/* imui.c Immediate mode user inferface Copyright (C) 2023 Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Date: 2023/07/01 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "QF/darray.h" #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/ecs.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/heapsort.h" #include "QF/mathlib.h" #include "QF/progs.h" #include "QF/quakeio.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/input/event.h" #include "QF/ui/canvas.h" #include "QF/ui/font.h" #include "QF/ui/imui.h" #include "QF/ui/shaper.h" #include "QF/ui/text.h" #define IMUI_context ctx #define c_percent_x (ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_x) #define c_percent_y (ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_y) #define c_reference (ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_reference) #define c_glyphs (ctx->csys.base + canvas_glyphs) #define c_passage_glyphs (ctx->csys.text_base + text_passage_glyphs) #define c_color (ctx->tsys.text_base + text_color) #define c_fill (ctx->csys.base + canvas_fill) #define imui_draw_group ((1 << 14) - 1) #define imui_ontop ((1 << 15) - 1) #define imui_onbottom (-(1 << 15) + 1) const component_t imui_components[imui_comp_count] = { [imui_percent_x] = { .size = sizeof (int), .name = "percent x", }, [imui_percent_y] = { .size = sizeof (int), .name = "percent y", }, [imui_reference] = { .size = sizeof (imui_reference_t), .name = "reference", }, }; typedef struct imui_state_s { struct imui_state_s *next; struct imui_state_s **prev; char *label; uint32_t label_len; int key_offset; imui_window_t *menu; int16_t draw_order; // for window canvases uint32_t frame_count; uint32_t entity; uint32_t content; } imui_state_t; struct imui_ctx_s { canvas_system_t csys; uint32_t canvas; ecs_system_t vsys; text_system_t tsys; text_shaper_t *shaper; hashctx_t *hashctx; hashtab_t *tab; PR_RESMAP (imui_state_t) state_map; imui_state_t *states; font_t *font; int64_t frame_start; int64_t frame_draw; int64_t frame_end; uint32_t frame_count; view_t root_view; view_t current_parent; struct DARRAY_TYPE(view_t) parent_stack; struct DARRAY_TYPE(imui_state_t *) windows; int16_t draw_order; imui_window_t *current_menu; imui_state_t *current_state; dstring_t *dstr; uint32_t hot; uint32_t active; view_pos_t mouse_active; uint32_t mouse_pressed; uint32_t mouse_released; uint32_t mouse_buttons; view_pos_t mouse_position; uint32_t shift; int key_code; int unicode; imui_style_t style; struct DARRAY_TYPE(imui_style_t) style_stack; }; static imui_state_t * imui_state_new (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { imui_state_t *state = PR_RESNEW (ctx->state_map); *state = (imui_state_t) { .next = ctx->states, .prev = &ctx->states, .entity = nullent, }; if (ctx->states) { ctx->states->prev = &state->next; } ctx->states = state; return state; } static void imui_state_free (imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_state_t *state) { if (state->next) { state->next->prev = state->prev; } *state->prev = state->next; PR_RESFREE (ctx->state_map, state); } static imui_state_t * imui_find_state (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const char *label) { int key_offset = 0; const char *key = strstr (label, "##"); if (key) { // key is '###': hash only past this if (key[2] == '#') { key_offset = (key += 3) - label; } } return Hash_Find (ctx->tab, label + key_offset); } static imui_state_t * imui_get_state (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const char *label) { int key_offset = 0; uint32_t label_len = ~0u; const char *key = strstr (label, "##"); if (key) { label_len = key - label; // key is '###': hash only past this if (key[2] == '#') { key_offset = (key += 3) - label; } } auto state = imui_find_state (ctx, label); if (state) { state->frame_count = ctx->frame_count; ctx->current_state = state; return state; } state = imui_state_new (ctx); state->label = strdup (label); state->label_len = label_len == ~0u ? strlen (label) : label_len; state->key_offset = key_offset; state->frame_count = ctx->frame_count; Hash_Add (ctx->tab, state); ctx->current_state = state; return state; } static const char * imui_state_getkey (const void *obj, void *data) { auto state = (const imui_state_t *) obj; return state->label + state->key_offset; } imui_ctx_t * IMUI_NewContext (canvas_system_t canvas_sys, const char *font, float fontsize) { imui_ctx_t *ctx = malloc (sizeof (imui_ctx_t)); uint32_t canvas = Canvas_New (canvas_sys); *ctx = (imui_ctx_t) { .csys = canvas_sys, .canvas = canvas, .vsys = { canvas_sys.reg, canvas_sys.view_base }, .tsys = { canvas_sys.reg, canvas_sys.view_base, canvas_sys.text_base }, .shaper = Shaper_New (), .root_view = Canvas_GetRootView (canvas_sys, canvas), .parent_stack = DARRAY_STATIC_INIT (8), .windows = DARRAY_STATIC_INIT (8), .dstr = dstring_newstr (), .hot = nullent, .active = nullent, .mouse_position = {-1, -1}, .style_stack = DARRAY_STATIC_INIT (8), .style = { .background = { .normal = 0x04, .hot = 0x04, .active = 0x04, }, .foreground = { .normal = 0x08, .hot = 0x0f, .active = 0x0c, }, .text = { .normal = 0xfe, .hot = 0x5f, .active = 0x6f, }, }, }; *Canvas_DrawGroup (ctx->csys, ctx->canvas) = imui_draw_group; ctx->tab = Hash_NewTable (511, imui_state_getkey, 0, ctx, &ctx->hashctx); ctx->current_parent = ctx->root_view; auto fpath = Font_SystemFont (font); if (fpath) { QFile *file = Qopen (fpath, "rb"); if (file) { ctx->font = Font_Load (file, fontsize); //Qclose (file); FIXME closed by QFS_LoadFile } free (fpath); } return ctx; } void IMUI_DestroyContext (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { for (auto s = ctx->states; s; s = s->next) { free (s->label); } PR_RESDELMAP (ctx->state_map); if (ctx->font) { Font_Free (ctx->font); } DARRAY_CLEAR (&ctx->parent_stack); DARRAY_CLEAR (&ctx->windows); DARRAY_CLEAR (&ctx->style_stack); dstring_delete (ctx->dstr); Hash_DelTable (ctx->tab); Hash_DelContext (ctx->hashctx); Shaper_Delete (ctx->shaper); free (ctx); } void IMUI_SetVisible (imui_ctx_t *ctx, bool visible) { if (!visible) { ctx->active = nullent; } *Canvas_Visible (ctx->csys, ctx->canvas) = visible; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx->windows.size; i++) { *Canvas_Visible (ctx->csys, ctx->windows.a[i]->entity) = visible; } } void IMUI_SetSize (imui_ctx_t *ctx, int xlen, int ylen) { Canvas_SetLen (ctx->csys, ctx->canvas, (view_pos_t) { xlen, ylen }); } bool IMUI_ProcessEvent (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const IE_event_t *ie_event) { if (ie_event->type == ie_mouse) { auto m = &ie_event->mouse; ctx->mouse_position = (view_pos_t) { m->x, m->y }; unsigned old = ctx->mouse_buttons; unsigned new = m->buttons; ctx->mouse_pressed = (old ^ new) & new; ctx->mouse_released = (old ^ new) & ~new; ctx->mouse_buttons = m->buttons; } else { auto k = &ie_event->key; //printf ("imui: %d %d %x\n", k->code, k->unicode, k->shift); ctx->shift = k->shift; ctx->key_code = k->code; ctx->unicode = k->unicode; } return ctx->hot != nullent || ctx->active != nullent; } imui_io_t IMUI_GetIO (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { return (imui_io_t) { .mouse = ctx->mouse_position, .buttons = ctx->mouse_buttons, .pressed = ctx->mouse_pressed, .released = ctx->mouse_released, .hot = ctx->hot, .active = ctx->active, }; } void IMUI_BeginFrame (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { Shaper_FlushUnused (ctx->shaper); uint32_t root_ent = ctx->root_view.id; auto root_size = View_GetLen (ctx->root_view); Ent_RemoveComponent (root_ent, ctx->root_view.comp, ctx->root_view.reg); ctx->root_view = View_AddToEntity (root_ent, ctx->vsys, nullview); auto ref = View_GetRef (ctx->root_view); Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, true); View_SetLen (ctx->root_view, root_size.x, root_size.y); ctx->frame_start = Sys_LongTime (); ctx->frame_count++; ctx->current_parent = ctx->root_view; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx->windows.size; i++) { auto window = View_FromEntity (ctx->vsys, ctx->windows.a[i]->entity); View_Delete (window); } ctx->draw_order = ctx->windows.size; DARRAY_RESIZE (&ctx->parent_stack, 0); DARRAY_RESIZE (&ctx->windows, 0); DARRAY_RESIZE (&ctx->style_stack, 0); ctx->current_menu = 0; } static void prune_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { for (auto s = &ctx->states; *s; ) { if ((*s)->frame_count == ctx->frame_count) { s = &(*s)->next; } else { Hash_Del (ctx->tab, (*s)->label + (*s)->key_offset); free ((*s)->label); imui_state_free (ctx, *s); } } } #define DFL "\e[39;49m" #define BLK "\e[30;40m" #define RED "\e[31;40m" #define GRN "\e[32;40m" #define ONG "\e[33;40m" #define BLU "\e[34;40m" #define MAG "\e[35;40m" #define CYN "\e[36;40m" #define WHT "\e[37;40m" static const char * view_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t ind, imui_ctx_t *ctx, bool for_y) { auto reg = h->reg; uint32_t e = h->ent[ind]; viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control]; auto semantic = (imui_size_t) cont[ind].semantic_x; if (for_y) { semantic = cont[ind].semantic_y; } switch (semantic) { case imui_size_none: if (Ent_HasComponent (e, c_glyphs, reg)) { return CYN; } return DFL; case imui_size_pixels: return GRN; case imui_size_fittext: return CYN; case imui_size_percent: return ONG; case imui_size_fitchildren: return MAG; case imui_size_expand: return RED; } return BLU; } static void __attribute__((used)) dump_tree (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t ind, int level, imui_ctx_t *ctx) { view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len]; auto c = ((viewcont_t *)h->components[view_control])[ind]; uint32_t e = h->ent[ind]; printf ("%2d: %*s[%s%d %s%d"DFL"] %c %s%d %s%d"DFL, ind, level * 3, "", view_color (h, ind, ctx, false), len[ind].x, view_color (h, ind, ctx, true), len[ind].y, c.vertical ? 'v' : 'h', view_color (h, ind, ctx, false), c.semantic_x, view_color (h, ind, ctx, true), c.semantic_y); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->reg->components.size; j++) { if (Ent_HasComponent (e, j, h->reg)) { printf (", %s", h->reg->components.a[j].name); if (j == c_percent_x || j == c_percent_y) { auto val = *(int *) Ent_GetComponent (e, j, h->reg); printf ("(%s%d"DFL")", view_color (h, ind, ctx, j == c_percent_y), val); } } } printf (DFL"\n"); if (h->childIndex[ind] > ind) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->childCount[ind]; i++) { if (h->childIndex[ind] + i >= h->num_objects) { break; } dump_tree (h, h->childIndex[ind] + i, level + 1, ctx); } } if (!level) { puts (""); } } typedef struct { bool x, y; } boolpair_t; static void calc_upwards_dependent (imui_ctx_t *ctx, hierarchy_t *h, boolpair_t *down_depend) { auto reg = ctx->csys.reg; uint32_t *ent = h->ent; view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len]; viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control]; uint32_t *parent = h->parentIndex; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) { if (down_depend && (cont[i].semantic_x == imui_size_fitchildren || cont[i].semantic_x == imui_size_expand)) { down_depend[i].x = true; } else if ((!down_depend || !(i > 0 && (down_depend[i].x = down_depend[parent[i]].x))) && cont[i].semantic_x == imui_size_percent) { int *percent = Ent_GetComponent (ent[i], c_percent_x, reg); int x = (len[parent[i]].x * *percent) / 100; len[i].x = x; } if (down_depend && (cont[i].semantic_y == imui_size_fitchildren || cont[i].semantic_y == imui_size_expand)) { down_depend[i].y = true; } else if ((!down_depend || !(i > 0 && (down_depend[i].y = down_depend[parent[i]].y))) && cont[i].semantic_y == imui_size_percent) { int *percent = Ent_GetComponent (ent[i], c_percent_y, reg); int y = (len[parent[i]].y * *percent) / 100; len[i].y = y; } } } static void calc_downwards_dependent (hierarchy_t *h) { view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len]; viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control]; for (uint32_t i = h->num_objects; i-- > 0; ) { view_pos_t clen = len[i]; if (cont[i].semantic_x == imui_size_fitchildren || cont[i].semantic_x == imui_size_expand) { clen.x = 0; if (cont[i].vertical) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; clen.x = max (clen.x, len[child].x); } } else { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; clen.x += len[child].x; } } } if (cont[i].semantic_y == imui_size_fitchildren || cont[i].semantic_y == imui_size_expand) { clen.y = 0; if (!cont[i].vertical) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; clen.y = max (clen.y, len[child].y); } } else { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; clen.y += len[child].y; } } } len[i] = clen; } } static void calc_expansions (imui_ctx_t *ctx, hierarchy_t *h) { auto reg = ctx->csys.reg; uint32_t *ent = h->ent; view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len]; viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) { view_pos_t tlen = {}; view_pos_t elen = {}; view_pos_t ecount = {}; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; tlen.x += len[child].x; tlen.y += len[child].y; if (cont[child].semantic_x == imui_size_expand) { int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_x, reg); elen.x += *p; ecount.x++; } if (cont[child].semantic_y == imui_size_expand) { int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_y, reg); elen.y += *p; ecount.y++; } } if (!ecount.x && !ecount.y) { continue; } if (cont[i].vertical) { int space = len[i].y - tlen.y; int filled = 0; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; if (cont[child].semantic_x == imui_size_expand) { len[child].x = len[i].x; } if (cont[child].semantic_y == imui_size_expand) { int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_y, reg); int delta = *p * space / elen.y; len[child].y += max (delta, 0); filled += max (delta, 0); } } if (ecount.y && filled < space) { space -= filled; for (uint32_t j = 0; space && j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; if (cont[child].semantic_y == imui_size_expand) { len[child].y++; space--; } } } } else { int space = len[i].x - tlen.x; int filled = 0; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; if (cont[child].semantic_x == imui_size_expand) { int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_x, reg); int delta = *p * space / elen.x; len[child].x += max (delta, 0); filled += max (delta, 0); } if (cont[child].semantic_y == imui_size_expand) { len[child].y = len[i].y; } } if (ecount.x && filled < space) { space -= filled; for (uint32_t j = 0; space && j < h->childCount[i]; j++) { uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j; if (cont[child].semantic_x == imui_size_expand) { len[child].x++; space--; } } } } } } //FIXME currently works properly only for grav_northwest static void layout_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx, view_t root_view) { auto ref = View_GetRef (root_view); auto h = ref->hierarchy; view_pos_t *pos = h->components[view_pos]; view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len]; viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control]; uint32_t *parent = h->parentIndex; boolpair_t down_depend[h->num_objects]; // the root view size is always explicit down_depend[0] = (boolpair_t) { false, false }; calc_upwards_dependent (ctx, h, down_depend); calc_downwards_dependent (h); calc_expansions (ctx, h); //dump_tree (h, 0, 0, ctx); // resolve conflicts //fflush (stdout); if (Ent_HasComponent (root_view.id, c_reference, ctx->vsys.reg)) { auto ent = root_view.id; auto reg = ctx->vsys.reg; imui_reference_t *reference = Ent_GetComponent (ent, c_reference, reg); auto anchor = View_FromEntity (ctx->vsys, reference->ref_id); pos[0] = View_GetAbs (anchor); } view_pos_t cpos = {}; uint32_t cur_parent = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) { if (parent[i] != cur_parent) { cur_parent = parent[i]; cpos = (view_pos_t) {}; } if (!cont[i].free_x && !cont[i].free_y) { pos[i] = cpos; } else if (!cont[i].free_x) { pos[i].x = cpos.x; } else if (!cont[i].free_y) { pos[i].y = cpos.y; } if (i > 0 && cont[parent[i]].vertical) { cpos.y += cont[i].semantic_y == imui_size_none ? 0 : len[i].y; } else { cpos.x += cont[i].semantic_x == imui_size_none ? 