/* in_binding.c Input binding management Copyright (C) 2021 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2021/11/2 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include "QF/cexpr.h" #include "QF/cmd.h" #include "QF/cmem.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/heapsort.h" #include "QF/input.h" #include "QF/plist.h" #include "QF/progs.h" // for PR_RESMAP #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/input/imt.h" #include "QF/input/binding.h" #include "QF/input/event.h" #include "QF/input/imt.h" /*** Connect a device and its axes and buttons to logical axes and buttons. \a name is used to specify the device when creating bindings, and identifying the device for hints etc (eg, "press joy1 1 to ..."). \a devname is the device name (eg, "6d spacemouse") \a id is the device id (eg "usb-0000:00:1d.1-2/input0"). The device name is useful for ease of user identification and allowing the device to be plugged into any USB socket. However, it doesn't allow multiple devices with the same name (eg, using twin joysticks of the same model). Thus if \a match_id is true, both the device name and the device id used to auto-connect the device, but it does require the device to be plugged into the same uSB path (ie, same socket on the same hub connected to the same port on the PC) \a devid is the actual device associated with the bindings. If -1, the device is not currently connected. \a axis_info holds the device/axis specific range info and the current raw value of the axis. \a button_info holds the current raw state of the button \a axis_imt_id is -1 if the device has no axis bindings, otherwise it is the base index into the imt axis bindings array. \a button_imt_id is -1 if the device has no button bindings, otherwise it is the base index into the imt button bindings array. */ typedef struct in_devbindings_s { struct in_devbindings_s *next; char *name; ///< name used when binding inputs char *devname; ///< physical device name char *id; ///< physical device id int match_id; ///< if true, both devname and id must match int devid; ///< id of device associated with these bindings int num_axes; int num_buttons; in_axisinfo_t *axis_info; ///< axis range info and raw state in_buttoninfo_t *button_info; ///< button raw state int axis_imt_id; ///< index into array of imt axis bindings int button_imt_id; ///< index into array of imt button bindings } in_devbindings_t; typedef struct DARRAY_TYPE (int) in_knowndevset_t; static in_knowndevset_t known_devices = DARRAY_STATIC_INIT (8); static int in_binding_handler; static int in_keyhelp_handler; static int in_keyhelp_saved_handler; static PR_RESMAP (in_devbindings_t) devbindings; static in_devbindings_t *devbindings_list; static int devid_cmp (const void *a, const void *b) { return *(const int *)a - *(const int *)b; } static int * __attribute__ ((pure)) in_find_devid (int devid) { return bsearch (&devid, known_devices.a, known_devices.size, sizeof (int), devid_cmp); } static in_devbindings_t * __attribute__ ((pure)) in_binding_find_connection (const char *devname, const char *id) { in_devbindings_t *db; //FIXME slow for (db = devbindings_list; db; db = db->next) { if (strcmp (devname, db->devname) != 0) { continue; } if (db->match_id && strcmp (id, db->id) != 0) { continue; } return db; } return 0; } static void alloc_input_info (in_devbindings_t *db) { db->axis_info = malloc (db->num_axes * sizeof (in_axisinfo_t) + db->num_buttons * sizeof (in_buttoninfo_t)); db->button_info = (in_buttoninfo_t *) &db->axis_info[db->num_axes]; } static