/* options.qc Options menu Copyright (C) 2002 Robin Redeker This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include "options.h" #include "cbuf.h" #include "menu.h" #include "system.h" #include "string.h" #include "math.h" #include "draw.h" #include "cvar.h" #include "key.h" #include "InputLine.h" #include "Rect.h" #include "controls_o.h" #include "options_util.h" /* some definitions of border values for different things */ #define MIN_GAMMA 0.4 #define MAX_GAMMA 3 #define GAMMA_STEP 0.1 #define MIN_VIEWSIZE 30 #define MAX_VIEWSIZE 120 #define VIEWSIZE_STEP 10 #define MIN_MOUSE_AMP 0 #define MAX_MOUSE_AMP 60 #define MOUSE_AMP_STEP 2 #define MIN_VOLUME 0 #define MAX_VOLUME 1.5 #define VOLUME_STEP 0.1 #define MIN_COLOR 0 #define MAX_COLOR 13 #define COLOR_STEP 1 /**************************** * VIDEO OPTIONS * Video settings menu code ****************************/ /* CB_video_options Menu event callback for video options */ integer (string text, integer key) CB_video_options = { local float val; local integer selected_crosshair; switch (text) { case "fullscreen": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle vid_fullscreen\n"); break; case "crosshair": selected_crosshair = ftoi (cvar ("crosshair")); selected_crosshair++; if (selected_crosshair >= 3) { selected_crosshair = 0; } cvar_set ("crosshair", itos (selected_crosshair)); break; case "fps": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle hud_fps\n"); break; case "time": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle hud_time\n"); break; } if(!(key == QFK_RIGHT || key == QFK_LEFT )) { return 0; } switch (text) { case "gamma": val = cvar ("vid_gamma"); val = min_max_cnt (MIN_GAMMA, MAX_GAMMA, GAMMA_STEP, val, (key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT)); cvar_set("vid_gamma", ftos (val)); break; case "viewsize": val = cvar ("viewsize"); val = min_max_cnt (MIN_VIEWSIZE, MAX_VIEWSIZE, VIEWSIZE_STEP, val, (key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT)); cvar_set ("viewsize", ftos (val)); break; } return 0; }; /* DRAW_video_options Drawing function for the video options menu */ integer (integer x, integer y) DRAW_video_options = { local integer bar_pad, spacing = 120; Draw_Pic (x + 16, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp", 1)); Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp", 1)); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 40, "Video"); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 50, "-----"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 60, spacing, "Fullscreen", cvar ("vid_fullscreen") ? "On" : "Off"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 70, spacing, "Crosshair", ftos (cvar ("crosshair"))); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 80, spacing, "Show fps", cvar ("hud_fps") ? "On" : "Off"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 90, spacing, "Show time", cvar ("hud_time") ? "On" : "Off"); bar_pad = y + 90; Draw_String (x + 70, bar_pad + 10, "Gamma:"); draw_perc_bar (x + 118, bar_pad + 10, 15, to_percentage (MIN_GAMMA, MAX_GAMMA, cvar ("vid_gamma"))); Draw_String (x + 118 + (15 + 4)*8 , bar_pad + 10, ftos (cvar ("vid_gamma"))); Draw_String (x + 70, bar_pad + 20, "Viewsize:"); draw_perc_bar (x + 142, bar_pad + 20, 12, to_percentage (MIN_VIEWSIZE, MAX_VIEWSIZE, cvar ("viewsize"))); Draw_String (x + 142 + (12 + 4) * 8 , bar_pad + 20, ftos (cvar ("viewsize"))); opt_cursor (x + 62, y + (Menu_GetIndex () * 10) + 60); return 1; }; /* MENU_video_options Menu function for the video options menu. */ void () MENU_video_options = { local integer bar_pad; Menu_Begin (54, 50, "Video"); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_Draw (DRAW_video_options); Menu_Item (54, 60, "fullscreen", CB_video_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 70, "crosshair", CB_video_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 80, "fps", CB_video_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 80, "time", CB_video_options, 0); bar_pad = 90; Menu_Item (54, bar_pad + 10, "gamma", CB_video_options, 1); Menu_Item (54, bar_pad + 20, "viewsize", CB_video_options, 1); Menu_End (); }; /************************************* * AUDIO OPTIONS * Code for the audio settings menu *************************************/ /* CB_audio_options Callback for the audio settings. */ integer (string text, integer key) CB_audio_options = { local float volume; if(!(key == QFK_RIGHT || key == QFK_LEFT )) { return 0; } volume = cvar ("volume"); volume = min_max_cnt (MIN_VOLUME, MAX_VOLUME, VOLUME_STEP, volume, (key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT)); cvar_set ("volume", ftos (volume)); return 0; }; /* DRAW_audio_options Draws the audio options menu */ integer (integer x, integer y) DRAW_audio_options = { local string tmp = ftos (cvar ("crosshair")); local integer bar_pad, spacing = 120; Draw_Pic (x + 16, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp", 1)); Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp", 1)); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 40, "Audio"); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 50, "-----"); bar_pad = y + 50; Draw_String (x + 70, bar_pad + 10, "Volume:"); draw_perc_bar (x + 126, bar_pad + 10, 15, to_percentage (MIN_VOLUME, MAX_VOLUME, cvar("volume")) ); Draw_String (x + 126 + (15 + 