0 : len[i].x; } } View_UpdateHierarchy (root_view); } static void check_inside (imui_ctx_t *ctx, view_t root_view) { auto ref = View_GetRef (root_view); auto h = ref->hierarchy; uint32_t *entity = h->ent; view_pos_t *abs = h->components[view_abs]; view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len]; viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control]; auto mp = ctx->mouse_position; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) { if (cont[i].active && mp.x >= abs[i].x && mp.y >= abs[i].y && mp.x < abs[i].x + len[i].x && mp.y < abs[i].y + len[i].y) { if (ctx->active == entity[i] || ctx->active == nullent) { ctx->hot = entity[i]; } } } //printf ("check_inside: %8x %8x\n", ctx->hot, ctx->active); } static int imui_window_cmp (const void *a, const void *b) { auto windowa = *(imui_state_t **) a; auto windowb = *(imui_state_t **) b; return windowa->draw_order - windowb->draw_order; } static void sort_windows (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { heapsort (ctx->windows.a, ctx->windows.size, sizeof (imui_state_t *), imui_window_cmp); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx->windows.size; i++) { auto window = ctx->windows.a[i]; window->draw_order = i + 1; *Canvas_DrawOrder (ctx->csys, window->entity) = window->draw_order; } } void IMUI_Draw (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { ctx->frame_draw = Sys_LongTime (); ctx->mouse_pressed = 0; ctx->mouse_released = 0; sort_windows (ctx); auto ref = View_GetRef (ctx->root_view); Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, false); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx->windows.size; i++) { auto window = View_FromEntity (ctx->vsys, ctx->windows.a[i]->entity); auto ref = View_GetRef (window); Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, false); } Canvas_DrawSort (ctx->csys); prune_objects (ctx); layout_objects (ctx, ctx->root_view); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx->windows.size; i++) { auto window = View_FromEntity (ctx->vsys, ctx->windows.a[i]->entity); layout_objects (ctx, window); } ctx->hot = nullent; check_inside (ctx, ctx->root_view); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx->windows.size; i++) { auto window = View_FromEntity (ctx->vsys, ctx->windows.a[i]->entity); check_inside (ctx, window); } ctx->frame_end = Sys_LongTime (); } int IMUI_PushLayout (imui_ctx_t *ctx, bool vertical) { DARRAY_APPEND (&ctx->parent_stack, ctx->current_parent); auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent); auto pcont = View_Control (ctx->current_parent); ctx->current_parent = view; auto x_size = pcont->vertical ? imui_size_expand : imui_size_fitchildren; auto y_size = pcont->vertical ? imui_size_fitchildren : imui_size_expand; *View_Control (view) = (viewcont_t) { .gravity = grav_northwest, .visible = 1, .semantic_x = x_size, .semantic_y = y_size, .vertical = vertical, }; View_SetLen (view, 0, 0); if (x_size == imui_size_expand) { *(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_x, ctx->csys.reg) = 100; } if (y_size == imui_size_expand) { *(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_y, ctx->csys.reg) = 100; } return 0; } void IMUI_PopLayout (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { ctx->current_parent = DARRAY_REMOVE (&ctx->parent_stack); } void IMUI_Layout_SetXSize (imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_size_t size, int value) { auto pcont = View_Control (ctx->current_parent); uint32_t id = ctx->current_parent.id; pcont->semantic_x = size; if (size == imui_size_percent || size == imui_size_expand) { *(int *) Ent_AddComponent(id, c_percent_x, ctx->csys.reg) = value; } } void IMUI_Layout_SetYSize (imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_size_t size, int value) { auto pcont = View_Control (ctx->current_parent); uint32_t id = ctx->current_parent.id; pcont->semantic_y = size; if (size == imui_size_percent || size == imui_size_expand) { *(int *) Ent_AddComponent(id, c_percent_y, ctx->csys.reg) = value; } } int IMUI_PushStyle (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const imui_style_t *style) { DARRAY_APPEND (&ctx->style_stack, ctx->style); if (style) { ctx->style = *style; } return 0; } void IMUI_PopStyle (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { ctx->style = DARRAY_REMOVE (&ctx->style_stack); } void IMUI_Style_Update (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const imui_style_t *style) { ctx->style = *style; } void IMUI_Style_Fetch (const imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_style_t *style) { *style = ctx->style; } static bool check_button_state (imui_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t entity) { bool result = false; //printf ("check_button_state: h:%8x a:%8x e:%8x\n", ctx->hot, ctx->active, entity); if (ctx->active == entity) { if (ctx->mouse_released & 1) { result = ctx->hot == entity; ctx->active = nullent; } } else if (ctx->hot == entity) { if (ctx->mouse_pressed & 1) { ctx->active = entity; } } return result; } static view_pos_t check_drag_delta (imui_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t entity) { view_pos_t delta = {}; if (ctx->active == entity) { delta.x = ctx->mouse_position.x - ctx->mouse_active.x; delta.y = ctx->mouse_position.y - ctx->mouse_active.y; ctx->mouse_active = ctx->mouse_position; if (ctx->mouse_released & 1) { ctx->active = nullent; } } else if (ctx->hot == entity) { if (ctx->mouse_pressed & 1) { ctx->mouse_active = ctx->mouse_position; ctx->active = entity; } } return delta; } static view_t add_text (imui_ctx_t *ctx, view_t view, imui_state_t *state, int mode) { auto reg = ctx->csys.reg; auto text = Text_StringView (ctx->tsys, view, ctx->font, state->label, state->label_len, 0, 0, ctx->shaper); int ascender = ctx->font->face->size->metrics.ascender / 64; int descender = ctx->font->face->size->metrics.descender / 64; auto len = View_GetLen (text); View_SetLen (text, len.x, ascender - descender); // text is positioned such that 0 is the baseline, and +y offset moves // the text down. The font's global ascender is used to find the baseline // relative to the top of the view. auto pos = View_GetPos (text); View_SetPos (text, pos.x, pos.y - len.y + ascender); View_SetGravity (text, grav_northwest); // prevent the layout system from repositioning the text view View_Control (text)->free_x = 1; View_Control (text)->free_y = 1; View_SetVisible (text, 1); Ent_SetComponent (text.id, c_glyphs, reg, Ent_GetComponent (text.id, c_passage_glyphs, reg)); len = View_GetLen (text); View_SetLen (view, len.x, len.y); uint32_t color = ctx->style.text.color[mode]; *(uint32_t *) Ent_AddComponent (text.id, c_color, ctx->tsys.reg) = color; return text; } static int update_hot_active (imui_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t old_entity, uint32_t new_entity) { int mode = 0; if (old_entity != nullent) { if (ctx->hot == old_entity) { ctx->hot = new_entity; mode = 1; } if (ctx->active == old_entity) { ctx->active = new_entity; mode = 2; } } return mode; } static void set_fill (imui_ctx_t *ctx, view_t view, byte color) { *(byte*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_fill, ctx->csys.reg) = color; } static void set_control (imui_ctx_t *ctx, view_t view, bool active) { *View_Control (view) = (viewcont_t) { .gravity = grav_northwest, .visible = 1, .semantic_x = imui_size_pixels, .semantic_y = imui_size_pixels, .active = active, }; } static void set_expand_x (imui_ctx_t *ctx, view_t view, int weight) { View_Control (view)->semantic_x = imui_size_expand; *(int *) Ent_AddComponent(view.id, c_percent_x, ctx->csys.reg) = weight; } void IMUI_Label (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const char *label) { auto state = imui_get_state (ctx, label); auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent); state->entity = view.id; set_control (ctx, view, true); set_fill (ctx, view, ctx->style.background.normal); add_text (ctx, view, state, 0); } void IMUI_Labelf (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); dvsprintf (ctx->dstr, fmt, args); va_end (args); IMUI_Label (ctx, ctx->dstr->str); } bool IMUI_Button (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const char *label) { auto state = imui_get_state (ctx, label); uint32_t old_entity = state->entity; auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent); state->entity = view.id; int mode = update_hot_active (ctx, old_entity, state->entity); set_control (ctx, view, true); set_fill (ctx, view, ctx->style.foreground.color[mode]); add_text (ctx, view, state, mode); return check_button_state (ctx, state->entity); } bool IMUI_Checkbox (imui_ctx_t *ctx, bool *flag, const char *label) { auto state = imui_get_state (ctx, label); uint32_t old_entity = state->entity; auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent); state->entity = view.id; int mode = update_hot_active (ctx, old_entity, state->entity); set_control (ctx, view, true); View_Control (view)->semantic_x = imui_size_fitchildren; View_Control (view)->semantic_y = imui_size_fitchildren; set_fill (ctx, view, ctx->style.background.color[mode]); auto checkbox = View_New (ctx->vsys, view); set_control (ctx, checkbox, false); View_SetLen (checkbox, 20, 20); set_fill (ctx, checkbox, ctx->style.foreground.color[mode]); if (!