void in_binding_add_device (const IE_event_t *ie_event) { size_t devid = ie_event->device.devid; const char *devname = IN_GetDeviceName (devid); const char *id = IN_GetDeviceId (devid); if (!in_find_devid (devid)) { DARRAY_APPEND (&known_devices, devid); // keep the known devices sorted by id heapsort (known_devices.a, known_devices.size, sizeof (int), devid_cmp); Sys_Printf ("Added device %s %s\n", devname, id); } in_devbindings_t *db = IN_GetDeviceEventData (devid); if (db) { return; } db = in_binding_find_connection (devname, id); if (db) { if (db->match_id) { Sys_Printf ("Reconnected %s to %s %s\n", db->name, devname, id); } else { Sys_Printf ("Reconnected %s to %s\n", db->name, devname); } db->devid = devid; IN_SetDeviceEventData (devid, db); if (!db->axis_info) { alloc_input_info (db); } IN_AxisInfo (devid, db->axis_info, &db->num_axes); IN_ButtonInfo (devid, db->button_info, &db->num_buttons); } } static void in_binding_remove_device (const IE_event_t *ie_event) { size_t devid = ie_event->device.devid; in_devbindings_t *db = IN_GetDeviceEventData (devid); int *kd; if (!(kd = in_find_devid (devid))) { Sys_Error ("in_binding_remove_device: invalid devid: %zd", devid); } DARRAY_REMOVE_AT (&known_devices, kd - known_devices.a); const char *devname = IN_GetDeviceName (devid); const char *id = IN_GetDeviceId (devid); if (db) { db->devid = -1; if (db->match_id) { Sys_Printf ("Disconnected %s from %s %s\n", db->name, devname, id); } else { Sys_Printf ("Disconnected %s from %s\n", db->name, devname); } } Sys_Printf ("Removed device %s %s\n", devname, id); } static void in_binding_axis (const IE_event_t *ie_event) { int axis = ie_event->axis.axis; int value = ie_event->axis.value; in_devbindings_t *db = ie_event->axis.data;; if (db && axis < db->num_axes) { db->axis_info[axis].value = value; if (db->axis_imt_id >= 0) { IMT_ProcessAxis (db->axis_imt_id + axis, value); } } } static void in_binding_button (const IE_event_t *ie_event) { int button = ie_event->button.button; int state = ie_event->button.state; in_devbindings_t *db = ie_event->button.data; if (db && button < db->num_buttons) { db->button_info[button].state = state; if (db->button_imt_id >= 0) { IMT_ProcessButton (db->button_imt_id + button, state); } } } static int in_binding_event_handler (const IE_event_t *ie_event, void *unused) { static void (*handlers[ie_event_count]) (const IE_event_t *ie_event) = { [ie_add_device] = in_binding_add_device, [ie_remove_device] = in_binding_remove_device, }; if (ie_event->type < 0 || ie_event->type >= ie_event_count || !handlers[ie_event->type]) { return 0; } handlers[ie_event->type] (ie_event); return 1; } int IN_Binding_HandleEvent (const IE_event_t *ie_event) { static void (*handlers[ie_event_count]) (const IE_event_t *ie_event) = { [ie_axis] = in_binding_axis, [ie_button] = in_binding_button, }; if (ie_event->type < 0 || ie_event->type >= ie_event_count || !handlers[ie_event->type]) { return 0; } handlers[ie_event->type] (ie_event); return 1; } static int keyhelp_axis_threshold; static int in_keyhelp_event_handler (const IE_event_t *ie_event, void *unused) { if (ie_event->type != ie_axis && ie_event->type != ie_button) { return 0; } size_t devid = ie_event->button.devid; in_devbindings_t *db = ie_event->button.data; const char *bind_name = db ? db->name : 0; const char *type = 0; int num = -1; const char *devname = IN_GetDeviceName (devid); const char *id = IN_GetDeviceId (devid); const char *name = 0; if (ie_event->type == ie_axis) { int axis = ie_event->axis.axis; int