/* test-cexpr.c Config expression parser. Or concurrent. Copyright (C) 2020 Bill Currie This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "QF/cexpr.h" #include "QF/cmem.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/mathlib.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/simd/vec4f.h" int a = 5; int b = 6; int c; int array[4] = { 9, 16, 25, 36 }; vec4f_t point = { 2, 3, 4, 1 }; // a point, so w = 1 vec4f_t normal = { 1, 2, 3, 0 }; // a vector, so w = 0 vec4f_t direction = { 4, 5, 6, 0 }; // a vector, so w = 0 vec4f_t plane; vec4f_t intercept; exprarray_t int_array_4_data = { &cexpr_int, sizeof (array) / sizeof (array[0]), }; exprtype_t int_array_4 = { "int[4]", 4 * sizeof (int), cexpr_array_binops, 0, &int_array_4_data, }; exprsym_t symbols[] = { { "a", &cexpr_int, &a }, { "b", &cexpr_int, &b }, { "array", &int_array_4, &array }, { "point", &cexpr_vector, &point }, { "normal", &cexpr_vector, &normal }, { "plane", &cexpr_vector, &plane }, { "direction", &cexpr_vector, &direction }, { "intercept", &cexpr_vector, &intercept }, {} }; exprval_t test_result = { &cexpr_int, &c }; exprval_t plane_result = { &cexpr_vector, &plane }; // a bit hacky, but no l-values exprval_t dist_result = { &cexpr_float, (float *)&plane + 3 }; exprval_t intercept_result = { &cexpr_vector, &intercept }; exprtab_t root_symtab = { .symbols = cexpr_lib_symbols, }; exprtab_t symtab = { .symbols = symbols, }; exprctx_t root_context = { .symtab = &root_symtab }; exprctx_t context = { .parent = &root_context, .result = &test_result, .symtab = &symtab }; #define TEST_BINOP(op) \ do { \ c = -4096; \ context.result = &test_result; \ cexpr_eval_string ("a " #op " b", &context); \ printf ("c = a %s b -> %d = %d %s %d\n", #op, c, a, #op, b); \ if (c != (a op b)) { \ ret |= 1; \ } \ } while (0) #define TEST_ARRAY(ind) \ do { \ c = -4096; \ context.result = &test_result; \ cexpr_eval_string (va (0, "array[%d]", ind), &context); \ printf ("c = array[%d] -> %d = %d\n", ind, c, array[ind]); \ if (c != array[ind]) { \ ret |= 1; \ } \ } while (0) int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int ret = 0; cexpr_init_symtab (&root_symtab, &context); cexpr_init_symtab (&symtab, &context); context.memsuper = new_memsuper(); TEST_BINOP (<<); TEST_BINOP (>>); TEST_BINOP (+); TEST_BINOP (-); TEST_BINOP (*); TEST_BINOP (/); TEST_BINOP (&); TEST_BINOP (|); TEST_BINOP (^); TEST_BINOP (%); TEST_ARRAY (0); TEST_ARRAY (1); TEST_ARRAY (2); TEST_ARRAY (3); context.result = &plane_result; cexpr_eval_string ("point.wzyx", &context); if (plane[0] != point[3] || plane[1] != point[2] || plane[2] != point[1] || plane[3] != point[0]) { printf ("point.wzyx [%.9g, %.9g, %.9g] %.9g\n", VectorExpand (plane), plane[3]); ret |= 1; } cexpr_eval_string ("point.zyx", &context); if (plane[0] != point[2] || plane[1] != point[1] || plane[2] != point[0] || plane[3] != 0) { printf ("point.zyx [%.9g, %.9g, %.9g] %.9g\n", VectorExpand (plane), plane[3]); ret |= 1; } cexpr_eval_string ("point.yx", &context); if (plane[0] != point[1] || plane[1] != point[0] || plane[2] != 0 || plane[3] != 0) { printf ("point.yx [%.9g, %.9g, %.9g] %.9g\n", VectorExpand (plane), plane[3]); ret |= 1; } cexpr_eval_string ("normal", &context); context.result = &dist_result; cexpr_eval_string ("-dot(point, normal).x / 2f", &context); if (!VectorCompare (normal, plane) || plane[3] != -DotProduct (normal, point) / 2) { printf ("plane [%.9g, %.9g, %.9g] %.9g\n", VectorExpand (plane), plane[3]); ret |= 1; } context.result = &intercept_result; cexpr_eval_string ("point - direction * dot(point, plane)/dot(direction,plane)", &context); if (intercept[0] != 0.75 || intercept[1] != 1.4375 || intercept[2] != 2.125 || intercept[3] != 1) { printf ("[%.9g, %.9g, %.9g] %.9g\n", VectorExpand (intercept), intercept[3]); ret |= 1; } Hash_DelTable (symtab.tab); delete_memsuper (context.memsuper); return ret; }