*flag) { auto punch = View_New (ctx->vsys, checkbox); set_control (ctx, punch, false); View_SetGravity (punch, grav_center); View_SetLen (punch, 14, 14); set_fill (ctx, punch, ctx->style.background.color[mode]); } if (state->label_len) { auto text = View_New (ctx->vsys, view); set_control (ctx, text, false); add_text (ctx, text, state, mode); } if (check_button_state (ctx, state->entity)) { *flag = !*flag; } return *flag; } void IMUI_Radio (imui_ctx_t *ctx, int *curvalue, int value, const char *label) { auto state = imui_get_state (ctx, label); uint32_t old_entity = state->entity; auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent); state->entity = view.id; int mode = update_hot_active (ctx, old_entity, state->entity); set_control (ctx, view, true); View_Control (view)->semantic_x = imui_size_fitchildren; View_Control (view)->semantic_y = imui_size_fitchildren; set_fill (ctx, view, ctx->style.background.color[mode]); auto checkbox = View_New (ctx->vsys, view); set_control (ctx, checkbox, false); View_SetLen (checkbox, 20, 20); set_fill (ctx, checkbox, ctx->style.foreground.color[mode]); if (*curvalue != value) { auto punch = View_New (ctx->vsys, checkbox); set_control (ctx, punch, false); View_SetGravity (punch, grav_center); View_SetLen (punch, 14, 14); set_fill (ctx, punch, ctx->style.background.color[mode]); } if (state->label_len) { auto text = View_New (ctx->vsys, view); set_control (ctx, text, false); add_text (ctx, text, state, mode); } if (check_button_state (ctx, state->entity)) { *curvalue = value; } } void IMUI_Slider (imui_ctx_t *ctx, float *value, float minval, float maxval, const char *label) { } void IMUI_Spacer (imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_size_t xsize, int xvalue, imui_size_t ysize, int yvalue) { auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent); View_SetLen (ctx->current_parent, 0, 0); int xlen = 0; int ylen = 0; if (xsize == imui_size_pixels) { xlen = xvalue; } if (ysize == imui_size_pixels) { ylen = yvalue; } set_control (ctx, view, false); View_SetLen (view, xlen, ylen); View_Control (view)->semantic_x = xsize; View_Control (view)->semantic_y = ysize; auto reg = ctx->csys.reg; if (xsize == imui_size_percent || xsize == imui_size_expand) { *(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_x, reg) = xvalue; } if (ysize == imui_size_percent || ysize == imui_size_expand) { *(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_y, reg) = yvalue; } set_fill (ctx, view, ctx->style.background.normal); } static void create_reference_anchor (imui_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t ent, imui_window_t *panel) { auto state = imui_find_state (ctx, panel->reference); if (!state) { Sys_Printf ("IMUI: unknown widget '%s' for '%s'\n", panel->reference, panel->name); return; } if (!ECS_EntValid (state->entity, ctx->csys.reg)) { Sys_Printf ("IMUI: invalid widget reference '%s' for '%s'\n", panel->reference, panel->name); return; } auto refview = View_FromEntity (ctx->vsys, state->entity); auto anchor = View_New (ctx->vsys, refview); View_SetPos (anchor, 0, 0); View_SetLen (anchor, 0, 0); View_SetGravity (anchor, panel->anchor_gravity); imui_reference_t reference = { .ref_id = anchor.id, }; Ent_SetComponent (ent, c_reference, ctx->vsys.reg, &reference); } int IMUI_StartPanel (imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_window_t *panel) { if (!panel->is_open) { return 1; } auto state = imui_get_state (ctx, panel->name); uint32_t old_entity = state->entity; DARRAY_APPEND (&ctx->parent_stack, ctx->current_parent); auto canvas = Canvas_New (ctx->csys); int draw_group = imui_draw_group + panel->group_offset; *Canvas_DrawGroup (ctx->csys, canvas) = draw_group; auto panel_view = Canvas_GetRootView (ctx->csys, canvas); state->entity = panel_view.id; panel->mode = update_hot_active (ctx, old_entity, state->entity); auto ref = View_GetRef (panel_view); Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, true); grav_t