4)*8 , bar_pad + 10, ftos(cvar("volume"))); opt_cursor (x + 62, y + (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + 60); return 1; }; /* MENU_audio_options Makes the audio menu */ void () MENU_audio_options = { local integer bar_pad; Menu_Begin (54, 60, "Audio"); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_Draw (DRAW_audio_options); bar_pad = 0; Menu_Item (54, bar_pad + 10, "volume", CB_audio_options, 1); Menu_End (); }; /************************ * CONTROL OPTIONS * Control setting code ************************/ /* CB_control_options Callback for control options */ integer (string text, integer key) CB_control_options = { local float val; switch (text) { case "in_grab": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle in_grab\n"); break; case "autorun": if(cvar("cl_forwardspeed") < 400) { Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_forwardspeed 400\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_backspeed 400\n"); } else { Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_forwardspeed 200\n"); Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_backspeed 200\n"); } break; case "freelook": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle freelook\n"); break; case "lookspring": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle lookspring\n"); break; case "lookstrafe": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle lookstrafe\n"); break; case "m_pitch": if(cvar("m_pitch") < 0) { Cbuf_AddText ("set m_pitch 0.022\n"); } else { Cbuf_AddText ("set m_pitch -0.022\n"); } break; case "cl_autorecord": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle cl_autorecord\n"); break; case "cl_fraglog": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle cl_fraglog\n"); break; } if(!(key == QFK_RIGHT || key == QFK_LEFT)) { return 0; } switch (text) { case "mouseamp": val = cvar("in_mouse_amp"); val = min_max_cnt(MIN_MOUSE_AMP, MAX_MOUSE_AMP, MOUSE_AMP_STEP, val, (key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT)); cvar_set("in_mouse_amp", ftos(val)); break; } return 0; }; /* DRAW_control_options Draws the control option menu */ integer (integer x, integer y) DRAW_control_options = { local integer cursor_pad = 0, spacing = 120, bar_pad; Draw_Pic (x + 16, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp", 1)); Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp", 1)); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 40, "Controls"); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 50, "--------"); Draw_String (x + 70, y + 60, "Bindings"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 70, spacing, "Grab mouse", cvar ("in_grab") ? "On" : "Off"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 80, spacing, "Auto run", cvar ("cl_forwardspeed") < 400 ? "Off" : "On"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 90, spacing, "Mouse Invert", cvar ("m_pitch") < 0 ? "On" : "Off"); bar_pad = y + 90; Draw_String (x + 70, bar_pad + 10, "Mouse amp:"); draw_perc_bar (x + 150, bar_pad + 10, 12, to_percentage (MIN_MOUSE_AMP, MAX_MOUSE_AMP, cvar("in_mouse_amp"))); Draw_String (x + 150 + (12 + 4) * 8 , bar_pad + 10, ftos (cvar ("in_mouse_amp"))); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 110, spacing, "Freelook", cvar("freelook") ? "On" : "Off"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 120, spacing, "Lookspring", cvar ("lookspring") ? "On" : "Off"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 130, spacing, "Lookstrafe", cvar ("lookstrafe") ? "On" : "Off"); opt_cursor (x + 62, y + (Menu_GetIndex () * 10) + 60 + cursor_pad); return 1; }; /* MENU_control_options Menu make function for control options */ void () MENU_control_options = { Menu_Begin (54, 40, "Controls"); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp"); Menu_Draw (DRAW_control_options); MENU_control_binding (); Menu_Item (54, 70, "in_grab", CB_control_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 80, "autorun", CB_control_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 90, "m_pitch", CB_control_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 100, "mouseamp", CB_control_options, 1); Menu_Item (54, 110, "freelook", CB_control_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 120, "lookspring", CB_control_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 130, "lookstrafe", CB_control_options, 0); Menu_End (); }; /*********************************************** * FEATURES OPTIONS * Code of settings for special features of QF ***********************************************/ /* CB_feature_options Callback for feature settings */ integer (string text, integer key) CB_feature_options = { switch (text) { case "cl_autorecord": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle cl_autorecord\n"); break; case "cl_fraglog": Cbuf_AddText ("toggle cl_fraglog\n"); break; } return 0; }; /* DRAW_feature_options Draws the feature option menu */ integer (integer x, integer y) DRAW_feature_options = { local integer cursor_pad = 0, spacing = 120; Draw_Pic (x + 16, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp", 1)); Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp", 1)); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 40, "Features"); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 50, "--------"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 