/* joy.c Joystick input interface Copyright (C) 2000 David Jeffery Copyright (C) 2000 Jeff Teunissen Copyright (C) 2001 Ragnvald `Despair` Maartmann-Moe IV This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/input.h" #include "QF/joystick.h" #include "QF/keys.h" #include "QF/mathlib.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/cmd.h" #include "compat.h" #include cvar_t *joy_device; // Joystick device name cvar_t *joy_enable; // Joystick enabling flag cvar_t *joy_amp; // Joystick amplification cvar_t *joy_pre_amp; // Joystick pre-amplification qboolean joy_found = false; qboolean joy_active = false; struct joy_axis joy_axes[JOY_MAX_AXES]; struct joy_button joy_buttons[JOY_MAX_BUTTONS]; void joy_clear_axis (int i) { joy_axes[i].dest = js_none; joy_axes[i].amp = 1; joy_axes[i].pre_amp = 1; joy_axes[i].deadzone = 12500; joy_axes[i].num_buttons = 0; if (joy_axes[i].axis_buttons) { free (joy_axes[i].axis_buttons); joy_axes[i].axis_buttons = NULL; } } static void joy_check_axis_buttons (struct joy_axis *ja, float value) { struct joy_axis_button *ab; int pressed = -1; int i; // the axis button list is sorted in decending order of absolute threshold for (i = 0; i < ja->num_buttons; i++) { ab = &ja->axis_buttons[i]; if ((value < 0) == (ab->threshold < 0) && fabsf (value) >= fabsf (ab->threshold)) { pressed = i; break; } } // make sure any buttons that are no longer active are "released" for (i = 0; i < ja->num_buttons; i++) { if (i == pressed) continue; ab = &ja->axis_buttons[i]; if (ab->state) { Key_Event (ab->key, 0, 0); ab->state = 0; } } // press the active button if there is one if (pressed >= 0) { // FIXME support repeat? ab = &ja->axis_buttons[pressed]; if (!ab->state) { Key_Event (ab->key, 0, 1); } ab->state = 1; } } VISIBLE void JOY_Command (void) { JOY_Read (); } VISIBLE void JOY_Move (void) { struct joy_axis *ja; float value; float amp = joy_amp->value * in_amp->value; float pre = joy_pre_amp->value * in_pre_amp->value; int i; if (!joy_active || !joy_enable->int_val) return; for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++) { ja = &joy_axes[i]; value = ja->current * pre * ja->pre_amp; if (fabs (value) < ja->deadzone) value = -ja->offset; value += ja->offset; value *= amp * ja->amp; switch (ja->dest) { case js_none: // ignore axis break; case js_position: if (ja->current) viewdelta.position[(ja->axis) ? 2 : 0] += value; break; case js_angles: if (ja->current) viewdelta.angles[(ja->axis) ? 1 : 0] -= value; break; case js_button: joy_check_axis_buttons (ja, value); break; } } } VISIBLE void JOY_Init (void) { int i; if (JOY_Open () == -1) { Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_VID, "JOY: Joystick not found.\n"); joy_found = false; joy_active = false; return; } joy_found = true; if (!joy_enable->int_val) { Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_VID, "JOY: Joystick found, but not enabled.\n"); joy_active = false; JOY_Close (); } Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_VID, "JOY: Joystick found and activated.