/* cl_particles.c OpenGL particle system. Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include "QF/cmd.h" #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/mersenne.h" #include "QF/qargs.h" #include "QF/quakefs.h" #include "QF/render.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/plugin/vid_render.h" //FIXME #include "QF/scene/entity.h" #include "compat.h" #include "client/particles.h" float cl_frametime; float cl_realtime; cl_particle_funcs_t *clp_funcs; static mtstate_t mt; // private PRNG state static psystem_t *cl_psystem; static int easter_eggs; static cvar_t easter_eggs_cvar = { .name = "easter_eggs", .description = "Enables easter eggs.", .default_value = "0", .flags = CVAR_NONE, .value = { .type = &cexpr_int, .value = &easter_eggs }, }; static int particles_style; static cvar_t particles_style_cvar = { .name = "particles_style", .description = "Sets particle style. 0 for Id, 1 for QF.", .default_value = "1", .flags = CVAR_ARCHIVE, .value = { .type = &cexpr_int, .value = &particles_style }, }; static int ramp[] = { /*ramp1*/ 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x6b, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x63, 0x61, /*ramp2*/ 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x6c, 0x6b, 0x6a, 0x68, 0x66, /*ramp3*/ 0x6d, 0x6b, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, }; static partparm_t part_params[] = { [pt_static] = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 1, 0, 0}, [pt_grav] = {{0, 0, 0, 0.05}, 0, 1, 0, 0}, [pt_slowgrav] = {{0, 0, 0, 0.05}, 0, 1, 0, 0}, [pt_fire] = {{0, 0, 0, 0.05}, 5, 6, 0, 5./6}, [pt_explode] = {{4, 4, 4, 0.05}, 10, 8, 0, 0}, [pt_explode2] = {{1, 1, 1, 0.05}, 15, 8, 0, 0}, [pt_blob] = {{4, 4, 4, 0.05}, 0, 1, 0, 0}, [pt_blob2] = {{4, 4, 0, 0.05}, 0, 1, 0, 0}, [pt_smoke] = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 1, 4, 0.4}, [pt_smokecloud] = {{0, 0, 0, 0.0375}, 0, 1, 50, 0.55}, [pt_bloodcloud] = {{0, 0, 0, 0.05}, 0, 1, 4, 0.25}, [pt_fadespark] = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 1, 0, 0}, [pt_fadespark2] = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 1, 0, 0}, [pt_fallfade] = {{0, 0, 0, 1}, 0, 1, 0, 1}, [pt_fallfadespark] = {{0, 0, 0, 1}, 15, 8, 0, 1}, [pt_flame] = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 1, -2, 0.125}, }; static const int *part_ramps[] = { [pt_fire] = ramp + 2 * 8, // ramp3 [pt_explode] = ramp + 0 * 8, // ramp1 [pt_explode2] = ramp + 1 * 8, // ramp2 [pt_fallfadespark] = ramp + 0 * 8, // ramp1 [pt_flame] = 0, }; static partparm_t __attribute__((pure)) particle_params (ptype_t type) { if (type > pt_flame) { Sys_Error ("particle_params: invalid particle type"); } return part_params[type]; } static const int * __attribute__((pure)) particle_ramp (ptype_t type) { if (type > pt_flame) { Sys_Error ("particle_ramp: invalid particle type"); } return part_ramps[type]; } inline static int particle_new (ptype_t type, int texnum, vec4f_t pos, float scale, vec4f_t vel, float live, int color, float alpha, float ramp) { if (cl_psystem->numparticles >= cl_psystem->maxparticles) { return 0; } __auto_type ps = cl_psystem; particle_t *p = &ps->particles[ps->numparticles]; partparm_t *parm = &ps->partparams[ps->numparticles]; const int **rampptr = &ps->partramps[ps->numparticles]; ps->numparticles += 1; p->pos = pos; p->vel = vel; p->icolor = color; p->alpha = alpha; p->tex = texnum; p->ramp = ramp; p->scale = scale; p->live = live; *parm = particle_params (type); *rampptr = particle_ramp (type); if (*rampptr) { p->icolor = (*rampptr) [(int) p->ramp]; } return 1; } /* particle_new_random note that org_fuzz & vel_fuzz should be ints greater than 0 if you are going to bother using this function. */ inline static int particle_new_random (ptype_t type, int texnum, vec4f_t org, int org_fuzz, float scale, int vel_fuzz, float live, int color, float alpha, float ramp) { float o_fuzz = org_fuzz, v_fuzz = vel_fuzz; int rnd; vec4f_t porg, pvel; rnd = mtwist_rand (&mt); porg[0] = o_fuzz * ((rnd & 63) - 31.5) / 63.0 + org[0]; porg[1] = o_fuzz * (((rnd >> 6) & 63) - 31.5) / 63.0 + org[1]; porg[2] = o_fuzz * (((rnd >> 10) & 63) - 31.5) / 63.0 + org[2]; porg[3] = 1; rnd = mtwist_rand (&mt); pvel[0] = v_fuzz * ((rnd & 63) - 31.5) / 63.0; pvel[1] = v_fuzz * (((rnd >> 6) & 63) - 31.5) / 63.0; pvel[2] = v_fuzz * (((rnd >> 10) & 63) - 31.5) / 63.0; pvel[3] = 0; return particle_new (type, texnum, porg, scale, pvel, live, color, alpha, ramp); } /* inline static void particle_new_veryrandom (ptype_t type, int texnum, vec4f_t org, int org_fuzz, float scale, int vel_fuzz, float live, int color, float alpha, float ramp) { vec3_t porg, pvel; porg[0] = qfrandom (org_fuzz * 2) - org_fuzz + org[0]; porg[1] = qfrandom (org_fuzz * 2) - org_fuzz + org[1]; porg[2] = qfrandom (org_fuzz * 2) - org_fuzz + org[2]; pvel[0] = qfrandom (vel_fuzz * 2) - vel_fuzz; pvel[1] = qfrandom (vel_fuzz * 2) - vel_fuzz; pvel[2] = qfrandom (vel_fuzz * 2) - vel_fuzz; particle_new (type, texnum, porg, scale, pvel, live, color, alpha, ramp); } */ static vec4f_t roffs (int mod) { vec4f_t offs = { (mtwist_rand (&mt) % mod) - 0.5 * (mod - 1), (mtwist_rand (&mt) % mod) - 0.5 * (mod - 1), (mtwist_rand (&mt) % mod) - 0.5 * (mod - 1), 0 }; return offs; } static vec4f_t tracer_vel (int tracercount, vec4f_t vec) { if (tracercount & 1) { return (vec4f_t) { vec[1], -vec[0], 0, 0 }; } else { return (vec4f_t) { -vec[1], vec[0], 0, 0 }; } } static void add_particle (ptype_t type, vec4f_t pos, vec4f_t vel, float live, int color, float ramp) { particle_new (type, part_tex_dot, pos, 1, vel, live, color, 1, ramp); } void CL_LoadPointFile (const model_t *model) { const char *name; char *mapname; int c; QFile *f; mapname = strdup (model->path); if (!mapname) Sys_Error ("Can't duplicate mapname!"); QFS_StripExtension (mapname, mapname); name = va (0, "%s.pts", mapname); free (mapname); f = QFS_FOpenFile (name); if (!f) { Sys_Printf ("couldn't open %s\n", name); return; } Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_dev, "Reading %s...\n", name); c = 0; vec4f_t zero = {}; for (;;) { char buf[64]; union { vec4f_t org; vec3_t org3; } o = { .org = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }}; Qgets (f, buf, sizeof (buf)); int r = sscanf (buf, "%f %f %f\n", &o.org3[0], &o.org3[1], &o.org3[2]); if (r != 3) break; c++; if (!particle_new (pt_static, part_tex_dot, o.org, 1.5, zero, 99999, (-c) & 15, 1.0, 0.0)) { Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_dev, "Not enough free particles\n"); break; } } Qclose (f); Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_dev, "%i points read\n", c); } static void CL_ParticleExplosion_QF (vec4f_t org) { // CL_NewExplosion (org); particle_new_random (pt_smokecloud, part_tex_smoke, org, 4, 30, 8, 5.0, (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7) + 8, 0.5 + qfrandom (0.25), 0.0); } static void CL_ParticleExplosion2_QF (vec4f_t org, int colorStart, int colorLength) { unsigned int i, j = 512; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { particle_new_random (pt_blob, part_tex_dot, org, 16, 2, 256, 0.3, colorStart + (i % colorLength), 1.0, 0.0); } } static void CL_BlobExplosion_QF (vec4f_t org) { unsigned int i; unsigned int j = 1024; for (i = 0; i < j >> 1; i++) { particle_new_random (pt_blob, part_tex_dot, org, 12, 2, 256, 1.0 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7) * 0.05, 66 + i % 6, 1.0, 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < j / 2; i++) { particle_new_random (pt_blob2, part_tex_dot, org, 12, 2, 256, 1.0 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7) * 0.05, 150 + i % 6, 1.0, 0.0); } } static inline void CL_RunSparkEffect_QF (vec4f_t org, int count, int ofuzz) { vec4f_t zero = {}; particle_new (pt_smokecloud, part_tex_smoke, org, ofuzz * 0.08, zero, 9, 12 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0.25 + qfrandom (0.125), 0.0); if (count > 0) { int orgfuzz = ofuzz * 3 / 4; if (orgfuzz < 1) orgfuzz = 1; while (count--) { int color = mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7; particle_new_random (pt_fallfadespark, part_tex_dot, org, orgfuzz, 0.7, 96, 5.0, 0, 1.0, color); } } } static inline void CL_BloodPuff_QF (vec4f_t org, int count) { vec4f_t zero = {}; particle_new (pt_bloodcloud, part_tex_smoke, org, count / 5, zero, 99.0, 70 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0.5, 0.0); } static void CL_BloodPuffEffect_QF (vec4f_t org, int count) { CL_BloodPuff_QF (org, count); } static void CL_GunshotEffect_QF (vec4f_t org, int count) { int scale = 16; scale += count / 15; CL_RunSparkEffect_QF (org, count >> 1, scale); } static void CL_LightningBloodEffect_QF (vec4f_t org) { CL_BloodPuff_QF (org, 50); vec4f_t zero = {}; particle_new (pt_smokecloud, part_tex_smoke, org, 3.0, zero, 9.0, 12 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0.25 + qfrandom (0.125), 0.0); for (int count = 7; count-- > 0; ) { particle_new_random (pt_fallfade, part_tex_spark, org, 12, 2.0, 128, 5.0, 244 + (count % 3), 1.0, 0.0); } } static void CL_RunParticleEffect_QF (vec4f_t org, vec4f_t dir, int color, int count) { float scale = pow (count, 0.23); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int rnd = mtwist_rand (&mt); // Note that ParseParticleEffect handles (dir * 15) particle_new (pt_grav, part_tex_dot, org + scale * roffs (16), 1.5, dir, 0.1 * (i % 5), (color & ~7) + (rnd & 7), 1.0, 0.0); } } static void CL_SpikeEffect_QF (vec4f_t org) { CL_RunSparkEffect_QF (org, 5, 8); } static void CL_SuperSpikeEffect_QF (vec4f_t org) { CL_RunSparkEffect_QF (org, 10, 8); } static void CL_KnightSpikeEffect_QF (vec4f_t org) { vec4f_t zero = {}; particle_new (pt_smokecloud, part_tex_smoke, org, 1.0, zero, 9.0, 234, 0.25 + qfrandom (0.125), 0.0); for (int count = 10; count-- > 0; ) { particle_new_random (pt_fallfade, part_tex_dot, org, 6, 0.7, 96, 5.0, 234, 1.0, 0.0); } } static void CL_WizSpikeEffect_QF (vec4f_t org) { vec4f_t zero = {}; particle_new (pt_smokecloud, part_tex_smoke, org, 2.0, zero, 9.0, 63, 0.25 + qfrandom (0.125), 0.0); for (int count = 15; count-- > 0; ) { particle_new_random (pt_fallfade, part_tex_dot, org, 12, 0.7, 96, 5.0, 63, 1.0, 0.0); } } static void CL_LavaSplash_QF (vec4f_t org) { for (int i = -16; i < 16; i++) { for (int j = -16; j < 16; j++) { uint32_t rnd = mtwist_rand (&mt); float vel = 50.0 + 0.5 * (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 127); vec4f_t dir = { j * 8 + (rnd & 7), i * 8 + ((rnd >> 6) & 7), 256, 0 }; vec4f_t offs = { dir[0], dir[1], ((rnd >> 9) & 63), 0 }; dir = normalf (dir); particle_new (pt_grav, part_tex_dot, org + offs, 3, vel * dir, 2.0 + ((rnd >> 7) & 31) * 0.02, 224 + ((rnd >> 