/* glsl_particles.c OpenGL particle system. Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include "QF/cmd.h" #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/image.h" #include "QF/mersenne.h" #include "QF/qargs.h" #include "QF/quakefs.h" #include "QF/render.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/scene/entity.h" #include "QF/GLSL/defines.h" #include "QF/GLSL/funcs.h" //#include "QF/GL/qf_explosions.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_particles.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_textures.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_vid.h" #include "r_internal.h" //FIXME not part of GLES, but needed for GL #ifndef GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE # define GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE 0x8642 #endif static uint32_t maxparticles; static GLushort *pVAindices; static partvert_t *particleVertexArray; static GLuint part_tex; static const char *particle_point_vert_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Vertex.particle.point", 0 }; static const char *particle_point_frag_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Fragment.fog", "QuakeForge.Fragment.palette", "QuakeForge.Fragment.particle.point", 0 }; static const char *particle_textured_vert_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Vertex.particle.textured", 0 }; static const char *particle_textured_frag_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Fragment.fog", "QuakeForge.Fragment.palette", "QuakeForge.Fragment.particle.textured", 0 }; static struct { int program; shaderparam_t mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t vertex; shaderparam_t palette; shaderparam_t color; shaderparam_t fog; } quake_point = { 0, {"mvp_mat", 1}, {"vertex", 0}, {"palette", 1}, {"vcolor", 0}, {"fog", 1}, }; static struct { int program; shaderparam_t mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t st; shaderparam_t vertex; shaderparam_t color; shaderparam_t texture; shaderparam_t fog; } quake_part = { 0, {"mvp_mat", 1}, {"vst", 0}, {"vertex", 0}, {"vcolor", 0}, {"texture", 1}, {"fog", 1}, }; static void alloc_arrays (psystem_t *ps) { if (ps->maxparticles > maxparticles) { maxparticles = ps->maxparticles; if (particleVertexArray) free (particleVertexArray); printf ("alloc_arrays: %d\n", ps->maxparticles); particleVertexArray = calloc (ps->maxparticles * 4, sizeof (partvert_t)); if (pVAindices) free (pVAindices); pVAindices = calloc (ps->maxparticles * 6, sizeof (GLushort)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ps->maxparticles; i++) { pVAindices[i * 6 + 0] = i * 4 + 0; pVAindices[i * 6 + 1] = i * 4 + 1; pVAindices[i * 6 + 2] = i * 4 + 2; pVAindices[i * 6 + 3] = i * 4 + 0; pVAindices[i * 6 + 4] = i * 4 + 2; pVAindices[i * 6 + 5] = i * 4 + 3; } } } static void glsl_particles_f (void *data, const cvar_t *cvar) { alloc_arrays (&r_psystem);//FIXME } void glsl_R_ShutdownParticles (void) { free (particleVertexArray); free (pVAindices); } void glsl_R_InitParticles (void) { shader_t *vert_shader, *frag_shader; int vert; int frag; float v[2] = {0, 0}; byte data[64][64][2]; tex_t *tex; Cvar_AddListener (Cvar_FindVar ("r_particles"), glsl_particles_f, 0); Cvar_AddListener (Cvar_FindVar ("r_particles_max"), glsl_particles_f, 0); qfeglEnable (GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); qfeglGetFloatv (GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, v); Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_glsl, "point size: %g - %g\n", v[0], v[1]); vert_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (particle_point_vert_effects); frag_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (particle_point_frag_effects); vert = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakepnt.vert", vert_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); frag = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakepnt.frag", frag_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); quake_point.program = GLSL_LinkProgram ("quakepoint", vert, frag); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_point.program, &quake_point.mvp_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_point.program, &quake_point.vertex); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_point.program, &quake_point.palette); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_point.program, &quake_point.color); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_point.program, &quake_point.fog); GLSL_FreeShader (vert_shader); GLSL_FreeShader (frag_shader); vert_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (particle_textured_vert_effects); frag_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (particle_textured_frag_effects); vert = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakepar.vert", vert_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); frag = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakepar.frag", frag_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); quake_part.program = GLSL_LinkProgram ("quakepart", vert, frag); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_part.program, &quake_part.mvp_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_part.program, &quake_part.st); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_part.program, &quake_part.vertex); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_part.program, &quake_part.color); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_part.program, &quake_part.texture); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_part.program, &quake_part.fog); GLSL_FreeShader (vert_shader); GLSL_FreeShader (frag_shader); memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)); qfeglGenTextures (1, &part_tex); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, part_tex); qfeglTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qfeglTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qfeglTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, 64, 64, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); tex = R_DotParticleTexture (); qfeglTexSubImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex->data); free (tex); tex = R_SparkParticleTexture (); qfeglTexSubImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 32, 0, 32, 32, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex->data); free (tex); tex = R_SmokeParticleTexture (); qfeglTexSubImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex->data); free (tex); alloc_arrays (&r_psystem); } static void draw_qf_particles (psystem_t *psystem) { byte *at; int vacount; float minparticledist, scale; vec3_t up_scale, right_scale, up_right_scale, down_right_scale; partvert_t *VA; mat4f_t vp_mat; quat_t fog; mmulf (vp_mat, glsl_projection, glsl_view); qfeglDepthMask (GL_FALSE); qfeglUseProgram (quake_part.program); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_part.vertex.