\n"); // Initialize joystick if found and enabled for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_BUTTONS; i++) { joy_buttons[i].old = 0; joy_buttons[i].current = 0; } joy_active = true; } static void joyamp_f (cvar_t *var) { Cvar_Set (var, va ("%g", max (0.0001, var->value))); } typedef struct { const char *name; js_dest_t destnum; } js_dests_t; typedef struct { const char *name; js_dest_t optnum; } js_opts_t; typedef struct { const char *name; int axis; } js_axis_t; js_dests_t js_dests[] = { {"none", js_none}, // ignore axis {"movement", js_position}, // linear delta {"aim", js_angles}, // linear delta {"button", js_button}, // axis button {0, 0} }; js_opts_t js_opts[] = { {"clear", js_clear}, {"amp", js_amp}, {"pre_amp", js_pre_amp}, {"deadzone", js_deadzone}, {"offset", js_offset}, {"type", js_type}, {"button", js_axis_button}, {0, 0} }; js_axis_t js_position_names[] = { {"x", 0}, {"y", 1}, {"z", 2}, {0, 0} }; js_axis_t js_angles_names[] = { {"pitch", PITCH}, {"yaw", YAW}, {"roll", ROLL}, {"p", PITCH}, {"y", YAW}, {"r", ROLL}, {0, 0} }; js_axis_t *js_axis_names[] = { 0, // js_none js_position_names, js_angles_names, 0, // js_button }; const char * JOY_GetOption_c (int i) { js_opts_t *opt; for (opt = &js_opts[0]; opt->name; opt++) { if ((int) opt->optnum == i) return opt->name; } return NULL; } int JOY_GetOption_i (const char *c) { js_opts_t *opt; for (opt = &js_opts[0]; opt->name; opt++) { if (!strcmp (opt->name, c)) return opt->optnum; } return -1; // Failure code; } const char * JOY_GetDest_c (int i) { js_dests_t *dest; for (dest = &js_dests[0]; dest->name; dest++) { if ((int) dest->destnum == i) return dest->name; } return NULL; } int JOY_GetDest_i (const char *c) { js_dests_t *dest; for (dest = &js_dests[0]; dest->name; dest++) { if (!strcmp (dest->name, c)) return dest->destnum; } return -1; // Failure code; } int JOY_GetAxis_i (int dest, const char *c) { char *end; int axis; js_axis_t *axis_names; axis = strtol (c, &end, 10); if (*end || axis < 0 || axis > 2) { axis = -1; for (axis_names = js_axis_names[dest]; axis_names && axis_names->name; axis_names++) { if (!strcasecmp (axis_names->name, c)) { axis = axis_names->axis; break; } } } return axis; } static void in_joy_button_add_f (int ax, int index) { int n; size_t size; const char *key = Cmd_Argv (index); int keynum; const char *thrsh = Cmd_Argv (index + 1); float threshold; char *end = 0; keynum = strtol (key, &end, 10) + QFJ_AXIS1; if (*end || keynum < QFJ_AXIS1 || keynum > QFJ_AXIS32) { // if the key is not valid, try a key name keynum = Key_StringToKeynum (key); } if (keynum == -1) { Sys_Printf ("\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", key); } threshold = strtof (thrsh, &end); if (*end) { Sys_Printf ("invalid threshold: %s\n", thrsh); keynum = -1; } if (keynum == -1) return; n = joy_axes[ax].num_buttons++; size = joy_axes[ax].num_buttons * sizeof (struct joy_axis_button); joy_axes[ax].axis_buttons = realloc (joy_axes[ax].axis_buttons, size); joy_axes[ax].axis_buttons[n].key = keynum; joy_axes[ax].axis_buttons[n].threshold = threshold; joy_axes[ax].axis_buttons[n].state = 0; } static void in_joy_f (void) { const char *arg; int i, ax, c = Cmd_Argc (); if (c == 2) { ax = JOY_GetOption_i (Cmd_Argv (1)); switch (ax) { case js_clear: Sys_Printf ("Clearing all joystick settings...\n"); for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++) { joy_clear_axis (i); } break; case js_amp: Sys_Printf ("[...] [<#amp>]: Axis sensitivity\n"); break; case js_pre_amp: Sys_Printf ("[...] [<#pre_amp>]: Axis sensitivity.\n"); break; case js_deadzone: Sys_Printf ("[...] [<#dz>]: Axis deadzone.\n"); break; case js_offset: Sys_Printf ("[...] [<#off>]: Axis initial position.\n"); break; case js_type: Sys_Printf ("[...] [ <#act>].