

	Copyright (C) 1996-1997  Id Software, Inc.

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

	See the GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program; if not, write to:

		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

static const char rcsid[] = 

# include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>

#include "d_local.h"
#include "dosisms.h"
#include "vid_dos.h"
#include <dpmi.h>

#define MODE_SUPPORTED_IN_HW	0x0001
#define COLOR_MODE				0x0008
#define GRAPHICS_MODE			0x0010
#define VGA_INCOMPATIBLE		0x0020
#define LINEAR_FRAME_BUFFER		0x0080

#define LINEAR_MODE				0x4000

#define VESA_DONT_WAIT_VSYNC	0		// when page flipping
#define VESA_WAIT_VSYNC			0x80

#define MAX_VESA_MODES			30		// we'll just take the first 30 if
										// there
									// are more
typedef struct {
	int         pages[3];				// either 2 or 3 is valid
	int         vesamode;				// LINEAR_MODE set if linear mode
	void       *plinearmem;				// linear address of start of frame
	// buffer
	qboolean    vga_incompatible;
} vesa_extra_t;

static vmode_t vesa_modes[MAX_VESA_MODES] =
	{ {NULL, NULL, "    ********* VESA modes *********    "} };
static vesa_extra_t vesa_extra[MAX_VESA_MODES];
static char names[MAX_VESA_MODES][10];

static int  VID_currentpage;
static int  VID_displayedpage;
static int *VID_pagelist;
static byte *VID_membase;
static int  VID_banked;

typedef struct {
	int         modenum;
	int         mode_attributes;
	int         winasegment;
	int         winbsegment;
	int         bytes_per_scanline;		// bytes per logical scanline (+16)
	int         win;					// window number (A=0, B=1)
	int         win_size;				// window size (+6)
	int         granularity;			// how finely i can set the window in 
	// vid mem (+4)
	int         width, height;			// displayed width and height (+18,
	// +20)
	int         bits_per_pixel;			// er, better be 8, 15, 16, 24, or 32 
	// (+25)
	int         bytes_per_pixel;		// er, better be 1, 2, or 4
	int         memory_model;			// and better be 4 or 6, packed or
	// direct color (+27)
	int         num_pages;				// number of complete frame buffer
	// pages (+29)
	int         red_width;				// the # of bits in the red component 
	// (+31)
	int         red_pos;				// the bit position of the red
	// component (+32)
	int         green_width;			// etc.. (+33)
	int         green_pos;				// (+34)
	int         blue_width;				// (+35)
	int         blue_pos;				// (+36)
	int         pptr;
	int         pagesize;
	int         numpages;
} modeinfo_t;

static modeinfo_t modeinfo;

// all bytes to avoid problems with compiler field packing
typedef struct vbeinfoblock_s {
	byte        VbeSignature[4];
	byte        VbeVersion[2];
	byte        OemStringPtr[4];
	byte        Capabilities[4];
	byte        VideoModePtr[4];
	byte        TotalMemory[2];
	byte        OemSoftwareRev[2];
	byte        OemVendorNamePtr[4];
	byte        OemProductNamePtr[4];
	byte        OemProductRevPtr[4];
	byte        Reserved[222];
	byte        OemData[256];
} vbeinfoblock_t;

static int  totalvidmem;
static byte *ppal;
qboolean    vsync_exists, de_exists;

qboolean    VID_ExtraGetModeInfo (int modenum);
int         VID_ExtraInitMode (viddef_t *vid, vmode_t * pcurrentmode);
void        VID_ExtraSwapBuffers (viddef_t *vid, vmode_t * pcurrentmode,

								  vrect_t *rects);

VGA_BankedBeginDirectRect (viddef_t *lvid, struct vmode_s *pcurrentmode,
						   int x, int y, byte * pbitmap, int width, int height)

	if (!lvid->direct)

	regs.x.ax = 0x4f05;
	regs.x.bx = 0;
	regs.x.dx = VID_displayedpage;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

	VGA_BeginDirectRect (lvid, pcurrentmode, x, y, pbitmap, width, height);

	regs.x.ax = 0x4f05;
	regs.x.bx = 0;
	regs.x.dx = VID_currentpage;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

VGA_BankedEndDirectRect (viddef_t *lvid, struct vmode_s *pcurrentmode,
						 int x, int y, int width, int height)

	if (!lvid->direct)

	regs.x.ax = 0x4f05;
	regs.x.bx = 0;
	regs.x.dx = VID_displayedpage;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

	VGA_EndDirectRect (lvid, pcurrentmode, x, y, width, height);

	regs.x.ax = 0x4f05;
	regs.x.bx = 0;
	regs.x.dx = VID_currentpage;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