value = ie_event->axis.value; in_axisinfo_t *ai; if (db) { ai = &db->axis_info[axis]; } else { //FIXME set single axis info entry int num_axes; in_axisinfo_t *axis_info; IN_AxisInfo (devid, 0, &num_axes); axis_info = alloca (num_axes * sizeof (in_axisinfo_t)); IN_AxisInfo (devid, axis_info, &num_axes); ai = &axis_info[axis]; } if (!ai->min && !ai->max) { if (abs (value) > keyhelp_axis_threshold) { num = axis; type = "axis"; } } else { //FIXME does not work if device has not been connected (db is null) int diff = abs (value - ai->value); if (diff * 5 >= ai->max - ai->min) { num = axis; type = "axis"; } } name = IN_GetAxisName (devid, num); } else if (ie_event->type == ie_button) { if (ie_event->button.state) { num = ie_event->button.button; type = "button"; } name = IN_GetButtonName (devid, num); } if (!type) { return 0; } IE_Set_Focus (in_keyhelp_saved_handler); Sys_Printf ("%s (%s %s) %s %d (%s)\n", bind_name, devname, id, type, num, name ? name : ""); return 1; } static in_devbindings_t * __attribute__ ((pure)) in_binding_find_device (const char *name) { in_devbindings_t *db; for (db = devbindings_list; db; db = db->next) { if (strcmp (name, db->name) == 0) { break; } } return db; } static void clear_connection (in_devbindings_t *db) { if (db->devid >= 0) { IN_SetDeviceEventData (db->devid, 0); } free (db->name); free (db->devname); free (db->id); free (db->axis_info); } static void in_bind_f (void) { int argc = Cmd_Argc (); if (argc < 6) { Sys_Printf ("in_bind imt device type number binding...\n"); Sys_Printf (" imt: the name of the input mapping table in which the" " intput will be bound\n"); Sys_Printf (" device: the nickname or id of the devise owning" " the input to be bound\n"); Sys_Printf (" type: the type of input to be bound (axis or" " button)\n"); // FIXME support names Sys_Printf (" number: the numeric id of the input to be bound\n"); Sys_Printf (" binging...: the destination to which the input will" " be bound\n"); Sys_Printf (" for axis inputs, this can be an analog input or" " an axis-button\n"); Sys_Printf (" for button inputs, this can be a button or a" " command (spaces ok, but\n" " quotes recommended)\n"); return; } const char *imt_name = Cmd_Argv (1); const char *dev_name = Cmd_Argv (2); const char *type = Cmd_Argv (3); const char *number = Cmd_Argv (4); imt_t *imt = IMT_FindIMT (imt_name); in_devbindings_t *dev = in_binding_find_device (dev_name); char *end; int num = strtol (number, &end, 0); if (!imt) { Sys_Printf ("unknown imt: %s\n", imt_name); return; } if (!dev) { Sys_Printf ("unknown device: %s\n", dev_name); return; } if (strcmp (type, "axis") != 0 && strcmp (type, "button") != 0) { Sys_Printf ("invalid input type: %s\n", type); return; } if (*type == 'a') { if (*end) { num = IN_GetAxisNumber (dev->devid, number); } if (num < 0 || num >= dev->num_axes) { Sys_Printf ("invalid axis number: %s\n", number); return; } if (dev->axis_imt_id == -1) { dev->axis_imt_id = IMT_GetAxisBlock (dev->num_axes); } const char *axis_name = Cmd_Argv (5); in_axis_t *axis = IN_FindAxis (axis_name); if (!axis) { Sys_Printf ("unknown axis: %s\n", axis_name); return; } in_axisinfo_t *axisinfo = &dev->axis_info[num]; in_recipe_t recipe = { .min = axisinfo->min, .max = axisinfo->max, .curve = 1, .scale = 1, }; double curve = recipe.curve; double scale = recipe.scale; exprsym_t var_syms[] = { {"minzone", &cexpr_int, &recipe.minzone}, {"maxzone", &cexpr_int, &recipe.maxzone}, {"deadzone", &cexpr_int, &recipe.deadzone}, {"curve", &cexpr_double, &curve}, {"scale", &cexpr_double, &scale}, {} }; exprtab_t