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_part.color.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_part.st.location); Fog_GetColor (fog); fog[3] = Fog_GetDensity () / 64.0; qfeglUniform4fv (quake_part.fog.location, 1, fog); qfeglUniformMatrix4fv (quake_part.mvp_matrix.location, 1, false, (vec_t*)&vp_mat[0]);//FIXME qfeglUniform1i (quake_part.texture.location, 0); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, part_tex); // LordHavoc: particles should not affect zbuffer qfeglDepthMask (GL_FALSE); minparticledist = DotProduct (r_refdef.frame.position, r_refdef.frame.forward) + r_particles_nearclip; vacount = 0; VA = particleVertexArray; for (unsigned i = 0; i < psystem->numparticles; i++) { particle_t *p = &psystem->particles[i]; // Don't render particles too close to us. // Note, we must still do physics and such on them. if (!(DotProduct (p->pos, r_refdef.frame.forward) < minparticledist)) { at = (byte *) &d_8to24table[(byte) p->icolor]; VA[0].color[0] = at[0]; VA[0].color[1] = at[1]; VA[0].color[2] = at[2]; VA[0].color[3] = p->alpha * 255; memcpy (VA[1].color, VA[0].color, sizeof (VA[0].color)); memcpy (VA[2].color, VA[0].color, sizeof (VA[0].color)); memcpy (VA[3].color, VA[0].color, sizeof (VA[0].color)); switch (p->tex) { case part_tex_dot: VA[0].texcoord[0] = 0.0; VA[0].texcoord[1] = 0.0; VA[1].texcoord[0] = 0.5; VA[1].texcoord[1] = 0.0; VA[2].texcoord[0] = 0.5; VA[2].texcoord[1] = 0.5; VA[3].texcoord[0] = 0.0; VA[3].texcoord[1] = 0.5; break; case part_tex_spark: VA[0].texcoord[0] = 0.5; VA[0].texcoord[1] = 0.0; VA[1].texcoord[0] = 1.0; VA[1].texcoord[1] = 0.0; VA[2].texcoord[0] = 1.0; VA[2].texcoord[1] = 0.5; VA[3].texcoord[0] = 0.5; VA[3].texcoord[1] = 0.5; break; case part_tex_smoke: VA[0].texcoord[0] = 0.0; VA[0].texcoord[1] = 0.5; VA[1].texcoord[0] = 0.5; VA[1].texcoord[1] = 0.5; VA[2].texcoord[0] = 0.5; VA[2].texcoord[1] = 1.0; VA[3].texcoord[0] = 0.0; VA[3].texcoord[1] = 1.0; break; } scale = p->scale; VectorScale (r_refdef.frame.up, scale, up_scale); VectorScale (r_refdef.frame.right, scale, right_scale); VectorAdd (right_scale, up_scale, up_right_scale); VectorSubtract (right_scale, up_scale, down_right_scale); VectorAdd (p->pos, down_right_scale, VA[0].vertex); VectorSubtract (p->pos, up_right_scale, VA[1].vertex); VectorSubtract (p->pos, down_right_scale, VA[2].vertex); VectorAdd (p->pos, up_right_scale, VA[3].vertex); VA += 4; vacount += 6; } } qfeglVertexAttribPointer (quake_part.vertex.location, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof (partvert_t), &particleVertexArray[0].vertex); qfeglVertexAttribPointer (quake_part.color.location, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1, sizeof (partvert_t), &particleVertexArray[0].color); qfeglVertexAttribPointer (quake_part.st.location, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof (partvert_t), &particleVertexArray[0].texcoord); qfeglDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, vacount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, pVAindices); qfeglDepthMask (GL_TRUE); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_part.vertex.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_part.color.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_part.st.location); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); } static void draw_id_particles (psystem_t *psystem) { int vacount; float minparticledist; partvert_t *VA; mat4f_t vp_mat; quat_t fog; mmulf (vp_mat, glsl_projection, glsl_view); // LordHavoc: particles should not affect zbuffer qfeglDepthMask (GL_FALSE); qfeglUseProgram (quake_point.program); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_point.vertex.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_point.color.location); qfeglUniformMatrix4fv (quake_point.mvp_matrix.location, 1, false, (vec_t*)&vp_mat[0]);//FIXME Fog_GetColor (fog); fog[3] = Fog_GetDensity () / 64.0; qfeglUniform4fv (quake_point.fog.location, 1, fog); qfeglUniform1i (quake_point.palette.location, 0); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, glsl_palette); minparticledist = DotProduct (r_refdef.frame.position, r_refdef.frame.forward) + r_particles_nearclip; vacount = 0; VA = particleVertexArray; for (unsigned i = 0; i < psystem->numparticles; i++) { particle_t *p = &psystem->particles[i]; // Don't render particles too close to us. // Note, we must still do physics and such on them. if (!(DotProduct (p->pos, r_refdef.frame.forward) < minparticledist)) { VA[0].color[0] = (byte) p->icolor; VectorCopy (p->pos, VA[0].vertex); VA++; vacount++; } } qfeglVertexAttribPointer (quake_point.vertex.location, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof (partvert_t), &particleVertexArray[0].vertex); qfeglVertexAttribPointer (quake_point.color.location, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1, sizeof (partvert_t), &particleVertexArray[0].color); qfeglDrawArrays (GL_POINTS, 0, vacount); qfeglDepthMask (GL_TRUE); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_point.vertex.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_point.color.location); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); } void glsl_R_DrawParticles (psystem_t *psystem) { if (!psystem->numparticles) { return; } if (!psystem->points_only) { draw_qf_particles (psystem); } else { draw_id_particles (psystem); } } psystem_t * __attribute__((const))//FIXME glsl_ParticleSystem (void) { return &r_psystem; }