VID_SetVESAPalette (viddef_t *lvid, vmode_t * pcurrentmode, unsigned char *pal)
	int         i;
	byte       *pp;

	UNUSED (lvid);
	UNUSED (pcurrentmode);

	pp = ppal;

	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
		pp[2] = pal[0] >> 2;
		pp[1] = pal[1] >> 2;
		pp[0] = pal[2] >> 2;
		pp += 4;
		pal += 3;

	regs.x.ax = 0x4F09;
	regs.x.bx = 0;
	regs.x.cx = 256;
	regs.x.dx = 0;
	regs.x.es = ptr2real (ppal) >> 4;
	regs.x.di = ptr2real (ppal) & 0xf;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

	if (regs.x.ax != 0x4f)
		Sys_Error ("Unable to load VESA palette\n");

void       *
VID_ExtraFarToLinear (void *ptr)
	int         temp;

	temp = (int) ptr;
	return real2ptr (((temp & 0xFFFF0000) >> 12) + (temp & 0xFFFF));

VID_ExtraWaitDisplayEnable ()
	while ((inportb (0x3DA) & 0x01) == 1);

VID_ExtraVidLookForState (unsigned state, unsigned mask)
	int         i;
	double      starttime, time;

	starttime = Sys_DoubleTime ();

	do {
		for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
			if ((inportb (0x3DA) & mask) == state)
				return true;

		time = Sys_DoubleTime ();
	} while ((time - starttime) < 0.1);

	return false;

VID_ExtraStateFound (unsigned state)
	int         i, workingstate;

	workingstate = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		if (!VID_ExtraVidLookForState (workingstate, state)) {
			return false;

		workingstate ^= state;

	return true;

VID_InitExtra (void)
	int         nummodes;
	short      *pmodenums;
	vbeinfoblock_t *pinfoblock;
	__dpmi_meminfo phys_mem_info;

	pinfoblock = dos_getmemory (sizeof (vbeinfoblock_t));

	*(long *) pinfoblock->VbeSignature =
		'V' + ('B' << 8) + ('E' << 16) + ('2' << 24);

// see if VESA support is available
	regs.x.ax = 0x4f00;
	regs.x.es = ptr2real (pinfoblock) >> 4;
	regs.x.di = ptr2real (pinfoblock) & 0xf;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

	if (regs.x.ax != 0x4f)
		return;							// no VESA support

	if (pinfoblock->VbeVersion[1] < 0x02)
		return;							// not VESA 2.0 or greater

	Con_Printf ("VESA 2.0 compliant adapter:\n%s\n",
				VID_ExtraFarToLinear (*(byte **) &

	totalvidmem = *(unsigned short *) &pinfoblock->TotalMemory[0] << 16;

	pmodenums = (short *)
		VID_ExtraFarToLinear (*(byte **) & pinfoblock->VideoModePtr[0]);

// find 8 bit modes until we either run out of space or run out of modes
	nummodes = 0;

	while ((*pmodenums != -1) && (nummodes < MAX_VESA_MODES)) {
		if (VID_ExtraGetModeInfo (*pmodenums)) {
			vesa_modes[nummodes].pnext = &vesa_modes[nummodes + 1];
			if (modeinfo.width > 999) {
				if (modeinfo.height > 999) {
					snprintf (&names[nummodes][0], sizeof (&names[nummodes][0]),
							  "%4dx%4d", modeinfo.width, modeinfo.height);
					names[nummodes][9] = 0;
				} else {
					snprintf (&names[nummodes][0], sizeof (&names[nummodes][0]),
							  "%4dx%3d", modeinfo.width, modeinfo.height);
					names[nummodes][8] = 0;
			} else {
				if (modeinfo.height > 999) {
					snprintf (&names[nummodes][0], sizeof (&names[nummodes][0]),
							  "%3dx%4d", modeinfo.width, modeinfo.height);
					names[nummodes][8] = 0;
				} else {
					snprintf (&names[nummodes][0], sizeof (&names[nummodes][0]),
							  "%3dx%3d", modeinfo.width, modeinfo.height);
					names[nummodes][7] = 0;

			vesa_modes[nummodes].name = &names[nummodes][0];
			vesa_modes[nummodes].width = modeinfo.width;
			vesa_modes[nummodes].height = modeinfo.height;
			vesa_modes[nummodes].aspect =
				((float) modeinfo.height / (float) modeinfo.width) *
				(320.0 / 240.0);
			vesa_modes[nummodes].rowbytes = modeinfo.bytes_per_scanline;
			vesa_modes[nummodes].planar = 0;
			vesa_modes[nummodes].pextradata = &vesa_extra[nummodes];
			vesa_modes[nummodes].setmode = VID_ExtraInitMode;
			vesa_modes[nummodes].swapbuffers = VID_ExtraSwapBuffers;
			vesa_modes[nummodes].setpalette = VID_SetVESAPalette;

