%{ /* qc-lex.l lexer for quakec Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Date: 2001/06/12 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <QF/dstring.h> #include <QF/hash.h> #include <QF/sys.h> #include "tools/qfcc/include/class.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/debug.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/diagnostic.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/expr.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/grab.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/options.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/pragma.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/qfcc.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/shared.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/strpool.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/struct.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/symtab.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/type.h" #include "tools/qfcc/include/value.h" #include "tools/qfcc/source/qc-parse.h" #ifndef YY_PROTO # define YY_PROTO(x) x #else # define YY_FLEX_REALLOC_HACK #endif #define YY_NO_UNPUT #define YY_DECL int yylex YY_PROTO(( void )) YY_DECL; int yyget_lineno (void) __attribute__((pure)); int yyget_leng (void) __attribute__((pure)); int yywrap (void) __attribute__((const)); char *yyget_text (void) __attribute__((pure)); int yyget_debug (void) __attribute__((pure)); FILE *yyget_in (void) __attribute__((pure)); FILE *yyget_out (void) __attribute__((pure)); static int keyword_or_id (const char *token); static expr_t *parse_float_vector (const char *token, int width); static expr_t *parse_int_vector (const char *token, int width); extern QC_YYSTYPE qc_yylval; %} s [ \t] m [\-+] D [0-9] B [01] X [0-9a-fA-F] ID [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* FLOAT ({D}+|{D}*\.{D}+|{D}+\.{D}*)([eE]{m}?{D}+)? FLOATf {FLOAT}[fF] FLOATd {FLOAT}[dD] FCOMP {m}?{FLOAT} FD [fFdD] INT ({D}+|0[xX]{X}+|0[bB]{B}) ICOMP {m}?{INT} UL ([uU]?([lL][lL]?)?) ULFD ({UL}|{FD}) RANGE \.\. ELLIPSIS \.\.\. FRAMEID {ID}(\.{ID})* PRAGMAID {ID}(-{ID})* STRING \"(\\.|[^"\\])*\" %x GRAB_FRAME GRAB_OTHER GRAB_WRITE COMMENT PRAGMA %% grab_frame = GRAB_FRAME; grab_other = GRAB_OTHER; grab_write = GRAB_WRITE; qc_yylval.pointer = 0; // ensure pointer vals are null "/*" { BEGIN (COMMENT); } <COMMENT>"/*" { warning (0, "nested /* in comment"); } <COMMENT>"*/" { BEGIN (INITIAL); } <COMMENT>\r*\n { pr.source_line++; } <COMMENT>. /* nothing to do */ <COMMENT><<EOF>> { error (0, "EOF in comment"); return 0; } "//".* /* nothing to do */ ^#{s}+{D}+{s}+\"(\.|[^"\n])*\".*$ { line_info (yytext + 1); } ^#line{s}+{D}+{s}+\"(\.|[^"\n])*\".*$ { line_info (yytext + 5); } ^{s}*#{s}*pragma{s}+ { BEGIN (PRAGMA); } {INT}+{UL}? { const char *c = yytext + yyleng - 1; pr_long_t i; if (yytext[0] == '0' && tolower (yytext[1] == 'b')) i = strtol (yytext + 2, 0, 2); else i = strtol (yytext, 0, 0); if (tolower (*c) == 'u') { if (tolower (c[1]) == 'l') { qc_yylval.expr = new_ulong_expr (i); } else { qc_yylval.expr = new_uint_expr (i); } } else { if (tolower (c[1]) == 'l') { qc_yylval.expr = new_long_expr (i); } else { qc_yylval.expr = new_int_expr (i); qc_yylval.expr->implicit = 1; } } return VALUE; } {FLOAT} { // advanced code defaults to double, but traditional // and extended code defaults to float if (options.traditional < 1) { double d = strtod (yytext, 0); qc_yylval.expr = new_double_expr (d); qc_yylval.expr->implicit = 1; } else { float f = strtof (yytext, 0); qc_yylval.expr = new_float_expr (f); } return VALUE; } {FLOATf} { float f = strtof (yytext, 0); qc_yylval.expr = new_float_expr (f); return VALUE; } {FLOATd} { // advanced code defaults to double, but traditional // and extended code defaults to float if (options.traditional < 1) { double d = strtod (yytext, 0); qc_yylval.expr = new_double_expr (d); } else { float f = strtof (yytext, 0); qc_yylval.expr = new_float_expr (f); warning (0, "truncating double constant to float"); } return VALUE; } {ID} { int tok = keyword_or_id(yytext); return tok; } @{ID} { int tok = keyword_or_id(yytext); if (tok == '@') REJECT; return tok; } {STRING} { const char *s = make_string (yytext, 0); qc_yylval.expr = new_string_expr (s); return STRING; } @ return '@'; '{s}*{ICOMP}{s}+{ICOMP}{s}*'{ULFD}? { qc_yylval.expr = parse_int_vector (yytext, 2); return VALUE; } '{s}*{ICOMP}{s}+{ICOMP}{s}+{ICOMP}{s}*'{ULFD}? { qc_yylval.expr = parse_int_vector (yytext, 3); return VALUE; } '{s}*{ICOMP}{s}+{ICOMP}{s}+{ICOMP}{s}+{ICOMP}{s}*'{ULFD}? { qc_yylval.expr = parse_int_vector (yytext, 4); return VALUE; } '{s}*{FCOMP}{s}+{FCOMP}{s}*'{FD}? { qc_yylval.expr = parse_float_vector (yytext, 2); return VALUE; } '{s}*{FCOMP}{s}+{FCOMP}{s}+{FCOMP}{s}*'{FD}? { qc_yylval.expr = parse_float_vector (yytext, 3); return VALUE; } '{s}*{FCOMP}{s}+{FCOMP}{s}+{FCOMP}{s}+{FCOMP}{s}*'{FD}? { qc_yylval.expr = parse_float_vector (yytext, 4); return VALUE; } '(\\[^xX0-7\r\n]|[^'\r\n]|\\[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+|\\[0-7]+)*' { const char *str = make_string (yytext, 0); if (str[1]) warning (0, "multibyte char constant"); qc_yylval.expr = new_int_expr (*str); return VALUE; } [+\-*/&|^%]= { qc_yylval.op = yytext[0]; return ASX; } "%%=" { qc_yylval.op = MOD; return ASX; } "<<=" { qc_yylval.op = SHL; return ASX; } ">>=" { qc_yylval.op = SHR; return ASX; } [!(){}.*/&|^~+\-=\[\];,#%?:] { return yytext[0]; } "·" { return DOT; } "⋀" { return WEDGE; } "•" { return DOT; } "∧" { return WEDGE; } "∨" { return REGRESSIVE; } "†" { return REVERSE; } "∗" { return STAR; } "×" { return CROSS; } "⋆" { return DUAL; } "%%" { return MOD; } {ELLIPSIS} return ELLIPSIS; "<<" return SHL; ">>" return SHR; "&&" return AND; "||" return OR; "==" return EQ; "!=" return NE; "<=" return LE; ">=" return GE; "<" return LT; ">" return GT; "++" { qc_yylval.op = '+'; return INCOP; } "--" { qc_yylval.op = '-'; return INCOP; } "$"{s}*{FRAMEID} { int ret = do_grab (yytext); if (ret >= 0) { qc_yylval.expr = new_int_expr (ret); return VALUE; } else { BEGIN (-ret); } } <GRAB_FRAME>{FRAMEID} add_frame_macro (yytext); <GRAB_OTHER>[^\r\n]* /* skip */ <GRAB_WRITE>{STRING} { const char *s = make_string (yytext, 0); write_frame_macros (s); BEGIN (GRAB_OTHER); // ignore rest of line } <PRAGMA>{PRAGMAID} { pragma_add_arg (yytext); } <PRAGMA>@{PRAGMAID} { pragma_add_arg (yytext); } <*>\r*\n { if (YY_START == PRAGMA) { pragma_process (); } pr.source_line++; BEGIN (INITIAL); } <*>{s}* /* skip */ <*>. error (0, "all your typo are belong to us"); %% int yywrap (void) { return 1; } typedef struct { const char *name; int value; specifier_t spec; } keyword_t; // These keywords are part of the Ruamoko language and require the QuakeForge // Ruamoko VM. static keyword_t rua_keywords[] = { #define VEC_TYPE(type_name, base_type) \ { #type_name, TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_##type_name } }, #include "tools/qfcc/include/vec_types.h" }; // These keywords are all part of the Ruamoko (Objective-QC) language. // The first time any one of them is encountered, the class system will be // initialized. // If not compiling for the QuakeForge VM, or if Ruamoko has been disabled, // then they