/* cl_pred.c (description) Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #include <math.h> #include "QF/console.h" #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/keys.h" #include "qw/bothdefs.h" #include "compat.h" #include "cl_ents.h" #include "cl_pred.h" #include "client.h" #include "qw/pmove.h" cvar_t *cl_predict; cvar_t *cl_pushlatency; void CL_PredictUsercmd (player_state_t * from, player_state_t * to, usercmd_t *u, qboolean clientplayer) { if (!clientplayer) { if (VectorIsZero (from->pls.velocity)) { VectorCopy (from->pls.origin, to->pls.origin); VectorCopy (u->angles, to->viewangles); VectorCopy (from->pls.velocity, to->pls.velocity); return; } } // split up very long moves if (u->msec > 50) { player_state_t temp; usercmd_t split; split = *u; split.msec /= 2; CL_PredictUsercmd (from, &temp, &split, clientplayer); CL_PredictUsercmd (&temp, to, &split, clientplayer); return; } VectorCopy (from->pls.origin, pmove.origin); VectorCopy (u->angles, pmove.angles); VectorCopy (from->pls.velocity, pmove.velocity); pmove.oldbuttons = from->oldbuttons; pmove.oldonground = from->oldonground; pmove.waterjumptime = from->waterjumptime; pmove.dead = cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0; if (clientplayer) pmove.spectator = cl.spectator; else pmove.spectator = false; pmove.flying = cl.stats[STAT_FLYMODE]; pmove.cmd = *u; PlayerMove (); to->waterjumptime = pmove.waterjumptime; to->oldbuttons = pmove.oldbuttons; // Tonik to->oldonground = pmove.oldonground; VectorCopy (pmove.origin, to->pls.origin); VectorCopy (pmove.angles, to->viewangles); VectorCopy (pmove.velocity, to->pls.velocity); to->onground = onground; to->pls.weaponframe = from->pls.weaponframe; } void CL_PredictMove (void) { float f; int oldphysent, i; frame_t *from, *to = NULL; if (cl_pushlatency->value > 0) Cvar_Set (cl_pushlatency, "0"); if (cl.paused) return; // assume on ground unless prediction says different cl.onground = 0; cl.time = realtime - cls.latency - cl_pushlatency->value * 0.001; if (cl.time > realtime) cl.time = realtime; if (cl.intermission) { return; } if (!cl.validsequence) return; if (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - cls.netchan.incoming_sequence >= UPDATE_BACKUP - 1) return; VectorCopy (cl.viewangles, cl.simangles); // this is the last frame received from the server from = &cl.frames[cls.netchan.incoming_sequence & UPDATE_MASK]; if (!cl_predict->int_val) { VectorCopy (from->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.velocity, cl.simvel); VectorCopy (from->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.origin, cl.simorg); return; } // predict forward until cl.time <= to->senttime oldphysent = pmove.numphysent; CL_SetSolidPlayers (cl.playernum); // to = &cl.frames[cls.netchan.incoming_sequence & UPDATE_MASK]; for (i = 1; i < UPDATE_BACKUP - 1 && cls.netchan.incoming_sequence + i < cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence; i++) { to = &cl.frames[(cls.netchan.incoming_sequence + i) & UPDATE_MASK]; CL_PredictUsercmd (&from->playerstate[cl.playernum], &to->playerstate[cl.playernum], &to->cmd, true); cl.onground = onground; if (to->senttime >= cl.time) break; from = to; } pmove.numphysent = oldphysent; if (i == UPDATE_BACKUP - 1 || !to) return; // net hasn't deliver packets in a // long time... // now interpolate some fraction of the final frame if (to->senttime == from->senttime) f = 0; else f = bound (0, (cl.time - from->senttime) / (to->senttime - from->senttime), 1); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (fabs (from->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.origin[i] - to->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.origin[i]) > 128) { // teleported, so don't lerp VectorCopy (to->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.velocity, cl.simvel); VectorCopy (to->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.origin, cl.simorg); return; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cl.simorg[i] = from->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.origin[i] + f * (to->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.origin[i] - from->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.origin[i]); cl.simvel[i] = from->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.velocity[i] + f * (to->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.velocity[i] - from->playerstate[cl.playernum].pls.velocity[i]); } } void CL_Prediction_Init_Cvars (void) { cl_predict = Cvar_Get ("cl_predict", "1", CVAR_NONE, NULL, "Set to enable client prediction"); cl_pushlatency = Cvar_Get ("pushlatency", "-999", CVAR_NONE, NULL, "How much prediction should the client make"); }