12) & 7), 0.75, 0.0); } } } static void CL_TeleportSplash_QF (vec4f_t org) { for (int k = -24; k < 32; k += 4) { for (int i = -16; i < 16; i += 4) { for (int j = -16; j < 16; j += 4) { uint32_t rnd = mtwist_rand (&mt); float vel = 50 + ((rnd >> 6) & 63); vec4f_t dir = normalf ((vec4f_t) { j, i, k, 0 } * 8); vec4f_t offs = { i + (rnd & 3), j + ((rnd >> 2) & 3), k + ((rnd >> 4) & 3), 0 }; particle_new (pt_grav, part_tex_spark, org + offs, 0.6, vel * dir, (0.2 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 15) * 0.01), (7 + ((rnd >> 12) & 7)), 1.0, 0.0); } } } } static void CL_RocketTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - 3) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; float pscale = 1.5 + qfrandom (1.5); while (len < maxlen) { float pscalenext = 1.5 + qfrandom (1.5); float dist = (pscale + pscalenext) * 3.0; float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_smoke, part_tex_smoke, pos, pscale + percent * 4.0, zero, 2.0 - percent * 2.0, 12 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0.5 + qfrandom (0.125) - percent * 0.40, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; pscale = pscalenext; } } static void CL_GrenadeTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - 3) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; float pscale = 6.0 + qfrandom (7.0); while (len < maxlen) { float pscalenext = 6.0 + qfrandom (7.0); float dist = (pscale + pscalenext) * 2.0; float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_smoke, part_tex_smoke, pos, pscale + percent * 4.0, zero, 2.0 - percent * 2.0, 1 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0.625 + qfrandom (0.125) - percent * 0.40, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; pscale = pscalenext; } } static void CL_BloodTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - 3) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t pos = start; float pscale = 5.0 + qfrandom (10.0); while (len < maxlen) { float pscalenext = 5.0 + qfrandom (10.0); float dist = (pscale + pscalenext) * 1.5; float percent = len * origlen; vec4f_t vel = roffs (24); vel[2] -= percent * 40; particle_new (pt_grav, part_tex_smoke, pos + roffs (4), pscale, vel, 2.0 - percent * 2.0, 68 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 1.0, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; pscale = pscalenext; } } static void CL_SlightBloodTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - 3) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t pos = start; float pscale = 1.5 + qfrandom (7.5); while (len < maxlen) { float pscalenext = 1.5 + qfrandom (7.5); float dist = (pscale + pscalenext) * 1.5; float percent = len * origlen; vec4f_t vel = roffs (12); vel[2] -= percent * 40; particle_new (pt_grav, part_tex_smoke, pos + roffs (4), pscale, vel, 1.5 - percent * 1.5, 68 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0.75, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; pscale = pscalenext; } } static void CL_WizTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { float dist = 3.0; vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - dist) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len < maxlen) { static int tracercount; float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_flame, part_tex_smoke, pos, 2.0 + qfrandom (1.0) - percent * 2.0, 30 * tracer_vel (tracercount++, vec), 0.5 - percent * 0.5, 52 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 4), 1.0 - percent * 0.125, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; } } static void