/* transform.h Transform management Copyright (C) 2021 Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Date: 2021/02/26 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifndef __QF_scene_transform_h #define __QF_scene_transform_h #include "QF/darray.h" #include "QF/ecs.h" #include "QF/qtypes.h" #include "QF/simd/vec4f.h" #include "QF/simd/mat4f.h" /** \defgroup transform Transform management \ingroup utils */ ///@{ enum { transform_type_name, transform_type_tag, transform_type_modified, transform_type_localMatrix, transform_type_localInverse, transform_type_worldMatrix, transform_type_worldInverse, transform_type_localRotation, transform_type_localScale, transform_type_worldRotation, transform_type_count }; typedef struct transform_s { ecs_registry_t *reg; uint32_t id; uint32_t comp; } transform_t; #define nulltransform ((transform_t) {}) #define XFORMINLINE GNU89INLINE inline __attribute__((pure)) XFORMINLINE int Transform_Valid (transform_t transform); transform_t Transform_New (ecs_registry_t *reg, transform_t parent); /* Deletes all child transforms, and transform names */ void Transform_Delete (transform_t transform); transform_t Transform_NewNamed (ecs_registry_t *reg, transform_t parent, const char *name); XFORMINLINE hierref_t *Transform_GetRef (transform_t transform); XFORMINLINE uint32_t Transform_ChildCount (transform_t transform); XFORMINLINE transform_t Transform_GetChild (transform_t transform, uint32_t childIndex); void Transform_SetParent (transform_t transform, transform_t parent); XFORMINLINE transform_t Transform_GetParent (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetName (transform_t transform, const char *name); XFORMINLINE const char *Transform_GetName (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetTag (transform_t transform, uint32_t tag); XFORMINLINE uint32_t Transform_GetTag (transform_t transform); GNU89INLINE inline void Transform_GetLocalMatrix (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat); GNU89INLINE inline void Transform_GetLocalInverse (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat); GNU89INLINE inline void Transform_GetWorldMatrix (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat); // XXX the pointer may be invalidated by hierarchy updates XFORMINLINE const vec4f_t *Transform_GetWorldMatrixPtr (transform_t transform); GNU89INLINE inline void Transform_GetWorldInverse (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetLocalPosition (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetLocalPosition (transform_t transform, vec4f_t position); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetLocalRotation (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetLocalRotation (transform_t transform, vec4f_t rotation); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetLocalScale (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetLocalScale (transform_t transform, vec4f_t scale); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetWorldPosition (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetWorldPosition (transform_t transform, vec4f_t position); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetWorldRotation (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetWorldRotation (transform_t transform, vec4f_t rotation); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetWorldScale (transform_t transform); void Transform_SetLocalTransform (transform_t transform, vec4f_t scale, vec4f_t rotation, vec4f_t position); // NOTE: these use X: forward, -Y: right, Z:up // aslo, not guaranteed to be normalized or even orthogonal XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_Forward (transform_t transform); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_Right (transform_t transform); XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_Up (transform_t transform); // no SetWorldScale because after rotations, non uniform scale becomes shear #undef XFORMINLINE #ifndef IMPLEMENT_TRANSFORM_Funcs #define XFORMINLINE GNU89INLINE inline #else #define XFORMINLINE VISIBLE #endif XFORMINLINE int Transform_Valid (transform_t transform) { return transform.reg && ECS_EntValid (transform.id, transform.reg); } XFORMINLINE hierref_t * Transform_GetRef (transform_t transform) { return Ent_GetComponent (transform.id, transform.comp, transform.reg); } XFORMINLINE uint32_t Transform_ChildCount (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; return h->childCount[ref->index]; } XFORMINLINE transform_t Transform_GetChild (transform_t transform, uint32_t childIndex) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; if (childIndex >= h->childCount[ref->index]) { return nulltransform; } return (transform_t) { .reg = transform.reg, .id = h->ent[h->childIndex[ref->index] + childIndex], .comp = transform.comp, }; } XFORMINLINE transform_t Transform_GetParent (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); if (ref->index == 0) { return nulltransform; } hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; return (transform_t) { .reg = transform.reg, .id = h->ent[h->parentIndex[ref->index]], .comp = transform.comp, }; } XFORMINLINE const char * Transform_GetName (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; char **name = h->components[transform_type_name]; return name[ref->index]; } XFORMINLINE uint32_t Transform_GetTag (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; uint32_t *tag = h->components[transform_type_tag]; return tag[ref->index]; } XFORMINLINE void Transform_GetLocalMatrix (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; vec4f_t *src = localMatrix[ref->index]; mat[0] = src[0]; mat[1] = src[1]; mat[2] = src[2]; mat[3] = src[3]; } XFORMINLINE void Transform_GetLocalInverse (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *localInverse = h->components[transform_type_localInverse]; vec4f_t *src = localInverse[ref->index]; mat[0] = src[0]; mat[1] = src[1]; mat[2] = src[2]; mat[3] = src[3]; } XFORMINLINE void Transform_GetWorldMatrix (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; vec4f_t *src = worldMatrix[ref->index]; mat[0] = src[0]; mat[1] = src[1]; mat[2] = src[2]; mat[3] = src[3]; } XFORMINLINE const vec4f_t * Transform_GetWorldMatrixPtr (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; return worldMatrix[ref->index]; } XFORMINLINE void Transform_GetWorldInverse (transform_t transform, mat4f_t mat) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldInverse = h->components[transform_type_worldInverse]; vec4f_t *src = worldInverse[ref->index]; mat[0] = src[0]; mat[1] = src[1]; mat[2] = src[2]; mat[3] = src[3]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetLocalPosition (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *localMatrix = h->components[transform_type_localMatrix]; return localMatrix[ref->index][3]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetLocalRotation (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; vec4f_t *localRotation = h->components[transform_type_localRotation]; return localRotation[ref->index]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetLocalScale (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; vec4f_t *localScale = h->components[transform_type_localScale]; return localScale[ref->index]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetWorldPosition (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; return worldMatrix[ref->index][3]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetWorldRotation (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; vec4f_t *worldRotation = h->components[transform_type_worldRotation]; return worldRotation[ref->index]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_GetWorldScale (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; vec4f_t *m = worldMatrix[ref->index]; vec4f_t s = { dotf (m[0], m[0])[0], dotf (m[1], m[1])[0], dotf (m[2], m[2])[0], 0, }; return vsqrt4f (s); } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_Forward (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; return worldMatrix[ref->index][0]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_Right (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; return -worldMatrix[ref->index][1]; } XFORMINLINE vec4f_t Transform_Up (transform_t transform) { __auto_type ref = Transform_GetRef (transform); hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy; mat4f_t *worldMatrix = h->components[transform_type_worldMatrix]; return worldMatrix[ref->index][2]; } ///@} #endif//__QF_scene_transform_h