			if (modeinfo.mode_attributes & LINEAR_FRAME_BUFFER) {
				// add linear bit to mode for linear modes
				vesa_extra[nummodes].vesamode = modeinfo.modenum | LINEAR_MODE;
				vesa_extra[nummodes].pages[0] = 0;
				vesa_extra[nummodes].pages[1] = modeinfo.pagesize;
				vesa_extra[nummodes].pages[2] = modeinfo.pagesize * 2;
				vesa_modes[nummodes].numpages = modeinfo.numpages;

				vesa_modes[nummodes].begindirectrect = VGA_BeginDirectRect;
				vesa_modes[nummodes].enddirectrect = VGA_EndDirectRect;

				phys_mem_info.address = (int) modeinfo.pptr;
				phys_mem_info.size = 0x400000;

				if (__dpmi_physical_address_mapping (&phys_mem_info))
					goto NextMode;

				vesa_extra[nummodes].plinearmem =
					real2ptr (phys_mem_info.address);
			} else {
				// banked at 0xA0000
				vesa_extra[nummodes].vesamode = modeinfo.modenum;
				vesa_extra[nummodes].pages[0] = 0;
				vesa_extra[nummodes].plinearmem =
					real2ptr (modeinfo.winasegment << 4);

				vesa_modes[nummodes].begindirectrect =
				vesa_modes[nummodes].enddirectrect = VGA_BankedEndDirectRect;
				vesa_extra[nummodes].pages[1] = modeinfo.pagesize;
				vesa_extra[nummodes].pages[2] = modeinfo.pagesize * 2;
				vesa_modes[nummodes].numpages = modeinfo.numpages;

			vesa_extra[nummodes].vga_incompatible =
				modeinfo.mode_attributes & VGA_INCOMPATIBLE;


// add the VESA modes at the start of the mode list (if there are any)
	if (nummodes) {
		vesa_modes[nummodes - 1].pnext = pvidmodes;
		pvidmodes = &vesa_modes[0];
		numvidmodes += nummodes;
		ppal = dos_getmemory (256 * 4);

	dos_freememory (pinfoblock);

VID_ExtraGetModeInfo (int modenum)
	char       *infobuf;
	int         numimagepages;

	infobuf = dos_getmemory (256);

	regs.x.ax = 0x4f01;
	regs.x.cx = modenum;
	regs.x.es = ptr2real (infobuf) >> 4;
	regs.x.di = ptr2real (infobuf) & 0xf;
	dos_int86 (0x10);
	if (regs.x.ax != 0x4f) {
		return false;
	} else {
		modeinfo.modenum = modenum;
		modeinfo.bits_per_pixel = *(char *) (infobuf + 25);
		modeinfo.bytes_per_pixel = (modeinfo.bits_per_pixel + 1) / 8;
		modeinfo.width = *(short *) (infobuf + 18);
		modeinfo.height = *(short *) (infobuf + 20);

		// we do only 8-bpp in software
		if ((modeinfo.bits_per_pixel != 8) ||
			(modeinfo.bytes_per_pixel != 1) ||
			(modeinfo.width > MAXWIDTH) || (modeinfo.height > MAXHEIGHT)) {
			return false;

		modeinfo.mode_attributes = *(short *) infobuf;

		// we only want color graphics modes that are supported by the
		// hardware
		if ((modeinfo.mode_attributes &
			return false;
		// we only work with linear frame buffers, except for 320x200, which
		// can
		// effectively be linear when banked at 0xA000
		if (!(modeinfo.mode_attributes & LINEAR_FRAME_BUFFER)) {
			if ((modeinfo.width != 320) || (modeinfo.height != 200))
				return false;

		modeinfo.bytes_per_scanline = *(short *) (infobuf + 16);

		modeinfo.pagesize = modeinfo.bytes_per_scanline * modeinfo.height;

		if (modeinfo.pagesize > totalvidmem)
			return false;

