/* #FILENAME# #DESCRIPTION# Copyright (C) 2001 #AUTHOR# Author: #AUTHOR# Date: #DATE# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include "string.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include "strings.h" #endif #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/pr_comp.h" #include "QF/progs.h" #include "QF/sys.h" hashtab_t *opcode_table; VISIBLE int pr_type_size[ev_type_count] = { 1, // ev_void 1, // ev_string 1, // ev_float 3, // ev_vector 1, // ev_entity 1, // ev_field 1, // ev_func 1, // ev_pointer 4, // ev_quat 1, // ev_integer 0, // ev_short value in opcode }; VISIBLE const char *pr_type_name[ev_type_count] = { "void", "string", "float", "vector", "entity", "field", "function", "pointer", "quaternion", "integer", "short", "invalid", }; // default format is "%Ga, %Gb, %gc" // V global_string, contents, void // G global_string, contents // g global_string, no contents // s as short // O address + short // P function parameter // F function (must come before any P) // R return value // E entity + field (%Eab) // // a operand a // b operand b // c operand c // x place holder for P (padding) // 0-7 parameter index (for P) VISIBLE opcode_t pr_opcodes[] = { {"", "done", OP_DONE, false, // OP_DONE is actually the same as ev_entity, ev_field, ev_void, // OP_RETURN, the types are bogus PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Va", }, {"*", "mul.f", OP_MUL_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"*", "mul.v", OP_MUL_V, false, ev_vector, ev_vector, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"*", "mul.fv", OP_MUL_FV, false, ev_float, ev_vector, ev_vector, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"*", "mul.vf", OP_MUL_VF, false, ev_vector, ev_float, ev_vector, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"*", "mul.q", OP_MUL_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_quat, ev_quat, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"*", "mul.fq", OP_MUL_FQ, false, ev_float, ev_quat, ev_quat, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"*", "mul.qf", OP_MUL_QF, false, ev_quat, ev_float, ev_quat, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"~", "conj.q", OP_CONJ_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_invalid, ev_quat, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"/", "div.f", OP_DIV_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"+", "add.f", OP_ADD_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"+", "add.v", OP_ADD_V, false, ev_vector, ev_vector, ev_vector, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"+", "add.q", OP_ADD_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_quat, ev_quat, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"+", "add.s", OP_ADD_S, false, ev_string, ev_string, ev_string, PROG_VERSION, }, {"-", "sub.f", OP_SUB_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"-", "sub.v", OP_SUB_V, false, ev_vector, ev_vector, ev_vector, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"-", "sub.q", OP_SUB_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_quat, ev_quat, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"==", "eq.f", OP_EQ_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"==", "eq.v", OP_EQ_V, false, ev_vector, ev_vector, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"==", "eq.q", OP_EQ_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_quat, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"==", "eq.s", OP_EQ_S, false, ev_string, ev_string, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"==", "eq.e", OP_EQ_E, false, ev_entity, ev_entity, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"==", "eq.fn", OP_EQ_FN, false, ev_func, ev_func, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.f", OP_NE_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.v", OP_NE_V, false, ev_vector, ev_vector, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.q", OP_NE_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_quat, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.s", OP_NE_S, false, ev_string, ev_string, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.e", OP_NE_E, false, ev_entity, ev_entity, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.fn", OP_NE_FN, false, ev_func, ev_func, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"<=", "le.f", OP_LE_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {">=", "ge.f", OP_GE_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"<=", "le.s", OP_LE_S, false, ev_string, ev_string, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {">=", "ge.s", OP_GE_S, false, ev_string, ev_string, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"<", "lt.f", OP_LT_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {">", "gt.f", OP_GT_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"<", "lt.s", OP_LT_S, false, ev_string, ev_string, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {">", "gt.s", OP_GT_S, false, ev_string, ev_string, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {".", "load.f", OP_LOAD_F, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc",//FIXME %E more