/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA See file, 'COPYING', for details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_MALLOC_H) #include <malloc.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/winding.h" #define BOGUS (18000.0) /** \addtogroup qfbsp_winding */ //@{ int c_activewindings, c_peakwindings; winding_t * BaseWindingForPlane (const plane_t *p) { int i, x; vec_t max, v; vec3_t org, vright, vup; winding_t *w; // find the major axis max = -BOGUS; x = -1; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { v = fabs (p->normal[i]); if (v > max) { x = i; max = v; } } if (x == -1) Sys_Error ("BaseWindingForPlane: no axis found"); VectorZero (vup); switch (x) { case 0: case 1: vup[2] = 1; break; case 2: vup[0] = 1; break; } v = DotProduct (vup, p->normal); VectorMultSub (vup, v, p->normal, vup); _VectorNormalize (vup); VectorScale (p->normal, p->dist, org); CrossProduct (vup, p->normal, vright); VectorScale (vup, BOGUS, vup); VectorScale (vright, BOGUS, vright); // project a really big axis aligned box onto the plane w = NewWinding (4); VectorSubtract (org, vright, w->points[0]); VectorAdd (w->points[0], vup, w->points[0]); VectorAdd (org, vright, w->points[1]); VectorAdd (w->points[1], vup, w->points[1]); VectorAdd (org, vright, w->points[2]); VectorSubtract (w->points[2], vup, w->points[2]); VectorSubtract (org, vright, w->points[3]); VectorSubtract (w->points[3], vup, w->points[3]); w->numpoints = 4; return w; } winding_t * CopyWinding (const winding_t *w) { size_t size; winding_t *c; size = (size_t) (uintptr_t) &((winding_t *) 0)->points[w->numpoints]; c = malloc (size); memcpy (c, w, size); return c; } winding_t * CopyWindingReverse (const winding_t *w) { int i; size_t size; winding_t *c; size = (size_t) (uintptr_t) &((winding_t *) 0)->points[w->numpoints]; c = malloc (size); c->numpoints = w->numpoints; for (i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++) { // add points backwards VectorCopy (w->points[w->numpoints - 1 - i], c->points[i]); } return c; } winding_t * WindingVectors (const winding_t *w, int unit) { int i; size_t size; winding_t *c; size = (size_t) (uintptr_t) &((winding_t *) 0)->points[w->numpoints]; c = malloc (size); c->numpoints = w->numpoints; for (i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++) { VectorSubtract (w->points[(i + 1) % w->numpoints], w->points[i], c->points[i]); if (unit) VectorNormalize (c->points[i]); } return c; } winding_t * ClipWinding (winding_t *in, plane_t *split, qboolean keepon) { int maxpts, i, j; int *sides; int counts[3]; vec_t dot; vec_t *dists; vec_t *p1, *p2; vec3_t mid; winding_t *neww; counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0; // +1 for duplicating the first point sides = alloca ((in->numpoints + 1) * sizeof (int)); dists = alloca ((in->numpoints + 1) * sizeof (vec_t)); // determine sides for each point for (i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++) { dot = DotProduct (in->points[i], split->normal); dot -= split->dist; dists[i] = dot; if (dot > ON_EPSILON) sides[i] = SIDE_FRONT; else if (dot < -ON_EPSILON) sides[i] = SIDE_BACK; else { sides[i] = SIDE_ON; } counts[sides[i]]++; } // duplicate the first point sides[i] = sides[0]; dists[i] = dists[0]; if (keepon && !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK]) return in; if (!counts[SIDE_FRONT]) { FreeWinding (in); return NULL; } if (!counts[SIDE_BACK]) return in; for (maxpts = 0, i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++) { if (!(sides[i] & 1)) maxpts++; if ((sides[i] ^ 1) == sides[i + 1]) maxpts++; } neww = NewWinding (maxpts); for (i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++) { p1 = in->points[i]; if (sides[i] == SIDE_ON) { if (neww->numpoints == maxpts) Sys_Error ("ClipWinding: points exceeded estimate"); VectorCopy (p1, neww->points[neww->numpoints]); neww->numpoints++; continue; } if (sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT) { if (neww->numpoints == maxpts) Sys_Error ("ClipWinding: points exceeded estimate"); VectorCopy (p1, neww->points[neww->numpoints]); neww->numpoints++; } if (sides[i + 1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i + 1] == sides[i]) continue; if (neww->numpoints == maxpts) Sys_Error ("ClipWinding: points exceeded estimate"); // generate a split point p2 = in->points[(i + 1) % in->numpoints]; dot = dists[i] / (dists[i] - dists[i + 1]); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // avoid round off error when possible if (split->normal[j] == 1) mid[j] = split->dist; else if (split->normal[j] == -1) mid[j] = -split->dist; else mid[j] = p1[j] + dot * (p2[j] - p1[j]); } VectorCopy (mid, neww->points[neww->numpoints]); neww->numpoints++; } // free the original winding FreeWinding (in); return neww; } void DivideWinding (winding_t *in, plane_t *split, winding_t **front, winding_t **back) { int i; int counts[3]; plane_t plane; vec_t dot; winding_t *tmp; counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0; // determine sides for each point for (i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++) { dot = DotProduct (in->points[i], split->normal) - split->dist; if (dot > ON_EPSILON) counts[SIDE_FRONT]++; else if (dot < -ON_EPSILON) counts[SIDE_BACK]++; } *front = *back = NULL; if (!counts[SIDE_FRONT]) { *back = in; return; } if (!counts[SIDE_BACK]) { *front = in; return; } tmp = CopyWinding (in); *front = ClipWinding (tmp, split, 0); plane.dist = -split->dist; VectorNegate (split->normal, plane.normal); tmp = CopyWinding (in); *back = ClipWinding (tmp, &plane, 0); } winding_t * NewWinding (int points) { size_t size; winding_t *w; if (points < 3) Sys_Error ("NewWinding: %i points", points); c_activewindings++; if (c_activewindings > c_peakwindings) c_peakwindings = c_activewindings; size = (size_t) (uintptr_t) &((winding_t *) 0)->points[points]; w = malloc (size); memset (w, 0, size); return w; } void FreeWinding (winding_t *w) { c_activewindings--; free (w); } //@}