CL_FlameTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { float dist = 3.0; vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - dist) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len < maxlen) { static int tracercount; float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_flame, part_tex_smoke, pos, 2.0 + qfrandom (1.0) - percent * 2.0, 30 * tracer_vel (tracercount++, vec), 0.5 - percent * 0.5, 234, 1.0 - percent * 0.125, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; } } static void CL_VoorTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { float dist = 3.0; vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - dist) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len < maxlen) { float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_static, part_tex_dot, pos + roffs (16), 1.0 + qfrandom (1.0), zero, 0.3 - percent * 0.3, 9 * 16 + 8 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 1.0, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; } } static void CL_GlowTrail_QF (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end, int glow_color) { float dist = 3.0; vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; vec4f_t step = (maxlen - dist) * vec; float len = 0; vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len < maxlen) { float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_smoke, part_tex_dot, pos + roffs (5), 1.0, zero, 2.0 - percent * 0.2, glow_color, 1.0, 0.0); len += dist; pos += step; } } static void CL_ParticleExplosion_EE (vec4f_t org) { /* CL_NewExplosion (org); */ particle_new_random (pt_smokecloud, part_tex_smoke, org, 4, 30, 8, 5.0, mtwist_rand (&mt) & 255, 0.5 + qfrandom (0.25), 0.0); } static void CL_TeleportSplash_EE (vec4f_t org) { for (int k = -24; k < 32; k += 4) { for (int i = -16; i < 16; i += 4) { for (int j = -16; j < 16; j += 4) { uint32_t rnd = mtwist_rand (&mt); float vel = 50 + ((rnd >> 6) & 63); vec4f_t dir = normalf ((vec4f_t) { j, i, k, 0 } * 8); vec4f_t offs = { i + (rnd & 3), j + ((rnd >> 2) & 3), k + ((rnd >> 4) & 3), 0 }; particle_new (pt_grav, part_tex_spark, org + offs, 0.6, vel * dir, (0.2 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 15) * 0.01), qfrandom (1.0), 1.0, 0.0); } } } } static void CL_RocketTrail_EE (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; float pscale = 1.5 + qfrandom (1.5); float len = 0; vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len < maxlen) { float pscalenext = 1.5 + qfrandom (1.5); float dist = (pscale + pscalenext) * 3.0; float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_smoke, part_tex_smoke, pos, pscale + percent * 4.0, zero, 2.0 - percent * 2.0, mtwist_rand (&mt) & 255, 0.5 + qfrandom (0.125) - percent * 0.40, 0.0); len += dist; pos += len * vec; pscale = pscalenext; } } static void CL_GrenadeTrail_EE (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float maxlen = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); float origlen = cl_frametime / maxlen; float pscale = 6.0 + qfrandom (7.0); float len = 0; vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len < maxlen) { float pscalenext = 6.0 + qfrandom (7.0); float dist = (pscale + pscalenext) * 2.0; float percent = len * origlen; particle_new (pt_smoke, part_tex_smoke, pos, pscale + percent * 4.0, zero, 2.0 - percent * 2.0, mtwist_rand (&mt) & 255, 0.625 + qfrandom (0.125) - percent * 0.40, 0.0); len += dist; pos += len * vec; pscale = pscalenext; } } static void CL_ParticleExplosion_ID (vec4f_t org) { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { ptype_t type = i & 1 ? pt_explode2 : pt_explode; add_particle (type, org + roffs (32), roffs (512), 5, 0, mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3); } } static void CL_BlobExplosion_ID (vec4f_t org) { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { ptype_t type = i & 1 ? pt_blob : pt_blob2; int color = i & 1 ? 