		// force to one page if the adapter reports it doesn't support more
		// pages
		// than that, no matter how much memory it has--it may not have
		// hardware
		// support for page flipping
		numimagepages = *(unsigned char *) (infobuf + 29);

		if (numimagepages <= 0) {
			// wrong, but there seems to be an ATI VESA driver that reports 0
			modeinfo.numpages = 1;
		} else if (numimagepages < 3) {
			modeinfo.numpages = numimagepages;
		} else {
			modeinfo.numpages = 3;

		if (*(char *) (infobuf + 2) & 5) {
			modeinfo.winasegment = *(unsigned short *) (infobuf + 8);
			modeinfo.win = 0;
		} else if (*(char *) (infobuf + 3) & 5) {
			modeinfo.winbsegment = *(unsigned short *) (infobuf + 8);
			modeinfo.win = 1;
		modeinfo.granularity = *(short *) (infobuf + 4) * 1024;
		modeinfo.win_size = *(short *) (infobuf + 6) * 1024;
		modeinfo.bits_per_pixel = *(char *) (infobuf + 25);
		modeinfo.bytes_per_pixel = (modeinfo.bits_per_pixel + 1) / 8;
		modeinfo.memory_model = *(unsigned char *) (infobuf + 27);
		modeinfo.num_pages = *(char *) (infobuf + 29) + 1;

		modeinfo.red_width = *(char *) (infobuf + 31);
		modeinfo.red_pos = *(char *) (infobuf + 32);
		modeinfo.green_width = *(char *) (infobuf + 33);
		modeinfo.green_pos = *(char *) (infobuf + 34);
		modeinfo.blue_width = *(char *) (infobuf + 35);
		modeinfo.blue_pos = *(char *) (infobuf + 36);

		modeinfo.pptr = *(long *) (infobuf + 40);

#if 0
		Sys_Printf ("VID: (VESA) info for mode 0x%x\n", modeinfo.modenum);
		Sys_Printf ("  mode attrib = 0x%0x\n", modeinfo.mode_attributes);
		Sys_Printf ("  win a attrib = 0x%0x\n", *(unsigned char *) (infobuf + 2));
		Sys_Printf ("  win b attrib = 0x%0x\n", *(unsigned char *) (infobuf + 3));
		Sys_Printf ("  win a seg 0x%0x\n", (int) modeinfo.winasegment);
		Sys_Printf ("  win b seg 0x%0x\n", (int) modeinfo.winbsegment);
		Sys_Printf ("  bytes per scanline = %d\n", modeinfo.bytes_per_scanline);
		Sys_Printf ("  width = %d, height = %d\n", modeinfo.width, modeinfo.height);
		Sys_Printf ("  win = %c\n", 'A' + modeinfo.win);
		Sys_Printf ("  win granularity = %d\n", modeinfo.granularity);
		Sys_Printf ("  win size = %d\n", modeinfo.win_size);
		Sys_Printf ("  bits per pixel = %d\n", modeinfo.bits_per_pixel);
		Sys_Printf ("  bytes per pixel = %d\n", modeinfo.bytes_per_pixel);
		Sys_Printf ("  memory model = 0x%x\n", modeinfo.memory_model);
		Sys_Printf ("  num pages = %d\n", modeinfo.num_pages);
		Sys_Printf ("  red width = %d\n", modeinfo.red_width);
		Sys_Printf ("  red pos = %d\n", modeinfo.red_pos);
		Sys_Printf ("  green width = %d\n", modeinfo.green_width);
		Sys_Printf ("  green pos = %d\n", modeinfo.green_pos);
		Sys_Printf ("  blue width = %d\n", modeinfo.blue_width);
		Sys_Printf ("  blue pos = %d\n", modeinfo.blue_pos);
		Sys_Printf ("  phys mem = %x\n", modeinfo.pptr);

	dos_freememory (infobuf);

	return true;

VID_ExtraInitMode (viddef_t *lvid, vmode_t * pcurrentmode)
	vesa_extra_t *pextra;
	int         pageoffset;

	pextra = pcurrentmode->pextradata;

	if (vid_nopageflip->int_val)
		lvid->numpages = 1;
		lvid->numpages = pcurrentmode->numpages;

// clean up any old vid buffer lying around, alloc new if needed
	if (!VGA_FreeAndAllocVidbuffer (lvid, lvid->numpages == 1))
		return -1;						// memory alloc failed

// clear the screen and wait for the next frame. VGA_pcurmode, which
// VGA_ClearVideoMem relies on, is guaranteed to be set because mode 0 is
// always the first mode set in a session
	if (VGA_pcurmode)
		VGA_ClearVideoMem (VGA_pcurmode->planar);

// set the mode
	regs.x.ax = 0x4f02;
	regs.x.bx = pextra->vesamode;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

	if (regs.x.ax != 0x4f)
		return 0;

	VID_banked = !(pextra->vesamode & LINEAR_MODE);
	VID_membase = pextra->plinearmem;
	VGA_width = lvid->width;
	VGA_height = lvid->height;
	VGA_rowbytes = lvid->rowbytes;

	lvid->colormap = vid_colormap;