flexible? }, {".", "load.v", OP_LOAD_V, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_vector, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "load.q", OP_LOAD_Q, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_quat, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "load.s", OP_LOAD_S, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_string, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "load.ent", OP_LOAD_ENT, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_entity, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "load.fld", OP_LOAD_FLD, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_field, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "load.fn", OP_LOAD_FN, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_func, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "load.i", OP_LOAD_I, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "load.p", OP_LOAD_P, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb(%Ec), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.f", OP_LOADB_F, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.v", OP_LOADB_V, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_vector, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.q", OP_LOADB_Q, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_quat, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.s", OP_LOADB_S, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_string, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.ent", OP_LOADB_ENT, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_entity, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.fld", OP_LOADB_FLD, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_field, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.fn", OP_LOADB_FN, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_func, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.i", OP_LOADB_I, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadb.p", OP_LOADB_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %Gb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.f", OP_LOADBI_F, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.v", OP_LOADBI_V, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_vector, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.q", OP_LOADBI_Q, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_quat, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.s", OP_LOADBI_S, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_string, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.ent", OP_LOADBI_ENT, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_entity, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.fld", OP_LOADBI_FLD, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_field, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.fn", OP_LOADBI_FN, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_func, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.i", OP_LOADBI_I, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {".", "loadbi.p", OP_LOADBI_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "*(%Ga + %sb), %gc", }, {"&", "address", OP_ADDRESS, false, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_pointer, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga.%Gb, %gc", }, {"&", "address", OP_ADDRESS_VOID, false, ev_void, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.f", OP_ADDRESS_F, false, ev_float, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.v", OP_ADDRESS_V, false, ev_vector, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.q", OP_ADDRESS_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.s", OP_ADDRESS_S, false, ev_string, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.ent", OP_ADDRESS_ENT, false, ev_entity, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.fld", OP_ADDRESS_FLD, false, ev_field, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.fn", OP_ADDRESS_FN, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.i", OP_ADDRESS_I, false, ev_integer, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "address.p", OP_ADDRESS_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"&", "lea", OP_LEA, false, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %Gb, %gc", }, {"&", "leai", OP_LEAI, false, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %sb, %gc", }, {"=", "conv.if", OP_CONV_IF, false, ev_integer, ev_invalid, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"=", "conv.fi", OP_CONV_FI, false, ev_float, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"=", "store.f", OP_STORE_F, true, ev_float, ev_float, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.v", OP_STORE_V, true, ev_vector, ev_vector, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.q", OP_STORE_Q, true, ev_quat, ev_quat, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.s", OP_STORE_S, true, ev_string, ev_string, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.ent", OP_STORE_ENT, true, ev_entity, ev_entity, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.fld", OP_STORE_FLD, true, ev_field, ev_field, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.fn", OP_STORE_FN, true, ev_func, ev_func, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.i", OP_STORE_I, true, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {"=", "store.p", OP_STORE_P, true, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gb", }, {".