#ifndef __ruamoko_Array_h #define __ruamoko_Array_h #include <Object.h> #include <runtime.h> /** The Array class is a general ordered collection class. The %Array class manages an ordered collection of objects. If you want to subclass Array, you need to override these methods: \li #count() \li #objectAtIndex: \li #addObject: \li #insertObject:atIndex: \li #removeObjectAtIndex: \li #removeLastObject \li #replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: */ @interface Array: Object //<Copying> { unsigned count; ///< The number of objects currently contained unsigned capacity; ///< The number of objects that can be held right now unsigned granularity; ///< The number of pointers allocated at a time (based on initial capacity) id *_objs; ///< A primitive array of pointers to objects } ///\name Creating arrays //\{ /** Create and return an empty array with the default initial capacity. */ + (id) array; /** Creates and returns an empty array with initial capacity \a cap. \param cap The initial capacity of the array. */ + (id) arrayWithCapacity: (unsigned)cap; /** Returns a copy of \a array, retaining its contents. */ + (id) arrayWithArray: (Array *)array; /** Create an array containing only \a anObject . */ + (id) arrayWithObject: (id)anObject; /** Create an array from a list of objects. \warning Due to the nature of the Ruamoko/QuakeC language, do not supply more than 6 objects to this method. */ + (id) arrayWithObjects: (id)firstObj, ...; /** Create and return an array containing the first \a count objects from primitive array \a objs. \warning Do not supply a primitive array containing fewer than \a count objects. */ + (id) arrayWithObjects: (id *)objs count: (unsigned)cnt; //\} ///\name Initializing arrays //\{ /** Initialize the receiver with capacity \a cap */ - (id) initWithCapacity: (unsigned)cap; /** Initialize the receiver with objects from \a array. */ - (id) initWithArray: (Array *)array; /** Initialize the receiver with objects from \a array. \param array The array to duplicate \param flag if #YES, copies the contents instead of retaining them. */ - (id) initWithArray: (Array *)array copyItems: (BOOL)flag; /** Initialize the receiver with a list of objects. \warning Due to the nature of the Ruamoko/QuakeC language, do not supply more than 6 objects to this method. */ - (id) initWithObjects: (id)firstObj, ...; /** Initialize the receiver with a primitive array of objects. */ - (id) initWithObjects: (id *)objs count: (unsigned)count; //\} ///\name Querying an array //\{ /** Returns #YES if the receiver contains \a anObject. The #isEqual: method is used to determine this, so that (for example) a newly-created string object can be compared to one already in the array. */ - (BOOL) containsObject: (id)anObject; /** Returns the number of objects contained in the receiver. */ - (unsigned) count; /** Returns the object contained at index \a index. */ - (id) objectAtIndex: (unsigned)index; /** Returns the contained object with the highest index. */ - (id) lastObject; //- (Enumerator) objectEnumerator; //- (Enumerator) reverseObjectEnumerator; #if 0 /** Copies all object references in the range \a aRange to \a aBuffer. \warning The destination buffer must be large enough to hold all contents. */ - (BOOL) getObjects: (id *)aBuffer range: (Range)aRange; #endif //\} ///\name Finding objects //\{ /** Returns the lowest index of an object equal to \a anObject. If no object is equal, returns #NotFound. */ - (unsigned) indexOfObject: (id)anObject; #if 0 /** Returns the lowest index, within the range \a aRange, of an object equal to \a anObject. If no object is equal, returns #NotFound. */ - (unsigned) indexOfObject: (id)anObject inRange: (Range)aRange; #endif /** Returns the lowest index of an object with the same address as \a anObject. Returns #NotFound if \a anObject is not found within the array. */ - (unsigned) indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: (id)anObject; #if 0 /** Returns the lowest index, within the range \a aRange, of an object with the same address as \a anObject. Returns #NotFound if \a anObject is not found within the range. */ - (unsigned) indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: (id)anObject inRange: (Range)aRange; #endif //\} ///\name Adding objects //\{ /** Adds a single object to an array */ - (void) addObject: (id)anObject; /** Adds each object in \a array to the receiver, retaining it. */ - (void) addObjectsFromArray: (Array *)array; /** Adds a single object to an array Adds \a anObject to the receiver at index \a index, pushing any objects with a higher index to the next higher slot. */ - (void) insertObject: (id)anObject atIndex: (unsigned)index; //\} ///\name Replacing Objects //\{ /** Removes object at \a index, replacing it with \a anObject. */ - (void) replaceObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index withObject: (id)anObject; /** Replaces the object currently in the receiver with those from \a array. \note If \a array and self are the same object, this method has no effect. */ - (void) setArray: (Array *)array; //\} ///\name Removing Objects //\{ /** Recursively removes all objects from the receiver by sending #removeLastObject to \a self, until #count() returns zero. */ - (void) removeAllObjects; /** Removes from the receiver the contained object with the highest index. */ - (void) removeLastObject; /** Finds and removes all objects from the receiver that are equal to \a anObject, by sending each #isEqual: with \a anObject as the argument. */ - (void) removeObject: (id)anObject; /** Finds and removes all objects from the receiver that are equal to any objects in array \a anArray. */ - (void) removeObjectsInArray: (Array *)anArray; /** Finds and removes all objects from the receiver that are \b exactly equal to \a anObject, using a direct address comparison. */ - (void) removeObjectIdenticalTo: (id)anObject; /** Removes the object located at index \a index, moving each object with a higher index down one position. */ - (void) removeObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index; //\} ///\name Sending Messages to Elements //\{ /** Iteratively sends #performSelector: to each contained object. */ - (void) makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector; /** Iteratively sends #performSelector:withObject: to each contained object. */ - (void) makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector withObject: (void *)arg; //\} /** Iteratively sends #performSelector:withObject:withObject: to each contained object. */ - (void) makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector withObject: (void *)arg withObject: (void *)arg2; //\} @end #endif//__ruamoko_Array_h