60, spacing, "Auto Record", cvar ("cl_autorecord") != 0 ? "On" : "Off"); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + 70, spacing, "Fraglogging", cvar ("cl_fraglog") != 0 ? "On" : "Off"); opt_cursor (x + 62, y + (Menu_GetIndex () * 10) + 60 + cursor_pad); return 1; }; /* MENU_feature_options Makes the feature option menu */ void () MENU_feature_options = { Menu_Begin (54, 70, "Features"); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp"); Menu_Draw (DRAW_feature_options); Menu_Item (54, 70, "cl_autorecord", CB_feature_options, 0); Menu_Item (54, 80, "cl_fraglog", CB_feature_options, 0); Menu_End (); }; /*************************************************** * PLAYER OPTIONS * Player settings, generally name, team, and color ***************************************************/ string playername_cvar; // name of the cvar holding playername (gametype dependend) string teamname_cvar; // name of the cvar holding teamname (MAY ? gametype dependend) // input for playername and teamname InputLine player_config_plname_il; InputLine player_config_tname_il; // this holds active inputline pointer InputLine player_config_iactive; // Y padding for the player config #define PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD 60 // table for cursor-positions #define NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS 4 integer [NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS] player_config_cursor_tbl = { PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 8, PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 20 + 8, PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45, PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60 }; integer player_config_cursor; // array, which holds commands for this menu string [NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS] player_config_vals = { "", "", "topcolor", "bottomcolor" }; integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) KEYEV_player_options = { local float colortmp; switch (key) { case QFK_DOWN: case QFM_WHEEL_DOWN: if (!player_config_iactive) { player_config_cursor ++; player_config_cursor %= NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS; } break; case QFK_UP: case QFM_WHEEL_UP: if (!player_config_iactive) { player_config_cursor += NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS - 1; player_config_cursor %= NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS; } break; case QFK_RETURN: if (player_config_iactive) { if (player_config_iactive == player_config_plname_il) { cvar_set (playername_cvar, [player_config_plname_il text]); } else if (player_config_iactive == player_config_tname_il) { cvar_set (teamname_cvar, [player_config_tname_il text]); } player_config_iactive = NIL; } else { if (player_config_cursor == 0) { player_config_iactive = player_config_plname_il; } else if (player_config_cursor == 1) { player_config_iactive = player_config_tname_il; } } break; } if(key != QFK_RETURN && player_config_iactive) { [player_config_iactive processInput:(key >= 256 ? key : unicode)]; } if(!(key == QFK_RIGHT || key == QFK_LEFT )) { return 1; } switch (player_config_vals[player_config_cursor]) { case "topcolor": colortmp = cvar ("topcolor"); colortmp = min_max_cnt (MIN_COLOR, MAX_COLOR, COLOR_STEP, colortmp, (key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT)); cvar_set ("topcolor", ftos (colortmp)); break; case "bottomcolor": colortmp = cvar ("bottomcolor"); colortmp = min_max_cnt (MIN_COLOR, MAX_COLOR, COLOR_STEP, colortmp, (key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT)); cvar_set ("bottomcolor", ftos (colortmp)); break; } return 1; }; /* DRAW_player_options Draws the player option menu */ integer (integer x, integer y) DRAW_player_options = { local integer cursor_pad = 0, spacing = 120; Draw_Pic (x + 16, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp", 1)); Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp", 1)); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 40, "Player"); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 50, "--------"); Draw_String (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 8, "Name..:"); text_box (x + 120, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD, 17, 1); [player_config_plname_il setBasePos:x y:y]; [player_config_plname_il draw: player_config_iactive == player_config_plname_il]; Draw_String (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 20 + 8, "Team..:"); text_box (x + 120, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 20, 5, 1); [player_config_tname_il setBasePos:x y:y]; [player_config_tname_il draw:player_config_iactive == player_config_tname_il]; draw_val_item (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45, spacing, "Top color", " " + ftos (cvar ("topcolor"))); draw_val_item (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60, spacing, "Bottom color", " " + ftos (cvar ("bottomcolor"))); // Draw nice color boxes text_box (x + 192, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45 - 8, 1, 1); Draw_Fill (x + 200, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45, 16, 8, ftoi (cvar ("topcolor")) * 16 + 8); text_box (x + 192, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60 - 8, 1, 1); Draw_Fill (x + 200, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60, 16, 8, ftoi (cvar ("bottomcolor")) * 