/* function.c QC function support code Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2002/5/7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #include "qfcc.h" #include "function.h" #include "type.h" param_t * new_param (const char *selector, type_t *type, const char *name) { param_t *param = malloc (sizeof (param_t)); param->next = 0; param->selector = selector; param->type = type; param->name = name; return param; } type_t * parse_params (type_t *type, param_t *parms) { int ellipsis = 0, i; param_t *p; type_t new; memset (&new, 0, sizeof (new)); new.type = ev_func; new.aux_type = type; new.num_parms = 0; if (parms && !parms->selector && !parms->type && !parms->name) { ellipsis = 1; parms = parms->next; } if (ellipsis) { new.num_parms = -1; // variable args } else if (!parms) { } else { for (p = parms; p; p = p->next, new.num_parms++) ; if (new.num_parms > MAX_PARMS) { error (0, "too many params"); return type; } i = 1; do { //puts (parms->name); new.parm_types[new.num_parms - i] = parms->type; i++; parms = parms->next; } while (parms); } //print_type (&new); puts(""); return PR_FindType (&new); } void build_scope (function_t *f, def_t *func, param_t *params) { int i, count; def_t *def; param_t **param_list, *p; for (p = params, count = 0; p; p = p->next, count++) ; param_list = alloca (sizeof (param_t *) * i); i = count; for (p = params; p; p = p->next) param_list[--i] = p; func->alloc = &func->locals; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!param_list[i]->selector && !param_list[i]->type && !param_list[i]->name) continue; // ellipsis marker def = PR_GetDef (param_list[i]->type, param_list[i]->name, func, func->alloc); f->parm_ofs[i] = def->ofs; if (i > 0 && f->parm_ofs[i] < f->parm_ofs[i - 1]) Error ("bad parm order"); def->used = 1; // don't warn for unused params PR_DefInitialized (def); // params are assumed to be initialized } } function_t * new_function (void) { function_t *f; f = calloc (1, sizeof (function_t)); f->next = pr_functions; pr_functions = f; return f; } void build_function (function_t *f) { f->def->constant = 1; f->def->initialized = 1; G_FUNCTION (f->def->ofs) = numfunctions; } void finish_function (function_t *f) { dfunction_t *df; int i; // fill in the dfunction df = &functions[numfunctions]; numfunctions++; f->dfunc = df; if (f->builtin) df->first_statement = -f->builtin; else df->first_statement = f->code; df->s_name = ReuseString (f->def->name); df->s_file = s_file; df->numparms = f->def->type->num_parms; df->locals = f->def->locals; df->parm_start = 0; for (i = 0; i < df->numparms; i++) df->parm_size[i] = pr_type_size[f->def->type->parm_types[i]->type]; if (f->aux) { def_t *def; f->aux->function = df - functions; for (def = f->def->scope_next; def; def = def->scope_next) { if (def->name) { ddef_t *d = new_local (); d->type = def->type->type; d->ofs = def->ofs; d->s_name = ReuseString (def->name); f->aux->num_locals++; } } } } void emit_function (function_t *f, expr_t *e) { //printf (" %s =\n", f->def->name); if (f->aux) lineno_base = f->aux->source_line; pr_scope = f->def; while (e) { //printf ("%d ", pr_source_line); //print_expr (e); //puts(""); emit_expr (e); e = e->next; } emit_statement (pr_source_line, op_done, 0, 0, 0); PR_FlushScope (pr_scope, 0); pr_scope = 0; PR_ResetTempDefs (); //puts (""); }