vars_tab = { var_syms, 0 }; exprctx_t exprctx = { .symtab = &vars_tab, .memsuper = new_memsuper (), .messages = PL_NewArray (), }; cexpr_init_symtab (&vars_tab, &exprctx); int i; for (i = 6; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = Cmd_Argv (i); if (cexpr_eval_string (arg, &exprctx)) { plitem_t *messages = exprctx.messages; for (int j = 0; j < PL_A_NumObjects (messages); j++) { Sys_Printf ("%s\n", PL_String (PL_ObjectAtIndex (messages, j))); } break; } } if (i == argc) { recipe.curve = curve; recipe.scale = scale; IMT_BindAxis (imt, dev->axis_imt_id + num, axis, &recipe); } Hash_DelTable (vars_tab.tab); PL_Free (exprctx.messages); delete_memsuper (exprctx.memsuper); } else { // the rest of the command line is the binding const char *binding = Cmd_Args (5); if (*end) { num = IN_GetButtonNumber (dev->devid, number); } if (num < 0 || num >= dev->num_buttons) { Sys_Printf ("invalid button number: %s\n", number); return; } if (dev->button_imt_id == -1) { dev->button_imt_id = IMT_GetButtonBlock (dev->num_buttons); } IMT_BindButton (imt, dev->button_imt_id + num, binding); } } static void in_unbind_f (void) { if (Cmd_Argc () < 5) { Sys_Printf ("in_unbind imt device type number\n"); Sys_Printf (" imt: the name of the input mapping table in which the" " intput will be unbound\n"); Sys_Printf (" device: the nickname or id of the devise owning" " the input to be unbound\n"); Sys_Printf (" type: the type of input to be unbound (axis or" " button)\n"); // FIXME support names Sys_Printf (" number: the numeric id of the input to be unbound\n"); return; } const char *imt_name = Cmd_Argv (1); const char *dev_name = Cmd_Argv (2); const char *type = Cmd_Argv (3); const char *number = Cmd_Argv (4); imt_t *imt = IMT_FindIMT (imt_name); in_devbindings_t *dev = in_binding_find_device (dev_name); char *end; int num = strtol (number, &end, 0); if (!imt) { Sys_Printf ("unknown imt: %s\n", imt_name); return; } if (!dev) { Sys_Printf ("unknown device: %s\n", dev_name); return; } if (strcmp (type, "axis") != 0 && strcmp (type, "button") != 0) { Sys_Printf ("invalid input type: %s\n", type); return; } if (*type == 'a') { if (*end || num < 0 || num >= dev->num_axes) { Sys_Printf ("invalid axis number: %s\n", number); return; } IMT_BindAxis (imt, dev->axis_imt_id + num, 0, 0); } else { if (*end || num < 0 || num >= dev->num_buttons) { Sys_Printf ("invalid button number: %s\n", number); return; } IMT_BindButton (imt, dev->button_imt_id + num, 0); } } static void in_clear_f (void) { int argc = Cmd_Argc (); if (argc < 2) { Sys_Printf ("in_clear imt [imt...]\n"); return; } for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *imt_name = Cmd_Argv (i); imt_t *imt = IMT_FindIMT (imt_name); if (!imt) { Sys_Printf ("unknown imt: %s\n", imt_name); continue; } for (size_t ind = 0; ind < imt->axis_bindings.size; ind++) { IMT_BindAxis (imt, ind, 0, 0); } for (size_t ind = 0; ind < imt->button_bindings.size; ind++) { IMT_BindButton (imt, ind, 0); } } } static void in_devices_f (void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < known_devices.size; i++) { int devid = known_devices.a[i]; in_devbindings_t *db = IN_GetDeviceEventData (devid); const char *name = IN_GetDeviceName (devid); const char *id = IN_GetDeviceId (devid); int num_axes, num_buttons; IN_AxisInfo (devid, 0, &num_axes); IN_ButtonInfo (devid, 0, &num_buttons); Sys_Printf ("devid %d:\n", devid); if (db) { Sys_Printf (" bind name: %s\n", db->name); } else { Sys_Printf (" no bind name\n"); } Sys_Printf (" name: %s\n", name); Sys_Printf (" id: %s\n", id); Sys_Printf (" axes: %d\n", num_axes); Sys_Printf (" buttons: %d\n", num_buttons); } } static void in_connect_f (void) { int argc = Cmd_Argc (); const char *fullid = 0; if (argc == 4) { fullid = Cmd_Argv (3); } if (argc < 3 || argc > 4 || (fullid && strcmp (fullid, "fullid"))) { goto in_connect_usage; } const char *bindname = Cmd_Argv (1); const char *device_id = Cmd_Argv (2); int devid = -1; if (in_binding_find_device (bindname)) { Sys_Printf ("%s already exists\n", bindname); return; } if (device_id[0] == '#') { char *end; devid = strtol (device_id + 1, &end, 0); if (*end || !in_find_devid (devid)) { Sys_Printf ("Not a valid device number: %s", device_id); return; } } else { int len = strlen (device_id); for (size_t i = 0; i < known_devices.size; i++) { if (strcmp (device_id, IN_GetDeviceId (known_devices.a[i])) == 0) { devid = known_devices.a[i]; break; } if (strncasecmp (device_id, IN_GetDeviceName (known_devices.a[i]), len) == 0) { if (devid > -1) { Sys_Printf ("'%s' is ambiguous\n", device_id); return; } devid = known_devices.a[i]; } } } if (devid == -1) { Sys_Printf ("No such device: %s\n", device_id); return; } if (IN_GetDeviceEventData (devid)) { Sys_Printf ("%s already connected\n", device_id); return; } in_devbindings_t *db = PR_RESNEW (devbindings); db->next = devbindings_list; devbindings_list = db; db->name = strdup (bindname); db->devname = strdup (IN_GetDeviceName (devid)); db->id = strdup (IN_GetDeviceId (devid)); db->match_id = !!fullid; db->devid = devid; IN_AxisInfo (devid, 0, &db->num_axes); IN_ButtonInfo (devid, 0, &db->num_buttons); alloc_input_info (db); IN_AxisInfo (devid, db->axis_info, &db->num_axes); IN_ButtonInfo (devid, db->button_info, &db->num_buttons); db->axis_imt_id = -1; db->button_imt_id = -1; IN_SetDeviceEventData (devid, db); return; in_connect_usage: Sys_Printf ("in_connect bindname device_id [fullid]\n"); Sys_Printf (" Create a new device binding connection.\n"); Sys_Printf (" bindname: Connection name used for binding inputs\n."); Sys_Printf (" device_id: Specify the device to be connected.\n"); Sys_Printf (" May be the numeric device number (#N), the device\n"); Sys_Printf (" name or device id as shown by in_devices.\n"); Sys_Printf (" fullid: if present, both device name and device id\n"); Sys_Printf (" will be used when automatically reconnecting the\n"); Sys_Printf (" device.\n"); } static void in_connections_f (void) { for (in_devbindings_t *db = devbindings_list; db; db = db->next) { if (db->match_id) { Sys_Printf ("%s: %s %s\n", db->name, db->devname, db->id); } else { Sys_Printf ("%s: %s\n", db->name, db->devname); } if (db->devid > -1) { Sys_Printf (" connected\n"); } else { Sys_Printf (" disconnected\n"); } } } static void keyhelp_f (void) { keyhelp_axis_threshold = 3; if (Cmd_Argc () > 1) { char *end; int threshold = strtol (Cmd_Argv (1), &end, 0); if (!*end && threshold > 0) { keyhelp_axis_threshold = threshold; } } in_keyhelp_saved_handler = IE_Get_Focus (); IE_Set_Focus (in_keyhelp_handler); Sys_Printf ("Press button or move axis to identify\n"); } typedef struct { const char *name; xcommand_t func; const char *desc; } bindcmd_t; static bindcmd_t in_binding_commands[] = { { "in_bind", in_bind_f, "Assign a command or a set of commands to a key.