=", "storep.f", OP_STOREP_F, true, ev_float, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.v", OP_STOREP_V, true, ev_vector, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.q", OP_STOREP_Q, true, ev_quat, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.s", OP_STOREP_S, true, ev_string, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.ent", OP_STOREP_ENT, true, ev_entity, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.fld", OP_STOREP_FLD, true, ev_field, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.fn", OP_STOREP_FN, true, ev_func, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.i", OP_STOREP_I, true, ev_integer, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storep.p", OP_STOREP_P, true, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *%Gb", }, {".=", "storeb.f", OP_STOREB_F, true, ev_float, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.v", OP_STOREB_V, true, ev_vector, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.q", OP_STOREB_Q, true, ev_quat, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.s", OP_STOREB_S, true, ev_string, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.ent", OP_STOREB_ENT, true, ev_entity, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.fld", OP_STOREB_FLD, true, ev_field, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.fn", OP_STOREB_FN, true, ev_func, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.i", OP_STOREB_I, true, ev_integer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storeb.p", OP_STOREB_P, true, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %Gc)", }, {".=", "storebi.f", OP_STOREBI_F, true, ev_float, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.v", OP_STOREBI_V, true, ev_vector, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.q", OP_STOREBI_Q, true, ev_quat, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.s", OP_STOREBI_S, true, ev_string, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.ent", OP_STOREBI_ENT, true, ev_entity, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.fld", OP_STOREBI_FLD, true, ev_field, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.fn", OP_STOREBI_FN, true, ev_func, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.i", OP_STOREBI_I, true, ev_integer, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {".=", "storebi.p", OP_STOREBI_P, true, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_short, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, *(%Gb + %sc)", }, {"", "return", OP_RETURN, false, ev_void, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ra", }, {"", "return", OP_RETURN_V, false, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "", }, {"!", "not.f", OP_NOT_F, false, ev_float, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"!", "not.v", OP_NOT_V, false, ev_vector, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"!", "not.q", OP_NOT_Q, false, ev_quat, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"!", "not.s", OP_NOT_S, false, ev_string, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"!", "not.ent", OP_NOT_ENT, false, ev_entity, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"!", "not.fn", OP_NOT_FN, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"!", "not.p", OP_NOT_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"", "if", OP_IF, false, ev_integer, ev_short, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga branch %sb (%Ob)", }, {"", "ifnot", OP_IFNOT, false, ev_integer, ev_short, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga branch %sb (%Ob)", }, {"", "ifbe", OP_IFBE, true, ev_integer, ev_short, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga branch %sb (%Ob)", }, {"", "ifb", OP_IFB, true, ev_integer, ev_short, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga branch %sb (%Ob)", }, {"", "ifae", OP_IFAE, true, ev_integer, ev_short, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga branch %sb (%Ob)", }, {"", "ifa", OP_IFA, true, ev_integer, ev_short, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga branch %sb (%Ob)", }, // calls returns REG_RETURN {"", "call0", OP_CALL0, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa ()", }, {"", "call1", OP_CALL1, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x)", }, {"", "call2", OP_CALL2, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x, %P1x)", }, {"", "call3", OP_CALL3, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x, %P1x, %P2x)", }, {"", "call4", OP_CALL4, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x, %P1x, %P2x, %P3x)", }, {"", "call5", OP_CALL5, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x, %P1x, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x)", }, {"", "call6", OP_CALL6, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x, %P1x, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x, %P5x)", }, {"", "call7", OP_CALL7, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x, %P1x, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x, %P5x, %P6x)", }, {"", "call8", OP_CALL8, false, ev_func, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0x, %P1x, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x, %P5x, %P6x, %P7x)", }, {"", "rcall1", OP_RCALL1, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b)", }, {"", "rcall2", OP_RCALL2, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