbol `%s'", $3); } } ; struct_def : type { $$ = $1; } struct_def_list { $$ = $2; } ; struct_def_list : struct_def_list ',' { $$ = $0; } struct_def_item { (void) ($3); } | struct_def_item ; struct_def_item : identifier { new_struct_field (current_struct, $0, $1, vis_public); } ; enum_list : enum | enum_list ',' enum { if ($3) { $3->next = $1; $$ = $3; } else { $$ = $1; } } ; enum : identifier { $$ = new_name_expr ($1); } | identifier '=' fexpr { $$ = 0; $3 = constant_expr ($3); if ($3->type < ex_nil) { error ($3, "non-constant initializer"); } else if ($3->type != ex_integer) { error ($3, "invalid initializer type"); } else { $$ = new_binary_expr ('=', new_name_expr ($1), $3); } } ; type : non_func_type | func_type ; non_func_type : '.' type { $$ = field_type ($2); } | non_field_type { $$ = $1; } ; func_type : non_field_type function_decl { current_params = $2; $$ = parse_params ($1, $2); } ; non_field_type : '(' type ')' { $$ = $2; } | non_field_type array_decl { if ($2) $$ = array_type ($1, $2->e.integer_val); else $$ = pointer_type ($1); } | type_name { $$ = $1; } ; type_name : TYPE { $$ = $1; } | TYPE_NAME { $$ = $1->type; } | CLASS_NAME { class_t *class = get_class ($1, 0); if (!class) { error (0, "undefined symbol `%s'", $1); class = get_class (0, 1); } $$ = class->type; } | STRUCT identifier { $$ = decl_struct ($2)->type; } | UNION identifier { $$ = decl_union ($2)->type; } ; function_decl : '(' param_list ')' { $$ = reverse_params ($2); } | '(' param_list ',' ELLIPSIS ')' { $$ = new_param (0, 0, 0); $$->next = $2; $$ = reverse_params ($$); } | '(' ELLIPSIS ')' { $$ = new_param (0, 0, 0); } | '(' TYPE ')' { if ($2 != &type_void) PARSE_ERROR; $$ = 0; } | '(' ')' { $$ = 0; } ; param_list : param | param_list ',' param { $3->next = $1; $$ = $3; } ; param : type identifier { $$ = new_param (0, $1, $2); } ; array_decl : '[' fexpr ']' { $2 = constant_expr ($2); if ($2->type != ex_integer || $2->e.integer_val < 1) { error (0, "invalid array size"); $$ = 0; } else { $$ = $2; } } | '[' ']' { $$ = 0; } ; def_list : def_list ',' { $$ = $0; } def_item { (void) ($3); } | def_item ; def_item : def_name opt_initializer { if ($2 && !$2->local && $2->type->type != ev_func) def_initialized ($2); } ; func_defs : func_def_list ',' fdef_name func_term | func_def func_term {} ; func_term : non_code_func ';' {} | code_func opt_semi {} ; func_def_list : func_def_list ',' fdef_name func_init | func_def func_init { $$ = $0; } ; fdef_name : { $$ = $-1; } func_def { $$ = $2; (void) ($1); } ; func_def : identifier { $$ = get_function_def ($1, $0, current_scope, current_storage, 0, 1); } | OVERLOAD identifier { $$ = get_function_def ($2, $0, current_scope, current_storage, 1, 1); } ; func_init : non_code_func | code_func ; builtin_function : /* emtpy */ { def_t *def = $-1; if (!def->external) { $$ = build_builtin_function (def, $0); build_scope ($$, $$->def, current_params); flush_scope ($$->scope, 1); } } ; non_code_func : '=' '#' fexpr { $$ = $0; } { $$ = constant_expr ($3); } builtin_function { (void) ($4); (void) ($5); } | /* emtpy */ { } ; code_func : '=' opt_state_expr { $$ = current_storage; } { $$ = $0; } begin_function statement_block { $$ = $3; } end_function { build_code_function ($5, $2, $6); current_func = 0; (void) ($4); (void) ($7); } ; def_name : identifier { $$ = $1; } ; opt_initializer : /*empty*/ { $$ = create_def ($-1, $0, current_scope, current_storage); } | var_initializer { $$ = $1; } ; var_initializer : '=' expr // don't bother folding twice { int local = 0; const char *name = $0; type_t *type = $-1; if (current_scope->type == sc_params) { // In traditional mode, this is the only scope that functions // have. local = 0; $$ = create_def (type, name, current_scope, st_static); } else { local = current_scope->type == sc_local; $$ = create_def (type, name, current_scope, current_storage); } if (local) { expr_t *expr = assign_expr (new_def_expr ($$), $2); expr = fold_constants (expr); append_expr (local_expr, expr); def_initialized ($$); } else { $2 = constant_expr ($2); if ($2->type >= ex_nil) { if ($2->type != ex_nil && !type_assignable ($$->type, get_type ($2))) { error ($2, "incompatible types in initialization"); } else if ($$->constant) { error ($2, "%s re-initialized", $$->name); } else { ReuseConstant ($2, $$); } } else { error ($2, "non-constant expression used for initializer"); } } } | '=' '{' { current_init = new_block_expr (); } element_list '}' { $$ = create_def ($-1, $0, current_scope, current_storage); init_elements ($$, $4); current_init = 0; } ; opt_state_expr : /* emtpy */ { $$ = 0; } | '[' fexpr ',' think opt_step ']' { if ($2->type == ex_integer) convert_int ($2); else if ($2->type == ex_uinteger) convert_uint ($2); if (!type_assignable (&type_float, get_type ($2))) error ($2, "invalid type for frame number"); $2 = cast_expr (&type_float, $2); if (extract_type ($4) != ev_func) error ($2, "invalid type for think"); if ($5) { if ($5->type == ex_integer) convert_int ($5); else if ($5->type == ex_uinteger) convert_uint ($5); if (!type_assignable (&type_float, get_type ($5))) error ($5, "invalid type for time step"); } $$ = new_state_expr ($2, $4, $5); } ; think : def_name { $$ = new_def_expr (create_def (&type_function, $1, current_scope, current_storage)); (void) ($1); } | '(' fexpr ')' { $$ = $2; } ; opt_step : ',' fexpr { $$ = $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } ; element_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new_block_expr (); } | element_list1 opt_comma { $$ = current_init; } ; element_list1 : element { append_expr (current_init, $1); } | element_list1 ',' element { append_expr (current_init, $3); } ; element : '{' { $$ = current_init; current_init = new_block_expr (); } element_list { current_init = $2; } '}' { $$ = $3; } | fexpr { $$ = $1; } ; opt_comma : /* empty */ | ',' ; begin_function : /*empty*/ { if ($0->constant) error (0, "%s redefined", $0->name); $$ = current_func = new_function ($0->name); $$->def = $0; if (!$$->def->external) { add_function ($$); reloc_def_func ($$, $$->def->ofs); } $$->code = pr.code->size; if (options.code.debug && current_func->aux) { pr_lineno_t *lineno = new_lineno (); $$->aux->source_line = $$->def->line; $$->aux->line_info = lineno - pr.linenos; $$->aux->local_defs = pr.num_locals; $$->aux->return_type = $$->def->type->aux_type->type; lineno->fa.func = $$->aux - pr.auxfunctions; } build_scope ($$, $0, current_params); current_scope = $$->scope; current_storage = st_local; } ; end_function : /*empty*/ { current_scope = current_scope->parent; current_storage = $0; } ; statement_block : '{' { if (!options.traditional) { scope_t *scope = new_scope (sc_local, current_scope->space, current_scope); current_scope = scope; } } statements '}' { if (!options.traditional) { def_t *defs = current_scope->head; int num_defs = current_scope->num_defs; flush_scope (current_scope, 1); current_scope = current_scope->parent; current_scope->num_defs += num_defs; *current_scope->tail = defs; while (*current_scope->tail) { (*current_scope->tail)->scope = current_scope; current_scope->tail = &(*current_scope->tail)->def_next; } } $$ = $3; } ; statements : /*empty*/ { $$ = new_block_expr (); } | statements statement { $$ = append_expr ($1, $2); } ; statement : ';' { $$ = 0; } | statement_block { $$ = $1; } | RETURN fexpr ';' { $$ = return_expr (current_func, $2); } | RETURN ';' { $$ = return_expr (current_func, 0); } | BREAK ';' { $$ = 0; if (break_label) $$ = new_unary_expr ('g', break_label); else error (0, "break outside of loop or switch"); } | CONTINUE ';' { $$ = 0; if (continue_label) $$ = new_unary_expr ('g', continue_label); else error (0, "continue outside of loop"); } | CASE fexpr ':' { $$ = case_label_expr (switch_block, $2); } | DEFAULT ':' { $$ = case_label_expr (switch_block, 0); } | SWITCH break_label switch_block '(' fexpr ')' { switch_block->test = $5; } save_inits statement_block { restore_local_inits ($8); free_local_inits ($8); $$ = switch_expr (switch_block, break_label, $9); switch_block = $3; break_label = $2; } | WHILE break_label continue_label '(' texpr ')' save_inits statement { expr_t *l1 = new_label_expr (); expr_t *l2 = break_label; int line = pr.source_line; string_t file = pr.source_file; pr.source_line = $5->line; pr.source_file = $5->file; restore_local_inits ($7); free_local_inits ($7); $$ = new_block_expr (); append_expr ($$, new_unary_expr ('g', continue_label)); append_expr ($$, l1); append_expr ($$, $8); append_expr ($$, continue_label); $5 = convert_bool ($5, 1); if ($5->type != ex_error) { backpatch ($5->e.bool.true_list, l1); backpatch ($5->e.bool.false_list, l2); append_expr ($5->e.bool.e, l2); append_expr ($$, $5); } break_label = $2; continue_label = $3; pr.source_line = line; pr.source_file = file; } | DO break_label continue_label statement WHILE '(' texpr ')' ';' { expr_t *l1 = new_label_expr (); int line = pr.source_line; string_t file = pr.source_file; pr.source_line = $7->line; pr.source_file = $7->file; $$ = new_block_expr (); append_expr ($$, l1); append_expr ($$, $4); append_expr ($$, continue_label); $7 = convert_bool ($7, 1); if ($7->type != ex_error) { backpatch ($7->e.bool.true_list, l1); backpatch ($7->e.bool.false_list, break_label); append_expr ($7->e.bool.e, break_label); append_expr ($$, $7); } break_label = $2; continue_label = $3; pr.source_line = line; pr.source_file = file; } | local_storage_class type { $$ = $2; local_expr = new_block_expr (); } def_list ';' { $$ = local_expr; local_expr = 0; (void) ($3); current_storage = st_local; } | IF '(' texpr ')' save_inits statement %prec IFX { expr_t *tl = new_label_expr (); expr_t *fl = new_label_expr (); int line = pr.source_line; string_t file = pr.source_file; pr.source_line = $3->line; pr.source_file = $3->file; $$ = new_block_expr (); restore_local_inits ($5); free_local_inits ($5); $3 = convert_bool ($3, 1); if ($3->type != ex_error) { backpatch ($3->e.bool.true_list, tl); backpatch ($3->e.bool.false_list, fl); append_expr ($3->e.bool.e, tl); append_expr ($$, $3); } append_expr ($$, $6); append_expr ($$, fl); pr.source_line = line; pr.source_file = file; } | IF '(' texpr ')' save_inits statement ELSE { $$ = save_local_inits (current_scope); restore_local_inits ($5); } statement { expr_t *tl = new_label_expr (); expr_t *fl = new_label_expr (); expr_t *nl = new_label_expr (); expr_t *e; hashtab_t *merged; hashtab_t *else_ini; int line = pr.source_line; string_t file = pr.source_file; pr.source_line = $3->line; pr.source_file = $3->file; $$ = new_block_expr (); else_ini = save_local_inits (current_scope); restore_local_inits ($5); free_local_inits ($5); $3 = convert_bool ($3, 1); if ($3->type != ex_error) { backpatch ($3->e.bool.true_list, tl); backpatch ($3->e.bool.false_list, fl); append_expr ($3->e.bool.e, tl); append_expr ($$, $3); } append_expr ($$, $6); e = new_unary_expr ('g', nl); append_expr ($$, e); append_expr ($$, fl); append_expr ($$, $9); append_expr ($$, nl); merged = merge_local_inits ($8, else_ini); restore_local_inits (merged); free_local_inits (merged); free_local_inits (else_ini); free_local_inits ($8); pr.source_line = line; pr.source_file = file; } | FOR break_label continue_label '(' opt_expr ';' opt_expr ';' opt_expr ')' save_inits statement { expr_t *tl = new_label_expr (); expr_t *fl = break_label; expr_t *l1 = 0; expr_t *t; int line = pr.source_line; string_t file = pr.source_file; if ($9) t = $9; else if ($7) t = $7; else if ($5) t = $5; else t = continue_label; pr.source_line = t->line; pr.source_file = t->file; restore_local_inits ($11); free_local_inits ($11); $$ = new_block_expr (); append_expr ($$, $5); if ($7) { l1 = new_label_expr (); append_expr ($$, new_unary_expr ('g', l1)); } append_expr ($$, tl); append_expr ($$, $12); append_expr ($$, continue_label); append_expr ($$, $9); if ($7) { append_expr ($$, l1); $7 = convert_bool ($7, 1); if ($7->type != ex_error) { backpatch ($7->e.bool.true_list, tl); backpatch ($7->e.bool.false_list, fl); append_expr ($7->e.bool.e, fl); append_expr ($$, $7); } } else { append_expr ($$, new_unary_expr ('g', tl)); append_expr ($$, fl); } break_label = $2; continue_label = $3; pr.source_line = line; pr.source_file = file; } | fexpr ';' { $$ = $1; } ; label : /* empty */ { $$ = new_label_expr (); } ; break_label : /* empty */ { $$ = break_label; break_label = new_label_expr (); } ; continue_label : /* empty */ { $$ = continue_label; continue_label = new_label_expr (); } ; switch_block : /* empty */ { $$ = switch_block; switch_block = new_switch_block (); } ; save_inits : /* empty */ { $$ = save_local_inits (current_scope); } ; opt_expr : fexpr | /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } ; unary_expr : primary | '+' cast_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = $2; } | '-' cast_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = unary_expr ('-', $2); } | '!' cast_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = unary_expr ('!', $2); } | '~' cast_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = unary_expr ('~', $2); } | '&' cast_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = address_expr ($2, 0, 0); } | '*' cast_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = pointer_expr ($2); } | SIZEOF unary_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = sizeof_expr ($2, 0); } | SIZEOF '(' type ')' %prec HYPERUNARY { $$ = sizeof_expr (0, $3); } ; primary : NAME { $$ = new_name_expr ($1); } | BREAK %prec BREAK_PRIMARY { $$ = new_name_expr (save_string ("break")); } | ARGS { $$ = new_name_expr (".args"); } | ARGC { $$ = argc_expr (); } | ARGV { $$ = argv_expr (); } | SELF { $$ = new_self_expr (); } | THIS { $$ = new_this_expr (); } | const { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; $$->paren = 1; } | primary '(' opt_arg_list ')' { $$ = function_expr ($1, $3); } | primary '[' expr ']' { $$ = array_expr ($1, $3); } | primary '.' primary { $$ = binary_expr ('.', $1, $3); } | INCOP primary { $$ = incop_expr ($1, $2, 0); } | primary INCOP { $$ = incop_expr ($2, $1, 1); } | obj_expr { $$ = $1; } ; cast_expr : unary_expr | '(' type ')' cast_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = cast_expr ($2, $4); } ; expr : cast_expr | expr '=' expr { $$ = assign_expr ($1, $3); } | expr ASX expr { $$ = asx_expr ($2, $1, $3); } | expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = conditional_expr ($1, $3, $5); } | expr AND label expr { $$ = bool_expr (AND, $3, $1, $4); } | expr OR label expr { $$ = bool_expr (OR, $3, $1, $4); } | expr EQ expr { $$ = binary_expr (EQ, $1, $3); } | expr NE expr { $$ = binary_expr (NE, $1, $3); } | expr LE expr { $$ = binary_expr (LE, $1, $3); } | expr GE expr { $$ = binary_expr (GE, $1, $3); } | expr LT expr { $$ = binary_expr (LT, $1, $3); } | expr GT expr { $$ = binary_expr (GT, $1, $3); } | expr SHL expr { $$ = binary_expr (SHL, $1, $3); } | expr SHR expr { $$ = binary_expr (SHR, $1, $3); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('+', $1, $3); } | expr '-' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('-', $1, $3); } | expr '*' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('*', $1, $3); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('/', $1, $3); } | expr '&' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('&', $1, $3); } | expr '|' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('|', $1, $3); } | expr '^' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('^', $1, $3); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = binary_expr ('%', $1, $3); } ; fexpr : expr { $$ = fold_constants ($1); } ; texpr : fexpr { $$ = convert_bool ($1, 1); } ; opt_arg_list : /* emtpy */ { $$ = 0; } | arg_list { $$ = $1; } ; arg_list : fexpr | arg_list ',' fexpr { $3->next = $1; $$ = $3; } ; const : FLOAT_VAL { $$ = new_float_expr ($1); } | string_val { $$ = $1; } | VECTOR_VAL { $$ = new_vector_expr ($1); } | QUATERNION_VAL { $$ = new_quaternion_expr ($1); } | INT_VAL { $$ = new_integer_expr ($1); } | NIL { $$ = new_nil_expr (); } ; string_val : STRING_VAL { $$ = new_string_expr ($1); } | string_val STRING_VAL { $$ = binary_expr ('+', $1, new_string_expr ($2)); } ; identifier : NAME | BREAK { $$ = save_string ("break"); } | CLASS_NAME | TYPE_NAME { $$ = $1->name; } ; // Objective-QC stuff obj_def : classdef { } | classdecl | protocoldef | { if (!current_class) PARSE_ERROR; } methoddef | END { if (!current_class) PARSE_ERROR; else class_finish (current_class); current_class = 0; } ; identifier_list : identifier { $$ = new_block_expr (); append_expr ($$, new_name_expr ($1)); } | identifier_list ',' identifier { append_expr ($1, new_name_expr ($3)); $$ = $1; } ; classdecl : CLASS identifier_list ';' { expr_t *e; for (e = $2->e.block.head; e; e = e->next) get_class (e->e.string_val, 1); } ; class_name : identifier %prec CLASS_NOT_CATEGORY { $$ = get_class ($1, 0); if (!$$) { error (0, "undefined symbol `%s'", $1); $$ = get_class (0, 1); } } ; new_class_name : identifier { $$ = get_class ($1, 1); if ($$->defined) { error (0, "redefinition of `%s'", $1); $$ = get_class (0, 1); } } ; class_with_super : class_name ':' class_name { if ($1->super_class != $3) error (0, "%s is not a super class of %s", $3->name, $1->name); $$ = $1; } ; new_class_with_super : new_class_name ':' class_name { $1->super_class = $3; $$ = $1; } ; category_name : identifier '(' identifier ')' { $$ = get_category ($1, $3, 0); if (!