\n" "Note: To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the " "commands in quotes and separate with semi-colons." }, { "in_unbind", in_unbind_f, "Remove the bind from the the selected key" }, { "in_clear", in_clear_f, "Remove all binds from the specified imts" }, { "in_devices", in_devices_f, "List the known devices and their status." }, { "in_connect", in_connect_f, "Create a device binding connection. Supports hot-plug in that the " "device will be automatically reconnected when plugged in or" PACKAGE_NAME " is restarted." }, { "in_connections", in_connections_f, "List device bindings and statuses." }, { "keyhelp", keyhelp_f, "Identify the next active input axis or button.\n" "The identification includes the device binding name, axis or button " "number, and (if known) the name of the axis or button. Axes and " "buttons can always be bound by number, so even those for which a " "name is not known, but" PACKAGE_NAME " sees, can be bound." }, { } #if 0 { "bindlist", Key_Bindlist_f, "list all of the key bindings" }, { "unbindall", Key_Unbindall_f, "Remove all binds (USE CAUTIOUSLY!!!" }, { "unbind", Key_Unbind_f, "wrapper for in_unbind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt " "parameter" }, { "bind", Key_Bind_f, "wrapper for in_bind that uses " "in_bind_imt for the imt parameter" }, { "imt", Key_InputMappingTable_f, "" }, { "imt_keydest", Key_IMT_Keydest_f, "" }, { "imt_create", Key_IMT_Create_f, "create a new imt table:\n" " imt_create [chain_name]\n" "\n" "The new table will be attached to the specified keydest\n" "imt_name must not already exist.\n" "If given, chain_name must already exist and be on " "keydest.\n" }, { "imt_drop_all", Key_IMT_Drop_All_f, "delete all imt tables\n" }, { "in_type", Key_In_Type_f, "Send the given string as simulated key presses." }, #endif }; void IN_Binding_Activate (void) { IE_Set_Focus (in_binding_handler); } void IN_Binding_Init (void) { in_binding_handler = IE_Add_Handler (in_binding_event_handler, 0); in_keyhelp_handler = IE_Add_Handler (in_keyhelp_event_handler, 0); for (bindcmd_t *cmd = in_binding_commands; cmd->name; cmd++) { Cmd_AddCommand (cmd->name, cmd->func, cmd->desc); } } void IN_Binding_SaveConfig (plitem_t *config) { plitem_t *devices = PL_NewArray (); PL_D_AddObject (config, "devices", devices); for (in_devbindings_t *db = devbindings_list; db; db = db->next) { plitem_t *db_cfg = PL_NewDictionary (0); //FIXME hashlinks PL_A_AddObject (devices, db_cfg); PL_D_AddObject (db_cfg, "name", PL_NewString (db->name)); PL_D_AddObject (db_cfg, "devname", PL_NewString (db->devname)); if (db->match_id) { PL_D_AddObject (db_cfg, "id", PL_NewString (db->id)); } PL_D_AddObject (db_cfg, "num_axes", PL_NewString (va (0, "%d", db->num_axes))); PL_D_AddObject (db_cfg, "num_buttons", PL_NewString (va (0, "%d", db->num_buttons))); if (db->axis_imt_id >= 0) { plitem_t *axes = PL_NewArray (); PL_D_AddObject (db_cfg, "axes", axes); for (int i = 0; i < db->num_axes; i++) { IMT_SaveAxisConfig (axes, db->axis_imt_id + i, i); } } if (db->button_imt_id >= 0) { plitem_t *buttons = PL_NewArray (); PL_D_AddObject (db_cfg, "buttons", buttons); for (int i = 0; i < db->num_buttons; i++) { IMT_SaveButtonConfig (buttons, db->button_imt_id + i, i); } } } } static int parse_num (plitem_t *item) { char *end; const char *str = PL_String (item); if (!str) { return -1; } int num = strtol (str, &end, 0); if (*end || num < 0) { return -1; } return num; } static int parse_int (plitem_t *item, int dflt) { char *end; const char *str = PL_String (item); if (!str) { return dflt; } int num = strtol (str, &end, 0); if (*end) { return dflt; } return num; } static float parse_float (plitem_t *item, float dflt) { char *end; const char *str = PL_String (item); if (!str) { return dflt; } float num = strtof (str, &end); if (*end) { return dflt; } return num; } void IN_Binding_LoadConfig (plitem_t *config) { for (in_devbindings_t *db = devbindings_list; db; db = db->next) { clear_connection (db); } PR_RESRESET (devbindings); devbindings_list = 0; plitem_t *devices = PL_ObjectForKey (config, "devices"); if (PL_Type (devices) != QFArray) { Sys_Printf ("IN_Binding_LoadConfig: devices not an array\n"); return; } for (int i = 0, count = PL_A_NumObjects (devices); i < count; i++) { plitem_t *db_cfg = PL_ObjectAtIndex (devices, i); const char *bindname = PL_String (PL_ObjectForKey (db_cfg, "name")); const char *devname = PL_String (PL_ObjectForKey (db_cfg, "devname")); const char *id = PL_String (PL_ObjectForKey (db_cfg, "id")); int num_axes = parse_num (PL_ObjectForKey (db_cfg, "num_axes")); int num_buttons = parse_num (PL_ObjectForKey (db_cfg, "num_buttons")); if (in_binding_find_device (bindname)) { Sys_Printf ("%s already exists\n", bindname); continue; } if (num_axes < 0) { continue; } if (num_buttons < 0) { continue; } in_devbindings_t *db = PR_RESNEW (devbindings); db->next = devbindings_list; devbindings_list = db; db->name = strdup (bindname); db->devname = strdup (devname); if (id) { db->id = strdup (id); db->match_id = 1; } else { db->id = 0; db->match_id = 0; } db->devid = -1; // not connected yet db->num_axes = num_axes; db->num_buttons = num_buttons; db->axis_imt_id = -1; db->button_imt_id = -1; plitem_t *axes = PL_ObjectForKey (db_cfg, "axes"); if (PL_A_NumObjects (axes)) { db->axis_imt_id = IMT_GetAxisBlock (db->num_axes); } for (int i = 0, count = PL_A_NumObjects (axes); i < count; i++) { plitem_t *a = PL_ObjectAtIndex (axes, i); const char *imt_name = PL_String (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "imt")); int num = parse_num (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "num")); const char *axis_name = PL_String (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "axis")); in_recipe_t recipe = { .min = parse_int (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "min"), 0), .max = parse_int (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "max"), 0), .minzone = parse_int (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "minzone"), 0), .maxzone = parse_int (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "maxzone"), 0), .deadzone = parse_int (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "deadzone"), 0), .curve = parse_float (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "curve"), 1), .scale = parse_float (PL_ObjectForKey (a, "scale"), 1), }; if (!imt_name || num < 0 || num >= db->num_axes) { continue; } imt_t *imt = IMT_FindIMT (imt_name); if (!imt) { continue; } in_axis_t *axis = IN_FindAxis (axis_name); if (!axis) { continue; } IMT_BindAxis (imt, db->axis_imt_id + num, axis, &recipe); } plitem_t *buttons = PL_ObjectForKey (db_cfg, "buttons"); if (PL_A_NumObjects (buttons)) { db->button_imt_id = IMT_GetButtonBlock (db->num_buttons); } for (int i = 0, count = PL_A_NumObjects (buttons); i < count; i++) { plitem_t *b = PL_ObjectAtIndex (buttons, i); const char *imt_name = PL_String (PL_ObjectForKey (b, "imt")); int num = parse_num (PL_ObjectForKey (b, "num")); const char *binding = PL_String (PL_ObjectForKey (b, "binding")); if (!imt_name || num < 0 || num >= db->num_buttons) { continue; } imt_t *imt = IMT_FindIMT (imt_name); if (!imt) { continue; } IMT_BindButton (imt, db->button_imt_id + num, binding); } } // force device connection events so any connected devices get hoocked up // with their bindings IN_SendConnectedDevices (); }