\n"); Sys_Printf ("Values for :\n"); Sys_Printf ("none: #0\n"); Sys_Printf ("aim: #1..0\n"); Sys_Printf ("movement: #1..0\n"); break; case js_axis_button: /* TODO */ break; default: ax = strtol (Cmd_Argv (1), NULL, 0); Sys_Printf ("<=====> AXIS %i <=====>\n", ax); Sys_Printf ("amp: %.9g\n", joy_axes[ax].amp); Sys_Printf ("pre_amp: %.9g\n", joy_axes[ax].pre_amp); Sys_Printf ("deadzone: %i\n", joy_axes[ax].deadzone); Sys_Printf ("offset: %.9g\n", joy_axes[ax].offset); Sys_Printf ("type: %s\n", JOY_GetDest_c (joy_axes[ax].dest)); Sys_Printf ("<====================>\n"); break; } return; } else if (c < 4) { if (JOY_GetOption_i (Cmd_Argv (2)) == js_clear) { ax = strtol (Cmd_Argv (1), NULL, 0); joy_clear_axis (ax); return; } else { Sys_Printf ("in_joy [ ]*\n" " Configures the joystick behaviour\n"); return; } } ax = strtol (Cmd_Argv (1), NULL, 0); i = 2; while (i < c) { int var = JOY_GetOption_i (Cmd_Argv (i++)); switch (var) { case js_amp: joy_axes[ax].amp = strtof (Cmd_Argv (i++), NULL); break; case js_pre_amp: joy_axes[ax].pre_amp = strtof (Cmd_Argv (i++), NULL); break; case js_deadzone: joy_axes[ax].deadzone = strtol (Cmd_Argv (i++), NULL, 10); break; case js_offset: joy_axes[ax].offset = strtol (Cmd_Argv (i++), NULL, 10); break; case js_type: joy_axes[ax].dest = JOY_GetDest_i (Cmd_Argv (i++)); joy_axes[ax].axis = JOY_GetAxis_i (joy_axes[ax].dest, Cmd_Argv (i++)); if (joy_axes[ax].axis > 2 || joy_axes[ax].axis < 0) { joy_axes[ax].axis = 0; Sys_Printf ("Invalid axis value."); } break; case js_axis_button: arg = Cmd_Argv (i++); if (!strcmp ("add", arg)) { in_joy_button_add_f (ax, i); i += 2; } break; default: Sys_Printf ("Unknown option %s.\n", Cmd_Argv (i - 1)); break; } } } VISIBLE void JOY_Init_Cvars (void) { int i; joy_device = Cvar_Get ("joy_device", "/dev/input/js0", CVAR_NONE | CVAR_ROM, 0, "Joystick device"); joy_enable = Cvar_Get ("joy_enable", "1", CVAR_NONE | CVAR_ARCHIVE, 0, "Joystick enable flag"); joy_amp = Cvar_Get ("joy_amp", "1", CVAR_NONE | CVAR_ARCHIVE, joyamp_f, "Joystick amplification"); joy_pre_amp = Cvar_Get ("joy_pre_amp", "1", CVAR_NONE | CVAR_ARCHIVE, joyamp_f, "Joystick pre-amplification"); Cmd_AddCommand ("in_joy", in_joy_f, "Configures the joystick behaviour"); for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++) { joy_axes[i].dest = js_none; joy_axes[i].amp = 1; joy_axes[i].pre_amp = 1; joy_axes[i].deadzone = 500; } } void Joy_WriteBindings (QFile * f) { int i; for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++) { if (!js_axis_names[joy_axes[i].dest]) { Qprintf (f, "in_joy %i amp %.9g pre_amp %.9g deadzone %i " "offset %.9g type %s %i\n", i, joy_axes[i].amp, joy_axes[i].pre_amp, joy_axes[i].deadzone, joy_axes[i].offset, JOY_GetDest_c (joy_axes[i].dest), joy_axes[i].axis); } else { Qprintf (f, "in_joy %i amp %.9g pre_amp %.9g deadzone %i " "offset %.9g type %s %s\n", i, joy_axes[i].amp, joy_axes[i].pre_amp, joy_axes[i].deadzone, joy_axes[i].offset, JOY_GetDest_c (joy_axes[i].dest), js_axis_names[joy_axes[i].dest][joy_axes[i].axis].name); } if (joy_axes[i].num_buttons > 0) { int n; for (n = 0; n < joy_axes[i].num_buttons; n++) { Qprintf (f, "in_joy %i button add %s %.9g\n", i, Key_KeynumToString (joy_axes[i].axis_buttons[n].key), joy_axes[i].axis_buttons[n].threshold); } } } } VISIBLE void JOY_Shutdown (void) { if (!joy_active) return; JOY_Close (); joy_active = false; joy_found = false; }