will be unavailable as keywords. static keyword_t obj_keywords[] = { {"id", OBJECT_NAME, .spec = { .type = &type_id } }, {"Class", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_Class } }, {"Method", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_method } }, {"Super", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_super } }, {"SEL", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_SEL } }, {"IMP", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_IMP } }, {"@class", CLASS }, {"@defs", DEFS }, {"@encode", ENCODE }, {"@end", END }, {"@implementation", IMPLEMENTATION }, {"@interface", INTERFACE }, {"@private", PRIVATE }, {"@protected", PROTECTED }, {"@protocol", PROTOCOL }, {"@public", PUBLIC }, {"@reference", REFERENCE }, {"@selector", SELECTOR }, {"@self", SELF }, {"@this", THIS }, // This is a hack to trigger the initialization of the class // sytem if it is seen before any other Objective-QC symbol. Otherwise, // it is just an identifier, though it does reference a built-in type // created by the class system. {"obj_module", 0 }, }; // These keywords are extensions to QC and thus available only in advanced // or extended code. However, if they are preceeded by an @ (eg, @for), then // they are always available. This is to prevent them from causing trouble // for traditional code that might use these words as identifiers, but still // make the language features available to traditional code. static keyword_t at_keywords[] = { {"for", FOR }, {"goto", GOTO }, {"break", BREAK }, {"continue", CONTINUE}, {"switch", SWITCH }, {"case", CASE }, {"default", DEFAULT }, {"nil", NIL }, {"struct", STRUCT }, {"union", STRUCT }, {"enum", ENUM }, {"typedef", TYPEDEF }, {"extern", EXTERN }, {"static", STATIC }, {"sizeof", SIZEOF }, {"not", NOT }, {"auto", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_auto } }, }; // These keywords require the QuakeForge VM to be of any use. ie, they cannot // be supported (sanely) by v6 progs. static keyword_t qf_keywords[] = { {"quaternion", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_quaternion } }, {"double", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_double } }, {"int", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_int } }, {"unsigned", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .is_unsigned = 1 } }, {"signed", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .is_signed = 1 } }, {"long", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .is_long = 1 } }, {"short", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .is_short = 1 } }, {"@function", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_func } }, {"@args", ARGS, }, {"@va_list", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_va_list } }, {"@param", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_param } }, {"@return", AT_RETURN, }, {"@hadamard", HADAMARD, }, {"@cross", CROSS, }, {"@dot", DOT, }, {"@wedge", WEDGE, }, {"@regressive", REGRESSIVE, }, {"@geometric", GEOMETRIC, }, {"@algebra", ALGEBRA, }, }; // These keywors are always available. Other than the @ keywords, they // form traditional QuakeC. static keyword_t keywords[] = { {"void", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_void } }, {"float", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_float } }, {"string", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_string } }, {"vector", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_vector } }, {"entity", TYPE_SPEC, .spec = { .type = &type_entity } }, {"local", LOCAL, }, {"return", RETURN, }, {"while", WHILE, }, {"do", DO, }, {"if", IF, }, {"else", ELSE, }, {"@system", SYSTEM, }, {"@overload", OVERLOAD, }, {"@attribute", ATTRIBUTE, }, {"@handle", HANDLE, }, }; static const char * keyword_get_key (const void *kw, void *unused) { return ((keyword_t*)kw)->name; } static int process_keyword (keyword_t *keyword, const char *token) { if (keyword->value == STRUCT) { qc_yylval.op = token[0]; } else if (keyword->value == OBJECT_NAME) { symbol_t *sym; sym = symtab_lookup (current_symtab, token); qc_yylval.symbol = sym; // the global id symbol is always just a name so attempts to redefine // it globally can be caught and treated as an error, but it needs to // be redefinable when in an enclosing scope. if (sym->sy_type == sy_name) { // this is the global id (object) qc_yylval.spec = (specifier_t) { .type = sym->type, .sym = sym, }; return OBJECT_NAME; } else if (sym->sy_type == sy_type) { // id has been redeclared via a typedef qc_yylval.spec = (specifier_t) { .type = sym->type, .sym = sym, }; return TYPE_NAME; } // id has been redelcared as a variable (hopefully) return NAME; } else { qc_yylval.spec = keyword->spec; } return keyword->value; } static int keyword_or_id (const char *token) { static hashtab_t *keyword_tab; static hashtab_t *qf_keyword_tab; static hashtab_t *at_keyword_tab; static hashtab_t *obj_keyword_tab; static hashtab_t *rua_keyword_tab; keyword_t *keyword = 0; symbol_t *sym; if (!keyword_tab) { size_t i; keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0, 0); qf_keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0, 0); at_keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0, 0); obj_keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0, 0); rua_keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0, 0); #define NUMKEYS(_k) (sizeof (_k) / sizeof (_k[0])) for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(keywords); i++) Hash_Add (keyword_tab, &keywords[i]); for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(qf_keywords); i++) Hash_Add (qf_keyword_tab, &qf_keywords[i]); for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(at_keywords); i++) Hash_Add (at_keyword_tab, &at_keywords[i]); for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(obj_keywords); i++) Hash_Add (obj_keyword_tab, &obj_keywords[i]); for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(rua_keywords); i++) Hash_Add (rua_keyword_tab, &rua_keywords[i]); } if (options.traditional < 1) { if (options.code.progsversion == PROG_VERSION) { keyword = Hash_Find (rua_keyword_tab, token); } if (!keyword) { keyword = Hash_Find (obj_keyword_tab, token); if (keyword) { if (!obj_initialized) class_init (); } } if (!keyword) keyword = Hash_Find (qf_keyword_tab, token); } if (!keyword && options.traditional < 2) keyword = Hash_Find (at_keyword_tab, token); if (!keyword && token[0] == '@') { keyword = Hash_Find (at_keyword_tab, token + 1); if (keyword) token += 1; } if (!keyword) keyword = Hash_Find (keyword_tab, token); if (keyword && keyword->value) return process_keyword (keyword, token); if (token[0] == '@') { return '@'; } sym = symtab_lookup (current_symtab, token); if (!sym) sym = new_symbol (token); qc_yylval.symbol = sym; if (sym->sy_type == sy_type) { qc_yylval.spec = (specifier_t) { .type = sym->type, .sym = sym, }; return TYPE_NAME; } if (sym->sy_type == sy_class) return CLASS_NAME; return NAME; } static expr_t * parse_int_vector (const char *token, int width) { char t1 = 0, t2 = 0; type_t *type = 0; union { pr_long_t l[4]; pr_type_t t[PR_SIZEOF (dvec4)]; } long_data = {}; pr_type_t *data = __builtin_choose_expr ( sizeof (pr_long_t) == sizeof (int64_t), long_data.t, (void) 