uniform samplerCube sky; uniform vec4 fog; varying vec3 direction; float sqr (float x) { return x * x; } vec4 fogBlend (vec4 color) { float f; vec4 fog_color = vec4 (fog.rgb, 1.0); f = exp (-sqr (fog.a / gl_FragCoord.w)); return mix (fog_color, color, f); } void main (void) { vec3 dir = direction; dir *= inversesqrt (dot (dir, dir)); // NOTE: quake's world and GL's world are rotated relative to each other // quake has x right, y in, z up. gl has x right, y up, z out // The textures are loaded with GL's z (quake's y) already negated, so // all that's needed here is to swizzle y and z. gl_FragColor = fogBlend (textureCube(sky, dir.xzy)); }