b, %P1c)", }, {"", "rcall3", OP_RCALL3, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b, %P1c, %P2x)", }, {"", "rcall4", OP_RCALL4, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b, %P1c, %P2x, %P3x)", }, {"", "rcall5", OP_RCALL5, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b, %P1c, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x)", }, {"", "rcall6", OP_RCALL6, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b, %P1c, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x, %P5x)", }, {"", "rcall7", OP_RCALL7, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b, %P1c, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x, %P5x, %P6x)", }, {"", "rcall8", OP_RCALL8, false, ev_func, ev_void, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Fa (%P0b, %P1c, %P2x, %P3x, %P4x, %P5x, %P6x, %P7x)", }, {"", "state", OP_STATE, false, ev_float, ev_func, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "%Ga, %Gb", }, {"", "state.f", OP_STATE_F, false, ev_float, ev_func, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %Gb, %Gc", }, {"", "goto", OP_GOTO, false, ev_short, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_ID_VERSION, "branch %sa (%Oa)", }, {"", "jump", OP_JUMP, false, ev_integer, ev_invalid, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga", }, {"", "jumpb", OP_JUMPB, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_invalid, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga[%Gb]", }, {"&&", "and.f", OP_AND, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"||", "or.f", OP_OR, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_integer, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"<<", "shl.f", OP_SHL_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, }, {">>", "shr.f", OP_SHR_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, }, {"<<", "shl.i", OP_SHL_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {">>", "shr.i", OP_SHR_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"<<", "shl.u", OP_SHL_U, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {">>", "shr.u", OP_SHR_U, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"&", "bitand", OP_BITAND, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"|", "bitor", OP_BITOR, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_ID_VERSION, }, {"+", "add.i", OP_ADD_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"-", "sub.i", OP_SUB_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"*", "mul.i", OP_MUL_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"/", "div.i", OP_DIV_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"%", "mod.i", OP_MOD_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"&", "bitand.i", OP_BITAND_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"|", "bitor.i", OP_BITOR_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"%", "mod.f", OP_MOD_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, }, {">=", "ge.i", OP_GE_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"<=", "le.i", OP_LE_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {">", "gt.i", OP_GT_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"<", "lt.i", OP_LT_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"&&", "and.i", OP_AND_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"||", "or.i", OP_OR_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"!", "not.i", OP_NOT_I, false, ev_integer, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"==", "eq.i", OP_EQ_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.i", OP_NE_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, // {">=", "ge.u", OP_GE_U, false, // ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, // PROG_VERSION, // }, // {"<=", "le.u", OP_LE_U, false, // ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, // PROG_VERSION, // }, // {">", "gt.u", OP_GT_U, false, // ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, // PROG_VERSION, // }, // {"<", "lt.u", OP_LT_U, false, // ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, // PROG_VERSION, // }, {"^", "bitxor.f", OP_BITXOR_F, false, ev_float, ev_float, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, }, {"~", "bitnot.f", OP_BITNOT_F, false, ev_float, ev_invalid, ev_float, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {"^", "bitxor.i", OP_BITXOR_I, false, ev_integer, ev_integer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"~", "bitnot.i", OP_BITNOT_I, false, ev_integer, ev_invalid, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %gc", }, {">=", "ge.p", OP_GE_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"<=", "le.p", OP_LE_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {">", "gt.p", OP_GT_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"<", "lt.p", OP_LT_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"==", "eq.p", OP_EQ_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"!