/* #FILENAME# #DESCRIPTION# Copyright (C) 2004 #AUTHOR# Author: #AUTHOR# Date: 2004/9/28 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include "QF/GL/defines.h" #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/image.h" #include "QF/png.h" #include "QF/script.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/wad.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "wad.h" static dstring_t destfile = {&dstring_default_mem}; static bool savesingle = false; static wad_t *wadfile; dstring_t *lumpname; tex_t *image; byte *lumpbuffer, *lump_p; typedef struct { const char *name; void (*func)(script_t *script); } command_t; static void unimp (script_t *script) { Sys_Error ("unimplemented: %d", script->line); } command_t commands[] = { {"palette", GrabPalette}, {"colormap", unimp},//GrabColormap}, {"qpic", unimp},//GrabPic}, {"--", unimp}, {"miptex", GrabMip}, {"raw", unimp},//GrabRaw}, {"colormap2", unimp},//GrabColormap2}, {0, 0}, }; static void load_image (const char *name) { QFile *file; tex_t *tex; int i, pixels; byte *s, *d; if (!(file = Qopen (name, "rb"))) Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s. %s", name, strerror(errno)); if (!(tex = LoadPNG (file, 1))) Sys_Error ("couldn't read %s as PNG", name); pixels = tex->width * tex->height; image = malloc (pixels * 4 + sizeof (tex_t)); image->width = tex->width; image->height = tex->height; image->format = tex_rgba; image->palette = 0; switch (tex->format) { case tex_palette: for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) { const byte *v = tex->palette + *s++ * 3; *d++ = *v++; *d++ = *v++; *d++ = *v++; *d++ = 255; } break; case tex_l: for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) { byte l = *s++; *d++ = l; *d++ = l; *d++ = l; *d++ = 255; } break; case tex_a: for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) { *d++ = 255; *d++ = 255; *d++ = 255; *d++ = *s++; } break; case tex_la: for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) { byte l = *s++; *d++ = l; *d++ = l; *d++ = l; *d++ = *s++; } break; case tex_rgb: for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) { *d++ = *s++; *d++ = *s++; *d++ = *s++; *d++ = 255; } break; case tex_rgba: memcpy (image->data, tex->data, pixels * 4); break; default: Sys_Error ("unknown texture type"); } } static void write_file (void) { QFile *file; const char *name; name = va (0, "%s/%s.lmp", destfile.str, lumpname->str); if (!(file = Qopen (name, "wb"))) Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s. %s", name, strerror(errno)); Qwrite (file, lumpbuffer, lump_p - lumpbuffer); Qclose (file); free (lumpbuffer); lumpbuffer = lump_p = 0; } static void write_lump (int type) { if (!wadfile) { wadfile = wad_create (destfile.str); if (!wadfile) Sys_Error ("couldn't create %s. %s", destfile.str, strerror(errno)); } wad_add_data (wadfile, lumpname->str, type, lumpbuffer, lump_p - lumpbuffer); free (lumpbuffer); lumpbuffer = lump_p = 0; } static void parse_script (script_t *script) { int cmd; while (Script_GetToken (script, true)) { if (strcasecmp ("$LOAD", script->token->str) == 0) { Script_GetToken (script, false); load_image (script->token->str); continue; } if (strcasecmp ("$DEST", script->token->str) == 0) { Script_GetToken (script, false); dstring_copystr (&destfile, script->token->str); continue; } if (strcasecmp ("$SINGLEDEST", script->token->str) == 0) { Script_GetToken (script, false); dstring_copystr (&destfile, script->token->str); savesingle = true; continue; } if (!lumpname) lumpname = dstring_newstr (); dstring_copystr (lumpname, script->token->str); Script_GetToken (script, false); for (cmd = 0; commands[cmd].name; cmd++) { if (!strcasecmp (script->token->str, commands[cmd].name)) { commands[cmd].func (script); break; } } if (!commands[cmd].name) Sys_Error ("Unrecognized token '%s' at line %i", script->token->str, script->line); //grabbed++; if (savesingle) write_file (); else write_lump (TYP_LUMPY + cmd); } } void process_wad_script (const char *name) { char *buf; QFile *file; int bytes; script_t *script; file = Qopen (name, "rt"); if (!file) Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s. %s", name, strerror(errno)); bytes = Qfilesize (file); buf = malloc (bytes + 1); bytes = Qread (file, buf, bytes); buf[bytes] = 0; Qclose (file); dstring_copystr (&destfile, name); dstring_appendstr (&destfile, ".wad"); script = Script_New (); Script_Start (script, name, buf); parse_script (script); if (wadfile) wad_close (wadfile); }