/* transform.c General transform handling Copyright (C) 2021 Bill Currke This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #define IMPLEMENT_TRANSFORM_Funcs #include "QF/scene/scene.h" #include "QF/scene/transform.h" static void transform_mat4f_identity (void *_mat) { vec4f_t *mat = _mat; mat4fidentity (mat); } static void transform_rotation_identity (void *_rot) { vec4f_t *rot = _rot; *rot = (vec4f_t) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; } static void transform_scale_identity (void *_scale) { vec4f_t *scale = _scale; *scale = (vec4f_t) { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; } static void transform_modified_init (void *_modified) { byte *modified = _modified; *modified = 1; } static const component_t transform_components[transform_type_count] = { [transform_type_name] = { .size = sizeof (char *), .name = "Name", }, [transform_type_tag] = { .size = sizeof (uint32_t), .name = "Tag", }, [transform_type_modified] = { .size = sizeof (byte), .create = transform_modified_init, .name = "Modified", }, [transform_type_localMatrix] = { .size = sizeof (mat4f_t), .create = transform_mat4f_identity, .name = "Local Matrix", }, [transform_type_localInverse] = { .size = sizeof (mat4f_t), .create = transform_mat4f_identity, .name = "Local Inverse", }, [transform_type_worldMatrix] = { .size = sizeof (mat4f_t), .create = transform_mat4f_identity, .name = "World Matrix", }, [transform_type_worldInverse] = { .size = sizeof (mat4f_t), .create = transform_mat4f_identity, .name = "World Inverse", }, [transform_type_localRotation] = { .size = sizeof (vec4f_t), .create = transform_rotation_identity, .name = "Local Rotation", }, [transform_type_localScale] = { .size = sizeof (vec4f_t), .create = transform_scale_identity, .name = "Local Scale", }, [transform_type_worldRotation] = { .size = sizeof (vec4f_t), .create = transform_rotation_identity, .name = "World Rotation", }, }; static const hierarchy_type_t transform_type = { .num_components = transform_type_count, .components = transform_components, }; static void transform_calcLocalInverse (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t index) { mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; mat4f_t *localInverse = h->components[transform_type_localInverse]; // This takes advantage of the fact that localMatrix is a simple // homogenous scale/rotate/translate matrix with no shear vec4f_t x = localMatrix[index][0]; vec4f_t y = localMatrix[index][1]; vec4f_t z = localMatrix[index][2]; vec4f_t t = localMatrix[index][3]; // "one" is to ensure both the scalar and translation have 1 in their // fourth components vec4f_t one = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; vec4f_t nx = { x[0], y[0], z[0], 0 }; vec4f_t ny = { x[1], y[1], z[1], 0 }; vec4f_t nz = { x[2], y[2], z[2], 0 }; vec4f_t nt = one - t[0] * nx - t[1] * ny - t[2] * nz; // vertical dot product!!! vec4f_t s = 1 / (nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz + one); localInverse[index][0] = nx * s; localInverse[index][1] = ny * s; localInverse[index][2] = nz * s; localInverse[index][3] = nt * s; } static void Transform_UpdateMatrices (hierarchy_t *h) { mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; mat4f_t *localInverse = h->components[transform_type_localInverse]; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; mat4f_t *worldInverse = h->components[transform_type_worldInverse]; vec4f_t *localRotation = h->components[transform_type_localRotation]; vec4f_t *worldRotation = h->components[transform_type_worldRotation]; byte *modified = h->components[transform_type_modified]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) { if (modified[i]) { transform_calcLocalInverse (h, i); } } if (modified[0]) { memcpy (worldMatrix[0], localMatrix[0], sizeof (mat4_t)); memcpy (worldInverse[0], localInverse[0], sizeof (mat4_t)); worldRotation[0] = localRotation[0]; } for (size_t i = 1; i < h->num_objects; i++) { uint32_t parent = h->parentIndex[i]; if (modified[i] || modified[parent]) { mmulf (worldMatrix[i], worldMatrix[parent], localMatrix[i]); modified[i] = 1; } } for (size_t i = 1; i < h->num_objects; i++) { uint32_t parent = h->parentIndex[i]; if (modified[i] || modified[parent]) { mmulf (worldInverse[i], localInverse[i], worldInverse[parent]); } } for (size_t i = 1; i < h->num_objects; i++) { uint32_t parent = h->parentIndex[i]; if (modified[i] || modified[parent]) { worldRotation[i] = qmulf (worldRotation[parent], localRotation[i]); } } memset (modified, 0, h->num_objects); } transform_t Transform_New (ecs_registry_t *reg, transform_t parent) { uint32_t transform = ECS_NewEntity (reg); hierref_t *ref = Ent_AddComponent (transform, scene_href, reg); if (parent.reg && parent.id != nullent) { hierref_t *pref = Transform_GetRef (parent); ref->hierarchy = pref->hierarchy; ref->index = Hierarchy_InsertHierarchy (pref->hierarchy, 0, pref->index, 0); } else { ref->hierarchy = Hierarchy_New (reg, scene_href, &transform_type, 1); ref->index = 