%{ /* #FILENAME# #DESCRIPTION# Copyright (C) 2001 #AUTHOR# Author: #AUTHOR# Date: #DATE# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "qfcc.h" #include "expr.h" #include "class.h" #include "immediate.h" #include "options.h" #include "struct.h" #include "type.h" #include "qc-parse.h" #define YY_NO_UNPUT int type_or_name (char *token); int do_grab (char *token); void add_frame_macro (char *token); char *make_string (char *token); extern YYSTYPE yylval; extern int element_flag; %} DIGIT [0-9] ID [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* FLOAT {DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}* NUM ({DIGIT}+("."{DIGIT}*)?) s [ \t] m ([\-+]?) %x grab_frame grab_other %% "/*" { int c; do { while ((c = input ()) != '*' && c != EOF && c != '\n') ; while (c == '*') c = input (); if (c == EOF) error (0, "EOF in comment"); if (c == '\n') pr_source_line++; } while (c != '/' && c != EOF); } "//".* /* nothing to do */ {DIGIT}+ { yylval.integer_val = atoi (yytext); return INT_VAL; } {FLOAT}* { yylval.float_val = atof (yytext); return FLOAT_VAL; } {ID} return type_or_name(yytext); @{ID} { int tok = type_or_name(yytext); if (tok == '@') REJECT; return tok; } @ return '@'; \"(\\.|[^"])*\" { yylval.string_val = make_string (yytext); return STRING_VAL; } '{s}*{m}{NUM}{s}+{m}{NUM}{s}+{m}{NUM}{s}*' { sscanf (yytext, "' %f %f %f '", &yylval.vector_val[0], &yylval.vector_val[1], &yylval.vector_val[2]); return VECTOR_VAL; } '{s}*{m}{NUM}{s}+{m}{NUM}{s}+{m}{NUM}{s}+{m}{NUM}{s}*' { sscanf (yytext, "' %f %f %f %f '", &yylval.vector_val[0], &yylval.vector_val[1], &yylval.vector_val[2], &yylval.vector_val[3]); return QUATERNION_VAL; } '(\\[^xX0-7\r\n]|[^'\r\n]|\\[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+|\\[0-7]+)*' { char *str = make_string (yytext); if (str[1]) warning (0, "multibyte char constant"); yylval.integer_val = *str; free (str); return INT_VAL; } ^#{s}+{DIGIT}+{s}+\"(\.|[^"\n])*\".*$ { char *p; char *s; int line; p = yytext + 1; line = strtol (p, &s, 10); p = s; while (isspace ((unsigned char)*p)) p++; if (!*p) error (0, "Unexpected end of file"); s = make_string (p); // grab the filename while (*p && *p != '\n') // ignore flags p++; pr_source_line = line - 1; s_file = ReuseString (strip_path (s)); free (s); } [+\-*/&|^%]= { yylval.op = yytext[0]; return ASX; } "<<=" { yylval.op = SHL; return ASX; } ">>=" { yylval.op = SHR; return ASX; } [!(){}.*/&|^~+\-=\[\];,#%?:] { if (yytext[0] == '{' && element_flag) { element_flag = 0; return ELE_START; } return yytext[0]; } "..." return ELLIPSIS; "<<" return SHL; ">>" return SHR; "&&" return AND; "||" return OR; "==" return EQ; "!=" return NE; "<=" return LE; ">=" return GE; "<" return LT; ">" return GT; "++" { yylval.op = '+'; return INCOP; } "--" { yylval.op = '-'; return INCOP; } "$"{s}*{ID} { int ret = do_grab(yytext); if (ret > 0) return ret; else BEGIN (-ret); } {ID} add_frame_macro (yytext); [^\r\n]* /* skip */ <*>\r*\n { pr_source_line++; BEGIN (INITIAL); } <*>{s}* /* skip */ <*>. error (0, "all your typo are belong to us"); %% int yywrap (void) { return 1; } typedef struct { const char *name; int value; type_t *type; int traditional; int version; } keyword_t; static keyword_t keywords[] = { {"void", TYPE, &type_void, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"float", TYPE, &type_float, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"string", TYPE, &type_string, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"vector", TYPE, &type_vector, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"entity", TYPE, &type_entity, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"quaternion", TYPE, &type_quaternion, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"integer", TYPE, &type_integer, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"function", TYPE, &type_function, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"id", TYPE, &type_id, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"Class", TYPE, &type_Class, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"Protocol", TYPE, &type_Protocol, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"Method", TYPE, &type_Method, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"SEL", TYPE, &type_SEL, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"IMP", TYPE, &type_IMP, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"local", LOCAL, 0, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"return", RETURN, 0, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"while", WHILE, 0, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"do", DO, 0, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"if", IF, 0, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"else", ELSE, 0, 1, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"for", FOR, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"break", BREAK, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"continue", CONTINUE, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"switch", SWITCH, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"case", CASE, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"default", DEFAULT, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"NIL", NIL, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"struct", STRUCT, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"enum", ENUM, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"typedef", TYPEDEF, 0, 