0); switch (width) { case 4: sscanf (token, "' %"SCNi64" %"SCNi64" %"SCNi64" %"SCNi64" '%c%c", &long_data.l[0], &long_data.l[1], &long_data.l[2], &long_data.l[3], &t1, &t2); break; case 3: sscanf (token, "' %"SCNi64" %"SCNi64" %"SCNi64" '%c%c", &long_data.l[0], &long_data.l[1], &long_data.l[2], &t1, &t2); break; case 2: sscanf (token, "' %"SCNi64" %"SCNi64" '%c%c", &long_data.l[0], &long_data.l[1], &t1, &t2); break; } t1 = tolower (t1); t2 = tolower (t2); if (options.code.progsversion < PROG_VERSION) { if (!t1) { t1 = 'f'; } } expr_t *expr = 0; switch (t1) { case 'u': if (t2 == 'l') { type = &type_ulong; type = vector_type (type, width); expr = new_value_expr (new_type_value (type, data)); } else { type = &type_uint; union { pr_uint_t u[4]; pr_type_t t[PR_SIZEOF (ivec4)]; } uint_data = { .u = { long_data.l[0], long_data.l[1], long_data.l[2], long_data.l[3], } }; data = uint_data.t; type = vector_type (type, width); expr = new_value_expr (new_type_value (type, data)); } break; case 'l': type = &type_long; type = vector_type (type, width); expr = new_value_expr (new_type_value (type, data)); break; case 'f': type = &type_float; union { pr_float_t f[4]; pr_type_t t[PR_SIZEOF (vec4)]; } float_data = { .f = { long_data.l[0], long_data.l[1], long_data.l[2], long_data.l[3], } }; data = float_data.t; type = vector_type (type, width); expr = new_value_expr (new_type_value (type, data)); break; case 'd': type = &type_double; union { pr_double_t d[4]; pr_type_t t[PR_SIZEOF (dvec4)]; } double_data = { .d = { long_data.l[0], long_data.l[1], long_data.l[2], long_data.l[3], } }; data = double_data.t; type = vector_type (type, width); expr = new_value_expr (new_type_value (type, data)); break; case 0: type = &type_int; union { pr_int_t i[4]; pr_type_t t[PR_SIZEOF (ivec4)]; } int_data = { .i = { long_data.l[0], long_data.l[1], long_data.l[2], long_data.l[3], } }; data = int_data.t; type = vector_type (type, width); expr = new_value_expr (new_type_value (type, data)); break; } expr->implicit = !t1; return expr; } static expr_t * parse_float_vector (const char *token, int width) { char t = 0; type_t *type = 0; union { pr_double_t d[4]; pr_type_t t[PR_SIZEOF (dvec4)]; } double_data = {}; pr_type_t *data = __builtin_choose_expr ( sizeof (pr_double_t) == sizeof (double), double_data.t, (void) 0); switch (width) { case 4: sscanf (token, "' %lf %lf %lf %lf '%c", &double_data.d[0], &double_data.d[1], &double_data.d[2], &double_data.d[3], &t); break; case 3: sscanf (token, "' %lf %lf %lf '%c", &double_data.d[0], &double_data.d[1], &double_data.d[2], &t); type = (t == 'f' || t == 'F') ? &type_vec3 : &type_dvec3; break; case 2: sscanf (token, "' %lf %lf '%c", &double_data.d[0], &double_data.d[1], &t); type = (t == 'f' || t == 'F') ? &type_vec2 : &type_dvec2; break; } if (options.code.progsversion < PROG_VERSION) { if (!t) { t = 'f'; } } if (t == 'f' || t == 'F') { volatile union { pr_float_t f[4]; pr_type_t t[PR_SIZEOF (vec4)]; } float_data = { .f = { double_data.d[0], double_data.d[1], double_data.d[2], double_data.d[3], } }; data = (pr_type_t *) float_data.t; type = &type_float; } else { type = &type_double; } type = vector_type (type, width); expr_t *expr = new_value_expr (new_type_value (type, data)); expr->implicit = !t; return expr; } #ifdef YY_FLEX_REALLOC_HACK static __attribute__ ((used)) void *(*const yy_flex_realloc_hack)(void *,yy_size_t) = yy_flex_realloc; #else #ifdef yyunput static __attribute__ ((used)) void (*yyunput_hack)(int, char*) = yyunput; #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) int (*input_hack)(void) = input; #endif