## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in # # Makefile.am # # Automake-using build system for QuakeForge # # Copyright (C) 2000 Jeff Teunissen # # This Makefile is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to: # # Free Software Foundation, Inc. # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA # # $Id$ # # # Stuff that is common to both client and server # INCLUDES= -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/nq/include $(MGL_CFLAGS) $(SDL_CFLAGS) $(SVGA_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) $(GLX_CFLAGS) $(TDFXGL_CFLAGS) bin_PROGRAMS = @NQ_TARGETS@ EXTRA_PROGRAMS= nq-mgl nq-sdl \ nq-svga nq-x11 nq-3dfx \ nq-glx nq-sgl nq-wgl nq-server noinst_LIBRARIES= libqfsys.a libqfsnd.a libqfcd.a libqfjs.a libqfnet.a #if ASM_ARCH math_ASM= math.S cl_math.S soft_ASM= d_draw.S d_draw16.S d_parta.S d_polysa.S d_scana.S d_spr8.S \ d_varsa.S r_aclipa.S r_aliasa.S r_drawa.S r_edgea.S r_varsa.S \ surf16.S surf8.S sound_ASM= snd_mixa.S common_ASM= sys_ia32.S worlda.S $(math_ASM) #endif common_SOURCES= game.c mathlib.c wad.c world.c \ model.c model_alias.c model_brush.c model_sprite.c \ quakefs.c \ quakeio.c com.c \ $(common_ASM) # # ... System type # if SYSTYPE_WIN32 libqfsys_a_SOURCES= sys_win.c fnmatch.c else libqfsys_a_SOURCES= sys_unix.c endif EXTRA_libqfsys_a_SOURCES= dirent.c fnmatch.c sys_unix.c sys_win.c # # ... Digital audio # if SNDTYPE_ALSA_0_5 libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c snd_alsa_0_5.c $(sound_ASM) endif if SNDTYPE_ALSA_0_9 libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c snd_alsa_0_9.c $(sound_ASM) endif if SNDTYPE_MME libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c snd_mme.c $(sound_ASM) endif if SNDTYPE_OSS libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c snd_oss.c $(sound_ASM) endif if SNDTYPE_SUN libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c snd_sun.c $(sound_ASM) endif if SNDTYPE_WIN32 libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c snd_win.c $(sound_ASM) endif if SNDTYPE_NULL libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_null.c $(sound_ASM) endif EXTRA_libqfsnd_a_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c snd_alsa_0_5.c \ snd_alsa_0_9.c snd_oss.c snd_sun.c snd_win.c snd_null.c \ $(sound_ASM) # # ... CD audio # if CDTYPE_WIN32 libqfcd_a_SOURCES= cd_win.c endif if CDTYPE_LINUX libqfcd_a_SOURCES= cd_linux.c endif if CDTYPE_NULL libqfcd_a_SOURCES= cd_null.c endif EXTRA_libqfcd_a_SOURCES= cd_dos.c cd_win.c cd_linux.c cd_null.c # # ... Joystick # if JOYTYPE_LINUX libqfjs_a_SOURCES= joy_linux.c endif if JOYTYPE_NULL libqfjs_a_SOURCES= joy_null.c endif libqfjs_a_CFLAGS= $(JOY_CFLAGS) EXTRA_libqfjs_a_SOURCES= joy_linux.c joy_null.c # # ... Networking # libqfnet_a_SOURCES= net_bsd.c net_dgrm.c net_loop.c \ net_main.c net_udp.c net_vcr.c EXTRA_libqfcd_a_SOURCES=net_dos.c net_bw.c net_ipx.c net_mp.c net_ser.c \ net_win.c net_wins.c net_wipx.c client_LIBS= -L. -L../../libs -lqfsys -lqfsnd -lqfcd -lqfjs -lqfnet -lqfutil $(SOUND_LIBS) $(NET_LIBS) $(Z_LIBS) client_LIB_DEPS= libqfsys.a libqfsnd.a libqfcd.a libqfjs.a libqfnet.a ../../libs/libqfutil.a client_SOURCES= cl_cam.c cl_cmd.c cl_demo.c cl_input.c cl_main.c cl_parse.c \ cl_tent.c console.c keys.c menu.c sbar.c r_part.c r_view.c \ nonintel.c gib.c gib_instructions.c gib_vars.c \ gib_interpret.c gib_modules.c gib_parse.c gib_stack.c vid.c server_SOURCES= host.c host_cmd.c \ pr_cmds.c pr_edict.c pr_exec.c \ sv_cvar.c sv_main.c sv_move.c sv_phys.c sv_user.c combined_SOURCES= $(common_SOURCES) $(client_SOURCES) $(server_SOURCES) # # Software-rendering targets # # ... Common stuff # soft_SOURCES= d_edge.c d_fill.c d_init.c d_modech.c d_part.c d_polyse.c \ d_scan.c d_sky.c d_sprite.c d_surf.c d_vars.c d_zpoint.c \ draw.c r_aclip.c r_alias.c r_bsp.c r_draw.c r_edge.c r_efrag.c \ r_light.c r_main.c r_misc.c sw_part.c r_sky.c r_sprite.c \ r_surf.c r_vars.c screen.c sw_model_alias.c sw_model_brush.c \ sw_model_sprite.c sw_view.c $(soft_ASM) # # ... SciTech MGL # mgl_SOURCES= vid_mgl.c in_win.c nq_mgl_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(soft_SOURCES) $(mgl_SOURCES) nq_mgl_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) $(MGL_LIBS) nq_mgl_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # ... Sam Lantinga's Simple DirectMedia Layer, version 1.0 and higher # sdl_SOURCES= vid_sdl.c in_sdl.c nq_sdl_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(soft_SOURCES) $(sdl_SOURCES) nq_sdl_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) $(SDL_LIBS) nq_sdl_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # ... Linux SVGAlib # svga_SOURCES= d_copy.S vid_svgalib.c in_svgalib.c nq_svga_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(soft_SOURCES) $(svga_SOURCES) nq_svga_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) $(SVGA_LIBS) nq_svga_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # ... X11 # x11_SOURCES= in_x11.c context_x11.c dga_check.c nq_x11_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(soft_SOURCES) $(x11_SOURCES) vid_x11.c nq_x11_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) $(X_PRE_LIBS) $(VIDMODE_LIBS) $(DGA_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lX11 $(X_EXTRA_LIBS) $(X_SHM_LIB) nq_x11_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # OpenGL-using targets # # ... Common stuff # ogl_SOURCES= gl_draw.c gl_mesh.c gl_part.c gl_refrag.c gl_rlight.c \ gl_rmain.c gl_rmisc.c gl_rsurf.c gl_screen.c gl_view.c \ gl_warp.c gl_model_alias.c gl_model_brush.c gl_model_fullbright.c \ gl_model_sprite.c # # ... 3Dfx Voodoo 1 and 2 SVGAlib-based console GL # tdfx_SOURCES= vid_3dfxsvga.c vid_common_gl.c in_svgalib.c nq_3dfx_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(ogl_SOURCES) $(tdfx_SOURCES) nq_3dfx_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) $(TDFXGL_LIBS) $(SVGA_LIBS) $(DL_LIBS) nq_3dfx_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # ... OpenGL in X Window # glx_SOURCES= vid_glx.c vid_common_gl.c $(x11_SOURCES) nq_glx_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(ogl_SOURCES) $(glx_SOURCES) nq_glx_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) $(GLX_LIBS) $(X_PRE_LIBS) $(VIDMODE_LIBS) $(DGA_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lX11 $(X_EXTRA_LIBS) $(DL_LIBS) nq_glx_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # ... Sam Lantinga's Simple DirectMedia Layer, version 1.1 and higher, in GL mode # sgl_SOURCES= vid_sgl.c vid_common_gl.c in_sdl.c nq_sgl_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(ogl_SOURCES) $(sgl_SOURCES) nq_sgl_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) $(SDL_LIBS) $(GLX_LIBS) $(DL_LIBS) nq_sgl_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # SGI/Microsoft WGL (Windows OpenGL) # wgl_SOURCES= vid_wgl.c nq_wgl_SOURCES= $(combined_SOURCES) $(ogl_SOURCES) $(wgl_SOURCES) nq_wgl_LDADD= $(client_LIBS) nq_wgl_DEPENDENCIES=$(client_LIB_DEPS) # # dedicated server # ded_SOURCES=sys_unixd.c sv_ded.c nq_server_SOURCES=$(common_SOURCES) $(server_SOURCES) $(ded_SOURCES) nq_server_LDADD= libqfnet.a $(Z_LIBS) nq_server_DEPENDENCIES=libqfnet.a # # Stuff that doesn't get linked into an executable NEEDS to be mentioned here, # or it won't be distributed with 'make dist' # EXTRA_DIST= #nq.dsp