#ifndef __qwaq_view_h #define __qwaq_view_h #include #include #include "event.h" #include "qwaq-curses.h" typedef struct { int xpos; int ypos; int xlen; int ylen; } Rect; typedef struct { int x; int y; } Point; @extern Rect makeRect (int xpos, int ypos, int xlen, int ylen); //XXX will not work if point or rect point to a local variabl @extern int rectContainsPoint (Rect *rect, Point *point); @extern Rect getwrect (window_t window); @interface View: Object { Rect rect; Rect absRect; Array *views; Point point; // can't be local :( View *focusedView; window_t window; panel_t panel; } +viewFromWindow: (window_t) window; -initWithRect: (Rect) rect; -handleEvent: (qwaq_event_t *) event; -addView: (View *) view; -setBackground: (int) ch; @end #endif//__qwaq_view_h