66 : 150; add_particle (type, org + roffs (32), roffs (512), color + mtwist_rand (&mt) % 6, (color & ~7) + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7), 0); } } static inline void // FIXME: inline? CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (vec4f_t org, vec4f_t dir, int color, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { add_particle (pt_slowgrav, org + roffs (16), dir/* + roffs (300)*/, 0.1 * (mtwist_rand (&mt) % 5), (color & ~7) + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7), 0); } } static void CL_BloodPuffEffect_ID (vec4f_t org, int count) { vec4f_t zero = {}; CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (org, zero, 73, count); } static void CL_GunshotEffect_ID (vec4f_t org, int count) { vec4f_t zero = {}; CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (org, zero, 0, count); } static void CL_LightningBloodEffect_ID (vec4f_t org) { vec4f_t zero = {}; CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (org, zero, 225, 50); } static void CL_SpikeEffect_ID (vec4f_t org) { vec4f_t zero = {}; CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (org, zero, 0, 10); } static void CL_SuperSpikeEffect_ID (vec4f_t org) { vec4f_t zero = {}; CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (org, zero, 0, 20); } static void CL_KnightSpikeEffect_ID (vec4f_t org) { vec4f_t zero = {}; CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (org, zero, 226, 20); } static void CL_WizSpikeEffect_ID (vec4f_t org) { vec4f_t zero = {}; CL_RunParticleEffect_ID (org, zero, 20, 30); } static void CL_LavaSplash_ID (vec4f_t org) { for (int i = -16; i < 16; i++) { for (int j = -16; j < 16; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { float vel = 50 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 63); vec4f_t dir = { j * 8 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7), i * 8 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7), 256, 0 }; vec4f_t offs = { dir[0], dir[1], (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 63), 0 }; dir = normalf (dir); add_particle (pt_grav, org + offs, vel * dir, 2 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 31) * 0.02, 224 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7), 0); } } } } static void CL_TeleportSplash_ID (vec4f_t org) { for (int i = -16; i < 16; i += 4) { for (int j = -16; j < 16; j += 4) { for (int k = -24; k < 32; k += 4) { float vel = 50 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 63); vec4f_t dir = normalf ((vec4f_t) { j, i, k, 0 } * 8); vec4f_t offs = { i + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), j + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), k + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0 }; add_particle (pt_grav, org + offs, vel * dir, 0.2 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7) * 0.02, 7 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 7), 0); } } } } static void CL_DarkFieldParticles_ID (vec4f_t org) { for (int i = -16; i < 16; i += 8) { for (int j = -16; j < 16; j += 8) { for (int k = 0; k < 32; k += 8) { uint32_t rnd = mtwist_rand (&mt); float vel = 50 + ((rnd >> 9) & 63); vec4f_t dir = normalf ((vec4f_t) { j, i, k, 0 } * 8); vec4f_t offs = { i + ((rnd >> 3) & 3), j + ((rnd >> 5) & 3), k + ((rnd >> 7) & 3), 0 }; add_particle (pt_slowgrav, org + offs, vel * dir, 0.2 + (rnd & 7) * 0.02, 150 + mtwist_rand (&mt) % 6, 0); } } } } #define num_normals (int)(sizeof (normals) / sizeof (normals[0])) static vec4f_t normals[] = { #include "anorms.h" }; static vec4f_t velocities[num_normals]; static void CL_EntityParticles_ID (vec4f_t org) { float angle, sp, sy, cp, cy; // cr, sr float beamlength = 16.0, dist = 64.0; for (int i = 0; i < num_normals; i++) { int k; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { velocities[i][k] = (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 255) * 0.01; } } vec4f_t zero = {}; for (int i = 0; i < num_normals; i++) { angle = cl_realtime * velocities[i][0]; cy = cos (angle); sy = sin (angle); angle = cl_realtime * velocities[i][1]; cp = cos (angle); sp = sin (angle); // Next 3 lines results aren't currently used, may be in future. --Despair // angle = cl_realtime * avelocities[i][2]; // sr = sin (angle); // cr = cos (angle); vec4f_t forward = { cp * cy, cp * sy, -sp, 0 }; vec4f_t pos = org + normals[i] * dist + forward * beamlength; //FIXME 0 velocity? add_particle (pt_explode, pos, zero, 0.01, 0x6f, 0); } } static void CL_RocketTrail_ID (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float len = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len > 0) { len -= 3; add_particle (pt_fire, pos + roffs (6), zero, 2, 0, (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3)); pos += vec; } } static void CL_GrenadeTrail_ID (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float len = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len > 0) { len -= 3; add_particle (pt_fire, pos + roffs (6), zero, 2, 0, (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3) + 2); pos += vec; } } static void CL_BloodTrail_ID (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float len = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len > 0) { len -= 3; add_particle (pt_slowgrav, pos + roffs (6), zero, 2, 67 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0); pos += vec; } } static void CL_SlightBloodTrail_ID (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float len = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len > 0) { len -= 6; add_particle (pt_slowgrav, pos + roffs (6), zero, 2, 67 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0); pos += vec; } } static void CL_WizTrail_ID (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float len = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); vec4f_t pos = start; while (len > 0) { static int tracercount; len -= 3; add_particle (pt_static, pos, 30 * tracer_vel (tracercount, vec), 0.5, 52 + ((tracercount & 4) << 1), 0); tracercount++; pos += vec; } } static void CL_FlameTrail_ID (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float len = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); vec4f_t pos = start; while (len > 0) { static int tracercount; len -= 3; add_particle (pt_static, pos, 30 * tracer_vel (tracercount, vec), 0.5, 230 + ((tracercount & 4) << 1), 0); tracercount++; pos += vec; } } static void CL_VoorTrail_ID (vec4f_t start, vec4f_t end) { vec4f_t vec = end - start; float len = magnitudef (vec)[0]; vec = normalf (vec); vec4f_t zero = {}; vec4f_t pos = start; while (len > 0) { len -= 3; add_particle (pt_static, pos + roffs (16), zero, 0.3, 9 * 16 + 8 + (mtwist_rand (&mt) & 3), 0); pos += vec; } } static void CL_Particle_New (ptype_t type, int texnum, vec4f_t org, float scale, vec4f_t