//unfortunately, have to wrap the docs in a C comment for doxygen // vim:tw=74:formatoptions-=l /** \page sound \QF Sound System The \QF sound system is designed to work with many sound systems. The sound systems \QF supports are: <dl> <dt>Linux</dt> <dd>ALSA, OSS, SDL</dd> <dt>Other UNIX-like</dt> <dd>OSS, SDL</dd> <dt>Windows</dt> <dd>DirectX, Win32, SDL</dd> </dl> There are others (SUN, SGI, MME), but their status is unkown. SUN sound support will build (on OpenBSD), but whether it works is unknown. In the above list, the first sound system listed for each OS is the default. To use one of the other supported drivers, set the \c snd_output cvar to the appropriate name as shown below (all systems are shown). <table> <tr> <td>System</td><td>ALSA</td><td>OSS</td><td>DirectX</td> <td>Win32</td><td>SUN</td><td>SGI</td><td>MME</td><td>SDL</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Driver</td><td>alsa</td><td>oss</td><td>dx</td> <td>win</td><td>sun</td><td>sgi</td><td>mme</td><td>sdl</td> </tr> </table> As \c snd_output is read-only, see \ref cvar_rom for how to set it. In addition to the above, \QF also supports JACK audio. \QF's JACK support should work on any system that supports JACK. However, as JACK support uses a different architecture (JACK audio is "pull", \QF default audio is "push"), selecting JACK support uses a different cvar; Set \c snd_render to \c jack (the following table shows the name for both render systems). <table> <tr> <td>System</td><td>Default</td><td>JACK</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Render</td><td>default</td><td>jack</td> </tr> </table> \section snd_comcc Common Cvars and Commands \c ambient_level<br> \c ambient_fade<br> \c precache<br> \c snd_swapchannelside<br> \c snd_volumesep<br> \c snd_phasesep<br> \c volume<br> \c play<br> \c playcenter<br> \c playvol<br> \c snd_force_unblock<br> \c soundlist<br> When \QF is built with MIDI support (using WildMidi):<br> \c wildmidi_config<br> \c wildmidi_volume<br> \section snd_defcc QF Default Cvars and Commands \c snd_noextraupdate<br> \c snd_mixahead<br> \c nosound<br> \c stopsound<br> \c soundinfo<br> \c snd_stereo<br> \c snd_rate<br> \c snd_bits<br> \c snd_device<br> \c snd_oss_mmaped<br> \section snd_jackcc JACK Cvars and Commands \c snd_jack_server<br> */