/* gl_mod_alias.c (description) Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "QF/console.h" #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/locs.h" #include "QF/mathlib.h" #include "QF/qargs.h" #include "QF/render.h" #include "QF/skin.h" #include "QF/sound.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/vid.h" #include "QF/GL/defines.h" #include "QF/GL/funcs.h" #include "QF/GL/qf_rlight.h" #include "QF/GL/qf_rmain.h" #include "QF/GL/qf_rsurf.h" #include "QF/GL/qf_screen.h" #include "QF/GL/qf_vid.h" #include "compat.h" #include "r_cvar.h" #include "r_dynamic.h" #include "r_local.h" #include "view.h" typedef struct { vec3_t vert; float lightdot; } blended_vert_t; typedef struct { blended_vert_t *verts; int *order; } vert_order_t; float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3] = { #include "anorms.h" }; // precalculated dot products for quantized angles #define SHADEDOT_QUANT 16 float r_avertexnormal_dots[SHADEDOT_QUANT][256] = #include "anorm_dots.h" ; float shadelight; float *shadedots = r_avertexnormal_dots[0]; int lastposenum, lastposenum0; vec3_t shadevector; static void GL_DrawAliasFrame (vert_order_t *vo, qboolean fb) { float l; float color[4]; int count; int *order; blended_vert_t *verts; verts = vo->verts; order = vo->order; color[3] = modelalpha; if (modelalpha != 1.0) qfglDepthMask (GL_FALSE); if (fb) { color_white[3] = modelalpha * 255; qfglColor4ubv (color_white); } while ((count = *order++)) { // get the vertex count and primitive type if (count < 0) { count = -count; qfglBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); } else { qfglBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); } do { // texture coordinates come from the draw list qfglTexCoord2fv ((float *) order); order += 2; if (!fb) { // normals and vertexes come from the frame list l = shadelight * verts->lightdot; VectorScale (shadecolor, l, color); qfglColor4fv (color); } qfglVertex3fv (verts->vert); verts++; } while (--count); qfglEnd (); } if (modelalpha != 1.0) qfglDepthMask (GL_TRUE); } /* GL_DrawAliasShadow Standard shadow drawing */ static void GL_DrawAliasShadow (aliashdr_t *paliashdr, int posenum) { float height, lheight; int count; int *order; vec3_t point; trivertx_t *verts; lheight = currententity->origin[2] - lightspot[2]; height = 0; verts = (trivertx_t *) ((byte *) paliashdr + paliashdr->posedata); verts += posenum * paliashdr->poseverts; order = (int *) ((byte *) paliashdr + paliashdr->commands); height = -lheight + 1.0; while ((count = *order++)) { // get the vertex count and primitive type if (count < 0) { count = -count; qfglBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); } else qfglBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); do { // texture coordinates come from the draw list // (skipped for shadows) qfglTexCoord2fv ((float *)order); order += 2; // normals and vertexes come from the frame list point[0] = verts->v[0] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[0] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[0]; point[1] = verts->v[1] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[1] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[1]; point[2] = verts->v[2] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[2] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[2]; point[0] -= shadevector[0] * (point[2] + lheight); point[1] -= shadevector[1] * (point[2] + lheight); point[2] = height; // height -= 0.001; qfglVertex3fv (point); verts++; } while (--count); qfglEnd (); } } /* GL_DrawAliasBlendedShadow Interpolated shadow drawing */ void GL_DrawAliasBlendedShadow (aliashdr_t *paliashdr, int pose1, int pose2, entity_t *e) { float blend, height, lheight, lerp; int count; int *order; trivertx_t *verts1, *verts2; vec3_t point1, point2; blend = (r_realtime - e->frame_start_time) / e->frame_interval; blend = min (blend, 1); lerp = 1 - blend; lheight = e->origin[2] - lightspot[2]; height = -lheight + 1.0; verts2 = verts1 = (trivertx_t *) ((byte *) paliashdr + paliashdr->posedata); verts1 += pose1 * paliashdr->poseverts; verts2 += pose2 * paliashdr->poseverts; order = (int *) ((byte *) paliashdr + paliashdr->commands); while ((count = *order++)) { // get the vertex count and primitive type if (count < 0) { count = -count; qfglBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); } else { qfglBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); } do { order += 2; point1[0] = verts1->v[0] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[0] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[0]; point1[1] = verts1->v[1] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[1] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[1]; point1[2] = verts1->v[2] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[2] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[2]; point1[0] -= shadevector[0] * (point1[2] + lheight); point1[1] -= shadevector[1] * (point1[2] + lheight); point2[0] = verts2->v[0] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[0] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[0]; point2[1] = verts2->v[1] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[1] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[1]; point2[2] = verts2->v[2] * paliashdr->mdl.scale[2] + paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[2]; point2[0] -= shadevector[0] * (point2[2] + lheight); point2[1] -= shadevector[1] * (point2[2] + lheight); qfglVertex3f ((point1[0] * lerp) + (point2[0] * blend), (point1[1] * lerp) + (point2[1] * blend), height); verts1++; verts2++; } while (--count); qfglEnd (); } } vert_order_t * GL_GetAliasFrameVerts (int frame, aliashdr_t *paliashdr, entity_t *e) { float interval; int count, numposes, pose, i; trivertx_t *verts; vert_order_t *vo; if ((frame >= paliashdr->mdl.numframes) || (frame < 0)) { Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupFrame: no such frame %d\n", frame); frame = 0; } pose = paliashdr->frames[frame].firstpose; numposes = paliashdr->frames[frame].numposes; verts = (trivertx_t *) ((byte *) paliashdr + paliashdr->posedata); count = paliashdr->poseverts; vo = Hunk_TempAlloc (sizeof (*vo) + count * sizeof (blended_vert_t)); vo->order = (int *) ((byte *) paliashdr + paliashdr->commands); vo->verts = (blended_vert_t*)&vo[1]; if (numposes > 1) { interval = paliashdr->frames[frame].interval; pose += (int) (r_realtime / interval) % numposes; } else { /* One tenth of a second is good for most Quake animations. If the nextthink is longer then the animation is usually meant to pause (e.g. check out the shambler magic animation in shambler.qc). If its shorter then things will still be smoothed partly, and the jumps will be less noticable because of the shorter time. So, this is probably a good assumption. */ interval = 0.1; } if (gl_lerp_anim->int_val) { trivertx_t *verts1, *verts2; float blend, lerp; e->frame_interval = interval; if (e->pose2 != pose) { e->frame_start_time = r_realtime; if (e->pose2 == -1) { e->pose1 = pose; } else { e->pose1 = e->pose2; } e->pose2 = pose; blend = 0; } else { blend = (r_realtime - e->frame_start_time) / e->frame_interval; } // wierd things start happening if blend passes 1 if (r_paused || blend > 1) blend = 1; lerp = 1 - blend; verts1 = verts + e->pose1 * count; verts2 = verts + e->pose2 * count; if (!blend) { verts = verts1; } else if (blend == 1) { verts = verts2; } else { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { vo->verts[i].vert[0] = verts1[i].v[0] * lerp + verts2[i].v[0] * blend; vo->verts[i].vert[1] = verts1[i].v[1] * lerp + verts2[i].v[1] * blend; vo->verts[i].vert[2] = verts1[i].v[2] * lerp + verts2[i].v[2] * blend; vo->verts[i].lightdot = shadedots[verts1[i].lightnormalindex] * lerp + shadedots[verts2[i].lightnormalindex] * blend; } lastposenum0 = e->pose1; lastposenum = e->pose2; return vo; } } else { verts += pose * count; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { vo->verts[i].vert[0] = verts[i].v[0]; vo->verts[i].vert[1] = verts[i].v[1]; vo->verts[i].vert[2] = verts[i].v[2]; vo->verts[i].lightdot = shadedots[verts[i].lightnormalindex]; } lastposenum = pose; return vo; } maliasskindesc_t * R_AliasGetSkindesc (int skinnum, aliashdr_t *ahdr) { maliasskindesc_t *pskindesc; maliasskingroup_t *paliasskingroup; if ((skinnum >= ahdr->mdl.numskins) || (skinnum < 0)) { Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupSkin: no such skin # %d\n", skinnum); skinnum = 0; } pskindesc = ((maliasskindesc_t *) ((byte *) ahdr + ahdr->skindesc)) + skinnum; if (pskindesc->type == ALIAS_SKIN_GROUP) { float fullskininterval; int i; float