/* sys_wind.c @description@ Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "winquake.h" #include "errno.h" #include #include /* =============================================================================== FILE IO =============================================================================== */ #define MAX_HANDLES 10 QFile *sys_handles[MAX_HANDLES]; int findhandle (void) { int i; for (i = 1; i < MAX_HANDLES; i++) if (!sys_handles[i]) return i; Sys_Error ("out of handles"); return -1; } /* ================ filelength ================ */ int filelength (QFile *f) { int pos; int end; pos = ftell (f); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); end = ftell (f); fseek (f, pos, SEEK_SET); return end; } int Sys_FileOpenRead (char *path, int *hndl) { QFile *f; int i; i = findhandle (); f = Qopen (path, "rb"); if (!f) { *hndl = -1; return -1; } sys_handles[i] = f; *hndl = i; return filelength (f); } int Sys_FileOpenWrite (char *path) { QFile *f; int i; i = findhandle (); f = Qopen (path, "wb"); if (!f) Sys_Error ("Error opening %s: %s", path, strerror (errno)); sys_handles[i] = f; return i; } void Sys_FileClose (int handle) { Qclose (sys_handles[handle]); sys_handles[handle] = NULL; } void Sys_FileSeek (int handle, int position) { fseek (sys_handles[handle], position, SEEK_SET); } int Sys_FileRead (int handle, void *dest, int count) { return fread (dest, 1, count, sys_handles[handle]); } int Sys_FileWrite (int handle, void *data, int count) { return fwrite (data, 1, count, sys_handles[handle]); } int Sys_FileTime (char *path) { QFile *f; f = Qopen (path, "rb"); if (f) { Qclose (f); return 1; } return -1; } void Sys_mkdir (char *path) { } /* =============================================================================== SYSTEM IO =============================================================================== */ void Sys_MakeCodeWriteable (unsigned long startaddr, unsigned long length) { } void Sys_DebugLog (char *file, char *fmt, ...) { } void Sys_Error (char *error, ...) { va_list argptr; char text[1024]; va_start (argptr, error); vsnprintf (text, sizeof (text), error, argptr); va_end (argptr); // MessageBox(NULL, text, "Error", 0 /* MB_OK */ ); printf ("ERROR: %s\n", text); exit (1); } void Sys_Printf (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start (argptr, fmt); vprintf (fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); } void Sys_Quit (void) { exit (0); } double Sys_DoubleTime (void) { double t; struct _timeb tstruct; static int starttime; _ftime (&tstruct); if (!starttime) starttime = tstruct.time; t = (tstruct.time - starttime) + tstruct.millitm * 0.001; return t; } void Sys_Sleep (void) { } void IN_SendKeyEvents (void) { } void Sys_HighFPPrecision (void) { } void Sys_LowFPPrecision (void) { } char * Sys_ConsoleInput (void) { static char text[256]; static int len; INPUT_RECORD recs[1024]; int count; int i; int c; // read a line out while (_kbhit ()) { c = _getch (); putch (c); if (c == '\r') { text[len] = 0; putch ('\n'); len = 0; return text; } if (c == 8) { putch (' '); putch (c); len--; text[len] = 0; continue; } text[len] = c; len++; text[len] = 0; if (len == sizeof (text)) len = 0; } return NULL; } /* ================== main ================== */ char *newargv[256]; int main (int argc, char **argv) { MSG msg; quakeparms_t parms; double time, oldtime; static char cwd[1024]; memset (&parms, 0, sizeof (parms)); parms.memsize = 16384 * 1024; parms.membase = malloc (parms.memsize); _getcwd (cwd, sizeof (cwd)); if (cwd[Q_strlen (cwd) - 1] == '\\') cwd[Q_strlen (cwd) - 1] = 0; parms.basedir = cwd; // "f:/quake"; // parms.basedir = "f:\\quake"; COM_InitArgv (argc, argv); // dedicated server ONLY! if (!COM_CheckParm ("-dedicated")) { memcpy (newargv, argv, argc * 4); newargv[argc] = "-dedicated"; argc++; argv = newargv; COM_InitArgv (argc, argv); } parms.argc = argc; parms.argv = argv; printf ("Host_Init\n"); Host_Init (&parms); oldtime = Sys_DoubleTime (); /* main window message loop */ while (1) { time = Sys_DoubleTime (); if (time - oldtime < sys_ticrate->value) { Sleep (1); continue; } Host_Frame (time - oldtime); oldtime = time; } /* return success of application */ return TRUE; }