/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA See file, 'COPYING', for details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #include "QF/sys.h" #include "brush.h" #include "bsp5.h" #include "csg4.h" #include "draw.h" #include "merge.h" #include "surfaces.h" #include "winding.h" /** \addtogroup qfbsp_merge */ //@{ #define CONTINUOUS_EPSILON 0.001 /** Try to merge two polygons. If two polygons share a common edge and the edges that meet at the common points are both inside the other polygons, merge them. The two polygons must be on the same plane, the same side of the plane, have the same texture and have the same contents on each side. \param f1 The first face. \param f2 The second face. \return The new face or NULL if the faces could not be merged. \note The originals will NOT be freed. */ static face_t * TryMerge (const face_t *f1, const face_t *f2) { face_t *newf; int i, j, k, l; plane_t *plane; qboolean keep1, keep2; vec3_t normal, delta, planenormal; vec_t dot; vec_t *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *back; winding_t *f1p, *f2p, *newfp; if (!(f1p = f1->points) || !(f2p = f2->points)) return NULL; if (f1->planeside != f2->planeside) return NULL; if (f1->texturenum != f2->texturenum) return NULL; if (f1->contents[0] != f2->contents[0]) return NULL; if (f1->contents[1] != f2->contents[1]) return NULL; p1 = p2 = NULL; j = 0; // find a common edge for (i = 0; i < f1p->numpoints; i++) { p1 = f1p->points[i]; p2 = f1p->points[(i + 1) % f1p->numpoints]; for (j = 0; j < f2p->numpoints; j++) { p3 = f2p->points[j]; p4 = f2p->points[(j + 1) % f2p->numpoints]; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if (fabs (p1[k] - p4[k]) > EQUAL_EPSILON) break; if (fabs (p2[k] - p3[k]) > EQUAL_EPSILON) break; } if (k == 3) goto found_edge; } } return NULL; // no matching edges found_edge: // check slope of connected lines // if the slopes are colinear, the point can be removed plane = &planes[f1->planenum]; VectorCopy (plane->normal, planenormal); if (f1->planeside) VectorNegate (planenormal, planenormal); back = f1p->points[(i + f1p->numpoints - 1) % f1p->numpoints]; VectorSubtract (p1, back, delta); CrossProduct (planenormal, delta, normal); _VectorNormalize (normal); back = f2p->points[(j + 2) % f2p->numpoints]; VectorSubtract (back, p1, delta); dot = DotProduct (delta, normal); if (dot > CONTINUOUS_EPSILON) return NULL; // not a convex polygon keep1 = dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON; back = f1p->points[(i + 2) % f1p->numpoints]; VectorSubtract (back, p2, delta); CrossProduct (planenormal, delta, normal); _VectorNormalize (normal); back = f2p->points[(j + f2p->numpoints - 1) % f2p->numpoints]; VectorSubtract (back, p2, delta); dot = DotProduct (delta, normal); if (dot > CONTINUOUS_EPSILON) return NULL; // not a convex polygon keep2 = dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON; // build the new polygon k = f1p->numpoints + f2p->numpoints - 4 + keep1 + keep2; newf = NewFaceFromFace (f1); newfp = newf->points = NewWinding (k); // copy first polygon for (k = (i + 1) % f1p->numpoints; k != i; k = (k + 1) % f1p->numpoints) { if (k == (i + 1) % f1p->numpoints && !keep2) continue; VectorCopy (f1p->points[k], newfp->points[newfp->numpoints]); newfp->numpoints++; } // copy second polygon for (l = (j + 1) % f2p->numpoints; l != j; l = (l + 1) % f2p->numpoints) { if (l == (j + 1) % f2p->numpoints && !keep1) continue; VectorCopy (f2p->points[l], newfp->points[newfp->numpoints]); newfp->numpoints++; } return newf; } qboolean mergedebug; face_t * MergeFaceToList (face_t *face, face_t *list) { face_t *newf, *f; for (f = list; f; f = f->next) { // CheckColinear (f); if (mergedebug) { Draw_ClearWindow (); Draw_DrawFace (face); Draw_DrawFace (f); Draw_SetBlack (); } newf = TryMerge (face, f); if (!newf) continue; FreeFace (face); FreeWinding (f->points); // merged out f->points = 0; return MergeFaceToList (newf, list); } // didn't merge, so add at start face->next = list; return face; } face_t * FreeMergeListScraps (face_t *merged) { face_t *head, *next; head = NULL; for (; merged; merged = next) { next = merged->next; if (!merged->points) FreeFace (merged); else { merged->next = head; head = merged; } } return head; } void MergePlaneFaces (surface_t *plane) { face_t *merged, *next, *f1; merged = NULL; for (f1 = plane->faces; f1; f1 = next) { next = f1->next; merged = MergeFaceToList (f1, merged); } // chain all of the non-empty faces to the plane plane->faces = FreeMergeListScraps (merged); } void MergeAll (surface_t *surfhead) { face_t *f; int mergefaces; surface_t *surf; printf ("---- MergeAll ----\n"); mergefaces = 0; for (surf = surfhead; surf; surf = surf->next) { MergePlaneFaces (surf); Draw_ClearWindow (); for (f = surf->faces; f; f = f->next) { Draw_DrawFace (f); mergefaces++; } } printf ("%i mergefaces\n", mergefaces); } //@}