/* model_iqm.c iqm model processing Copyright (C) 2011 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2012/04/27 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include "QF/crc.h" #include "QF/iqm.h" #include "QF/msg.h" #include "QF/qendian.h" #include "QF/quakefs.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "compat.h" #include "d_iface.h" #include "mod_internal.h" #include "r_local.h" static iqmvertexarray * get_vertex_arrays (const iqmheader *hdr, byte *buffer) { iqmvertexarray *va; uint32_t i; if (hdr->ofs_vertexarrays + hdr->num_vertexarrays * sizeof (iqmvertexarray) > hdr->filesize) return 0; va = (iqmvertexarray *) (buffer + hdr->ofs_vertexarrays); for (i = 0; i < hdr->num_vertexarrays; i++) { va[i].type = LittleLong (va[i].type); va[i].flags = LittleLong (va[i].flags); va[i].format = LittleLong (va[i].format); va[i].size = LittleLong (va[i].size); va[i].offset = LittleLong (va[i].offset); } return va; } static iqmtriangle * get_triangles (const iqmheader *hdr, byte *buffer) { iqmtriangle *tri; uint32_t i, j; if (hdr->ofs_triangles + hdr->num_triangles * sizeof (iqmtriangle) > hdr->filesize) return 0; tri = (iqmtriangle *) (buffer + hdr->ofs_triangles); for (i = 0; i < hdr->num_triangles; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tri[i].vertex[j] = LittleLong (tri[i].vertex[j]); if (tri[i].vertex[j] >= hdr->num_vertexes) { Sys_Printf ("invalid tri vertex\n"); return 0; } } } return tri; } static iqmmesh * get_meshes (const iqmheader *hdr, byte *buffer) { iqmmesh *mesh; uint32_t i; if (hdr->ofs_meshes + hdr->num_meshes * sizeof (iqmmesh) > hdr->filesize) return 0; mesh = (iqmmesh *) (buffer + hdr->ofs_meshes); for (i = 0; i < hdr->num_meshes; i++) { mesh[i].name = LittleLong (mesh[i].name); mesh[i].material = LittleLong (mesh[i].material); mesh[i].first_vertex = LittleLong (mesh[i].first_vertex); mesh[i].num_vertexes = LittleLong (mesh[i].num_vertexes); mesh[i].first_triangle = LittleLong (mesh[i].first_triangle); mesh[i].num_triangles = LittleLong (mesh[i].num_triangles); } return mesh; } static iqmjoint * get_joints (const iqmheader *hdr, byte *buffer) { iqmjoint *joint; uint32_t i, j; if (hdr->ofs_joints + hdr->num_joints * sizeof (iqmjoint) > hdr->filesize) return 0; joint = (iqmjoint *) (buffer + hdr->ofs_joints); for (i = 0; i < hdr->num_joints; i++) { joint[i].name = LittleLong (joint[i].name); joint[i].parent = LittleLong (joint[i].parent); if (joint[i].parent >= 0 && (uint32_t) joint[i].parent >= hdr->num_joints) { Sys_Printf ("invalid parent\n"); return 0; } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) joint[i].translate[j] = LittleFloat (joint[i].translate[j]); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) joint[i].rotate[j] = LittleFloat (joint[i].rotate[j]); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) joint[i].scale[j] = LittleFloat (joint[i].scale[j]); } return joint; } static qboolean load_iqm_vertex_arrays (model_t *mod, const iqmheader *hdr, byte *buffer) { iqm_t *iqm = (iqm_t *) mod->aliashdr; iqmvertexarray *vas; float *position = 0; float *normal = 0; float *tangent = 0; float *texcoord = 0; byte *blendindex = 0; byte *blendweight = 0; byte *vert; iqmvertexarray *va; size_t bytes = 0; uint32_t i, j; if (!(vas = get_vertex_arrays (hdr, buffer))) return false; for (i = 0; i < hdr->num_vertexarrays; i++) { va = vas + i; switch (va->type) { case IQM_POSITION: if (position) return false; if (va->format != IQM_FLOAT || va->size != 3) return false; iqm->num_arrays++; bytes += va->size * sizeof (float); position = (float *) (buffer + va->offset); for (j = 0; j < va->size * hdr->num_vertexes; j++) position[i] = LittleFloat (position[i]); break; case IQM_NORMAL: if (normal) return false; if (va->format != IQM_FLOAT || va->size != 3) return false; iqm->num_arrays++; bytes += va->size * sizeof (float); normal = (float *) (buffer + va->offset); for (j = 0; j < va->size * hdr->num_vertexes; j++) normal[i] = LittleFloat (normal[i]); break; case IQM_TANGENT: if (tangent) return false; if (va->format != IQM_FLOAT || va->size != 4) return false; iqm->num_arrays++; bytes += va->size * sizeof (float); tangent = (float *) (buffer + va->offset); for (j = 0; j < va->size * hdr->num_vertexes; j++) tangent[i] = LittleFloat (tangent[i]); break; case IQM_TEXCOORD: if (texcoord) return false; if (va->format != IQM_FLOAT || va->size != 2) return false; iqm->num_arrays++; bytes += va->size * sizeof (float); texcoord = (float *) (buffer + va->offset); for (j = 0; j < va->size * hdr->num_vertexes; j++) texcoord[i] = LittleFloat (texcoord[i]); break; case IQM_BLENDINDEXES: if (blendindex) return false; if (va->format != IQM_UBYTE || va->size != 4) return false; iqm->num_arrays++; bytes += va->size; blendindex = (byte *) (buffer + va->offset); break; case IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS: if (blendweight) return false; if (va->format != IQM_UBYTE || va->size != 4) return false; iqm->num_arrays++; bytes += va->size; blendweight = (byte *) (buffer + va->offset); break; } } iqm->vertexarrays = calloc (iqm->num_arrays + 1, sizeof (iqmvertexarray)); va = iqm->vertexarrays; if (position) { va->type = IQM_POSITION; va->format = IQM_FLOAT; va->size = 3; va[1].offset = va->offset + va->size * sizeof (float); va++; } if (normal) { va->type = IQM_NORMAL; va->format = IQM_FLOAT; va->size = 3; va[1].offset = va->offset + va->size * sizeof (float); va++; } if (tangent) { va->type = IQM_TANGENT; va->format = IQM_FLOAT; va->size = 4; va[1].offset = va->offset + va->size * sizeof (float); va++; } if (texcoord) { va->type = IQM_TEXCOORD; va->format = IQM_FLOAT; va->size = 2; va[1].offset = va->offset + va->size * sizeof (float); va++; } if (blendindex) { va->type = IQM_BLENDINDEXES; va->format = IQM_UBYTE; va->size = 4; va[1].offset = va->offset + va->size; va++; } if (blendweight) { va->type = IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS; va->format = IQM_UBYTE; va->size = 4; va[1].offset = va->offset + va->size; va++; } iqm->vertexarrays = realloc (iqm->vertexarrays, iqm->num_arrays * sizeof (iqmvertexarray)); iqm->vertices = malloc (hdr->num_vertexes * bytes); for (i = 0; i < hdr->num_vertexes; i++) { va = iqm->vertexarrays; vert = iqm->vertices + i * bytes; if (position) { memcpy (vert + va->offset, &position[i * 3], 3 * sizeof (float)); va++; } if (normal) { memcpy (vert + va->offset, &normal[i * 3], 3 * sizeof (float)); va++; } if (tangent) { memcpy (vert + va->offset, &tangent[i * 4], 4 * sizeof (float)); va++; } if (texcoord) { memcpy (vert + va->offset, &texcoord[i * 2], 2 * sizeof (float)); va++; } if (blendindex) { memcpy (vert + va->offset, &blendindex[i * 4], 4); va++; } if (blendweight) { memcpy (vert + va->offset, &blendindex[i * 4], 4); va++; } } return true; } static qboolean load_iqm_meshes (model_t *mod, const iqmheader *hdr, byte *buffer) { iqm_t *iqm = (iqm_t *) mod->aliashdr; iqmtriangle *tris; iqmmesh *meshes; iqmjoint *joints; uint32_t i; if (!load_iqm_vertex_arrays (mod, hdr, buffer)) return false; if (!(tris = get_triangles (hdr, buffer))) return false; iqm->elements = malloc (hdr->num_triangles * 3 * sizeof (uint16_t)); for (i = 0; i < hdr->num_triangles; i++) VectorCopy (tris[i].vertex, iqm->elements + i * 3); if (!(meshes = get_meshes (hdr, buffer))) return false; if (!(joints = get_joints (hdr, buffer))) return false; return true; } static qboolean load_iqm_anims (model_t *mod, iqmheader *hdr, byte *buffer) { return true; } void Mod_LoadIQM (model_t *mod, void *buffer) { iqmheader *hdr = (iqmheader *) buffer; uint32_t *swap; if (!strequal (hdr->magic, IQM_MAGIC)) Sys_Error ("%s: not an IQM", loadname); // Byte swap the header. Everything is the same type, so no problem :) for (swap = &hdr->version; swap <= &hdr->ofs_extensions; swap++) *swap = LittleLong (*swap); //if (hdr->version < 1 || hdr->version > IQM_VERSION) if (hdr->version != IQM_VERSION) Sys_Error ("%s: unable to handle iqm version %d", loadname, hdr->version); if (hdr->filesize != (uint32_t) qfs_filesize) Sys_Error ("%s: invalid filesize", loadname); if (hdr->num_meshes && !load_iqm_meshes (mod, hdr, (byte *) buffer)) Sys_Error ("%s: error loading meshes", loadname); if (hdr->num_anims && !load_iqm_anims (mod, hdr, (byte *) buffer)) Sys_Error ("%s: error loading anims", loadname); }