#include #include "AutoreleasePool.h" #include "menu.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "gib.h" #include "draw.h" #include "string.h" #include "cbuf.h" #include "options.h" #include "servlist.h" #include "system.h" #include "qfs.h" #include "debug.h" #include "HUD.h" #include "client_menu.h" #include "PropertyList.h" #include "sound.h" #include "gui/InputLine.h" #include "gui/Rect.h" float () random = #7; string dot_name[6] = { "gfx/menudot1.lmp", "gfx/menudot2.lmp", "gfx/menudot3.lmp", "gfx/menudot4.lmp", "gfx/menudot5.lmp", "gfx/menudot6.lmp", }; void () menu_enter_sound = { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); } void () menu_leave_sound = { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); } bool (int key, int unicode, bool down) menu_key_sound = { switch (key) { case QFK_DOWN: //case QFM_WHEEL_DOWN: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); break; case QFK_UP: //case QFM_WHEEL_UP: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); break; } return false; } void (int x, int y) spinner = { local int i = (int) (time * 10) % 6; local qpic_t p = Draw_CachePic (dot_name[i], 1); Draw_Pic (x, y, p); }; int do_single_player; string quitMessage[32] = { /* .........1.........2.... */ " Are you gonna quit ", " this game just like ", " everything else? ", " ", " Milord, methinks that ", " thou art a lowly ", " quitter. Is this true? ", " ", " Do I need to bust your ", " face open for trying ", " to quit? ", " ", " Man, I oughta smack you", " for trying to quit! ", " Press Y to get ", " smacked out. ", " Press Y to quit like a ", " big loser in life. ", " Press N to stay proud ", " and successful! ", " If you press Y to ", " quit, I will summon ", " Satan all over your ", " hard drive! ", " Um, Asmodeus dislikes ", " his children trying to ", " quit. Press Y to return", " to your Tinkertoys. ", " If you quit now, I'll ", " throw a blanket-party ", " for you next time! ", " " }; int quit_index; // ********* LOAD / SAVE #define MAX_SAVEGAMES 12 #define MAX_QUICK 5 string filenames[MAX_SAVEGAMES]; int loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES]; int load_cursor; int save_cursor; string (QFile f) get_comment = { local string line; local PLItem *plist; plist = [PLItem fromFile:f]; line = [(PLString*) [(PLDictionary*) plist getObjectForKey:"comment"] string]; return line; } void (int quick) scan_saves = { local int i; local QFile f; local string line; local int max = MAX_SAVEGAMES; string basename = "s"; if (quick) { max = MAX_QUICK; basename = "quick"; } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (!filenames[i]) filenames[i] = str_new (); loadable[i] = 0; string path = sprintf ("%s%i.sav", basename, i); //dprint(path + "\n"); f = QFS_OpenFile (path); if (!f) { str_copy (filenames[i], "--- UNUSED SLOT ---"); continue; } line = Qgetline (f); if (line == "QuakeForge\n") { str_copy (filenames[i], get_comment (f)); } else { str_copy (filenames[i], Qgetline (f)); } loadable[i] = 1; Qclose (f); } for (i = max; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) { loadable[i] = 0; } }; int (string text, int key) load_f = { scan_saves (0); Menu_SelectMenu ("load"); return 0; }; int (string text, int key) save_f = { scan_saves (0); Menu_SelectMenu ("save"); return 0; }; void () load_save_f = { scan_saves (0); if (Cmd_Argv (0) == "menu_load") Menu_SelectMenu ("load"); else Menu_SelectMenu ("save"); }; int (int x, int y) load_quickbup_draw = { local int i; Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_load.lmp", 1)); for (i=0 ; i< MAX_QUICK; i++) Draw_String (x + 16, y + 32 + 8 * i, filenames[i]); Draw_Character (x + 8, y + 32 + load_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int) (time * 4) & 1)); return 1; }; int (int x, int y) load_draw = { local int i; Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_load.lmp", 1)); for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) Draw_String (x + 16, y + 32 + 8 * i, filenames[i]); Draw_String (x + 16, y + 32 + 8 * i, "Quick save backups"); Draw_Character (x + 8, y + 32 + load_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int) (time * 4) & 1)); return 1; }; int (int x, int y) save_draw = { local int i; Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_save.lmp", 1)); for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) Draw_String (x + 16, y + 32 + 8 * i, filenames[i]); Draw_Character (x + 8, y + 32 + save_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int) (time * 4) & 1)); return 1; }; bool (int key, int unicode, bool down) load_quickbup_keyevent = { switch (key) { case QFK_DOWN: //case QFM_WHEEL_DOWN: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor++; load_cursor %= MAX_QUICK; return true; case QFK_UP: //case QFM_WHEEL_UP: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor += MAX_QUICK - 1; load_cursor %= MAX_QUICK; return true; case QFK_RETURN: //case QFM_BUTTON1: if (loadable[load_cursor]) { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); Menu_SelectMenu (nil); Cbuf_AddText (nil, sprintf ("load quick%i.sav\n", load_cursor)); load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES; } return true; } return false; }; bool (int key, int unicode, bool down) load_keyevent = { switch (key) { case QFK_DOWN: //case QFM_WHEEL_DOWN: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor++; load_cursor %= MAX_SAVEGAMES + 1; return true; case QFK_UP: //case QFM_WHEEL_UP: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor += MAX_SAVEGAMES; load_cursor %= MAX_SAVEGAMES + 1; return true; case QFK_RETURN: //case QFM_BUTTON1: if (load_cursor == MAX_SAVEGAMES) { load_cursor = 0; scan_saves (1); Menu_SelectMenu ("load_quickbup"); } else if (loadable[load_cursor]) { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); Menu_SelectMenu (nil); Cbuf_AddText (nil, sprintf ("load s%i.sav\n", load_cursor)); } return true; } return false; }; bool (int key, int unicode, bool down) save_keyevent = { switch (key) { case QFK_DOWN: //case QFM_WHEEL_DOWN: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); save_cursor++; save_cursor %= MAX_SAVEGAMES; return true; case QFK_UP: //case QFM_WHEEL_UP: S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav"); save_cursor += MAX_SAVEGAMES - 1; save_cursor %= MAX_SAVEGAMES; return true; case QFK_RETURN: //case QFM_BUTTON1: Menu_SelectMenu (nil); Cbuf_AddText (nil, sprintf ("save s%i.sav\n", save_cursor)); return true; } return false; }; void () load_quickbup_menu = { Menu_Begin (0, 0, "load_quickbup"); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_KeyEvent (load_quickbup_keyevent); Menu_Draw (load_quickbup_draw); Menu_End (); }; void () load_menu = { Menu_Begin (0, 0, "load"); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_KeyEvent (load_keyevent); Menu_Draw (load_draw); Menu_End (); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_load", load_save_f); }; void () save_menu = { Menu_Begin (0, 0, "save"); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_KeyEvent (save_keyevent); Menu_Draw (save_draw); Menu_End (); Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_save", load_save_f); }; // ********* QUIT int () quit = { Menu_SelectMenu ("quit"); quit_index = (int) (random () * 8); quit_index &= 7; return 0; }; int (string text, int key) quit_f = { quit (); return 0; }; bool (int key, int unicode, bool down) quit_keyevent = { if (key == 'y') { Menu_Quit (); return true; } if (key == 'n') { Menu_SelectMenu (nil); return true; } return false; }; int (int x, int y) quit_draw = { text_box (x + 56, y + 76, 24, 4); Draw_String (x + 64, y + 84, quitMessage[quit_index * 4 + 0]); Draw_String (x + 64, y + 92, quitMessage[quit_index * 4 + 1]); Draw_String (x + 64, y + 100, quitMessage[quit_index * 4 + 2]); Draw_String (x + 64, y + 108, quitMessage[quit_index * 4 + 3]); return 1; }; void () quit_menu = { Menu_Begin (0, 0, "quit"); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_KeyEvent (quit_keyevent); Menu_Draw (quit_draw); Menu_End (); }; int (string text, int key) sp_start = { Menu_SelectMenu (nil); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "maxplayers 1\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "coop 0\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "deathmatch 0\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "teamplay 0\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "listen 0\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "noexit 0\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "samelevel 0\n"); Cbuf_AddText (nil, "map start\n"); return 0; }; void () single_player_menu = { Menu_Begin (54, 32, ""); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_KeyEvent (menu_key_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp"); Menu_Pic (72, 32, "gfx/sp_menu.lmp"); Menu_Cursor (spinner); Menu_Item (54, 32, "", sp_start, 0); Menu_Item (54, 52, "", load_f, 0); Menu_Item (54, 72, "", save_f, 0); Menu_End (); }; // ********* MULTIPLAYER bool JoiningGame; int lanConfig_cursor; string my_tcpip_address; string lanConfig_portname; string lanConfig_joinname; #define NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS 3 int lanConfig_cursor_table[NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS] = { 72, 92, 124 }; InputLine *lanConfig_port_il; InputLine *lanConfig_join_il; InputLine *input_active; int (int x, int y) join_draw = { local int f = x + (320 - 26 * 8) / 2; text_box (f, y + 134, 24, 4); Draw_String (f, y + 142, " Commonly used to play "); Draw_String (f, y + 150, " over the Internet, but "); Draw_String (f, y + 158, " also used on a Local "); Draw_String (f, y + 166, " Area Network. "); return 0; }; int (int x, int y) lanconfig_draw = { local int basex = 54 + x; local string startJoin = JoiningGame ? "Join Game" : "New