/* expr_algebra.c goemetric algebra expressions Copyright (C) 2023 Bill Currie This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "QF/math/bitop.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/algebra.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/diagnostic.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/expr.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/type.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/value.h" #include "tools/qfcc/source/qc-parse.h" static int __attribute__((pure)) get_group (type_t *type, algebra_t *algebra) { auto layout = &algebra->layout; if (is_scalar (type)) { return layout->group_map[layout->mask_map[0]][0]; } if (!is_algebra (type)) { internal_error (0, "non-algebra type"); } pr_uint_t group_mask = (1u << (layout->count + 1)) - 1; if (type->type != ev_invalid) { group_mask = type->t.multivec->group_mask; } if (group_mask & (group_mask - 1)) { internal_error (0, "multi-group mult-vector"); } return BITOP_LOG2 (group_mask); } static expr_t * mvec_expr (expr_t *expr, algebra_t *algebra) { auto mvtype = get_type (expr); if (expr->type == ex_multivec || is_scalar (mvtype)) { return expr; } if (!is_algebra (mvtype)) { return error (expr, "invalid operand for GA"); } auto layout = &algebra->layout; pr_uint_t group_mask = (1u << (layout->count + 1)) - 1; if (mvtype->type != ev_invalid) { group_mask = mvtype->t.multivec->group_mask; } if (!(group_mask & (group_mask - 1))) { return expr; } auto mvec = new_expr (); mvec->type = ex_multivec; mvec->e.multivec = (ex_multivec_t) { .type = algebra_mvec_type (algebra, group_mask), .algebra = algebra, }; expr_t **c = &mvec->e.multivec.components; int comp_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < layout->count; i++) { pr_uint_t mask = 1u << i; if (mask & group_mask) { auto comp_type = algebra_mvec_type (algebra, mask); *c = new_offset_alias_expr (comp_type, expr, comp_offset); c = &(*c)->next; mvec->e.multivec.count++; comp_offset += algebra->layout.groups[i].count; } } return mvec; } static void mvec_scatter (expr_t **components, expr_t *mvec, algebra_t *algebra) { auto layout = &algebra->layout; int group; if (mvec->type != ex_multivec) { auto type = get_type (mvec); if (!is_algebra (type)) { group = layout->group_map[layout->mask_map[0]][0]; } else { if (type->type == ev_invalid) { internal_error (mvec, "full algebra in mvec_scatter"); } pr_uint_t mask = type->t.multivec->group_mask; if (mask & (mask - 1)) { internal_error (mvec, "bare multivector in mvec_scatter"); } group = BITOP_LOG2 (mask); } components[group] = mvec; return; } for (auto c = mvec->e.multivec.components; c; c = c->next) { auto ct = get_type (c); if (is_scalar (ct)) { group = layout->group_map[layout->mask_map[0]][0]; components[group] = mvec; } else if (ct->meta == ty_algebra && ct->type != ev_invalid) { pr_uint_t mask = ct->t.multivec->group_mask; if (mask & (mask - 1)) { internal_error (mvec, "multivector in multivec expression"); } group = BITOP_LOG2 (mask); } else { internal_error (mvec, "invalid type in multivec expression"); } components[group] = c; } } static expr_t * mvec_gather (expr_t **components, algebra_t *algebra) { auto layout = &algebra->layout; pr_uint_t group_mask = 0; int count = 0; expr_t *mvec = 0; for (int i = 0; i < layout->count; i++) { if (components[i]) { count++; mvec = components[i]; group_mask |= 1 << i; } } if (count == 1) { return mvec; } mvec = new_expr (); mvec->type = ex_multivec; mvec->e.multivec = (ex_multivec_t) { .type = algebra_mvec_type (algebra, group_mask), .algebra = algebra, }; for (int i = layout->count; i-- > 0; ) { if (components[i]) { components[i]->next = mvec->e.multivec.components; mvec->e.multivec.components = components[i]; mvec->e.multivec.count++; } } return mvec; } static expr_t * promote_scalar (type_t *dst_type, expr_t *scalar) { auto scalar_type = get_type (scalar); if (scalar_type != dst_type) { if (!type_promotes (dst_type, scalar_type)) { warning (scalar, "demoting %s to %s (use a cast)", get_type_string (scalar_type), get_type_string (dst_type)); } scalar = cast_expr (dst_type, scalar); } return scalar; } static expr_t * scalar_product (expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { auto scalar = is_scalar (get_type (e1)) ? e1 : e2; auto vector = is_scalar (get_type (e1)) ? e2 : e1; auto algebra = algebra_get (get_type (vector)); auto layout = &algebra->layout; scalar = promote_scalar (algebra->type, scalar); expr_t *components[layout->count] = {}; vector = mvec_expr (vector, algebra); mvec_scatter (components, vector, algebra); for (int i = 0; i < layout->count; i++) { if (!components[i]) { continue; } auto comp_type = get_type (components[i]); if (type_width (comp_type) == 1) { auto prod = new_binary_expr ('*', components[i], scalar); prod->e.expr.type = comp_type; components[i] = fold_constants (prod); } else if (type_width (comp_type) > 4) { internal_error (vector, "scalar * %d-vector not implemented", type_width (comp_type)); } else { auto prod = new_binary_expr (SCALE, components[i], scalar); prod->e.expr.type = comp_type; components[i] = fold_constants (prod); } } return mvec_gather (components, algebra); } static expr_t * inner_product (expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { if (is_scalar (get_type (e1)) || is_scalar (get_type (e2))) { auto scalar = is_scalar (get_type (e1)) ? e1 : e2; notice (scalar, "the inner product of a scalar with any other grade is 0"); return new_zero_expr (get_type (scalar)); } internal_error (e1, "not implemented"); } static void component_sum (int op, expr_t **c, expr_t **a, expr_t **b, algebra_t *algebra) { auto layout = &algebra->layout; for (int i = 0; i < layout->count; i++) { if (a[i] && b[i]) { if (get_type (a[i]) != get_type (b[i])) { internal_error (a[i], "tangled multivec types"); } c[i] = new_binary_expr (op, a[i], b[i]); c[i]->e.expr.type = get_type (a[i]); c[i] = fold_constants (c[i]); } else if (a[i]) { c[i] = a[i]; } else if (b[i]) { if (op == '+') { c[i] = b[i]; } else { c[i] = scalar_product (new_float_expr (-1), b[i]); c[i] = fold_constants (c[i]); } } else { c[i] = 0; } } } static expr_t * scale_expr (expr_t *a, expr_t *b) { if (!is_scalar (get_type (b))) { auto t = a; a = b; b = t; } auto scale_type = get_type (a); int op = is_scalar (scale_type) ? '*' : SCALE; auto scale = new_binary_expr (op, a, b); scale->e.expr.type = scale_type; return fold_constants (scale); } static expr_t * dot_expr (type_t *type, expr_t *a, expr_t *b) { auto vec_type = get_type (a); auto dot = new_binary_expr (DOT, a, b); dot->e.expr.type = vector_type (vec_type, type_width (vec_type)); dot = array_expr (dot, new_short_expr (0)); dot->e.expr.type = type; return dot; } typedef void (*pga3_wedge) (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg); static void scale_component (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg) { auto scale = scale_expr (a, b); int group = get_group (get_type (scale), alg); c[group] = scale; } static void pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_x_y_z_w (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg) { auto stype = alg->type; auto vtype = vector_type (stype, 3); auto wedge_type = algebra_mvec_type (alg, 0x08); auto va = new_offset_alias_expr (vtype, a, 0); auto vb = new_offset_alias_expr (vtype, b, 0); auto sa = new_offset_alias_expr (stype, a, 3); auto sb = new_offset_alias_expr (stype, b, 3); c[1] = new_binary_expr (CROSS, va, vb); c[1]->e.expr.type = algebra_mvec_type (alg, 0x02); c[3] = new_binary_expr ('-', scale_expr (vb, sa), scale_expr (va, sb)); c[3]->e.expr.type = wedge_type; } #define pga3_yz_zx_xy_wedge_x_y_z_w pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_yz_zx_xy static void pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_yz_zx_xy (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg) { auto stype = alg->type; auto vtype = vector_type (stype, 3); auto wedge_type = algebra_mvec_type (alg, 0x20); auto va = new_offset_alias_expr (vtype, a, 0); auto