vel, float live, int color, float alpha, float ramp) { particle_new (type, texnum, org, scale, vel, live, color, alpha, ramp); } static void CL_Particle_NewRandom (ptype_t type, int texnum, vec4f_t org, int org_fuzz, float scale, int vel_fuzz, float live, int color, float alpha, float ramp) { particle_new_random (type, texnum, org, org_fuzz, scale, vel_fuzz, live, color, alpha, ramp); } static cl_particle_funcs_t particles_QF = { CL_RocketTrail_QF, CL_GrenadeTrail_QF, CL_BloodTrail_QF, CL_SlightBloodTrail_QF, CL_WizTrail_QF, CL_FlameTrail_QF, CL_VoorTrail_QF, CL_GlowTrail_QF, CL_RunParticleEffect_QF, CL_BloodPuffEffect_QF, CL_GunshotEffect_QF, CL_LightningBloodEffect_QF, CL_SpikeEffect_QF, CL_KnightSpikeEffect_QF, CL_SuperSpikeEffect_QF, CL_WizSpikeEffect_QF, CL_BlobExplosion_QF, CL_ParticleExplosion_QF, CL_ParticleExplosion2_QF, CL_LavaSplash_QF, CL_TeleportSplash_QF, CL_DarkFieldParticles_ID, CL_EntityParticles_ID, CL_Particle_New, CL_Particle_NewRandom, }; static cl_particle_funcs_t particles_ID = { CL_RocketTrail_ID, CL_GrenadeTrail_ID, CL_BloodTrail_ID, CL_SlightBloodTrail_ID, CL_WizTrail_ID, CL_FlameTrail_ID, CL_VoorTrail_ID, CL_GlowTrail_QF, CL_RunParticleEffect_ID, CL_BloodPuffEffect_ID, CL_GunshotEffect_ID, CL_LightningBloodEffect_ID, CL_SpikeEffect_ID, CL_KnightSpikeEffect_ID, CL_SuperSpikeEffect_ID, CL_WizSpikeEffect_ID, CL_BlobExplosion_ID, CL_ParticleExplosion_ID, CL_ParticleExplosion2_QF, CL_LavaSplash_ID, CL_TeleportSplash_ID, CL_DarkFieldParticles_ID, CL_EntityParticles_ID, CL_Particle_New, CL_Particle_NewRandom, }; static cl_particle_funcs_t particles_QF_egg = { CL_RocketTrail_EE, CL_GrenadeTrail_EE, CL_BloodTrail_QF, CL_SlightBloodTrail_QF, CL_WizTrail_QF, CL_FlameTrail_QF, CL_VoorTrail_QF, CL_GlowTrail_QF, CL_RunParticleEffect_QF, CL_BloodPuffEffect_QF, CL_GunshotEffect_QF, CL_LightningBloodEffect_QF, CL_SpikeEffect_QF, CL_KnightSpikeEffect_QF, CL_SuperSpikeEffect_QF, CL_WizSpikeEffect_QF, CL_BlobExplosion_QF, CL_ParticleExplosion_EE, CL_ParticleExplosion2_QF, CL_LavaSplash_QF, CL_TeleportSplash_EE, CL_DarkFieldParticles_ID, CL_EntityParticles_ID, CL_Particle_New, CL_Particle_NewRandom, }; static cl_particle_funcs_t particles_ID_egg = { CL_RocketTrail_EE, CL_GrenadeTrail_EE, CL_BloodTrail_ID, CL_SlightBloodTrail_ID, CL_WizTrail_ID, CL_FlameTrail_ID, CL_VoorTrail_ID, CL_GlowTrail_QF, CL_RunParticleEffect_ID, CL_BloodPuffEffect_ID, CL_GunshotEffect_ID, CL_LightningBloodEffect_ID, CL_SpikeEffect_ID, CL_KnightSpikeEffect_ID, CL_SuperSpikeEffect_ID, CL_WizSpikeEffect_ID, CL_BlobExplosion_ID, CL_ParticleExplosion_EE, CL_ParticleExplosion2_QF, CL_LavaSplash_ID, CL_TeleportSplash_EE, CL_DarkFieldParticles_ID, CL_EntityParticles_ID, CL_Particle_New, CL_Particle_NewRandom, }; static void set_particle_funcs (void) { if (easter_eggs) { if (particles_style) { clp_funcs = &particles_QF_egg; } else { clp_funcs = &particles_ID_egg; } } else { if (particles_style) { clp_funcs = &particles_QF; } else { clp_funcs = &particles_ID; } } } static void easter_eggs_f (void *data, const cvar_t *cvar) { set_particle_funcs (); } static void particles_style_f (void *data, const cvar_t *cvar) { set_particle_funcs (); cl_psystem->points_only = !particles_style; } void CL_Particles_Init (void) { mtwist_seed (&mt, 0xdeadbeef); cl_psystem = r_funcs->ParticleSystem (); Cvar_Register (&easter_eggs_cvar, easter_eggs_f, 0); Cvar_Register (&particles_style_cvar, particles_style_f, 0); set_particle_funcs (); } void CL_ParticlesGravity (float gravity) { cl_psystem->gravity = (vec4f_t) { 0, 0, -gravity, 0 }; }