$$) { error (0, "undefined category `%s (%s)'", $1, $3); $$ = get_category (0, 0, 1); } } ; new_category_name : identifier '(' identifier ')' { $$ = get_category ($1, $3, 1); if ($$->defined) { error (0, "redefinition of category `%s (%s)'", $1, $3); $$ = get_category (0, 0, 1); } } ; protocol_name : identifier { $$ = get_protocol ($1, 0); if ($$) { error (0, "redefinition of %s", $1); $$ = get_protocol (0, 1); } else { $$ = get_protocol ($1, 1); } } ; classdef : INTERFACE new_class_name protocolrefs { class_add_protocols ($2, $3); } '{' { $$ = $2; } ivar_decl_list '}' { class_add_ivars ($2, $7); $$ = $2; } methodprotolist { class_add_methods ($2, $10); } END { current_class = 0; (void) ($6); (void) ($9); } | INTERFACE new_class_name protocolrefs { class_add_protocols ($2, $3); } { class_add_ivars ($2, class_new_ivars ($2)); $$ = $2; } methodprotolist { class_add_methods ($2, $6); } END { current_class = 0; (void) ($5); } | INTERFACE new_class_with_super protocolrefs { class_add_protocols ($2, $3);} '{' { $$ = $2; } ivar_decl_list '}' { class_add_ivars ($2, $7); $$ = $2; } methodprotolist { class_add_methods ($2, $10); } END { current_class = 0; (void) ($6); (void) ($9); } | INTERFACE new_class_with_super protocolrefs { class_add_protocols ($2, $3); } { class_add_ivars ($2, class_new_ivars ($2)); $$ = $2; } methodprotolist { class_add_methods ($2, $6); } END { current_class = 0; (void) ($5); } | INTERFACE new_category_name protocolrefs { category_add_protocols ($2, $3); $$ = $2->class; } methodprotolist { category_add_methods ($2, $5); } END { current_class = 0; (void) ($4); } | IMPLEMENTATION class_name { class_begin (&$2->class_type); } '{' { $$ = $2; } ivar_decl_list '}' { class_check_ivars ($2, $6); (void) ($5); } | IMPLEMENTATION class_name { class_begin (&$2->class_type); } | IMPLEMENTATION class_with_super { class_begin (&$2->class_type); } '{' { $$ = $2; } ivar_decl_list '}' { class_check_ivars ($2, $6); (void) ($5); } | IMPLEMENTATION class_with_super { class_begin (&$2->class_type); } | IMPLEMENTATION category_name { class_begin (&$2->class_type); } ; protocoldef : PROTOCOL protocol_name protocolrefs { protocol_add_protocols ($2, $3); $$ = 0; } methodprotolist { protocol_add_methods ($2, $5); } END { (void) ($4); } ; protocolrefs : /* emtpy */ { $$ = 0; } | LT { $$ = new_protocol_list (); } protocol_list GT { $$ = $3; (void) ($2); } ; protocol_list : identifier { $$ = add_protocol ($0, $1); } | protocol_list ',' identifier { $$ = add_protocol ($1, $3); } ; ivar_decl_list : /* */ { current_visibility = vis_protected; current_ivars = class_new_ivars ($0); } ivar_decl_list_2 { $$ = current_ivars; current_ivars = 0; (void) ($1); } ; ivar_decl_list_2 : ivar_decl_list_2 visibility_spec ivar_decls | ivar_decls ; visibility_spec : PRIVATE { current_visibility = vis_private; } | PROTECTED { current_visibility = vis_protected; } | PUBLIC { current_visibility = vis_public; } ; ivar_decls : /* empty */ | ivar_decls ivar_decl ';' ; ivar_decl : type { $$ = $1; } ivars { (void) ($2); } ; ivars : ivar_declarator | ivars ',' { $$ = $0; } ivar_declarator { (void) ($3); } ; ivar_declarator : identifier { new_struct_field (current_ivars, $0, $1, current_visibility); } ; methoddef : ci methoddecl { $2->instance = $1; $2 = class_find_method (current_class, $2); } opt_state_expr { $$ = current_storage; } { $$ = $2->def = method_def (current_class, $2); current_params = $2->params; } begin_function statement_block { $$ = $5; } end_function { $2->func = build_code_function ($7, $4, $8); current_func = 0; (void) ($6); (void) ($9); } | ci methoddecl { $2->instance = $1; $2 = class_find_method (current_class, $2); } '=' '#' const { $$ = $2->def = method_def (current_class, $2); } { $$ = $6; } builtin_function ';' { $2->func = $9; (void) ($7); (void) ($8); } ; ci : '+' { $$ = 0; } | '-' { $$ = 1; } ; methodprotolist : /* emtpy */ { $$ = 0; } | methodprotolist2 ; methodprotolist2 : { } methodproto { $$ = new_methodlist (); add_method ($$, $2); } | methodprotolist2 methodproto { add_method ($1, $2); $$ = $1; } ; methodproto : '+' methoddecl ';' { $2->instance = 0; $$ = $2; } | '-' methoddecl ';' { $2->instance = 1; $$ = $2; } ; methoddecl : '(' type ')' unaryselector { $$ = new_method ($2, $4, 0); } | unaryselector { $$ = new_method (&type_id, $1, 0); } | '(' type ')' keywordselector optparmlist { $$ = new_method ($2, $4, $5); } | keywordselector optparmlist { $$ = new_method (&type_id, $1, $2); } ; optparmlist : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | ',' ELLIPSIS { $$ = new_param (0, 0, 0); } | ',' param_list { $$ = $2; } | ',' param_list ',' ELLIPSIS { $$ = new_param (0, 0, 0); $$->next = $2; } ; unaryselector : selector { $$ = new_param ($1, 0, 0); } ; keywordselector : keyworddecl | keywordselector keyworddecl { $2->next = $1; $$ = $2; } ; selector : NAME { $$ = save_string ($1); } | CLASS_NAME { $$ = save_string ($1); } | TYPE { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | TYPE_NAME { $$ = save_string ($1->name); } | reserved_word ; reserved_word : LOCAL { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | RETURN { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | WHILE { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | DO { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | IF { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | ELSE { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | FOR { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | BREAK { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | CONTINUE { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | SWITCH { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | CASE { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | DEFAULT { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | NIL { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | STRUCT { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | UNION { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | ENUM { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | TYPEDEF { $$ = save_string (yytext); } | SUPER { $$ = save_string (yytext); } ; keyworddecl : selector ':' '(' type ')' identifier { $$ = new_param ($1, $4, $6); } | selector ':' identifier { $$ = new_param ($1, &type_id, $3); } | ':' '(' type ')' identifier { $$ = new_param ("", $3, $5); } | ':' identifier { $$ = new_param ("", &type_id, $2); } ; obj_expr : obj_messageexpr | SELECTOR '(' selectorarg ')' { $$ = selector_expr ($3); } | PROTOCOL '(' identifier ')' { $$ = protocol_expr ($3); } | ENCODE '(' type ')' { $$ = encode_expr ($3); } | obj_string /* FIXME string object? */ ; obj_messageexpr : '[' receiver messageargs ']' { $$ = message_expr ($2, $3); } ; receiver : fexpr | CLASS_NAME { $$ = new_name_expr ($1); } | SUPER { $$ = new_name_expr ("super"); } ; messageargs : selector { $$ = new_keywordarg ($1, 0); } | keywordarglist ; keywordarglist : keywordarg | keywordarglist keywordarg { $2->next = $1; $$ = $2; } ; keywordarg : selector ':' arg_list { $$ = new_keywordarg ($1, $3); } | ':' arg_list { $$ = new_keywordarg ("", $2); } ; selectorarg : selector { $$ = new_keywordarg ($1, 0); } | keywordnamelist ; keywordnamelist : keywordname | keywordnamelist keywordname { $2->next = $1; $$ = $2; } ; keywordname : selector ':' { $$ = new_keywordarg ($1, new_nil_expr ()); } | ':' { $$ = new_keywordarg ("", new_nil_expr ()); } ; obj_string : '@' STRING_VAL { $$ = new_string_expr ($2); } | obj_string '@' STRING_VAL { $$ = binary_expr ('+', $1, new_string_expr ($3)); } ; %% typedef struct def_state_s { struct def_state_s *next; def_t *def; int state; } def_state_t; static def_state_t *free_def_states; static const char * ds_get_key (void *_d, void *unused) { return ((def_state_t *)_d)->def->name; } static void ds_free_key (void *_d, void *unused) { def_state_t *d = (def_state_t *)_d; d->next = free_def_states; free_def_states = d; } static void scan_scope (hashtab_t *tab, scope_t *scope) { def_t *def; if (scope->type == sc_local) scan_scope (tab, scope->parent); for (def = scope->head; def; def = def->def_next) { if (def->name && !def->removed) { def_state_t *ds; ALLOC (1024, def_state_t, def_states, ds); ds->def = def; ds->state = def->initialized; Hash_Add (tab, ds); } } } static def_t * create_def (type_t *type, const char *name, scope_t *scope, storage_class_t storage) { scope_type st = scope->type; // traditional functions have only the one scope //FIXME should the scope be set to local when the params scope //is created in traditional mode? if (options.traditional && st == sc_params) st = sc_local; if (st == sc_local) { def_t *def = get_def (0, name, scope, st_none); if (def) { if (def->scope->type == sc_params && scope->parent->type == sc_params) { warning (0, "local %s shadows param %s", name, def->name); } if (def->scope == scope && options.warnings.redeclared) { expr_t e; warning (0, "local %s redeclared", name); e.file = def->file; e.line = def->line; warning (&e, "previously declared here"); } } } return get_def (type, name, scope, storage); } hashtab_t * save_local_inits (scope_t *scope) { hashtab_t *tab = Hash_NewTable (61, ds_get_key, ds_free_key, 0); scan_scope (tab, scope); return tab; } hashtab_t * merge_local_inits (hashtab_t *dl_1, hashtab_t *dl_2) { hashtab_t *tab = Hash_NewTable (61, ds_get_key, ds_free_key, 0); def_state_t **ds_list = (def_state_t **)Hash_GetList (dl_1); def_state_t **ds; def_state_t *d; def_state_t *nds; for (ds = ds_list; *ds; ds++) { d = Hash_Find (dl_2, (*ds)->def->name); (*ds)->def->initialized = (*ds)->state; ALLOC (1024, def_state_t, def_states, nds); nds->def = (*ds)->def; nds->state = (*ds)->state && d->state; Hash_Add (tab, nds); } free (ds_list); return tab; } void restore_local_inits (hashtab_t *def_list) { def_state_t **ds_list = (def_state_t **)Hash_GetList (def_list); def_state_t **ds; for (ds = ds_list; *ds; ds++) (*ds)->def->initialized = (*ds)->state; free (ds_list); } void free_local_inits (hashtab_t *def_list) { Hash_DelTable (def_list); } expr_t * argc_expr (void) { warning (0, "@argc deprecated: use @args.count"); return binary_expr ('.', new_name_expr (".args"), new_name_expr ("count")); } expr_t * argv_expr (void) { warning (0, "@argv deprecated: use @args.list"); return binary_expr ('.', new_name_expr (".args"), new_name_expr ("list")); }