/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA See file, 'COPYING', for details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((unused)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include "string.h" #endif #include "QF/sys.h" #include "compat.h" #include "bsp5.h" #include "options.h" typedef struct wvert_s { vec_t t; struct wvert_s *prev, *next; } wvert_t; typedef struct wedge_s { struct wedge_s *next; vec3_t dir; vec3_t origin; wvert_t head; } wedge_t; int numwedges, numwverts; int tjuncs; int tjuncfaces; int degenerdges; #define MAXWVERTS 0x20000 #define MAXWEDGES 0x10000 wvert_t wverts[MAXWVERTS]; wedge_t wedges[MAXWEDGES]; #define NUM_HASH 1024 wedge_t *wedge_hash[NUM_HASH]; static vec3_t hash_min, hash_scale; static void InitHash (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { int newsize[2]; vec3_t size; vec_t volume; vec_t scale; VectorCopy (mins, hash_min); VectorSubtract (maxs, mins, size); memset (wedge_hash, 0, sizeof (wedge_hash)); volume = size[0] * size[1]; scale = sqrt (volume / NUM_HASH); newsize[0] = size[0] / scale; newsize[1] = size[1] / scale; hash_scale[0] = newsize[0] / size[0]; hash_scale[1] = newsize[1] / size[1]; hash_scale[2] = newsize[1]; } static unsigned HashVec (vec3_t vec) { unsigned h; h = hash_scale[0] * (vec[0] - hash_min[0]) * hash_scale[2] + hash_scale[1] * (vec[1] - hash_min[1]); if (h >= NUM_HASH) return NUM_HASH - 1; return h; } static qboolean CanonicalVector (vec3_t vec) { vec_t len = _VectorNormalize (vec); if (len < EQUAL_EPSILON) return false; if (vec[0] > EQUAL_EPSILON) return true; else if (vec[0] < -EQUAL_EPSILON) { VectorNegate (vec, vec); return true; } else vec[0] = 0; if (vec[1] > EQUAL_EPSILON) return true; else if (vec[1] < -EQUAL_EPSILON) { VectorNegate (vec, vec); return true; } else vec[1] = 0; if (vec[2] > EQUAL_EPSILON) return true; else if (vec[2] < -EQUAL_EPSILON) { VectorNegate (vec, vec); return true; } else vec[2] = 0; return false; } static wedge_t * FindEdge (vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2, vec_t *t1, vec_t *t2) { int h; vec3_t dir, origin; vec_t temp; wedge_t *w; VectorSubtract (p2, p1, dir); if (!CanonicalVector (dir)) { degenerdges++; return 0; } *t1 = DotProduct (p1, dir); *t2 = DotProduct (p2, dir); VectorMultSub (p1, *t1, dir, origin); if (*t1 > *t2) { temp = *t1; *t1 = *t2; *t2 = temp; } h = HashVec (origin); for (w = wedge_hash[h]; w; w = w->next) { temp = w->origin[0] - origin[0]; if (temp < -EQUAL_EPSILON || temp > EQUAL_EPSILON) continue; temp = w->origin[1] - origin[1]; if (temp < -EQUAL_EPSILON || temp > EQUAL_EPSILON) continue; temp = w->origin[2] - origin[2]; if (temp < -EQUAL_EPSILON || temp > EQUAL_EPSILON) continue; temp = w->dir[0] - dir[0]; if (temp < -EQUAL_EPSILON || temp > EQUAL_EPSILON) continue; temp = w->dir[1] - dir[1]; if (temp < -EQUAL_EPSILON || temp > EQUAL_EPSILON) continue; temp = w->dir[2] - dir[2]; if (temp < -EQUAL_EPSILON || temp > EQUAL_EPSILON) continue; return w; } if (numwedges == MAXWEDGES) Sys_Error ("FindEdge: numwedges == MAXWEDGES"); w = &wedges[numwedges]; numwedges++; w->next = wedge_hash[h]; wedge_hash[h] = w; VectorCopy (origin, w->origin); VectorCopy (dir, w->dir); w->head.next = w->head.prev = &w->head; w->head.t = 99999; return w; } #define T_EPSILON 0.01 static void AddVert (wedge_t *w, vec_t t) { wvert_t *v, *newv; v = w->head.next; do { if (fabs (v->t - t) < T_EPSILON) return; if (v->t > t) break; v = v->next; } while (1); // insert a new wvert before v if (numwverts == MAXWVERTS) Sys_Error ("AddVert: numwverts == MAXWVERTS"); newv = &wverts[numwverts]; numwverts++; newv->t = t; newv->next = v; newv->prev = v->prev; v->prev->next = newv; v->prev = newv; } static void AddEdge (vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2) { wedge_t *w; vec_t t1, t2; if ((w = FindEdge (p1, p2, &t1, &t2))) { AddVert (w, t1); AddVert (w, t2); } } static void AddFaceEdges (face_t *f) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < f->points->numpoints; i++) { j = (i + 1) % f->points->numpoints; AddEdge (f->points->points[i], f->points->points[j]); } } face_t *newlist; static void FixFaceEdges (face_t *f) { int i, j, k; vec_t t1, t2; wedge_t *w; winding_t *fp = f->points; wvert_t *v; restart: for (i = 0; i < fp->numpoints; i++) { j = (i + 1) % fp->numpoints; if (!(w = FindEdge (fp->points[i], fp->points[j], &t1, &t2))) continue; for (v = w->head.next; v->t < t1 + T_EPSILON; v = v->next) { } if (v->t < t2 - T_EPSILON) { tjuncs++; // insert a new vertex here fp = realloc (fp, field_offset (winding_t, points[fp->numpoints + 1])); for (k = fp->numpoints; k > j; k--) { VectorCopy (fp->points[k - 1], fp->points[k]); } VectorMultAdd (w->origin, v->t, w->dir, fp->points[j]); fp->numpoints++; goto restart; } } f->points = fp; f->next = newlist; newlist = f; } //============================================================================ static void tjunc_find_r (node_t *node) { face_t *f; if (node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF) return; for (f = node->faces; f; f = f->next) if (f->texturenum >= 0) AddFaceEdges (f); tjunc_find_r (node->children[0]); tjunc_find_r (node->children[1]); } static void tjunc_fix_r (node_t *node) { face_t *next, *f; if (node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF) return; newlist = NULL; for (f = node->faces; f; f = next) { next = f->next; if (f->texturenum < 0) continue; FixFaceEdges (f); } node->faces = newlist; tjunc_fix_r (node->children[0]); tjunc_fix_r (node->children[1]); } void tjunc (node_t *headnode) { int i; vec3_t maxs, mins; qprintf ("---- tjunc ----\n"); if (options.notjunc) return; // identify all points on common edges // origin points won't allways be inside the map, so extend the hash area for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (fabs (brushset->maxs[i]) > fabs (brushset->mins[i])) maxs[i] = fabs (brushset->maxs[i]); else maxs[i] = fabs (brushset->mins[i]); } VectorNegate (maxs, mins); InitHash (mins, maxs); numwedges = numwverts = 0; tjunc_find_r (headnode); qprintf ("%i world edges %i edge points\n", numwedges, numwverts); // add extra vertexes on edges where needed tjuncs = tjuncfaces = 0; degenerdges = 0; tjunc_fix_r (headnode); qprintf ("%i degenerate edges\n", degenerdges); qprintf ("%i edges added by tjunctions\n", tjuncs); qprintf ("%i faces added by tjunctions\n", tjuncfaces); }