gravity = grav_northwest; if (panel->reference) { create_reference_anchor (ctx, canvas, panel); gravity = panel->reference_gravity; } DARRAY_APPEND (&ctx->windows, state); if (!state->draw_order) { state->draw_order = ++ctx->draw_order; } ctx->current_parent = panel_view; *View_Control (panel_view) = (viewcont_t) { .gravity = gravity, .visible = 1, .semantic_x = imui_size_fitchildren, .semantic_y = imui_size_fitchildren, .free_x = 1, .free_y = 1, .vertical = true, .active = 1, }; View_SetPos (panel_view, panel->xpos, panel->ypos); View_SetLen (panel_view, panel->xlen, panel->ylen); auto bg = ctx->style.background.normal; UI_Vertical { ctx->style.background.normal = 0;//FIXME style IMUI_Spacer (ctx, imui_size_expand, 100, imui_size_pixels, 2); UI_Horizontal { IMUI_Spacer (ctx, imui_size_pixels, 2, imui_size_expand, 100); UI_Vertical { IMUI_Layout_SetXSize (ctx, imui_size_expand, 100); panel_view = ctx->current_parent; } IMUI_Spacer (ctx, imui_size_pixels, 2, imui_size_expand, 100); } IMUI_Spacer (ctx, imui_size_expand, 100, imui_size_pixels, 2); } ctx->style.background.normal = bg; ctx->current_parent = panel_view; state->content = panel_view.id; return 0; } int IMUI_ExtendPanel (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const char *panel_name) { auto state = imui_find_state (ctx, panel_name); if (!state || !ECS_EntValid (state->entity, ctx->vsys.reg)) { return 1; } DARRAY_APPEND (&ctx->parent_stack, ctx->current_parent); ctx->current_parent = View_FromEntity (ctx->vsys, state->content); return 0; } void IMUI_EndPanel (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { IMUI_PopLayout (ctx); } int IMUI_StartMenu (imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_window_t *menu, bool vertical) { menu->parent = ctx->current_menu; ctx->current_menu = menu; if (menu->parent) { if (!menu->reference) { menu->reference = nva ("%s##item:%s", menu->name, menu->parent->name); } if (menu->parent->is_open) { UI_ExtendPanel (menu->parent->name) { if (IMUI_MenuItem (ctx, menu->reference, false)) { menu->is_open = true; } } } } if (!menu->is_open) { ctx->current_menu = menu->parent; return 1; } IMUI_StartPanel (ctx, menu); auto state = ctx->windows.a[ctx->windows.size - 1]; state->menu = menu; auto menu_view = ctx->current_parent; if (vertical) { IMUI_Layout_SetXSize (ctx, imui_size_fitchildren, 0); } else { UI_Horizontal { IMUI_Layout_SetYSize (ctx, imui_size_fitchildren, 0); menu_view = ctx->current_parent; } } ctx->current_parent = menu_view; state->content = menu_view.id; return 0; } void IMUI_EndMenu (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { IMUI_PopLayout (ctx); } bool IMUI_MenuItem (imui_ctx_t *ctx, const char *label, bool collapse) { auto res = IMUI_Button (ctx, label); //auto state = ctx->current_state; if (res && collapse) { for (auto m = ctx->current_menu; m && !m->no_collapse; m = m->parent) { m->is_open = false; } } return res; } int IMUI_StartWindow (imui_ctx_t *ctx, imui_window_t *window) { if (!window->is_open) { return 1; } IMUI_StartPanel (ctx, window); auto state = ctx->windows.a[ctx->windows.size - 1]; UI_Horizontal { char cbutton = window->is_collapsed ? '>' : 'v'; if (UI_Button (va (0, "%c##collapse_%s", cbutton, window->name))) { window->is_collapsed = !window->is_collapsed; } auto tb_state = imui_get_state (ctx, va (0, "%s##title_bar", window->name)); uint32_t tb_old_entity = tb_state->entity; auto title_bar = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent); tb_state->entity = title_bar.id; int tb_mode = update_hot_active (ctx, tb_old_entity, tb_state->entity); auto delta = check_drag_delta (ctx, tb_state->entity); if (ctx->active == tb_state->entity) { state->draw_order = imui_ontop; window->xpos += delta.x; window->ypos += delta.y; } set_control (ctx, title_bar, true); set_expand_x (ctx, title_bar, 100); set_fill (ctx, title_bar, ctx->style.foreground.color[tb_mode]); auto title = add_text (ctx, title_bar, state, window->mode); View_Control (title)->gravity = grav_center; if (UI_Button (va (0, "X##close_%s", window->name))) { window->is_open = false; } } return 0; } void IMUI_EndWindow (imui_ctx_t *ctx) { IMUI_PopLayout (ctx); }