0; } ref->hierarchy->ent[ref->index] = transform; Transform_UpdateMatrices (ref->hierarchy); return (transform_t) { .reg = reg, .id = transform, .comp = scene_href }; } void Transform_Delete (transform_t transform) { hierref_t *ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); if (ref->index != 0) { // The transform is not the root, so pull it out of its current // hierarchy so deleting it is easier Transform_SetParent (transform, (transform_t) {}); } // Takes care of freeing the transforms Hierarchy_Delete (ref->hierarchy); } transform_t Transform_NewNamed (ecs_registry_t *reg, transform_t parent, const char *name) { transform_t transform = Transform_New (reg, parent); Transform_SetName (transform, name); return transform; } void Transform_SetParent (transform_t transform, transform_t parent) { hierarchy_t *dst = 0; uint32_t dstParent = nullent; hierarchy_t *src = 0; uint32_t srcIndex = 0; if (Transform_Valid (parent)) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (parent); dst = ref->hierarchy; dstParent = ref->index; } { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); src = ref->hierarchy; srcIndex = ref->index; } Hierarchy_SetParent (dst, dstParent, src, srcIndex); __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; byte *modified = h->components[transform_type_modified]; modified[ref->index] = 1; Transform_UpdateMatrices (h); } void Transform_SetName (transform_t transform, const char *_name) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; char **name = h->components[transform_type_name]; //FIXME create a string pool (similar to qfcc's, or even move that to util) if (name[ref->index]) { free (name[ref->index]); } name[ref->index] = strdup (_name); } void Transform_SetTag (transform_t transform, uint32_t _tag) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; uint32_t *tag = h->components[transform_type_tag]; tag[ref->index] = _tag; } void Transform_SetLocalPosition (transform_t transform, vec4f_t position) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; byte *modified = h->components[transform_type_modified]; localMatrix[ref->index][3] = position; modified[ref->index] = 1; Transform_UpdateMatrices (h); } void Transform_SetLocalRotation (transform_t transform, vec4f_t rotation) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; vec4f_t *localRotation = h->components[transform_type_localRotation]; vec4f_t *localScale = h->components[transform_type_localScale]; byte *modified = h->components[transform_type_modified]; vec4f_t scale = localScale[ref->index]; mat4f_t mat; mat4fquat (mat, rotation); localRotation[ref->index] = rotation; localMatrix[ref->index][0] = mat[0] * scale[0]; localMatrix[ref->index][1] = mat[1] * scale[1]; localMatrix[ref->index][2] = mat[2] * scale[2]; modified[ref->index] = 1; Transform_UpdateMatrices (h); } void Transform_SetLocalScale (transform_t transform, vec4f_t scale) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; vec4f_t *localRotation = h->components[transform_type_localRotation]; vec4f_t *localScale = h->components[transform_type_localScale]; byte *modified = h->components[transform_type_modified]; vec4f_t rotation = localRotation[ref->index]; mat4f_t mat; mat4fquat (mat, rotation); localScale[ref->index] = scale; localMatrix[ref->index][0] = mat[0] * scale[0]; localMatrix[ref->index][1] = mat[1] * scale[1]; localMatrix[ref->index][2] = mat[2] * scale[2]; modified[ref->index] = 1; Transform_UpdateMatrices (h); } void Transform_SetWorldPosition (transform_t transform, vec4f_t position) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); if (ref->index) { hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldInverse = h->components[transform_type_worldInverse]; uint32_t parent = h->parentIndex[ref->index]; position = mvmulf (worldInverse[parent], position); } Transform_SetLocalPosition (transform, position); } void Transform_SetWorldRotation (transform_t transform, vec4f_t rotation) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); if (ref->index) { hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; vec4f_t *worldRotation = h->components[transform_type_worldRotation]; uint32_t parent = h->parentIndex[ref->index]; rotation = qmulf (qconjf (worldRotation[parent]), rotation); } Transform_SetLocalRotation (transform, rotation); } void Transform_SetLocalTransform (transform_t transform, vec4f_t scale, vec4f_t rotation, vec4f_t position) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; vec4f_t *localRotation = h->components[transform_type_localRotation]; vec4f_t *localScale = h->components[transform_type_localScale]; byte *modified = h->components[transform_type_modified]; mat4f_t mat; mat4fquat (mat, rotation); position[3] = 1; localRotation[ref->index] = rotation; localScale[ref->index] = scale; localMatrix[ref->index][0] = mat[0] * scale[0]; localMatrix[ref->index][1] = mat[1] * scale[1]; localMatrix[ref->index][2] = mat[2] * scale[2]; localMatrix[ref->index][3] = position; modified[ref->index] = 1; Transform_UpdateMatrices (h); }