#version 450 #extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable layout (set = 0, binding = 0) buffer ShadowMatrices { mat4 shadow_mats[]; }; layout (set = 3, binding = 0) uniform samplerCubeArrayShadow shadow_map[32]; float shadow (uint map_id, uint layer, uint mat_id, vec3 pos, vec3 lpos) { vec3 dir = pos - lpos; vec3 adir = abs(dir); adir = max (adir.yzx, adir.zxy); uint ind = dir.x <= -adir.x ? 5 : dir.x >= adir.x ? 4 : dir.y <= -adir.y ? 0 : dir.y >= adir.y ? 1 : dir.z <= -adir.z ? 3 : dir.z >= adir.z ? 2 : 0; vec4 p = shadow_mats[mat_id + ind] * vec4 (pos, 1); p = p / (p.w - 0.5); //FIXME hard-coded bias float depth = p.z; // convert from the quake frame to the cubemap frame dir = dir.yzx * vec3 (-1, 1, 1); return texture (shadow_map[map_id], vec4 (dir, layer), depth); } #include "lighting_main.finc"