16 + 8); opt_cursor (x + 62, y + player_config_cursor_tbl[player_config_cursor]); return 1; }; /* CB_ME_player_options Entercallback for the playermenu. For initalising the playername and teamname. */ integer () CB_ME_player_options = { if (gametype () == "quakeworld") { playername_cvar = "name"; } else { playername_cvar = "_cl_name"; } teamname_cvar = "team"; // FIXME: is this something else in netquake? [player_config_plname_il setText:Cvar_GetCvarString (playername_cvar)]; [player_config_tname_il setText:Cvar_GetCvarString (teamname_cvar)]; }; /* MENU_player_options Makes the player option menu */ void () MENU_player_options = { player_config_plname_il = [[InputLine alloc] initWithBounds:[[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:120 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 8 :18 :4] promptCharacter:' ']; [player_config_plname_il setWidth:18]; player_config_tname_il = [[InputLine alloc] initWithBounds:[[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:120 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 8 + 20 :7 :4] promptCharacter:' ']; [player_config_tname_il setWidth:7]; player_config_iactive = NIL; Menu_Begin (54, 80, "Player"); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_KeyEvent (KEYEV_player_options); Menu_EnterHook (CB_ME_player_options); Menu_Draw (DRAW_player_options); Menu_End (); }; /***************************************************************************** * NETWORK OPTIONS * Options, which have to do with network stuff (rate, noskins, netgraph, ...) *****************************************************************************/ // input for playername InputLine network_config_rate_il; // this holds active inputline pointer InputLine network_config_iactive; integer network_config_cursor; // Y padding for the player config #define NETWORK_CONF_Y_PAD 60 // table for cursor-positions #define NUM_NETWORKCONFIG_CMDS 1 integer [NUM_NETWORKCONFIG_CMDS] network_config_cursor_tbl = { PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 8, }; integer network_config_cursor; // array, which holds commands for this menu string [NUM_NETWORKCONFIG_CMDS] network_config_vals = { "", }; integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) KEYEV_network_options = { switch (key) { case QFK_DOWN: case QFM_WHEEL_DOWN: if (!network_config_iactive) { network_config_cursor ++; network_config_cursor %= NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS; } break; case QFK_UP: case QFM_WHEEL_UP: if (!network_config_iactive) { network_config_cursor += NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS - 1; network_config_cursor %= NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS; } break; case QFK_RETURN: if (network_config_iactive) { if(network_config_iactive == network_config_rate_il) { cvar_set("rate", [network_config_rate_il text]); } network_config_iactive = NIL; } else { if (network_config_cursor == 0) { network_config_iactive = network_config_rate_il; } } break; } if (key != QFK_RETURN && network_config_iactive) { [network_config_iactive processInput:(key >= 256 ? key : unicode)]; } if (!(key == QFK_RIGHT || key == QFK_LEFT )) { return 1; } // switch (network_config_vals[network_config_cursor]) { // } // none yet return 1; }; /* DRAW_network_options Draws the network option menu */ integer (integer x, integer y) DRAW_network_options = { local integer cursor_pad = 0, spacing = 120; Draw_Pic (x + 16, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp", 1)); Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp", 1)); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 40, "Network"); Draw_String (x + 54, y + 50, "--------"); Draw_String (x + 70, y + NETWORK_CONF_Y_PAD + 8, "Rate..:"); text_box (x + 120, y + NETWORK_CONF_Y_PAD, 9, 1); [network_config_rate_il setBasePos:x y:y]; [network_config_rate_il draw: network_config_iactive == network_config_rate_il]; opt_cursor (x + 62, y + player_config_cursor_tbl[player_config_cursor]); return 1; }; /* CB_ME_network_options Entercallback for the networkmenu. */ integer () CB_ME_network_options = { [network_config_rate_il setText:Cvar_GetCvarString("rate")]; }; /* MENU_network_options Makes the network option menu */ void () MENU_network_options = { network_config_rate_il = [[InputLine alloc] initWithBounds:[[Rect alloc] initWithComponents: 120 :NETWORK_CONF_Y_PAD + 8 :9 :4] promptCharacter:' ']; [network_config_rate_il setWidth:9]; Menu_Begin (54, 90, "Network"); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_KeyEvent (KEYEV_network_options); Menu_EnterHook (CB_ME_network_options); Menu_Draw (DRAW_network_options); Menu_End (); }; integer (string text, integer key) op_goto_console = { Menu_SelectMenu (""); Cbuf_AddText ("toggleconsole\n"); return 0; }; /************************* * MAIN OPTIONS * Main options menu code *************************/ /* MENU_options Makes the main options menu */ void () MENU_options = { local integer spacing = 120; Menu_Begin (54, 72, ""); Menu_FadeScreen (1); Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp"); Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp"); Menu_Item (54, 32, "Go to Console", op_goto_console, 0); MENU_control_options (); MENU_video_options (); MENU_audio_options (); MENU_feature_options (); MENU_player_options (); MENU_network_options (); Menu_End (); };