/* cl_effect.c Client side effect management Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2021 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2021/3/11 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include "QF/ecs.h" #include "QF/render.h" #include "QF/plugin/vid_render.h" //FIXME #include "QF/scene/entity.h" #include "QF/scene/light.h" #include "QF/scene/scene.h" #include "client/entities.h" #include "client/effects.h" #include "client/particles.h" #include "client/world.h" ecs_system_t effect_system; const component_t effect_components[effect_comp_count] = { [effect_light] = { .size = sizeof (uint32_t), .name = "effect light", }, [effect_muzzleflash] = { .size = sizeof (uint32_t), .name = "muzzle flash", }, }; #define c_light (effect_system.base + effect_light) static bool has_light (entity_t ent) { return Ent_HasComponent (ent.id, c_light, ent.reg); } static uint32_t get_light (entity_t ent) { return *(uint32_t *) Ent_GetComponent (ent.id, c_light, ent.reg); } static void set_light (entity_t ent, uint32_t light) { Ent_SetComponent (ent.id, c_light, ent.reg, &light); } static uint32_t attach_light_ent (entity_t ent) { uint32_t light = nullent; if (has_light (ent)) { light = get_light (ent); } if (!ECS_EntValid (light, ent.reg)) { light = ECS_NewEntity (ent.reg); set_light (ent, light); } return light; } void CL_NewDlight (entity_t ent, vec4f_t org, int effects, byte glow_size, byte glow_color, double time) { static vec4f_t normal = {0.4, 0.2, 0.05, 0.7}; static vec4f_t red = {0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.7}; static vec4f_t blue = {0.05, 0.05, 0.5, 0.7}; static vec4f_t purple = {0.5, 0.05, 0.5, 0.7}; effects &= EF_BLUE | EF_RED | EF_BRIGHTLIGHT | EF_DIMLIGHT; if (!effects) { if (!glow_size) return; } float radius = 0; float die = time + 0.1; vec4f_t color = normal; if (effects & (EF_BLUE | EF_RED | EF_BRIGHTLIGHT | EF_DIMLIGHT)) { radius = 200 + (rand () & 31); if (effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT) { radius += 200; org[2] += 16; } if (effects & EF_DIMLIGHT) if (effects & ~EF_DIMLIGHT) radius -= 100; radius = radius; switch (effects & (EF_RED | EF_BLUE)) { case EF_RED | EF_BLUE: color = purple; break; case EF_RED: color = red; break; case EF_BLUE: color = blue; break; default: color = normal; break; } } if (glow_size) { radius += glow_size < 128 ? glow_size * 8.0 : (glow_size - 256) * 8.0; if (glow_color) { if (glow_color == 255) { color = (vec4f_t) { 1, 1, 1, 0.7 }; } else { byte *tempcolor; tempcolor = (byte *) &d_8to24table[glow_color]; VectorScale (tempcolor, 1 / 255.0, color); color[3] = 0.7; } } } uint32_t light = attach_light_ent (ent); Ent_SetComponent (light, scene_dynlight, ent.reg, &(dlight_t) { .origin = org, .color = color, .radius = radius, .die = die, }); Light_LinkLight (cl_world.scene->lights, light); } void CL_ModelEffects (entity_t ent, int glow_color, double time) { transform_t transform = Entity_Transform (ent); renderer_t *renderer = Ent_GetComponent (ent.id, scene_renderer, cl_world.scene->reg); model_t *model = renderer->model; vec4f_t *old_origin = Ent_GetComponent (ent.id, scene_old_origin, cl_world.scene->reg); vec4f_t ent_origin = Transform_GetWorldPosition (transform); // add automatic particle trails if (model->flags & EF_ROCKET) { uint32_t light = attach_light_ent (ent); Ent_SetComponent (light, scene_dynlight, ent.reg, &(dlight_t) { .origin = ent_origin, //FIXME VectorCopy (r_firecolor, dl->color); .color = { 0.9, 0.7, 0.0, 0.7 }, .radius = 200, .die = time + 0.1, }); Light_LinkLight (cl_world.scene->lights, light); clp_funcs->RocketTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin); } else if (model->flags & EF_GRENADE) clp_funcs->GrenadeTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin); else if (model->flags & EF_GIB) clp_funcs->BloodTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin); else if (model->flags & EF_ZOMGIB) clp_funcs->SlightBloodTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin); else if (model->flags & EF_TRACER) clp_funcs->WizTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin); else if (model->flags & EF_TRACER2) clp_funcs->FlameTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin); else if (model->flags & EF_TRACER3) clp_funcs->VoorTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin); else if (model->flags & EF_GLOWTRAIL) clp_funcs->GlowTrail (*old_origin, ent_origin, glow_color); } void CL_EntityEffects (entity_t ent, entity_state_t *state, double time) { transform_t transform = Entity_Transform (ent); vec4f_t position = Transform_GetWorldPosition (transform); if (state->effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD) clp_funcs->EntityParticles (position); if (state->effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH) { vec4f_t fv = Transform_Forward (transform); CL_MuzzleFlash (ent, position, fv, 16, time); } }