skintargettime, skintime; float *pskinintervals; paliasskingroup = (maliasskingroup_t *) ((byte *) ahdr + pskindesc->skin); pskinintervals = (float *) ((byte *) ahdr + paliasskingroup->intervals); numskins = paliasskingroup->numskins; fullskininterval = pskinintervals[numskins - 1]; skintime = r_realtime + currententity->syncbase; skintargettime = skintime - ((int) (skintime / fullskininterval)) * fullskininterval; for (i = 0; i < (numskins - 1); i++) { if (pskinintervals[i] > skintargettime) break; } pskindesc = &paliasskingroup->skindescs[i]; } return pskindesc; } void R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *e, qboolean cull) { float add, an; int lnum, texture; int fb_texture = 0; aliashdr_t *paliashdr; model_t *clmodel; vec3_t dist, mins, maxs; vert_order_t *vo; clmodel = e->model; VectorAdd (e->origin, clmodel->mins, mins); VectorAdd (e->origin, clmodel->maxs, maxs); if (cull && R_CullBox (mins, maxs)) return; // FIXME: shadecolor is supposed to be the lighting for the model, not // just colormod shadecolor[0] = e->colormod[0] * 2.0; shadecolor[1] = e->colormod[1] * 2.0; shadecolor[2] = e->colormod[2] * 2.0; modelalpha = e->alpha; VectorCopy (e->origin, r_entorigin); VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg); if (clmodel->fullbright) { shadelight = 1.0; // make certain models full brightness always } else { // get lighting information shadelight = R_LightPoint (e->origin); // always give the gun some light if (e == r_view_model) shadelight = max (shadelight, 24); for (lnum = 0; lnum < r_maxdlights; lnum++) { if (r_dlights[lnum].die >= r_realtime) { VectorSubtract (e->origin, r_dlights[lnum].origin, dist); add = (r_dlights[lnum].radius * r_dlights[lnum].radius * 8) / (DotProduct (dist, dist)); // FIXME Deek if (add > 0) shadelight += add; } } // clamp lighting so it doesn't overbright as much shadelight = min (shadelight, 100); // was 200 // never allow players to go totally black shadelight = max (shadelight, clmodel->min_light); shadelight *= 0.005; shadedots = r_avertexnormal_dots[(int) (e->angles[1] * (SHADEDOT_QUANT / 360.0)) & (SHADEDOT_QUANT - 1)]; an = e->angles[1] * (M_PI / 180); shadevector[0] = cos (-an); shadevector[1] = sin (-an); shadevector[2] = 1; VectorNormalize (shadevector); } // locate the proper data paliashdr = Cache_Get (&e->model->cache); c_alias_polys += paliashdr->mdl.numtris; // draw all the triangles qfglPushMatrix (); R_RotateForEntity (e); qfglTranslatef (paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[0], paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[1], paliashdr->mdl.scale_origin[2]); qfglScalef (paliashdr->mdl.scale[0], paliashdr->mdl.scale[1], paliashdr->mdl.scale[2]); // we can't dynamically colormap textures, so they are cached // seperately for the players. Heads are just uncolored. if (e->skin && !gl_nocolors->int_val) { skin_t *skin = e->skin; texture = skin->texture; if (gl_fb_models->int_val) { fb_texture = skin->fb_texture; } } else { maliasskindesc_t *skindesc; skindesc = R_AliasGetSkindesc (e->skinnum, paliashdr); texture = skindesc->texnum; if (gl_fb_models->int_val && !clmodel->fullbright) fb_texture = skindesc->fb_texnum; } qfglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); if (gl_affinemodels->int_val) qfglHint (GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); vo = GL_GetAliasFrameVerts (e->frame, paliashdr, e); GL_DrawAliasFrame (vo, false); // This block is GL fullbright support for objects... if (fb_texture) { qfglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, fb_texture); GL_DrawAliasFrame (vo, true); } if (gl_affinemodels->int_val) qfglHint (GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_DONT_CARE); qfglPopMatrix (); if (r_shadows->int_val) { // torches, grenades, and lightning bolts do not have shadows if (!clmodel->shadow_alpha) return; qfglPushMatrix (); R_RotateForEntity (e); qfglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); color_black[3] = (clmodel->shadow_alpha + 1) / 2; qfglColor4ubv (color_black); if (gl_lerp_anim->int_val) { GL_DrawAliasBlendedShadow (paliashdr, lastposenum0, lastposenum, e); } else { GL_DrawAliasShadow (paliashdr, lastposenum); } qfglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfglPopMatrix (); } Cache_Release (&e->model->cache); }