Game"; local string protocol = "UDP"; Draw_String (basex, y + 32, sprintf ("%s - %s", startJoin, protocol)); basex += 8; Draw_String (basex, y + 52, "Address:"); Draw_String (basex + 9 * 8, y + 52, ""); Draw_String (basex, y + lanConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port"); [lanConfig_port_il setBasePos:x y:y]; [lanConfig_port_il cursor:lanConfig_cursor == 0 && input_active]; [lanConfig_port_il draw]; Draw_String (basex + 9 * 8, y + lanConfig_cursor_table[0], lanConfig_portname); if (JoiningGame) { Draw_String (basex, y + lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "Search for local " "games..."); Draw_String (basex, y + 108, "Join game at:"); [lanConfig_join_il setBasePos:x y:y]; [lanConfig_join_il cursor:lanConfig_cursor == 2 && input_active]; [lanConfig_join_il draw]; Draw_String (basex + 16, y + lanConfig_cursor_table[2], lanConfig_joinname); } else { text_box (basex, y + lanConfig_cursor_table[1] - 8, 2, 1); Draw_String (basex + 8, y + lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "OK"); } if (!input_active) Draw_Character (basex - 8, y + lanConfig_cursor_table[lanConfig_cursor], 12 + ((int) (time * 4) & 1)); return 0; }; bool (int key, int unicode, bool down) lanconfig_keyevent = { if (input_active) [input_active processInput:(key >= 256 ? key : unicode)]; switch (key) { case QFK_DOWN: //case QFM_WHEEL_DOWN: if (!input_active) { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); lanConfig_cursor ++; lanConfig_cursor %= NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS; } return true; case QFK_UP: //case QFM_WHEEL_UP: if (!input_active) { S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav"); lanConfig_cursor += NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS - 1; lanConfig_cursor %= NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS; } return true; case QFK_RETURN: if (input_active) { input_active = nil; } else { if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) { input_active = lanConfig_port_il; } else if (JoiningGame) { if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) { input_active = lanConfig_join_il; } } } return true; } return false; }; void () lanconfig_menu = { Menu_Begin (54, 92, ""); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); Menu_Draw (lanconfig_draw); Menu_KeyEvent (lanconfig_keyevent); Menu_End (); }; void () join_menu = { Menu_Begin (54, 32, ""); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_KeyEvent (menu_key_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); Menu_Pic (72, 32, "gfx/dim_modm.lmp"); Menu_Pic (72, 51, "gfx/dim_drct.lmp"); Menu_Pic (72, 70, "gfx/dim_ipx.lmp"); Menu_Pic (72, 89, "gfx/netmen4.lmp"); lanconfig_menu (); Menu_Draw (join_draw); Menu_Cursor (spinner); Menu_End (); }; bool (int key, int unicode, bool down) multi_player_keyevent = { if (key == QFK_RETURN) { JoiningGame = (Menu_GetIndex () == 0); } return false; }; void () multi_player_menu = { Menu_Begin (54, 52, ""); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_multi.lmp"); Menu_Pic (72, 32, "gfx/mp_menu.lmp"); Menu_KeyEvent (multi_player_keyevent); join_menu (); if (do_single_player) Menu_Item (54, 52, "", quit_f, 0); Menu_Item (54, 72, "", quit_f, 0); Menu_Cursor (spinner); Menu_End (); }; void () help_menu = { Menu_Item (54, 92, "", quit_f, 0); }; void () main_menu = { Menu_Begin (0, 0, "main"); Menu_EnterHook (menu_enter_sound); Menu_LeaveHook (menu_leave_sound); Menu_KeyEvent (menu_key_sound); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/ttl_main.lmp"); if (do_single_player) Menu_Pic (71,32, "gfx/mainmenu.lmp"); else Menu_SubPic (71,52, "gfx/mainmenu.lmp", 0, 20, 240, 92); Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); Menu_Cursor (spinner); if (do_single_player) single_player_menu (); switch (gametype ()) { case "netquake": multi_player_menu (); break; case "quakeworld": server_list_menu (); break; default: break; } MENU_options (); help_menu (); Menu_Item (54, 112, "", quit_f, 0); Menu_End (); }; void () menu_init = { lanConfig_port_il = [[InputLineBox alloc] initWithBounds:makeRect (126, lanConfig_cursor_table[0] - 8, 8, 4) promptCharacter:' ']; [lanConfig_port_il setWidth:10]; lanConfig_join_il = [[InputLineBox alloc] initWithBounds:makeRect (70, lanConfig_cursor_table[2] - 8, 24, 4) promptCharacter:' ']; [lanConfig_join_il setWidth:26]; switch (gametype ()) { case "netquake": do_single_player = 1; break; case "quakeworld": do_single_player = 0; break; default: break; } main_menu (); quit_menu (); load_menu (); load_quickbup_menu (); save_menu (); Menu_TopMenu ("main"); Menu_SetQuit (quit); }; void () menu_draw_hud = { }; @static AutoreleasePool *autorelease_pool; void menu_pre () { autorelease_pool = [[AutoreleasePool alloc] init]; } void menu_post () { //FIXME called too often by the engine? AutoreleasePool *ar; ar = autorelease_pool; autorelease_pool = nil; [ar release]; }