sa = new_offset_alias_expr (stype, a, 3); auto cv = new_binary_expr (SCALE, b, sa); auto cs = dot_expr (stype, va, b); auto tmp = new_temp_def_expr (wedge_type); auto vtmp = new_offset_alias_expr (vtype, tmp, 0); auto stmp = new_offset_alias_expr (stype, tmp, 3); auto block = new_block_expr (); block->e.block.result = tmp; append_expr (block, assign_expr (vtmp, unary_expr ('-', cv))); append_expr (block, assign_expr (stmp, cs)); c[5] = block; } // vector-bivector wedge is commutative #define pga3_wx_wy_wz_wedge_x_y_z_w pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_wx_wy_wz static void pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_wx_wy_wz (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg) { auto stype = alg->type; auto vtype = vector_type (stype, 3); auto wedge_type = algebra_mvec_type (alg, 0x20); auto va = new_offset_alias_expr (vtype, a, 0); auto cv = new_binary_expr (CROSS, va, b); auto cs = new_zero_expr (stype); auto tmp = new_temp_def_expr (wedge_type); auto vtmp = new_offset_alias_expr (vtype, tmp, 0); auto stmp = new_offset_alias_expr (stype, tmp, 3); auto block = new_block_expr (); block->e.block.result = tmp; append_expr (block, assign_expr (vtmp, cv)); append_expr (block, assign_expr (stmp, cs)); c[5] = block; } static void pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_wzy_wxz_wyx_xyz (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg) { c[4] = dot_expr (algebra_mvec_type (alg, 0x10), a, b); } // bivector-bivector wedge is commutative #define pga3_wx_wy_wz_wedge_yz_zx_xy pga3_yz_zx_xy_wedge_wx_wy_wz static void pga3_yz_zx_xy_wedge_wx_wy_wz (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg) { c[4] = dot_expr (algebra_mvec_type (alg, 0x10), a, b); } static void pga3_wzy_wxz_wyx_xyz_wedge_x_y_z_w (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *alg) { c[4] = unary_expr ('-', dot_expr (algebra_mvec_type (alg, 0x10), a, b)); } static void (*pga3_wedge_funcs[6][6])(expr_t**,expr_t*,expr_t*,algebra_t*) = { [0] = { [0] = pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_x_y_z_w, [1] = pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_yz_zx_xy, [2] = scale_component, [3] = pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_wx_wy_wz, [5] = pga3_x_y_z_w_wedge_wzy_wxz_wyx_xyz, }, [1] = { [0] = pga3_yz_zx_xy_wedge_x_y_z_w, [2] = scale_component, [3] = pga3_yz_zx_xy_wedge_wx_wy_wz, }, [2] = { [0] = scale_component, [1] = scale_component, [2] = scale_component, [3] = scale_component, [4] = scale_component, [5] = scale_component, }, [3] = { [0] = pga3_wx_wy_wz_wedge_x_y_z_w, [1] = pga3_wx_wy_wz_wedge_yz_zx_xy, [2] = scale_component, }, [4] = { [2] = scale_component, }, [5] = { [0] = pga3_wzy_wxz_wyx_xyz_wedge_x_y_z_w, [2] = scale_component, }, }; static void component_wedge (expr_t **c, expr_t *a, expr_t *b, algebra_t *algebra) { int p = algebra->plus; int m = algebra->minus; int z = algebra->zero; if (p == 3 && m == 0 && z == 1) { int ga = get_group (get_type (a), algebra); int gb = get_group (get_type (b), algebra); if (pga3_wedge_funcs[ga][gb]) { pga3_wedge_funcs[ga][gb] (c, a, b, algebra); } } else if (p == 2 && m == 0 && z == 1) { } else { } } static expr_t * outer_product (expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { if (is_scalar (get_type (e1)) || is_scalar (get_type (e2))) { return scalar_product (e1, e2); } auto t1 = get_type (e1); auto t2 = get_type (e2); auto algebra = is_algebra (t1) ? algebra_get (t1) : algebra_get (t2); auto layout = &algebra->layout; expr_t *a[layout->count] = {}; expr_t *b[layout->count] = {}; expr_t *c[layout->count] = {}; e1 = mvec_expr (e1, algebra); e2 = mvec_expr (e2, algebra); mvec_scatter (a, e1, algebra); mvec_scatter (b, e2, algebra); for (int i = 0; i < layout->count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < layout->count; j++) { if (a[i] && b[j]) { expr_t *w[layout->count] = {}; component_wedge (w, a[i], b[j], algebra); component_sum ('+', c, c, w, algebra); } } } return mvec_gather (c, algebra); } static expr_t * regressive_product (expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { internal_error (e1, "not implemented"); } static expr_t * multivector_sum (int op, expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { auto t1 = get_type (e1); auto t2 = get_type (e2); auto algebra = is_algebra (t1) ? algebra_get (t1) : algebra_get (t2); auto layout = &algebra->layout; expr_t *a[layout->count] = {}; expr_t *b[layout->count] = {}; expr_t *c[layout->count]; e1 = mvec_expr (e1, algebra); e2 = mvec_expr (e2, algebra); mvec_scatter (a, e1, algebra); mvec_scatter (b, e2, algebra); component_sum (op, c, a, b, algebra); return mvec_gather (c, algebra); } static expr_t * geometric_product (expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { if (is_scalar (get_type (e1)) || is_scalar (get_type (e2))) { return scalar_product (e1, e2); } internal_error (e1, "not implemented"); } static expr_t * commutator_product (expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { auto ab = geometric_product (e1, e2); auto ba = geometric_product (e2, e1); return multivector_sum ('-', ab, ba); } static expr_t * multivector_divide (expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { internal_error (e1, "not implemented"); } expr_t * algebra_binary_expr (int op, expr_t *e1, expr_t *e2) { switch (op) { case DOT: return inner_product (e1, e2); case WEDGE: return outer_product (e1, e2); case REGRESSIVE: return regressive_product (e1, e2); case CROSS: return commutator_product (e1, e2); case '+': case '-': return multivector_sum (op, e1, e2); case '/': return multivector_divide (e1, e2); case '*': case GEOMETRIC: return geometric_product (e1, e2); } return error (e1, "invalid operator"); } expr_t * algebra_negate (expr_t *e) { if (e) { internal_error (e, "not implemented"); } notice (e, "not implemented"); return 0; } expr_t * algebra_dual (expr_t *e) { if (e) { internal_error (e, "not implemented"); } notice (e, "not implemented"); return 0; } expr_t * algebra_reverse (expr_t *e) { if (e) { internal_error (e, "not implemented"); } notice (e, "not implemented"); return 0; } expr_t * algebra_cast_expr (type_t *dstType, expr_t *e) { type_t *srcType = get_type (e); if (dstType->type == ev_invalid || srcType->type == ev_invalid || type_size (dstType) != type_size (srcType) || type_width (dstType) != type_width (srcType)) { return cast_error (e, srcType, dstType); } return new_alias_expr (dstType, e); } static void zero_components (expr_t *block, expr_t *dst, int memset_base, int memset_size) { auto base = new_offset_alias_expr (&type_int, dst, memset_base); auto zero = new_int_expr (0); auto size = new_int_expr (memset_size); append_expr (block, new_memset_expr (base, zero, size)); } expr_t * algebra_assign_expr (expr_t *dst, expr_t *src) { type_t *srcType = get_type (src); type_t *dstType = get_type (dst); if (src->type != ex_multivec) { if (type_size (srcType) == type_size (dstType)) { return new_assign_expr (dst, src); } } if (dstType->meta != ty_algebra && dstType != srcType) { return 0; } auto algebra = algebra_get (dstType); auto layout = &algebra->layout; expr_t *components[layout->count] = {}; src = mvec_expr (src, algebra); mvec_scatter (components, src, algebra); auto block = new_block_expr (); int memset_base = 0; int memset_size = 0; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < layout->count; i++) { if (components[i]) { if (memset_size) { zero_components (block, dst, memset_base, memset_size); memset_size = 0; } auto dst_type = algebra_mvec_type (algebra, 1 << i); auto dst_alias = new_offset_alias_expr (dst_type, dst, offset); append_expr (block, new_assign_expr (dst_alias, components[i])); offset += type_size (dst_type); memset_base = offset; } else { if (dstType->type == ev_invalid) { auto dst_type = algebra_mvec_type (algebra, 1 << i); offset += type_size (dst_type); memset_size += type_size (dst_type); } } } if (memset_size) { zero_components (block, dst, memset_base, memset_size); } return block; }