0, PROG_ID_VERSION}, {"super", SUPER, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@class", CLASS, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@defs", DEFS, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@encode", ENCODE, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@end", END, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@implementation", IMPLEMENTATION, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@interface", INTERFACE, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@private", PRIVATE, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@protected", PROTECTED, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@protocol", PROTOCOL, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@public", PUBLIC, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@selector", SELECTOR, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@self", SELF, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@this", THIS, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@argc", ARGC, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, {"@argv", ARGV, 0, 0, PROG_VERSION}, }; static const char * keyword_get_key (void *kw, void *unused) { return ((keyword_t*)kw)->name; } int type_or_name (char *token) { static hashtab_t *keyword_tab; keyword_t *keyword; type_t *type; if (!keyword_tab) { int i; keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (1021, keyword_get_key, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (keywords) / sizeof (keywords[0]); i++) if (keywords[i].traditional >= options.traditional && keywords[i].version <= options.code.progsversion) Hash_Add (keyword_tab, &keywords[i]); } keyword = Hash_Find (keyword_tab, token); if (keyword) { if (token[0] == '@' && !class_Class.super_class) class_init (); yylval.type = keyword->type; return keyword->value; } if (token[0] == '@') { return '@'; } if ((type = find_struct (token)) || (type = get_typedef (token))) { yylval.type = type; return TYPE; } yylval.string_val = strdup (token); return NAME; } static hashtab_t *frame_tab; static hashtab_t *grab_tab; typedef struct frame_s { struct frame_s *next; const char *name; int num; } frame_t; static frame_t *free_frames; static frame_t grab_list[] = { {0, "cd", 0}, {0, "origin", 0}, {0, "base", 0}, {0, "flags", 0}, {0, "scale", 0}, {0, "skin", 0}, }; static const char * frame_get_key (void *f, void *unused) { return ((frame_t*)f)->name; } static void frame_free (void *_f, void *unused) { frame_t *f = (frame_t *)_f; free ((char*)f->name); f->next = free_frames; free_frames = f; } int do_grab (char *token) { static int initialized; frame_t *frame; if (!initialized) { int i; initialized = 1; frame_tab = Hash_NewTable (1021, frame_get_key, frame_free, 0); grab_tab = Hash_NewTable (1021, frame_get_key, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (grab_list) / sizeof (grab_list[0]); i++) Hash_Add (grab_tab, &grab_list[i]); } while (isspace ((unsigned char)*++token)) // advance over $ and leading space ; if (!strcmp (token, "frame")) return -grab_frame; if (Hash_Find (grab_tab, token)) return -grab_other; frame = Hash_Find (frame_tab, token); if (frame) { yylval.integer_val = frame->num; return INT_VAL; } return 0; } static int frame_number; void add_frame_macro (char *token) { frame_t *frame; ALLOC (1024, frame_t, frames, frame); frame->name = strdup (token); frame->num = frame_number++; Hash_Add (frame_tab, frame); } void clear_frame_macros (void) { frame_number = 0; if (frame_tab) Hash_FlushTable (frame_tab); } char * make_string (char *token) { char *str, *s; int c; int i; int mask; int boldnext; int quote; s = str = malloc (strlen (token) + 1); SYS_CHECKMEM (str); mask = 0x00; boldnext = 0; quote = *token++; do { c = *token++; if (!c) error (0, "EOF inside quote"); if (c == '\n') error (0, "newline inside quote"); if (c == '\\') { // escape char c = *token++; if (!c) error (0, "EOF inside quote"); switch (c) { case '\\': c = '\\'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case '"': c = '\"'; break; case '\'': c = '\''; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': for (i = c = 0; i < 3 && *token >= '0' && *token <= '7'; i++, token++) { c *= 8; c += *token - '0'; } if (!*token) error (0, "EOF inside quote"); break; case 'x': c = 0; while (*token && isxdigit ((unsigned char)*token)) { c *= 16; if (*token <= '9') c += *token - '0'; else if (*token <= 'F') c += *token - 'A' + 10; else c += *token - 'a' + 10; token++; } if (!*token) error (0, "EOF inside quote"); break; case 'a': c = '\a'; break; case 'b': //XXX mask ^= 0x80; c = '\b'; break; case 'e': c = '\033'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; case '^': if (*token == '\"') error (0, "Unexpected end of string after \\^"); boldnext = 1; continue; case '[': c = 0x90; break; case ']': c = 0x91; break; case '.': c = 28; break; case '<': //XXX c = 29; mask = 0x80; continue; case '-': c = 30; break; case '>': //XXX c = 31; mask = 0x00; continue; case '(': c = 128; break; case '=': c = 129; break; case ')': c = 130; break; case '{': c = 0; while (*token && *token != '}' && isdigit ((unsigned char)*token)) { c *= 10; c += *token - '0'; } if (!*token) error (0, "EOF inside quote"); if (*token != '}') error (0, "non-digit inside \\{}"); else token++; if (c > 255) warning (0, "\\{%d} > 255", c); break; default: error (0, "Unknown escape char"); break; } } else if (c == quote) { *s++ = 0; break;; } if (boldnext) c = c ^ 0x80; boldnext = 0; c = c ^ mask; *s++ = c; } while (1); return str; } static void *(*const yy_flex_realloc_hack)(void *,yy_size_t) = yy_flex_realloc;