=", "ne.p", OP_NE_P, false, ev_pointer, ev_pointer, ev_integer, PROG_VERSION, }, {"", "movei", OP_MOVEI, true, ev_void, ev_short, ev_void, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %sb, %gc", }, {"", "movep", OP_MOVEP, true, ev_pointer, ev_integer, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %Gb, %Gc", }, {"", "movepi", OP_MOVEPI, true, ev_pointer, ev_short, ev_pointer, PROG_VERSION, "%Ga, %Gb, %Gc", }, // end of table {0}, }; static uintptr_t opcode_get_hash (void *op, void *unused) { return ((opcode_t *)op)->opcode; } static int opcode_compare (void *_opa, void *_opb, void *unused) { opcode_t *opa = (opcode_t *)_opa; opcode_t *opb = (opcode_t *)_opb; return opa->opcode == opb->opcode; } opcode_t * PR_Opcode (pr_short_t opcode) { opcode_t op; op.opcode = opcode; return Hash_FindElement (opcode_table, &op); } VISIBLE void PR_Opcode_Init (void) { opcode_t *op; opcode_table = Hash_NewTable (1021, 0, 0, 0); Hash_SetHashCompare (opcode_table, opcode_get_hash, opcode_compare); for (op = pr_opcodes; op->name; op++) { Hash_AddElement (opcode_table, op); } } static inline void check_branch (progs_t *pr, dstatement_t *st, opcode_t *op, short offset) { pr_int_t address = st - pr->pr_statements; address += offset; if (address < 0 || (pr_uint_t) address >= pr->progs->numstatements) PR_Error (pr, "PR_Check_Opcodes: invalid branch (statement %ld: %s)", (long)(st - pr->pr_statements), op->opname); } #define ISDENORM(x) ((x) && !((x) & 0x7f800000)) static inline void check_global (progs_t *pr, dstatement_t *st, opcode_t *op, etype_t type, unsigned short operand, int check_denorm) { const char *msg; ddef_t *def; switch (type) { case ev_short: break; case ev_invalid: if (operand) { msg = "non-zero global index in invalid operand"; goto error; } break; default: if (operand + (unsigned) pr_type_size[type] > pr->progs->numglobals) { msg = "out of bounds global index"; goto error; } if (type != ev_float || !check_denorm) break; if (!ISDENORM (G_INT (pr, operand)) || G_UINT(pr, operand) == 0x80000000) break; if ((def = PR_GlobalAtOfs (pr, operand)) && (def->type & ~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) != ev_float) { // FTEqcc uses store.f parameters of most types :/ break; } if (!pr->denorm_found) { pr->denorm_found = 1; if (pr_boundscheck->int_val) { Sys_Printf ("DENORMAL floats detected, these progs might " "not work. Good luck.\n"); return; } msg = "DENORMAL float detected. These progs are probably " "using qccx arrays and integers. If just simple arrays " "are being used, then they should work, but if " "internal.qc is used, they most definitely will NOT. To" "allow these progs to be used, set pr_boundscheck to 1."; goto error; } break; } return; error: PR_PrintStatement (pr, st, 0); PR_Error (pr, "PR_Check_Opcodes: %s (statement %ld: %s)", msg, (long)(st - pr->pr_statements), op->opname); } static inline void check_global_size (progs_t *pr, dstatement_t *st, opcode_t *op, unsigned short size, unsigned short operand) { const char *msg; if (operand + size > pr->progs->numglobals) { msg = "out of bounds global index"; goto error; } return; error: PR_PrintStatement (pr, st, 0); PR_Error (pr, "PR_Check_Opcodes: %s (statement %ld: %s)", msg, (long)(st - pr->pr_statements), op->opname); } int PR_Check_Opcodes (progs_t *pr) { opcode_t *op; dstatement_t *st; int state_ok = 0; pr_uint_t i; if (pr->globals.time && pr->globals.self && pr->fields.nextthink != -1 && pr->fields.think != -1 && pr->fields.frame != -1) state_ok = 1; //FIXME need to decide if I really want to always do static bounds checking // the only problem is that it slows progs load a little, but it's the only // way to check for qccx' evil if (0 && !pr_boundscheck->int_val) { for (i = 0, st = pr->pr_statements; i < pr->progs->numstatements; st++, i++) { op = PR_Opcode (st->op); if (!op) { PR_Error (pr, "PR_Check_Opcodes: unknown opcode %d at " "statement %ld", st->op, (long)(st - pr->pr_statements)); } if ((st->op == OP_STATE || st->op == OP_STATE_F) && !state_ok) { PR_Error (pr, "PR_Check_Opcodes: %s used with missing fields " "or globals", op->opname); } } } else { for (i = 0, st = pr->pr_statements; i < pr->progs->numstatements; st++, i++) { op = PR_Opcode (st->op); if (!op) { PR_Error (pr, "PR_Check_Opcodes: unknown opcode %d at " "statement %ld", st->op, (long)(st - pr->pr_statements)); } switch (st->op) { case OP_IF: case OP_IFNOT: check_global (pr, st, op, op->type_a, st->a, 1); check_branch (pr, st, op, st->b); break; case OP_GOTO: check_branch (pr, st, op, st->a); break; case OP_DONE: case OP_RETURN: check_global (pr, st, op, ev_integer, st->a, 1); check_global (pr, st, op, ev_void, st->b, 0); check_global (pr, st, op, ev_void, st->c, 0); break; case OP_RCALL1: check_global (pr, st, op, ev_void, st->c, 1); case OP_RCALL2: case OP_RCALL3: case OP_RCALL4: case OP_RCALL5: case OP_RCALL6: case OP_RCALL7: case OP_RCALL8: if (st->op > OP_RCALL1) check_global (pr, st, op, ev_integer, st->c, 1); check_global (pr, st, op, ev_integer, st->b, 1); check_global (pr, st, op, ev_func, st->a, 1); break; case OP_STATE: case OP_STATE_F: if (!state_ok) { PR_Error (pr, "PR_Check_Opcodes: %s used with missing " "fields or globals", op->opname); } check_global (pr, st, op, op->type_a, st->a, 1); check_global (pr, st, op, op->type_b, st->b, 1); check_global (pr, st, op, op->type_c, st->c, 1); break; case OP_MOVEI: check_global_size (pr, st, op, st->b, st->a); check_global_size (pr, st, op, st->b, st->c); break; default: check_global (pr, st, op, op->type_a, st->a, 1); check_global (pr, st, op, op->type_b, st->b, op->opcode != OP_STORE_F); check_global (pr, st, op, op->type_c, st->c, 0); break; } } } return 1; }