	VID_pagelist = &pextra->pages[0];

// wait for display enable by default only when triple-buffering on a VGA-
// compatible machine that actually has a functioning display enable status
	vsync_exists = VID_ExtraStateFound (0x08);
	de_exists = VID_ExtraStateFound (0x01);

	if (!pextra->vga_incompatible &&
		(lvid->numpages == 3) && de_exists && !_vid_wait_override->int_val) {
		Cvar_SetValue (vid_wait, (float) VID_WAIT_DISPLAY_ENABLE);

		VID_displayedpage = 0;
		VID_currentpage = 1;
	} else {
		if ((lvid->numpages == 1) && !_vid_wait_override->int_val) {
			Cvar_SetValue (vid_wait, (float) VID_WAIT_NONE);
			VID_displayedpage = VID_currentpage = 0;
		} else {
			Cvar_SetValue (vid_wait, (float) VID_WAIT_VSYNC);

			VID_displayedpage = 0;

			if (lvid->numpages > 1)
				VID_currentpage = 1;
				VID_currentpage = 0;

// TODO: really should be a call to a function
	pageoffset = VID_pagelist[VID_displayedpage];

	regs.x.ax = 0x4f07;
	regs.x.bx = 0x80;					// wait for vsync so we know page 0
	// is visible
	regs.x.cx = pageoffset % VGA_rowbytes;
	regs.x.dx = pageoffset / VGA_rowbytes;
	dos_int86 (0x10);

	if (VID_banked) {
		regs.x.ax = 0x4f05;
		regs.x.bx = 0;
		regs.x.dx = VID_currentpage;
		dos_int86 (0x10);

		VGA_pagebase = VID_membase;
	} else {
		VGA_pagebase = VID_membase + VID_pagelist[VID_currentpage];

	if (lvid->numpages > 1) {
		lvid->buffer = VGA_pagebase;
		lvid->conbuffer = lvid->buffer;
	} else {
		lvid->rowbytes = lvid->width;

	lvid->direct = VGA_pagebase;
	lvid->conrowbytes = lvid->rowbytes;
	lvid->conwidth = lvid->width;
	lvid->conheight = lvid->height;

	lvid->maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH;
	lvid->maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT;

	VGA_pcurmode = pcurrentmode;

	D_InitCaches (vid_surfcache, vid_surfcachesize);

	return 1;

VID_ExtraSwapBuffers (viddef_t *lvid, vmode_t * pcurrentmode, vrect_t *rects)
	int         pageoffset;

	UNUSED (rects);
	UNUSED (pcurrentmode);

	pageoffset = VID_pagelist[VID_currentpage];

// display the newly finished page
	if (lvid->numpages > 1) {
		// page flipped
		regs.x.ax = 0x4f07;

		if (vid_wait->int_val != VID_WAIT_VSYNC) {
			if ((vid_wait->int_val == VID_WAIT_DISPLAY_ENABLE) && de_exists)
				VID_ExtraWaitDisplayEnable ();

			regs.x.bx = VESA_DONT_WAIT_VSYNC;
		} else {
			regs.x.bx = VESA_WAIT_VSYNC;	// double buffered has to wait

		regs.x.cx = pageoffset % VGA_rowbytes;
		regs.x.dx = pageoffset / VGA_rowbytes;
		dos_int86 (0x10);

		VID_displayedpage = VID_currentpage;
		if (++VID_currentpage >= lvid->numpages)
			VID_currentpage = 0;

		// set the new write window if this is a banked mode; otherwise, set
		// the
		// new address to which to write
		if (VID_banked) {
			regs.x.ax = 0x4f05;
			regs.x.bx = 0;
			regs.x.dx = VID_currentpage;
			dos_int86 (0x10);
		} else {
			lvid->direct = lvid->buffer;	// direct drawing goes to the
			// currently displayed page
			lvid->buffer = VID_membase + VID_pagelist[VID_currentpage];
			lvid->conbuffer = lvid->buffer;

		VGA_pagebase = lvid->buffer;
	} else {
		// non-page-flipped
		if (vsync_exists && (vid_wait->int_val == VID_WAIT_VSYNC)) {
			VGA_WaitVsync ();

		while (rects) {
			VGA_UpdateLinearScreen (lvid->buffer + rects->x +
									(rects->y * lvid->rowbytes),
									VGA_pagebase + rects->x +
									(rects->y * VGA_rowbytes), rects->width,
									rects->height, lvid->rowbytes,

			rects = rects->pnext;

VID_HandlePause (qboolean pause)